18:03:18 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL (2019-11-06) 18:03:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 6 18:03:18 2019 UTC. 18:03:18 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:03:18 <zodbot> The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:03:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:03:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel_(2019-11-06)' 18:03:18 <smooge> #meetingname epel 18:03:18 <smooge> #topic aloha 18:03:18 <smooge> #chair nirik smooge tdawson bstinson Evolution pgreco sgallagh 18:03:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:03:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution bstinson nirik pgreco sgallagh smooge tdawson 18:03:19 <smooge> #topic Intros 18:03:20 <smooge> #info Meeting is run from https://board.net/p/epel 18:03:28 <smooge> look ma I got the date right 18:03:47 <pgreco> oh, it's time! 18:03:57 <sgallagh> merlinm: Can you represent us at the EPEL meeting today? 18:04:35 <smooge> The first order of business will be to see if the time for this meeting conflicts too much with other business 18:06:06 <pgreco> are you thinking +/- 1 hour? 18:07:24 <smooge> yes 18:07:35 <smooge> we tie this to UTC but not all meetings are done that way 18:07:58 <pgreco> I'm ok either way 18:08:56 <smooge> ok 18:09:05 <smooge> sgallagh, does this time conflict with what you have going on? 18:09:10 <pgreco> if fact either one is better than current time, but I accept what is better for the rest 18:09:19 <sgallagh> smooge: Not in general, just today 18:09:28 <smooge> understood 18:10:11 <smooge> I will put to the list since I think at the moment bstinson nirik Evolution and tdawson are in other places 18:10:42 <pgreco> smooge, do you want to start in 1 hour today? 18:10:55 <pgreco> if it helps have more people here, no problem with me 18:12:25 <smooge> well I am not sure later will be better as I have an outage starting in a bit 18:12:34 <smooge> so anyway.. will keep going through meeting 18:13:27 <smooge> #topic EPEL-6 18:13:27 <smooge> #info EPEL-6 is End of Life in 2020-11. It will be moved to archives in 2020-12 18:13:27 <smooge> #topic EPEL-7 18:13:40 <smooge> #info EPEL-7.8 beta seems to have been pushed out this week. 18:13:49 <smooge> #info no idea what it changes 18:15:02 <smooge> #topic EPEL-8 18:15:13 <smooge> #info RHEL-8.1 was pushed out yesterday 18:15:44 <tdawson> Ya!! 18:15:54 <smooge> #info RHEL-8.1 is getting synced to koji today. Will see if split scripts work and if builders work. If they dont' we will keep them aimed at last working 8.0 until we can focus on it and fix 18:16:40 <smooge> #info EPEL-8.1 modularity seems to have built modules in koji staging 18:17:00 <smooge> #topic Playground problems 18:17:23 <smooge> So from the mailing lists and various tickets.. playground is still not well understood and not working the way people expect in places. 18:18:01 <smooge> I am hoping I can focus on whatever is wrong with the singularity packages tomorrow to see if I can better work out what is 'expected' and see if we can change those expectations or something 18:18:21 <smooge> I don't have much to say on this as I am up to my neck in other problems at the moment 18:18:23 <pgreco> wrt 7.8, I'm not expecting many things breaking, due to being phase 2 now 18:19:28 <smooge> hopefully 18:19:32 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 18:19:39 <smooge> Does anyone have items for the open floor? 18:20:07 <tdawson> Did we need to talk about minizip? Or was that taken care of via email? 18:20:16 <nirik> sorry, was trying to catch up on some things. 18:20:19 * nirik reads up 18:20:51 <pgreco> tdawson, I think it the new name was accepted (minizip1.2) 18:21:07 <tdawson> OK 18:21:26 <tdawson> That was the only thing I had 18:21:51 <smooge> new name accepted and its last review passed all the things I knew what to check 18:21:54 <smooge> so I gave it a + 18:22:04 <smooge> now sure what i do after that 18:22:46 <pgreco> smooge, the word "rebase" only appears once in the 7.8 RN (criu), doesn't look like a big release 18:23:39 <smooge> ok cool 18:23:59 <smooge> ok if there is nothing else. I think we can call this meeting over 18:24:14 <smooge> #endmeeting