18:02:39 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL (2019-02-27) 18:02:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 6 18:02:39 2019 UTC. 18:02:39 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:02:39 <zodbot> The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:02:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:02:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel_(2019-02-27)' 18:02:39 <smooge> #meetingname epel 18:02:39 <smooge> #topic Chair and Introductions 18:02:39 <smooge> #chair avij bstinson Evolution nirik smooge pgreco tdawson 18:02:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:02:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution avij bstinson nirik pgreco smooge tdawson 18:03:01 <kanarip> lovely ;-) 18:03:07 <kanarip> i'm here. 18:03:28 <tdawson> Howdy 18:03:53 <smooge> I am not sure if bstinson Evolution or nirik can make this 18:04:03 <smooge> so this might be a short one 18:04:28 <smooge> #topic Open Floor (No Quorum) 18:04:57 <kanarip> i'd like to find a way using which we can converge on our respective efforts 18:05:18 <smooge> tomorrow is python36 flag day 18:05:28 <tdawson> I'd like to ask a couple of questions about the python36 day 18:05:33 <smooge> and I am completely behind on that 18:05:34 <kanarip> me too 18:05:39 <smooge> ok shoot 18:05:40 <kanarip> how is it relevant? 18:05:46 * bstinson comes in late 18:05:51 <kanarip> pardon my ignorance... 18:05:57 <smooge> because python34 is EOL 18:06:03 <kanarip> right 18:06:08 <kanarip> 'nuff said 18:06:21 <smooge> and python36 will be supported for sometime (*cough* RHEL8 *cough*) 18:06:25 <nirik> sorry, here now 18:06:26 <kanarip> that's specific to epel-7 more so than -8 i reckon? 18:06:32 <tdawson> I've volunteered to be one of the proven packagers, but I'm not totally sure what we are doing ... meaning the details of what we are doing. 18:06:55 <kanarip> hey nirik ;-) 18:07:19 <nirik> I think its: change macros to point to 36, rebuild everything, fix problems, make a big jucy update 18:07:21 <carlwgeorge> smooge: it's not EOL yet, it's got like... 11 whole days left :D 18:07:40 <nirik> hey kanarip. How's things? 18:07:41 <smooge> tdawson, I apologize for that. I am not sure myself as most of these have been done in the past with kevin and dgilmore doing the heavy work 18:08:07 <tdawson> Will these builds be tagged directly into EPEL7-testing, or will we have a seperate tagged area? 18:08:21 <nirik> they should go via the update process. 18:08:26 <smooge> ok first thing tdawson what is a good starting time for you tomorrow to help out? I am guessing it will need to wait until after the Infrastructure meeting 18:08:35 <nirik> (we may need buildroot overrides) 18:08:49 <tdawson> OK, so we go through normal updates ... that's good. 18:09:02 <nirik> do we have a list of them all? 18:09:06 <smooge> I figure we will need a buildroot and make sure hey are all updated together 18:09:19 <smooge> I had one.. 18:09:30 <tdawson> Who's doing the python36 build ... of the actual packages? 18:10:11 <nirik> whoever I guess... you can if you like, or I can... 18:10:14 <tdawson> smooge: What you sent out before is a good time ... for me that's after all my morning meeting. 18:10:38 <dgilmore> smooge: 18:10:54 <tdawson> So, nobody's built python36 yet? Do we know it builds? 18:11:50 <nirik> no, it's already long buit 18:12:15 <nirik> it's just the packages that currently have python34 need to rebuild against python36 18:12:18 <nirik> python36.x86_64 3.6.6-2.el7 epel 18:13:08 <tdawson> Ah, ok. And now that I look, I see ... ya, what you just showed. 18:14:00 <tdawson> So, if we're doing the normal update process, they this shouldn't be too bad. Get the list of what needs to be updated. Update/rebuild them. push them to updates/bohdi. 18:14:06 <smooge> I have 256 packages https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/GeMncj7pmU6Sr3XzEhRNQQ/ with a couple of outliers I missed 18:14:38 <smooge> and sorry for the lack of communication my laptop just froze up as firefox went on walkabout 18:15:05 <tdawson> Not a problem. 