05:30:11 <vishal_vvr> #startmeeting i18n 05:30:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 19 05:30:11 2019 UTC. 05:30:11 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 05:30:11 <zodbot> The chair is vishal_vvr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 05:30:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 05:30:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:30:24 <vishal_vvr> #meetingname i18n 05:30:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:30:48 <vishal_vvr> #topic agenda and roll call 05:32:03 <petersen> hi 05:32:33 <pyadav> hi 05:32:40 <paragan> hi 05:32:43 <epico> hi 05:33:24 <vishal_vvr> #chair petersen pyadav paragan epico 05:33:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico paragan petersen pyadav vishal_vvr 05:33:37 <vishal_vvr> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2019-11-19 05:34:26 <vishal_vvr> Good Morning everyone :) 05:34:33 <vishal_vvr> lets start the meeting 05:34:52 <vishal_vvr> #topic Upcoming schedule 05:35:04 <vishal_vvr> #info 2019-12-25 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline (Changes requiring infrastructure changes) 05:35:25 <vishal_vvr> #info 2019-12-25 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline (Changes requiring mass rebuild) 05:35:42 <vishal_vvr> #info 2019-12-31 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline (System Wide Changes) 05:36:00 <vishal_vvr> #info 2020-01-21 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline (Self Contained Changes) 05:37:06 <vishal_vvr> does anyone has anything to discuss regarding the upcoming schedule 05:37:31 <petersen> Well we could talk about Change proposals 05:38:06 <vishal_vvr> +1 05:39:55 <petersen> Is there a Change proposal for the Fonts packaging? 05:39:58 <petersen> btw 05:40:15 <petersen> Though some people missing now 05:43:38 <vishal_vvr> I had one query regarding %dir %{_fontdir} 05:45:23 <petersen> Sure 05:46:29 <vishal_vvr> in liberation-fonts we splitted the font dir so the %_font_pkg macro was not working as expected 05:46:54 <petersen> Ah yeah it would be good to cover this in the new version 05:47:16 <petersen> Have you tried? 05:48:40 <vishal_vvr> so workaround was, i dint use the macro instead expand the macro 05:48:41 <vishal_vvr> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/liberation-fonts/blob/master/f/liberation-fonts.spec 05:49:37 <vishal_vvr> so is there a way to update macro? 05:50:17 <petersen> Did nimnim post a copr repo? 05:50:52 <petersen> (new proposed version of packaging guidelines) 05:51:12 <petersen> Yes I remember 05:51:30 <vishal_vvr> ah..dint check that, yes would check it.. 05:54:16 <paragan> https://pagure.io/fonts-rpm-macros/ 05:54:55 <vishal_vvr> thanks paragan 05:55:04 <paragan> #info https://pagure.io/packaging-committee/pull-request/934 05:55:07 <petersen> Yes we should 05:55:14 <paragan> this contains discussion 05:55:30 <petersen> paragan++ 05:56:09 <petersen> Well looks like too many people anyway today 05:57:41 <vishal_vvr> so next topic was Change proposal ticket itself, let me mention it 05:57:45 <vishal_vvr> #topic No assignee issues 05:57:50 <vishal_vvr> #info #115: Tracker for Fedora 32 Changes (pnemade) 05:57:55 <vishal_vvr> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/115 05:58:17 <petersen> ah oops okay sorry 05:59:08 <vishal_vvr> If you are working on some features that will be part of Fedora 32 then please submit them as Changes for Fedora 32. 05:59:09 <vishal_vvr> When you submit them, add the wiki page link in issue#115. 06:00:24 <vishal_vvr> anything more to be discussed on this topic? 06:00:25 <petersen> paragan: we could even turn the glibc langpacks into a Change 06:01:04 <petersen> Still some time anyway 06:03:56 <paragan> um yeah I guess 06:05:31 <paragan> let's move 06:05:59 <vishal_vvr> okay than paragan 06:06:11 <vishal_vvr> #topic Next chair 06:06:17 <vishal_vvr> Who would like to chair next meeting(3rd Dec 2019)? 06:08:23 <petersen> vishal_vvr: maybe you want to go again? 06:08:34 <petersen> Hopefully next meeting more lively ;) 06:08:38 <vishal_vvr> petersen, sure i can :) 06:09:25 <vishal_vvr> if everyone agrees then let me make a note of it 06:09:34 <vishal_vvr> #action vishal_vvr will chair meeting on 3rd Dec 06:10:17 <vishal_vvr> as we don't have much on today's agenda, lets move to open floor 06:10:29 <vishal_vvr> #topic Open Floor 06:11:26 <vishal_vvr> anything to discuss here? 06:11:40 <paragan> nothing from my side 06:11:53 <petersen> I was just looking at f29 bugs 06:12:20 <petersen> tagoh: I guess we should change pango ownership to epico 06:14:06 <tagoh> petersen: I did transfer main admin to epico already. 06:14:54 <petersen> tagoh: thanks! Guess bz doesn't update old bugs 06:15:09 <epico> tagoh: thanks! :) 06:16:14 <vishal_vvr> Did anyone explored more on weblate? 06:19:35 <petersen> mfabian has been testing it 06:21:24 <vishal_vvr> my friend was interested to know more about translation, i have introduced him with weblet 06:21:37 <vishal_vvr> weblate** 06:22:01 <vishal_vvr> okay, if nothing more to discuss here then lets close for the day 06:23:15 <vishal_vvr> Thank you everyone :) 06:23:19 <vishal_vvr> #endmeeting