14:00:22 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora IoT Working Group Meeting 14:00:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 27 14:00:22 2019 UTC. 14:00:22 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:00:22 <zodbot> The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_iot_working_group_meeting' 14:00:22 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson bcotton 14:00:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton pbrobinson pwhalen 14:00:22 <pwhalen> #topic roll call 14:00:37 <pwhalen> good morning folks, who's here today? 14:00:53 <pwhalen> pbrobinson will be joining us shortly 14:02:43 * tdawson waves. "Good morning" 14:03:11 <pwhalen> howdy tdawson, just you and I so far. We'll give it a couple of minutes for others 14:03:21 <tdawson> Sounds good. 14:03:22 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson bcotton tdawson 14:03:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton pbrobinson pwhalen tdawson 14:04:00 * pbrobinson is here 14:06:08 <pwhalen> ok, looks like we have a few of the usual suspects.. lets get started 14:06:48 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Working Group process and admin ==== 14:07:35 <pwhalen> pbrobinson mentioned this time might not be best for him, would others be opposed to moving it back an hour? Provided this room is available 14:09:02 <pwhalen> I'll check out the meeting room availability and send mail to the list. Perhaps the new time would work for more than just the usual group 14:09:23 <tdawson> So, is that an hour later? 14:09:55 <pwhalen> tdawson, heh, also need to confirm. I think so 14:09:55 <tdawson> I'm fine with that. 14:10:36 <pwhalen> anything else for working group/admin? 14:11:51 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Fedora 29 release 2 status ==== 14:12:10 <pbrobinson> so we have an issue with Raspberry Pi console 14:12:49 <pwhalen> I think that's the only issue with the new composes 14:12:59 <pwhalen> has anyone seen anything else? 14:13:16 <tdawson> Is this where there is no console on raspberry pi? 14:13:25 <pbrobinson> yes 14:13:41 <tdawson> Yes, I see (or do not see :) ) this 14:13:56 <pwhalen> tdawson, right. does the display work for you? 14:14:05 <tdawson> Nope 14:14:20 <pwhalen> ok, same for me. And upgrade worked ok 14:14:31 <pwhalen> s/And/an 14:15:00 <tdawson> Because we have to do the setup to create users on bootup, this makes the image unusable. 14:15:09 <pwhalen> right 14:15:44 <pbrobinson> I plan to look at this again tomorrow 14:16:03 <tdawson> *nods* Sounds good 14:16:13 <pbrobinson> once I've cleaned up some f30 stuff 14:17:36 <tdawson> Ya, I noticed that the F30 builds seem to be having issues, in that images are not created ... but I guess that is for the F30 topic 14:18:48 <pwhalen> anything else for f29? 14:19:54 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== Fedora 30 ==== 14:20:22 <pwhalen> I've not really looked at f30, but the image issue.. was that just aarch64? 14:20:49 <pbrobinson> yes, I'm currently finishing up the UEFI Armv7 support 14:21:01 <pbrobinson> patches should be done today 14:21:14 <pbrobinson> hopefully live by the end of the week 14:21:41 <tdawson> Ya!! 14:22:15 <pwhalen> we had some image creation issues last week for aarch64, but those should have been 'fixed'.. sadly this week I see at least the minimal build failed, but couldbnt see why from the logs. Locally it worked ok 14:23:12 <pwhalen> looks like all images failed on the f30 iot compose? 14:23:25 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, known? 14:25:06 <pbrobinson> yes 14:25:43 <pwhalen> ok, I know its been a rough road for standard composes as well 14:26:17 <pwhalen> tdawson, any updates on the moz gateway? 14:26:33 <pbrobinson> yes, a lot of that is dependent on standard composes 14:26:33 <tdawson> So, all of the packages are in Fedora review. 14:26:51 <pbrobinson> and there's only been one since branching 14:27:11 <tdawson> There is a total of 6 packages. 3 mozilla-iot-gateway* packages, and three supporting packages. 14:27:48 <tdawson> With those packages installed, you are able to use gateway correctly. 14:28:07 <pbrobinson> tdawson: the core main package should be enough to get started right? 14:28:33 <tdawson> I'm currently waiting on review requests ... I've updated packages as was requested by the reviewers, and now I'm just waiting for the reviewers to respond. 14:28:45 <tdawson> pbrobinson: Yes 14:29:10 <pbrobinson> so it would be awesome if jsmith could find 15 mins or so to close that out ;-) 14:29:23 <jsmith> I'll do my best... 14:29:26 <tdawson> pbrobinson: mozilla-iot-gateway alone get's the web service viewable ... -addons-node and -addons-python allows the different add-ons to work. 14:29:38 <jsmith> ... but it's been a crazy week at work :-( 14:29:39 <tdawson> pbrobinson: That would be great if he could do that. 14:29:55 <tdawson> jsmith: Yep, understandable 14:30:15 <jsmith> Wouldn't hurt to ask on the devel mailing list too, if you haven't already done that. 14:30:16 <tdawson> I'd just like to get these done by F30 freeze 14:30:25 <jsmith> There are lots of other people willing to swap package reviews :-) 14:30:31 <jsmith> Doesn't just have to be me... 14:30:33 <tdawson> jsmith: Actually, 4 of these have been picked up by other reviewers 14:30:39 <jsmith> Oh, good. 14:30:46 <pbrobinson> tdawson: sooner the better so we can start to engage wider for testing 14:30:54 <jsmith> Then I'm preaching to the choir here.. just ignore me 14:31:58 <tdawson> Because all the reviews came in during the weekend, I'm hoping that they will finish being reviewed over the weekend. So, I'm hoping that by this time next week most of them will be finished. 14:32:26 <pbrobinson> groovy 14:32:36 <pwhalen> #info Fedora 30 Beta Freeze - 2019-03-05 14:33:01 <tdawson> If nothing happens over the weekend, I'll start pinging people. 14:33:29 <pwhalen> sounds good, thanks tdawson 14:35:47 <pwhalen> any other updates, or f30 news? 14:36:32 <pbrobinson> nothing from me 14:36:38 <tdawson> Me either 14:36:39 <pwhalen> #topic 4) ==== Open Floor ==== 14:39:15 <tdawson> I don't have anything else 14:39:56 <pbrobinson> me either 14:40:12 <pwhalen> #endmeeting