18:15:26 <tdawson> OK, then this seems pretty straightforward. 18:15:47 <smooge> I think the copr has some packages and such which I missed 18:17:05 <pgreco> Is anybody expecting an actual problem? that thing you already know it is gonna happen? 18:17:05 <pgreco> or are we expecting this to be just rebuild/test ? 18:17:52 <smooge> there are a bunch of patches that mhroncok has which I am not sure about 18:18:08 <tdawson> pgreco: I'm expecting problems in that ... there will always be problems. But anything specific, I don't know of any. 18:18:09 <smooge> otherwise I think it just gets done 18:18:20 <kanarip> i'm not sure there's many factual incompatibilities between 3.4 and 3.6 18:18:26 <nirik> smooge: any list of those? 18:18:27 <kanarip> there'll be a few 18:18:31 <nirik> are they package PRs? 18:18:41 <pgreco> tdawson, that is what I meant, that specific problem that you know will happen in the back of your mind 18:18:56 <kanarip> i think the largest concern is the site-packages major-minor-specific paths 18:19:00 <smooge> nirik, I don't know. I should have asked but forgot 18:19:03 <kanarip> pgreco, ^^ 18:19:05 <tdawson> I always worry about koji going down, or the repo getting corrupted. 18:19:21 <smooge> tdawson, that never happens 18:19:25 <tdawson> *laughs* 18:19:33 <smooge> *laughs* 18:20:05 <smooge> nirik, I think there were a couple of package PRs he mentioned for things like znc 18:20:37 <nirik> ok. might be good to ping / email so we get those in... but I guess we can look at failures and look for PR's 18:21:01 <smooge> yeah. I will ping him. I honestly thought I had 1 more day and forgot to do so this morning 18:21:30 <smooge> well one thing.. I am going to bed early tonight and not spending half the night trying to build epel8 stuff 18:21:53 <mhroncok> ping me? 18:22:25 <mhroncok> the actual problem is not that much between 3.4 and 3.6, but rtahther packagers harcoding 3.4 yet using %{__python3} etc. 18:22:36 <smooge> hi mhroncok I needed to email you to see if you had package pr's for problems you found in the copr 18:22:53 <smooge> I apologize for letting time slip by 18:22:56 <mhroncok> some are PRs, some just notes of what has to be fixed to make it work 18:23:31 <mhroncok> I've advertized that python-maint doesn't have time to do the actual fixing - and even ten we already fixed a bunch 18:24:09 <smooge> yeah.. we understand this is not a python-maint issue 18:25:08 <mhroncok> we've fixed most of the transitive things, so if soemthing doesn't build, it shall not block other packages 18:25:09 <tdawson> mhroncok: If we could get your notes and/or PR's, I can implement them in a consistent way. 18:25:24 <mhroncok> tdawson: smooge sent them to epel-devel 18:25:34 <smooge> oh I did. 18:25:42 <smooge> man past me was really with it 18:25:44 <mhroncok> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/epel-devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/MPLO62A57TNLSQ2JD2JNEZXC3EVIVWZD/ 18:25:56 <smooge> present me is a complete basket case 18:27:05 <smooge> ok we will start tomorrow in #epel after the infrastructure meeting 18:27:09 <kanarip> i can tell you what kind of problem may occur -- any pip3 install done globally 18:27:28 * kanarip just reading your epel-devel post 18:27:32 <mhroncok> kanarip: pip install done globally installs to python3.X dirs 18:27:45 <mhroncok> so if you run pytnhon3.X explicitly, there is no problem 18:27:48 <kanarip> and the X is going to be changing, right? 18:27:53 <smooge> I believe if someone does a pip3 global install already bought the shotgun and aimed it at their feet 18:27:56 <mhroncok> 3.4 is not going away 18:28:11 <kanarip> ok 18:28:17 <kanarip> that seems... suicidal 18:28:34 <kanarip> smooge, agreed... just sayin' 18:28:38 <smooge> 3.4 will become the other_python and will be in the directory 18:28:55 <smooge> until such time as it can be taken behind the shed 18:29:15 <kanarip> IMHO, obsolete and replace provided what is already in epel is yum installable 18:29:36 <tdawson> People always throw the loveliest parties out behind the shed. 18:30:11 <smooge> well anyway.. enough gory notes 18:30:15 <kanarip> if you need to pip3 install as root you should have learned about containers 18:30:52 * mhroncok sent remaining PRs to the list 18:31:42 <tdawson> mhroncok: Thank you 18:31:47 <smooge> thank you mhroncok 18:31:57 <mhroncok> good luck tmrw 18:32:04 <smooge> Anything else before tomorrow's wailing and gnashing of teeth? 