12:00:13 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board
12:00:13 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 28 12:00:13 2019 UTC.
12:00:13 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
12:00:13 <zodbot> The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
12:00:13 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
12:00:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board'
12:00:16 <stickster> #meetingname magazine
12:00:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine'
12:00:18 <stickster> #topic Roll call
12:00:21 <stickster> .hello pfrields
12:00:22 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com>
12:00:36 <stickster> #chair asamalik cverna ryanlerch
12:00:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik cverna ryanlerch stickster
12:01:20 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch
12:01:22 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'Ryan Lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com>
12:01:30 <stickster> Hola Ryan! o/
12:01:37 <ryanlerch> hey stickster!
12:02:22 <stickster> I know asamalik is around but his home internet is down, so he wasn't able to chair. Hopefully he can still attend and +1 from time to time on his phone ;-)
12:02:35 * cverna waives
12:02:37 <ryanlerch> bummer!
12:02:41 <ryanlerch> hi cverna!
12:03:03 <stickster> o/ Clément :-)
12:03:40 <cverna> hello :-)
12:04:26 <stickster> Not sure whether bcotton or others will saunter by, so I guess we can get started
12:04:33 <stickster> #topic Last week's stats
12:04:42 * asamalik went to a coffee shop and their wifi is down, too :D I'm sorry about today
12:04:51 <stickster> LOL, you just can't win, man
12:05:19 <cverna> asamalik: bad luck today :)
12:05:34 <stickster> asamalik: you could get on a RJ train to Brno, they have wifi on the train, and by the time you get there, yours at home will be working again :-D
12:05:55 <misc> hi
12:06:02 <stickster> Hi misc!
12:06:32 <stickster> #info Week of August 19: 56.5K page views, a bit lower than average unfortunately.
12:06:41 * bcotton is here now
12:07:29 <stickster> #chair bcotton
12:07:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik bcotton cverna ryanlerch stickster
12:07:42 <stickster> It looks like the source RPM article has been one of the more popular ones lately!
12:08:18 <sub_pop> .hello linkdupont
12:08:22 <zodbot> sub_pop: linkdupont 'Link Dupont' <link@sub-pop.net>
12:08:25 <stickster> #chair sub_pop
12:08:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik bcotton cverna ryanlerch stickster sub_pop
12:08:31 <stickster> Hi Link!
12:08:37 <sub_pop> Good morning!
12:09:00 <stickster> So I'm going to close this topic to see if misc has anything he wants to cover before we get into content
12:09:15 <stickster> #topic Migration/hosting update
12:09:53 <stickster> misc: You mentioned offlist some DNS issues, but they seem solved and everything appears to be going fine at this point. Did you want to talk about that, or anything else?
12:10:53 <misc> stickster: nope, more discussng about staging, what people used the old staging instance for
12:11:01 <misc> see what to do with that
12:11:34 <misc> (and also, if people have questions, I still have some tasks like cleanup the DB, make sure people have access to phpmyadmin, etc)
12:11:38 <stickster> misc: I think the last time we used that, it was for ryanlerch, myself, others to test a refreshed theme
12:12:00 <stickster> phpmyadmin++
12:12:36 <stickster> A couple times over the last few years I've needed to access the SQL directly for something. Usually data gathering but I recall once doing some sort of widespread text substitution across a number of articles
12:12:36 <misc> so no specific workflow, no need to sync db or anything ?
12:12:37 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah, i think that was all we ever used it for
12:13:09 <stickster> misc: It wouldn't hurt, but I don't know that it's critical or urgent at the moment.
12:13:45 <misc> stickster: well, it can be done later indeed, I will just switch the hostname and make a copy of the env
12:13:46 * stickster listens to see if cverna advises differently... as stickster is not technically part of the team that keeps the infra/services running, and not sure what the standard or policy is
12:14:00 <misc> so I can test ssl stuff without impacting prod like yesterday :/
12:14:28 * cverna reads back :)
12:16:04 <cverna> is the staging instance running in our openstack cloud
12:16:11 * cverna thinks so
12:16:14 <misc> I think it does, yes
12:16:27 <misc> ?
12:16:44 <misc> seems to be in phx2
12:16:53 <cverna> that will be moved to communityshift once we have kubevirt working there
12:16:56 <stickster> Oh, good point -- we're trying to get everything out of that openstack cloud, right?
12:17:46 <cverna> so if we want to keep it that should be possible ( it will run in communishift as a VM).
