18:00:53 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL 18:00:53 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 4 18:00:53 2019 UTC. 18:00:53 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:00:53 <zodbot> The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:53 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:53 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:00:58 <smooge> #meetingname epel 18:00:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:01:20 <nirik> good morning everyone. How's everyone on this lovely monday? 18:01:21 <smooge> #chair nirik smooge Evolution bstinson pgreco 18:01:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution bstinson nirik pgreco smooge 18:01:32 <smooge> #chair nirik smooge Evolution bstinson pgreco tdawson 18:01:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution bstinson nirik pgreco smooge tdawson 18:01:41 <smooge> #topic Hellos 18:01:47 <smooge> is writing this from memory 18:01:56 <pgreco> hello everybody 18:03:01 <smooge> #info Smooge will not be online next week. Someone else needs to setup and run this 18:03:11 <bcotton> .hello2 18:03:11 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 18:03:20 <smooge> hi Ben 18:03:44 <smooge> #info Ben Cotton has been awarded the job of being EPEL Program Manager 18:03:45 <tdawson> .hello2 18:03:46 <zodbot> tdawson: tdawson 'None' <tdawson@redhat.com> 18:04:44 <smooge> #topic EPEL-6 18:05:57 <smooge> #info RHEL-6 will be End of life at 2020-11-30 ish 18:06:12 <smooge> I don't think there are any issues with EL6 at the moment 18:06:17 <smooge> #topic EPEL-7 18:06:23 <carlwgeorge> .hello2 18:06:24 <zodbot> carlwgeorge: carlwgeorge 'None' <carl@george.computer> 18:06:26 <smooge> ok EL7.7 is fun like always. 18:06:45 <carlwgeorge> sorry i'm late, i did want to bring up an epel6 bug 18:06:51 <smooge> #topic EPEL-6 18:06:59 <smooge> ahhahahah 18:07:05 <smooge> ok carlwgeorge what is the issue? 18:07:29 <carlwgeorge> i haven't filed a bugzilla for it yet, but the manual byte compile macro is broken 18:07:49 <carlwgeorge> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-rpm-macros/blob/el6/f/macros.pybytecompile#_24 18:08:09 <smooge> ok whee 18:08:12 <carlwgeorge> sys.version_info.major and friends don't exist in py2.6 18:08:25 <smooge> of course they don't 18:08:54 <smooge> ok if you could file a bug then the python people can try to fix it 18:08:58 <carlwgeorge> sorry i haven't file a bug for it yet, i noticed it recently and keep thinking "i need to go file a bug for that" 18:09:07 <carlwgeorge> yup, i'll file the bug today 18:09:15 <smooge> thanks 18:09:47 <smooge> #info current manual python byte compile macro is broken 18:09:52 <smooge> #info bug will be files 18:09:56 <smooge> #topic EPEL-7 18:10:18 <pgreco> python36-pip 18:10:19 <smooge> #info RHEL-7.7 got released. CentOS-7.7 CR is creeping out I believe 18:10:55 <pgreco> let me know when I can speak about that ;) 18:11:04 <smooge> oh sorry I was waiting for you to complete 18:11:23 <pgreco> python-pip-epel was added 18:11:34 <pgreco> to build python2-pip and python34-pip 18:11:51 <pgreco> and python36-pip needs to be removed 18:12:01 <pgreco> as now rhel provides python3-pip 18:12:08 <pgreco> wow, too many pips... :D 18:12:31 <pgreco> don't know who is keeping track of that 18:12:41 <smooge> ok I expect that is meant to be me 18:12:46 <pgreco> but it is related to the c7-cr release 18:12:59 <pgreco> and the python36 you had to resurrect 18:13:18 <smooge> so I think we are doing removals after c7.7 has gotten out further 18:13:59 <pgreco> ack 18:15:42 <smooge> ok any other 7 issues? 18:15:53 <pgreco> aarch64? 18:16:16 <smooge> #info A lot of python36 packages will be removed from EPEL-7 when CentOS7.7 is released 18:16:58 <smooge> #info aarch64 is still a problem. Trying to have both CentOS and RHEL as targets are going to break due to name differences and noarch builds 18:17:39 <tdawson> I thought we were going to change it to be an alt arch. 18:17:41 <smooge> so pgreco brought up the fact that koji is going to build against CentOS-7 for noarch every now and then and some other items 18:18:12 <smooge> tdawson, last week nirik thought of just having the channel point to CentOS trees inside the same koji target. 18:18:29 * nirik nods. 18:18:38 <nirik> I would think it would work, but... I could be wrong. 18:18:44 <nirik> perhaps we could test in staging? 