18:00:42 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL (2019-05-29) 18:00:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 29 18:00:42 2019 UTC. 18:00:42 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:00:42 <zodbot> The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel_(2019-05-29)' 18:00:42 <smooge> #meetingname epel 18:00:42 <smooge> #topic Chair and Introductions 18:00:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:00:42 <smooge> #chair bstinson Evolution nirik smooge pgreco tdawson 18:00:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution bstinson nirik pgreco smooge tdawson 18:00:58 <pgreco> hi everybody 18:01:15 <smooge> hello everyone. I even emailed an agenda.. even if it was a day late and a dollar short 18:02:10 <smooge> #topic Agenda 18:02:11 <smooge> #info EPEL Proposal: Removal of PPC64 (Not PPC64le) in 2019-06-01 18:02:11 <smooge> #info EPEL Proposal: EPEL Master branch AKA Rawhide 18:02:11 <smooge> #info CentOS-8 18:02:30 * smooge waits for more people to get in 18:02:31 <nirik> morning 18:03:05 <Evolution> morning 18:03:08 <orionp> hello 18:03:10 * bstinson waves 18:03:27 <tdawson> Hello 18:05:26 <smooge> hello all 18:05:39 <smooge> #topic EPEL PPC64 18:05:39 <smooge> #info https://www.scrye.com/wordpress/nirik/2019/05/23/attention-epel6-and-epel7-ppc64-users/ 18:06:16 <nirik> so yeah... not too much outcry yet that I have seen... 18:06:34 <smooge> I am currently archiving epel ppc64 to /pub/archive (I am doing everything jic) 18:06:53 <nirik> hum, well, I disabled it in pungi yesterday... 18:07:23 <nirik> ah, but the repos probibly will stay until we rm them... ok 18:07:46 <nirik> or we could just leave them there with no updates, but that might confuse people 18:08:32 <smooge> well I want to make sure that nothing accidently removes them 18:08:39 <smooge> I don't mind them being there dead for a bit 18:08:53 <nirik> ok. 18:09:04 <nirik> if we want to point people to archives it will need some mirrormanager magic 18:09:06 <smooge> I just want to make sure we don't make a change which somehow says 'oh let me clean out that stuff' 18:09:21 <smooge> and we find ppc64 is gone 18:09:45 <smooge> this also gives us a snapshot to point people to when we start making the changes for 7.7 18:10:34 <smooge> i figure I am doing this for f28 today.. I should do it for the other items 18:11:18 <smooge> #info PPC64 Big Endian is no longer composed for Fedora or EPEL. While it will live in regular trees for the time being, it has been archived to /pub/archive/epel just in case 18:11:45 <smooge> any other items from people? 18:11:54 <smooge> #topic EPEL Rawhide 18:11:54 <smooge> #info https://smoogespace.blogspot.com/2019/05/epel-proposal-epel-master-branch-aka.html 18:12:13 <smooge> and I am supposed to wait 30 seconds before clicking.. but new keyboard 18:12:14 * nirik hasn't seen this yet... too many barges of emails 18:12:58 <smooge> this is a pre-pre proposal. we talked about it generally 2 meetings ago so I put some ligaments on the bones 18:13:57 <nirik> I'm not sure I like dealing with betas... 18:15:27 <tdawson> I'm also a little concerned about the mass branching and rebuild. What about those developers who like to have their Fedora and EPEL packages the same, this will cause a divergence between the two. 18:15:32 * nirik will have to ponder on it. I don't think I can decide anything based on 2min read 18:15:48 <smooge> not asking you to 18:16:15 <smooge> asking you to put it on your list so you can decide in 2-3 meetings. if I don't even put it out there it will be 4-5 months before we get to it 18:16:43 <nirik> I'd be inclined to not deal with betas, but then the question comes up about buildroots... the rawhide one you would want to always populate buildroot, the stable branches, no... so they need to be seperate there at least 18:16:52 * nirik nods 18:17:32 <smooge> the issue is that with RHEL looking to do major changes every 3-6 months.. the only heads up we may get for developers is with betas 18:19:02 <smooge> in any case, we can put some more flesh to the strawman or set it on light 18:19:09 <nirik> modules probibly mitigates this somewhat... you can experement in your rawhide/master module branch 18:19:35 <tdawson> Ya, I think I'm going to have to re-read a few times, and maybe have discussion on email before I can give a final answer. 18:20:53 <smooge> nirik, I am worried it will make ursa packages worse. If module X.Z is now default and we built against X.Y which was the old default.. all those packages get removed when an update occurs 18:21:35 <smooge> but that is probably a boat to worry about later. 