14:04:28 <pbrobinson> #startmeeting Fedora IoT Working Group Meeting 14:04:28 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 17 14:04:28 2019 UTC. 14:04:28 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:04:28 <zodbot> The chair is pbrobinson. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:04:28 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:04:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_iot_working_group_meeting' 14:04:28 <pbrobinson> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson bcotton 14:04:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton pbrobinson pwhalen 14:04:28 <pbrobinson> #topic roll call 14:05:01 * pwhalen is here 14:05:29 <puiterwijk> Hi 14:05:48 * ipcloud is here 14:06:54 <pbrobinson> I'd say we'd give people a few mins but given I was late myself they've already had it 14:07:05 <pbrobinson> also apologies for last weeks meeting miss 14:07:06 <jsmith> I'm here. 14:07:09 <jsmith> Sorry I'm late... 14:07:25 <pbrobinson> damn, now we can't give jsmith all the action items ;-) 14:07:27 <pbrobinson> #topic 1) ==== Working Group process and admin ==== 14:07:35 <jsmith> pbrobinson: You can, but you can't do it behind my back now :-) 14:07:49 <pbrobinson> :-P 14:08:19 <pbrobinson> I sent this out to list but I thought I'd bring it up here too 14:08:23 <pbrobinson> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/iot/edition-promotion/ 14:09:08 <pbrobinson> this is the doc for promotion, I and others are working through it and from the infra/release side of things plan to have most in place by the end of July 14:09:46 <pbrobinson> does anyone have any comments on it? 14:11:56 <pbrobinson> I think bcotton is on PTO 14:12:01 <pbrobinson> #topic 2) ==== Fedora 31 ==== 14:12:10 <pbrobinson> we have rawhide/f31 builds# 14:12:48 <pwhalen> so far no big issues testing the f31 composes. small cosmetic issue with the disk images names 14:12:54 <pbrobinson> there's an issue with the nightly cron job I need to look at but the compose box will be rebuilt to F-30 shortly so I'll revisit once that's done 14:12:59 <ipcloud> kjljkjj;jjklkj~.~. 14:13:12 <pbrobinson> ipcloud: TFA? 14:13:35 <ipcloud> was looking for tmux to respond -- sorrry 14:13:48 <pbrobinson> no issues :) 14:13:59 <pwhalen> Fedora-IoT-31-20190709.0 compose, disk images named Fedora-IoT-31-20190709.1.aarch64.raw.xz 14:14:53 <pwhalen> but other than that, no issues with disk images, installs completed with iso's.. 14:14:55 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: I believe that was me fat fingering it 14:15:01 <pwhalen> ah :) 14:15:05 <pbrobinson> so once the cron is working it shouldn't be an issue ;-) 14:15:08 <pwhalen> ok. then overall f31 looks good 14:15:45 <pwhalen> need to test on hardware 14:16:17 <pbrobinson> I also did some work on the 96boards rock960 so I'm hoping that should work OOTB soon, I had done it against U-Boot 2019.07 rc4 but the board regressed for GA so I have to report that upstream 14:16:52 <pbrobinson> also there will be a few features landing in the next week or so, I'll send details out when they land so people can tesdt 14:18:40 <pbrobinson> does anyone else have anything for F-31? 14:19:02 * pwhalen has nothing else 14:20:16 <pbrobinson> #topic 3) ==== Fedora 30 ==== 14:21:00 <pbrobinson> #info F-30 will move to the stable ostree branch on Friday, all F-29 users will be upgraded at that point 14:21:39 <pbrobinson> #info I'll announce that compose for wider testing for the July release 14:22:45 <pwhalen> any new issues reported in f30? 14:23:10 <pbrobinson> #info current F-30 users will need to do a rebase, I'll also include those details 14:27:11 <pbrobinson> #topic 4) ==== Flock Budapest 2019 ==== 14:27:28 <pbrobinson> so there's at least 4 IoT talks accepted that I'm aware of 14:27:33 <pbrobinson> it's less than a month away 14:27:49 <pbrobinson> #link https://flocktofedora.org/ 14:28:00 <pbrobinson> #info schedule announced this week I believe 14:31:52 <pbrobinson> #topic 5) ==== Open Floor ==== 14:32:06 <pbrobinson> anyone with anything for open floor 14:34:34 * pwhalen has nothing else 14:36:03 <pwhalen> any idea what hardware coremodule is going to use for that iot router workshop? 14:36:28 <pwhalen> espressobin? 14:38:32 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: what IoT router workshop? 14:38:49 <pwhalen> https://pagure.io/flock/issue/214 14:39:25 <pwhalen> not accepted, but just curious 14:39:28 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: no idea and it's not tagged as accepted (I wasn't aware of it) 14:39:48 <pwhalen> ok 14:42:17 <pbrobinson> thank you all 14:42:17 <pbrobinson> #endmeeting