12:18:12 <stickster> +1
12:19:03 <misc> we have built-in staging instance as part of wpengine plan, so I was just wanted to see how it was used in practice. If people told me "we want to debug a custom WP plugin", I would have said "maybe not", cause we do not have ssh access
12:19:10 <misc> but a custom theme would be fine I guess
12:19:32 <misc> (same goes if we had some automation, we can't have that, but if we don't, that would be fine)
12:19:58 <stickster> Cool -- we don't really get *that* fancy, so it seems like we'll be OK
12:20:10 <cverna> misc: ok then I think we are ok with the wpenging staging instance
12:20:30 <stickster> misc: Oh, I did just think of something.
12:20:54 <stickster> misc: The Fedora team is talking about next-gen authentication, it's possible that would mean testing a custom plugin :-\
12:21:11 <stickster> misc: OTOH, that could be tested on any local Wordpress instance on someone's laptop
12:21:42 <misc> stickster: mhh, I guess we can face that when that happen
12:21:47 <stickster> yeah, I think so
12:22:31 <misc> by then, kubevirt will be ready I guess, worst case, WP is not that hard to install if we just want test
12:22:51 <stickster> +1
12:22:58 <cverna> +1
12:23:16 <stickster> #agreed the team should be OK with a WPengine staging instance, and if that doesn't work for some future purpose we haven't foreseen, we'll deal with it then
12:23:22 <stickster> Shall we move on to content?
12:23:54 <stickster> #topic Pending review posts
12:23:56 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending&post_type=post
12:24:03 <stickster> #info --- RPM packages part 2 ---
12:24:16 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=29207&preview=1&_ppp=8a94c09d05
12:24:29 <ryanlerch> has this already gone out?
12:24:45 <stickster> The first part did on Monday
12:25:10 <ryanlerch> ah, gotcha, part 2a, and part 2b
12:25:12 <ryanlerch> :D
12:25:36 <stickster> I think this is basically ready to go, we could plan it for next Monday or Wednesday?
12:26:06 <ryanlerch> +1
12:27:08 <stickster> #action stickster schedule spec file article for publishing on Monday 2019-09-02 or Wednesday 2019-09-04
12:27:20 <cverna> +1
12:27:43 <stickster> #topic Drafts for review
12:27:53 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type=post
12:29:27 <stickster> First, I see the OpenSCAP post is still untouched for about 6-7 weeks. I just emailed the author to see what's up.
12:29:36 <stickster> But we have a couple new-ish things.
12:30:48 <stickster> asamalik: You have an idea here in draft for setting up Fedora services on F31? Was that covered last meeting? I don't want to go over it twice if you covered last week
12:31:26 <asamalik> stickster: that's a one by sgallagh meant to go out when f31 is out
12:31:37 <cverna> I don't think it was covered
12:31:48 <asamalik> we didn't cover it no
12:32:14 <stickster> Oh interesting. It has your author name on it, sorry
12:32:23 <cverna> we should change the author too if this was done by sgallagh
12:32:31 <stickster> ryanlerch: you seem to be in that one, can you swap authors on it?
12:32:56 <sgallagh> It's essentially an update of an older one, now that we have some new features coming in F31 that makes it even easier
12:33:04 <stickster> sgallagh: me likey
12:33:08 <sgallagh> I asked asamalik to clone it for me, since I couldn't do so myself
12:33:24 <sgallagh> I started on it, but had to set it aside for a bit as higher-priority stuff landed
12:33:30 <sgallagh> I'll finish it before we exit Beta Freeze though
12:33:33 <ryanlerch> stickster: done
12:33:36 <stickster> Okey dokey
12:33:46 <asamalik> I thought I've changed it
12:34:23 <stickster> #agreed F31 services article will be done closer to Beta Freeze exit on 2019-09-17
12:34:39 <stickster> #info --- swiss-army ---
12:34:47 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=29156&preview=1&_ppp=9627dd3d73
12:34:51 <sgallagh> Right, I'd like to have it out there as part of the Beta marketing blitz
12:35:30 <stickster> This looks like a cool one from jwf, I assume this was approved and we're just awaiting a draft?
12:36:24 <stickster> asamalik: ^
12:37:18 <asamalik> stickster: I believe so yes, I think I saw it on the list
12:37:41 <stickster> Neato.
12:37:50 <cverna> yes +1
12:38:12 * asamalik relies a lot on lists and reminders because his head is a crappy storage
12:38:39 <stickster> yeah, I resemble that remark :-)
12:38:45 <stickster> #topic Pitches to review
12:39:04 <stickster> I'm going to cover only the most recent things here
12:39:14 <stickster> #info --- how base container images are built ---
12:39:27 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=29200&preview=1&_ppp=5f9d78891d
12:39:35 <cverna> this is mine
12:39:37 <stickster> cverna: want to discuss?