18:18:45 <smooge> There were 2 problems, the noarch and hte fact that koji is going to blow up because names are not 1:1 between CentOS and RHEL 18:18:47 <tdawson> Ok ... but will the noarch's still match? Or can we turn the noarch check off? 18:19:51 <pgreco> if we can remove aarch64 from the noarch rotation, it would be a good thing 18:19:59 <pgreco> don't know if we can 18:20:07 <smooge> there may be 3 problems.. the noarches won't match.. sometimes we will be building src.rpms and noarch from aarch64 and .. 18:20:53 <smooge> frankly dealing with this is probably yet another project 18:21:45 <nirik> I think noarch should match... 18:21:52 <nirik> and no, I don't think we can disable the check. 18:22:14 <smooge> bcotton, can I bring this up with you later? The problem is that RH dropped support for aarch64 in RHEL-7 and we have been building for it. 18:22:26 <bcotton> smooge: absolutely 18:22:37 <nirik> we could pretty easily test the known cases in stg... 18:24:36 <smooge> do we need to wait until CentOS-7.7 comes out? Or want me to bung up something with what is in their 7.6+CR? 18:24:56 <nirik> we could test with the CR I would think? 18:25:12 <nirik> hum, but prod uses the same external repos... 18:25:19 <nirik> but I guess we could change stg 18:26:41 <smooge> ok I am on PTO next week so it will need someone other than me. I can get the stuff downloaded to batcave but beyond that.. 18:26:47 <carlwgeorge> smooge: here is the bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1749040 if i do the info meeting command is there a way to put that back in the EPEL-6 topic? 18:27:27 <smooge> not really 18:27:38 <smooge> I would need to undo all the items before then 18:27:44 * nirik can possibly look into it, but it might not be until next week. 18:27:44 <smooge> then resubmit them 18:28:00 <smooge> ok so we can look at this in 2 weeks 18:29:17 <smooge> ok any other EL7 problems? 18:29:54 <tdawson> After Centos 7.7 has been out for a couple of weeks, I'll do a "does this install" sweep. 18:30:50 <tdawson> That's several weeks away, but I wanted to bring it up so people know I'm planning on doing it. 18:31:07 <nirik> +1 18:31:28 <smooge> #info After CentOS 7.7 comes out tdawson will do a sweep of packages to see if it will install 18:31:57 <smooge> #topic EPEL-8 18:35:19 <smooge> ok we currently have about 1400 EPEL-8 users. ~1300 x86_64, ~30 ppc64le ~20 s390 ~10 aarch64 18:35:55 <smooge> sorry that should be 1330 x86_64 18:36:16 <smooge> anyway it has been growing slowly over the last couple of weeks 18:36:59 <smooge> sgallagh, bcotton and others started working out what the work for EPEL-8.1 would be to get modules in places 18:37:39 <smooge> it is still in a sort of discovery state so I don't have anything than 'a meeting was had.. notes were taken.. ideas talked about.' 18:37:41 * sgallagh is here (sort of). 18:37:57 <sgallagh> This meeting is at an unfortunate time. 18:37:57 <smooge> so not much to talk about for here I think 18:38:11 <smooge> all meetings are at an unfortunate time 18:38:19 <sgallagh> Right. Our kickoff meeting was itemizing the work we know we need to finish. 18:38:35 <sgallagh> I’m planning to turn it into tickets and probably a blog post early next week. 18:39:01 <smooge> sgallagh, would it help for a meeting focused on this to be at a different time? 18:39:28 <sgallagh> Let me get back to you about that. 18:39:51 <sgallagh> My connection is flaky, did my comment about tickets and a blog get through? 18:40:09 <bcotton> sgallagh: yes 18:40:42 <sgallagh> Ok, then that is all I have to report thus far. 18:40:47 <sgallagh> More to come soon. 18:41:47 <smooge> ok thanks 18:41:56 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 18:42:22 <smooge> does anyone have anything for the open floor 18:42:55 * nirik doesn't. 18:43:23 <pgreco> nothing here 18:44:02 <tdawson> Nothing from me 18:44:14 <carlwgeorge> i guess now would be a good time to info my bug 18:44:23 <smooge> yep 18:44:36 <carlwgeorge> #info el6 py_byte_compile bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1749040 18:44:37 <smooge> #info EL6 bug is https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1749040 18:44:55 <carlwgeorge> whoops 18:46:21 <smooge> one of them will make it 18:46:32 <smooge> ok that is it 18:47:04 <smooge> have a good week. if someone else wants to run the meeting next week please do. I will be back for the 2019-09-18 meeting 18:47:35 <nirik> I can probibly run it. 18:48:45 <smooge> alright. well with that. thank you all for coming 18:48:48 <smooge> #endmeeting