18:21:50 <nirik> sure, they will have to adapt no matter what 18:21:55 <smooge> anyway something to read and discuss in the next couple of weeks 18:23:10 <nirik> yep. thanks for setting up the straw man smooge 18:23:20 <smooge> #topic CentOS 8 18:23:21 <smooge> #info bstinson says its all going smoothly. will be out any year now 18:23:26 <smooge> #undo 18:23:26 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by smooge at 18:23:21 : bstinson says its all going smoothly. will be out any year now 18:23:38 <tdawson> *laughs* 18:23:54 <smooge> I believe things are working well and they have a koji you can watch progress and such on 18:24:15 <tdawson> Oh, I didn't know they were using koji this time. 18:24:47 <smooge> https://koji.mbox.centos.org/koji/ 18:24:52 <pgreco> tdawson, yeap, fun.... :) 18:25:03 <smooge> I believe pgreco has his own one for his stuff 18:25:15 <pgreco> https://koji.armhfp-mbox.centos.org/koji/ 18:25:35 <pgreco> that one is a little behind on packages 18:25:46 <pgreco> it will catch up in a few days 18:26:10 <smooge> next up 18:26:49 <smooge> #topic EPEL-8 18:26:49 <smooge> #info met last week on trying to get plans together 18:26:49 <smooge> #info wrote rawhide proposal last night 18:26:49 <smooge> #info sgallagh pushed libmodulemd-2.5.0 and I need to update grobisplitter we can roll then 18:26:49 <smooge> #info make branches in things tomorrow. 18:26:50 <smooge> #info make koji work next week 18:26:52 <smooge> #info make fedpkg work next week? 18:27:35 <sgallagh> smooge: I am cutting a 2.5.0-2 right now to fix a bug that grobisplitter will hit. 18:27:51 <smooge> sgallagh, okie dokie. I still need to make the changes so it can hit them 18:28:00 <sgallagh> 🙂 18:28:21 <smooge> if you keep fixing them before I even get to them.. you will fool me into believing software is flawless 18:28:39 * sgallagh laughs evilly 18:29:03 <smooge> so next week I hope to have a workflow plan on how we will build stuff. And hopefully figure out all the places I need to make changes 18:29:13 <smooge> then we can do so in stg and move from there 18:29:53 <smooge> does the above make any sense to you nirik and sgallagh as a plan? 18:30:02 <pgreco> smooge, once I finish with the c8/armhfp stuff, I can help with that 18:31:23 <sgallagh> smooge: It's a little light on details. 18:31:31 <sgallagh> What does "make koji work next week" mean? 18:31:51 <nirik> sorry, I stepped away for a min, looking 18:32:17 <smooge> make is so staging build-system can do builds for x86_64 and track them as appropriate 18:32:23 <nirik> note: I am away next week. 18:32:38 <nirik> I think it means adding all the koji tags/targets for it in stg? 18:33:06 <nirik> I should have the needed koji there the end of this week... and mergerepos_c was already updated in fedora 18:33:07 <sgallagh> ok 18:33:25 <smooge> nirik, yeah.. that does change my palsn 18:33:58 <smooge> I keep forgetting that it isn't last week when it is now 18:34:20 <smooge> thanks nirik what can I do and how should I help on that? 18:35:05 <nirik> well, I have builds, need to add some more patches now... 18:35:07 <smooge> I do have one thing for the committee to bikeshed: what to call the branch. We have el6, epel7 and we should go to epel8 or something else? 18:35:16 <nirik> epel8 sounds good to me. 18:35:33 <sgallagh> smooge: epel8.0 ? 18:35:49 <nirik> then people have to branch every minor ? 18:35:52 <sgallagh> Aren't we planning to have separate branches matching RHEL minor releases? 18:36:21 <sgallagh> Hmm, probably we should talk about the branching plan 18:36:33 <sgallagh> Is it going to be like Fedora's or opportunistic? 18:36:46 <smooge> so I was.. but then we talked about that causing problems because people won't want to branch every minor so we were looking at epel8-rawhide but that needs time to percolate 18:36:52 <nirik> --verbose? what is 'like fedoras'? 18:36:56 <sgallagh> meaning we only branch at the point where we want to change compatibility 18:37:03 <smooge> fc29 fc30 fc40 18:37:25 <smooge> which would map to epel8.0 epel8.1 epel8.2 18:37:43 <sgallagh> nirik: The plan is to effectively treat each minor release of RHEL as similar to a major release of Fedora, yes? 18:37:44 <smooge> is what I took the --quiet version of sgallagh's comment to mean 18:37:53 <sgallagh> So it's permissible to break compat on those boundaries, yes? 18:38:15 <nirik> I guess we talked about that yes... 18:38:58 <sgallagh> So we probably need to discuss what the branching strategy looks like. 18:39:28 * nirik would prefer whatever needs the least amount of work. ;) but not sure that would meet the goals. 18:39:43 <sgallagh> The least amount of work in what sense? 