12:40:15 <cverna> I wanted to quickly explain how we build and release our base container image (kickstart, imagefactory, push to registry)
12:40:22 <stickster> I like the idea of this one if it covers some suggestions or tips for modifying/building on top of the base image
12:41:31 <cverna> ok the focus of this article would be more what actually goes to the base image
12:42:02 <cverna> but I can think on how to include a part about layered images
12:42:13 <stickster> cverna: at the bottom you mentioned some coverage of how people could modify it, I think that would be useful
12:42:32 <stickster> right --- it's +1 from me
12:43:01 <cverna> stickster: yes works for me :)
12:44:29 <stickster> Anyone else +/-1?
12:44:47 <stickster> We are starting to run out the clock and still need to get some more content together ;-)
12:44:55 <cverna> +1
12:44:57 <cverna> :P
12:44:58 <stickster> ha
12:45:12 <stickster> asamalik: ryanlerch: bcotton: ?
12:45:22 <ryanlerch> +1 from me!
12:45:25 <bcotton> +1
12:45:30 <stickster> sub_pop: ^ and anyone I forgot :-D
12:45:47 <stickster> #agreed container base image article approved, cverna go forth and write like the wind :-)
12:45:52 <asamalik> +1 !
12:45:55 <stickster> #info --- codecs in Fedora ---
12:45:56 <sub_pop> Sounds great!
12:45:58 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=29166&preview=1&_ppp=64549e4fd8
12:46:15 <asamalik> oh I think we've decided against this one last week
12:46:18 <stickster> I'm +1 on this one too, as long as it's only about codecs that are legal for people to install (open source or not)
12:46:21 <stickster> Ohh
12:46:30 <asamalik> or maybe +0?
12:46:47 <cverna> I think our concern was about the legal bit :)
12:47:01 <asamalik> we had mixed feelings, I was personally +0 because codecs are weird and I have no background in that
12:47:19 <ryanlerch> +1 if legal
12:47:40 <stickster> asamalik: cverna: Agreed, that's the catch any time we cover codecs. As long as they're legal for people to use... like h.264, mp3 decoding, etc., it's cool. It's not cool if it covers stuff that's infringine on patents
12:47:44 <asamalik> but if the legal part (is there even any) gets cleared I'm +1
12:47:54 <stickster> #action stickster email author to find out scope of codecs pitch
12:48:20 <stickster> Shaun may have more coming on the Cockpit series, so nothing to do there
12:48:42 <stickster> asamalik: was the toolbox pitch already approved? I figure it would be
12:48:54 <asamalik> it was yes
12:49:44 <stickster> #action stickster email mateusgomes to find out if draft is coming
12:49:55 <stickster> OK, let's figure out what we're going to do about content
12:50:54 <stickster> Right now we have Monday covered but that's it
12:51:23 <cverna> :s
12:51:34 <stickster> #action stickster to write next commandline tips article on pipes
12:51:39 <stickster> I'll get that done for Friday.
12:51:55 <stickster> What about next Wednesday, any takers?
12:52:53 <cverna> I could probably try to get my article for next wednesday
12:53:30 <cverna> we add a proposal about AIDE on the list too
12:53:36 <cverna> s/add/had/
12:54:07 <asamalik> asking on list worked well last week, too
12:54:22 <cverna> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/magazine@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/N5XPQHINAD5SMNQ5W4W3A4JI6KQDP6Q6/
12:55:14 <asamalik> AIDE was actually one of the ones offered
12:55:40 <stickster> Indeed. Let's plan on cverna for Wednesday, and I'll follow up on other offers that haven't been filled yet.
12:55:44 <stickster> #topic Publishing schedule
12:57:02 <stickster> #propsoed #agreed Fri Aug 30: CLI pipes (stickster) -- Mon Sep 2: RPM spec files (stickster to schedule) -- Wed Sep 4: Container base image (cverna, edit: stickster, image: ryanlerch)
12:57:08 <stickster> ryanlerch: ^ see what I did there ;-D
12:57:25 <ryanlerch> stickster: ;)
12:57:28 <cverna> :)
12:57:46 <stickster> +/-1?
12:57:53 <cverna> +1
12:58:52 <stickster> asamalik and I have other calls coming up so I'm going to call it, then
12:58:56 <stickster> #agreed Fri Aug 30: CLI pipes (stickster) -- Mon Sep 2: RPM spec files (stickster to schedule) -- Wed Sep 4: Container base image (cverna, edit: stickster, image: ryanlerch)
12:59:03 <stickster> Thanks for coming everyone.
12:59:05 <stickster> #endmeeting