14:02:38 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora IoT Working Group Meeting 14:02:38 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 6 14:02:38 2019 UTC. 14:02:38 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:02:38 <zodbot> The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:38 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:02:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_iot_working_group_meeting' 14:02:39 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson bcotton tdawson puiterwijk 14:02:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton pbrobinson puiterwijk pwhalen tdawson 14:03:01 <pwhalen> Good morning folks, sorry for the last start. Who is here today? 14:03:07 * puiterwijk hates DST 14:03:10 * puiterwijk is here 14:03:12 <pwhalen> me too! 14:03:30 * pbrobinson is here 14:03:31 <puiterwijk> pwhalen: for some reason, I've got this meeting in my calendar in one hour :D 14:03:33 <pbrobinson> sorry I'm late 14:03:47 <puiterwijk> ("Some reason" == DST) 14:04:06 <puiterwijk> pbrobinson: according to my calendar you're an hour early! 14:04:18 <pbrobinson> I thought I had set this one for UTC ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 14:04:42 <puiterwijk> You probably did, and I just messed up my calendar creation :) 14:04:55 <pbrobinson> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/meeting/9244/ 14:00 UTC 14:04:55 <pwhalen> yea, its UTC. 14:05:17 <puiterwijk> Figured 14:05:17 <pwhalen> they're talking about ending dst here. Hope it finally happens 14:06:07 * tdawson is here. 14:06:35 <Southern_Gentlem> pwhalen, every year but no one had submitted a bill to congress 14:07:35 <pbrobinson> the EU voted to end it here, no idea when that takes effect 14:08:02 <pwhalen> Ok, lets get started 14:08:05 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Working Group process and admin ==== 14:08:33 <pwhalen> Does anyone have anything for admin? 14:10:29 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Fedora 31 ==== 14:10:29 <pbrobinson> we've gone to Edition now, we're in soft launch 14:10:33 <pwhalen> #undo 14:10:33 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x7f4791701750> 14:10:33 <pbrobinson> #undo 14:10:33 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x7f47914cdd10> 14:10:41 <pwhalen> :) 14:10:47 <pbrobinson> sorry, I am catching up :) 14:10:48 <pbrobinson> was out 14:11:15 <pwhalen> npnp. 14:11:40 <pbrobinson> we're going to have a call for names to rename "Fedora IoT" to something like silverblue did. Details just as soon as I get organise 14:11:42 <pbrobinson> d 14:12:05 <pbrobinson> will include some sort of prize for the winner (still TBD) 14:12:31 <tdawson> Do you think that will hurt our brand recognition? Meaning, will people still know it's for IoT stuff? 14:12:39 <tdawson> Hmm ... I guess that would depend on the name. 14:12:48 <pbrobinson> tdawson: well IoT means a lot of things to a lot of people 14:13:28 <tdawson> Ya, I guess you are correct. There are already people getting mixed up about what Fedora IoT is designed for. 14:13:36 <pbrobinson> so I don't think so, and for a lot of people what we're doing they class as "Edge" not "IoT" with many believing the latter is more MCU style devices so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 14:14:26 <pbrobinson> and it's still early days, we've not done huge amounts of publicity because small team and I wanted to get it more bedded down before we did a lot of that 14:14:35 <pbrobinson> so I think we should be fine TBH 14:14:40 <pwhalen> good points 14:15:14 <pbrobinson> #info we're ramping up the use of the kanban board, please add issues, ask on the irc or mailing list or ping me if there's access issues 14:15:19 <pbrobinson> #link https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/fedora-iot/kanban 14:15:54 <pwhalen> thanks. Any other questions or admin? 14:16:18 <pbrobinson> not from me 14:16:28 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Fedora 31 status ==== 14:16:51 <pwhalen> #info Fedora 31 GA release on October 29th 14:17:15 <pbrobinson> We released on the same day as mainline, we pushed to the stable tag on that day too 14:17:33 <pbrobinson> basically everyone should be on F-31 now, or on their next update 14:18:01 <pbrobinson> I did kicked off the first run with updates last night 14:18:03 <tdawson> Good job!! :) 14:18:05 <pbrobinson> please test 14:18:48 <pwhalen> testing looked good for me. Has anyone else had a chance? 14:19:10 <puiterwijk> I tested the tag about two days ago and it worked fine, including tpm based disk unlocking. 14:19:22 <pbrobinson> we're looking too add some IMA enhancements and policy soon, if you have a TPM we'll also be able to enforce on that 14:19:59 <pbrobinson> I'm (slowly) working through that and I'll be doing some docs/blogs on it 14:20:06 * jsmith joins, late 14:20:23 * pbrobinson waves to jsmith 14:20:32 <pwhalen> nice, and nice. I did not test TPM unlocking, so thats good news. Thanks puiterwijk 14:20:57 <pbrobinson> is anyone actually using F-31 IoT and if so which use cases? 14:21:18 <puiterwijk> If anyone has a tpm on hardware they’re willing to test with, feel free to reach out to me and I have some tests to run 14:21:39 <jsmith> pbrobinson: I installed it on a system, but they got bogged down with dayjob/grad school/travel/sickness 14:21:49 <jsmith> puiterwijk: Will do 14:21:51 <pbrobinson> jsmith: which system out of interest 14:22:09 <pbrobinson> puiterwijk: I did but someone else has it now ;-) 14:22:10 <pwhalen> puiterwijk, very interested.. provided I can get it working :) 14:22:10 <jsmith> pbrobinson: A little Dell Optiplex SFF machine... 14:22:40 <puiterwijk> pbrobinson: yep. I’ve got that TPM model covered :). Just want to test some others too :) 14:22:46 <jsmith> pbrobinson: (I think it's an Optiplex 7040 Micro, but I could be wrong) 14:23:17 <pbrobinson> puiterwijk: I actually have an apollo lake system (UP²) with fTPM though, I need to reinstall that to IoT 14:23:47 <puiterwijk> pbrobinson: cool 14:25:16 <pwhalen> anything else for f31? 14:26:05 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== Fedora 32 status ==== 14:26:35 <pbrobinson> so we had our first complete F-32 compose today 14:26:50 <pbrobinson> well it's been a while since we've had a good one 14:27:03 <pbrobinson> and puiterwijk is working on getting the ignition bits in place 14:27:09 <puiterwijk> For f32, we recently added ignition to the composes and enabled it. This does mean they clevis unlocking might not fully work without wired connections (for tpm it doesn’t work because tpm tools changed but that should get fixed soon) 14:27:47 <pbrobinson> right, so we're a bit in flux there ATM but before long it should be better than ever 14:27:50 <puiterwijk> And yeah. I’m currently worming on getting the ignition stuff setup and working in the trees 14:28:40 <pbrobinson> and I'm working to get the last of the ARMv7 bits in place (finally) so we should be able to close that glorious problem out 14:30:10 <pbrobinson> anyone working on F-32 features? 14:30:23 <pbrobinson> anyone have anything on their list they're specifically looking for? 14:35:41 <pwhalen> lets think about this and come back to it next week. 14:36:07 <pbrobinson> right 14:37:03 <pwhalen> #topic 4) ==== Open Floor ==== 14:37:12 <pwhalen> Did anyone have anything else? 14:37:20 <tdawson> Nothing from me 14:37:59 <pbrobinson> today is the last day for DevConf.cz CfP https://www.devconf.info/cz/ 14:38:13 <pbrobinson> also think about F-32 features and other related things 14:38:49 <pbrobinson> and that's it from me 14:39:39 <pwhalen> who's going to devconf? 14:41:09 <pwhalen> #endmeeting