18:39:46 <tdawson> I thought we were just doing a rhel8 and rhel8-master or rhel8-rawhide 18:40:05 * sgallagh looks to smooge 18:40:30 <nirik> for releng, for maintainers. ;) 18:40:36 <tdawson> ^^ all of that replace rhel with epel 18:40:37 <smooge> so the rhel8 and rhel8-master is part of my https://smoogespace.blogspot.com/2019/05/epel-proposal-epel-master-branch-aka.html 18:41:15 <tdawson> If we had a epel8.1, and then epel8.2 came out, we wouldn't have anyplace to build the epel8.1 packages ... so what is the point of having those branches. 18:41:20 <nirik> anyhow, it would be nice if we wrote up possible ones to decide... I guess looking back over the minor release plan thing... 18:41:37 <sgallagh> tdawson: I'm not following. 18:42:05 <tdawson> We only have one, or two, build enviroments. Not one for each release. 18:42:15 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/Changes/Minor_release_based_composes but it doesn't talk about branching, just the archiving, etc. 18:42:34 <tdawson> When Fedora 31 comes out, we will still have a fedora 30 place to build fedora 30 packages, thus f31 and f30 make sense. 18:42:36 <sgallagh> tdawson: I think you're missing my point. You're assuming that to be true, I'm challenging whether it shoudl be 18:42:45 <pgreco> I don't like the 8.minor idea very much, I'd rather stick with just 2 branches max 18:43:01 <tdawson> When rhel 8.2 comes out, the epel build enviroment will move over to rhel 8.2, thus we will not have anyplace to build epel8.1 packages. 18:43:06 <smooge> ok will write up a branching strategies after this meeting 18:43:14 <nirik> if we have epel8.0 epel8.1 epel8.2... and build something for epel8.0, what happens to it? 18:43:26 <sgallagh> tdawson: That assumes we only have a single buildroot. 18:43:30 <nirik> we would need seperate update streams for all then right? 18:43:38 <smooge> sgallagh, that is all we have resources for 18:43:49 <sgallagh> okay 18:43:56 <tdawson> sgallagh: Yes ... and from everything I've seen, we will only have one build root ... well one buildroot and a rawhide root. 18:44:02 <smooge> s/we have resources/we currently have resources/ 18:44:12 <nirik> the problem is about minor releases times. 18:44:57 <nirik> say 8.0 is out and 8.1 is not yet... but about to be. People need to build their incompatible stuff in epel8, but then what if they need a security/major bug fix to 8.0 stuff? unpush that and push the 8.0 thing? 18:45:19 <smooge> nirik, what happens when I try to commit and build against F24 18:45:44 <nirik> smooge: you can't. it's blocked/gone/disabled. 18:45:49 <smooge> that is an honest question because I don't think I have ever tried 18:46:05 <nirik> the koji target is removed, the branch won't accept commits. 18:47:13 <smooge> so one way would be that 8.0 would be disabled/blocked when 8.1 reached a certain time frame. [strawman] 18:48:13 <nirik> yeah, but then we have to mass branch 8.0 to 8.1 and coordinate with users which one they use... tricky, but possible I suppose 18:48:33 <smooge> nirik, I was going to say we mass branch from epel8-master to 8.0 then to 8.1 and then 18:49:17 <pgreco> the positive of that, is that it should be easier to determine what is really being maintained 18:49:40 <pgreco> but nowadays, finding the right branch in pagure is hard 18:49:41 <sgallagh> Might I suggest a straw-man, derived from smooge's last suggestion? 18:49:54 <smooge> we have 2 sets of downloads from CDN and configs epel8-master and epel8.x where the rhel8-sync pulls master from /8/ and /8.N/ 18:50:03 <pgreco> after the centos/fedora git unification, and many epel branches 18:50:35 <smooge> in any case I don't plan to fix this here and it needs a better proposal than either my minor-branch or my rawhide one 18:50:41 <smooge> sgallagh, sure 18:51:21 <sgallagh> Two parts to this proposal: 18:52:22 <sgallagh> 1) We only ever have two branches supported: epel8-rawhide and epel8.X, where epel8.X matches the latest stable release of RHEL 8 18:53:05 <sgallagh> 2) At a new stable release, epel8.X+1 is branched from epel8-rawhide and epel8.X is blocked 18:54:14 <sgallagh> By policy, patches should always go to epel8-rawhide and then be backported to epel8.X 18:54:37 <sgallagh> So, functionally it's behaving like Fedora, except without a Branched or FN-2 release to support. 18:54:49 <sgallagh> EOF 18:55:22 <nirik> pretty good... 18:55:38 <nirik> one issue: what if I don't want a rawhide version? just stable? 18:56:08 <tdawson> nirik: As a user or a developer? 