18:32:23 <mhroncok> build the macros, then python34 and python36 than everyhting else, build everyhting until it builds 18:32:26 <kanarip> no sir, i wish to not impose ;-) 18:32:27 <mhroncok> gotta go, bye 18:32:45 <smooge> thanks 18:33:01 <tdawson> Wait ... so the macros and python34 and python36 haven't been updated? 18:33:12 * tdawson understands about the macros, that makes sense. 18:33:25 <pgreco> I thing we're as "ok" as we can.... 18:33:43 <smooge> I didn't realize those needed to be rebuilt until now 18:33:57 <nirik> they do? 18:34:00 <tdawson> Well, at least we know ... and I guess it does make sense. 18:34:07 <pgreco> the macros are the actual change 18:34:13 <pgreco> to activate 3.6 in rebuilds 18:34:38 <smooge> I guess the python34 and python36 rely on those somewhere in their provides/requires? 18:34:48 <kanarip> this is the python3_sitelib and friends 18:35:00 <kanarip> ? 18:35:02 <nirik> but those are in the python-rpm-macros package. 18:35:02 <smooge> and the other_python 18:35:10 <nirik> not the main python ones I thought? 18:36:03 <smooge> ok I will double check the steps in a mock after this meeting 18:36:10 <nirik> My understanding is that we rebuild python-rpm-macros with the changes and add a override and we are in business. 18:36:19 <pgreco> https://src.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/python-rpm-macros.git/tree/macros.python-srpm?h=epel7 18:36:22 <nirik> I don't think python34 or python36 need rebuilding 18:36:32 <nirik> right 18:36:37 <smooge> ok will try that first. 18:37:08 <tdawson> I haven't checked, do we have a pull request for the macros change? 18:37:15 <pgreco> nirik, unless python34 or python36 actually depend on those macros 18:37:17 <nirik> so, adjust python-rpm-macros, build, get override, build all the rest 18:37:25 <pgreco> maybe just a "version bump" rebuild, just to be sure 18:37:44 <nirik> they do not 18:37:49 <smooge> what does 'get override' require? 18:37:58 <nirik> adding a buildroot override in bodhi 18:38:10 <smooge> thanks 18:38:28 <tdawson> smooge: I just need to put it in override ... I have permissions to do that ... well ... at least for fedora, and I'm pretty sure I have it for epel7 18:39:17 <nirik> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-rpm-macros/pull-request/16 18:39:20 <nirik> is the PR for the switch 18:39:36 * tdawson was just about to past that same link 18:39:55 <tdawson> I'm a little concerned with the big "DO NOT MERGE" ... but other than that, it looks like the right one. 18:40:30 <pgreco> I think that means, do not merge until flag day 18:40:34 <nirik> well, they didn't want someone to merge it before we were doing things. ;) 18:40:46 <nirik> yeah 18:41:46 <tdawson> Yep ... but everything, other than the title, seems like it's good to go with that pull request. 18:42:23 <smooge> ok any other general questions for tomorrow? 18:43:26 <tdawson> I think I'm ready and good. 18:44:36 <kanarip> i'm good 18:44:46 <kanarip> i do my pip3 installs as root in containers ;-) 18:45:53 <smooge> ok the only other thing I had was that several of us met on Friday about epel-8 https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/meetingminutes@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/MPVLYYOABTWF4MWYNYBGM2GE7RJB6J77/ 18:46:30 <smooge> other than that I am going to take some cold medicine, reboot this laptop to see if that stops it freezing and start working on whatever is needed for tomorrow to be a good day 18:46:44 <smooge> thank you all for coming and helping out 18:46:50 <smooge> #endmeeting