18:56:09 <sgallagh> nirik: How is that in conflict? You just keep the two branches in sync. 18:56:12 <nirik> I guess you just keep it in sync... 18:56:18 <nirik> but thats two branches to deal with 18:56:23 <nirik> tdawson: developer 18:56:34 <sgallagh> as an aside, I continue to wish that git allowed you to just alias two branches. 18:56:50 <tdawson> I think it would be the same as fedora. Make it stable in rawhide and sync it over. 18:57:14 <sgallagh> nirik: we also have the new fedpkg support for building for multiple releases from the same branch 18:57:34 <tdawson> Ooohh 18:57:42 <sgallagh> so we *could* just allow you to keep it only in epel8-rawhide and just have a package.cfg that also builds for the stable release simultaneously 18:57:58 <nirik> that might be nice... 18:59:31 <sgallagh> though if the epel8.X name is changing regularly, we should probably ask for a fedpkg RFE to alias that so it doesn't need to be updated at each branch. 18:59:39 <nirik> how often are minors? 6m or 3m? 18:59:47 <sgallagh> e.g. build for `[ epel8.x, epel8-rawhide ]` 18:59:52 <sgallagh> nirik: 6mo 19:00:17 <sgallagh> That's what they said at the Summit keynotes anyway 19:00:31 <nirik> it would be also nice if fedpkg clone epel8 works to get epel8.x where x is the newest one 19:01:19 <sgallagh> nirik: Cart before the horse. First let's figure out if we agree that this is the branching structure we want, then we can make it nicer 19:01:43 <nirik> sure 19:02:08 <smooge> ok first off. we are over time 19:02:18 <sgallagh> Also, if we went this route we might want to just have s/epel8-rawhide/epel8/ ssince it's the place we want people to do their work. 19:02:21 <nirik> we then just need to set a dist tag... 19:02:43 <sgallagh> So `fedpkg clone epel8` would just get you the standard place. 19:03:07 <sgallagh> And if we make the `package.cfg` part of branch creation, they don't have to know about epel8.x unless they specifically want to separate them 19:03:24 <smooge> would epel8 for master/rawhide make more sense and epel8.x for the latest (or epel8-latest)? 19:03:39 <smooge> or what sgallagh is saying 19:03:51 <sgallagh> smooge: I think you just repeated what I was saying, so +1 :) 19:04:19 <nirik> the problem with that is we then default to 'fast whatever' instead of 'stable support until the next minor release at the soonest' 19:04:20 <sgallagh> Or, wait. I think I see the difference 19:04:58 <sgallagh> nirik: Which, honestly, is probably what Fedora packagers will expect to have 19:05:15 <smooge> so fedpkg defaults to fastest because developers are used to that workflow.. the epel-release will point to the slowest 19:05:20 <smooge> s/will/could/ 19:05:36 <sgallagh> smooge: Exactly what I was thinking. 19:05:38 <nirik> if we were starting now yeah, but in the past the expectiation I think was 'support this for 10 years, no incompatible upgrades' 19:05:45 <nirik> but I guess we are starting 8 now. 19:05:59 <sgallagh> And we probably don't actually need to have separate epel8.1, epel8.2 branches, now that we come to it. 19:06:06 <sgallagh> Which I think was the extra piece smooge was saying. 19:06:48 <nirik> so if we don't, we don't mass branch? or ? 19:08:08 <sgallagh> nirik: Well, if we're defaulting to "we expect you to use the rolling branch most of the time", we may not need to mass branch. 19:08:10 <smooge> well I think we need to have 2 proposals and people need to discuss and we as the steering committee decide 19:08:43 <sgallagh> Because the set of people who have separated the two is also the set of people that probably understands why they did so 19:09:09 <nirik> sure... 19:09:10 <smooge> because there is either 'we expect you to use rolling and build to stable with this command whne you want.', 'we expect you to use rolling and we mass branch/rebuild regularly' 19:09:15 <sgallagh> smooge: I just got volunteered to write this up, didn't I? 19:09:36 <smooge> I don't volunteer people who outrank me 19:09:37 <nirik> I think most maintainers will take the easiest path 19:09:50 <nirik> but that will break users who expect epel to try and avoid incompatible changes 19:09:58 <sgallagh> smooge: I'm not on EPSCo. You outrank me here :) 19:10:26 <sgallagh> nirik: Well, that's the thing. I think this addresses that too 19:10:42 <nirik> ok... write up in email to list? ;) 19:10:50 * nirik has to go... contractor is here. 19:11:08 <sgallagh> If you want to make an incompatible change, we set policy that you have to split the stable and rawhide builds and carry the breaking one only in rawhide for N months and announce it coming with the next minor release. 19:11:18 <sgallagh> epel@? 19:11:24 <smooge> epel-devel 19:11:29 <smooge> we can work on this shortly 19:11:36 <smooge> Thank youy all for coming this week 19:11:43 <smooge> #endmeeting