16:01:43 <bcotton> #startmeeting Prioritized bugs and issues 16:01:43 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 4 16:01:43 2019 UTC. 16:01:43 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:01:43 <zodbot> The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:43 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'prioritized_bugs_and_issues' 16:01:45 <bcotton> #meetingname Fedora Prioritized bugs and issues 16:01:45 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_prioritized_bugs_and_issues' 16:01:55 <bcotton> #chair mattdm 16:01:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton mattdm 16:02:04 <bcotton> #topic Purpose of this meeting 16:02:05 <bcotton> #info The purpose of this process is to help with processing backlog of bugs and issues found during the development, verification and use of Fedora distribution. 16:02:07 <bcotton> #info The main goal is to raise visibility of bugs and issues to help contributors focus on the most important issues. 16:02:08 <bcotton> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/program_management/prioritized_bugs/#_process_description 16:02:11 <bcotton> #topic Purpose of this meeting 16:02:13 <bcotton> #info The purpose of this process is to help with processing backlog of bugs and issues found during the development, verification and use of Fedora distribution. 16:02:14 <bcotton> #info The main goal is to raise visibility of bugs and issues to help contributors focus on the most important issues. 16:02:15 <bcotton> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/program_management/prioritized_bugs/#_process_description 16:02:44 <mattdm> hello! 16:02:51 <bcotton> #topic Roll call 16:02:57 <mattdm> it me. 16:03:03 <bcotton> #info it mattdm 16:03:35 <bcotton> let's see if it anyone else... 16:03:35 <mattdm> heh 16:05:12 <bcotton> okay, it ain't 16:05:15 <bcotton> #topic Nominated bugs 16:05:16 <bcotton> #info 1 nominated bugs 16:05:18 <bcotton> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&f1=flagtypes.name&f2=OP&list_id=10626345&o1=substring&product=Fedora&query_format=advanced&v1=fedora_prioritized_bug%3aF 16:05:21 <bcotton> #topic Nominated bugs 16:05:21 * satellit_ listening afk 16:05:22 <bcotton> #info 1 nominated bugs 16:05:23 <bcotton> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&f1=flagtypes.name&f2=OP&list_id=10626345&o1=substring&product=Fedora&query_format=advanced&v1=fedora_prioritized_bug%3aF 16:05:33 <mattdm> lookin' 16:05:38 <bcotton> welcome satellit_ 16:06:10 <mattdm> that link is not workin' for me 16:06:29 <mattdm> oh it's the %3aF 16:06:38 <bcotton> #topic Nominated bugs 16:06:40 <bcotton> #info 1 nominated bugs 16:06:41 <bcotton> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&f1=flagtypes.name&f2=OP&list_id=10626345&o1=substring&product=Fedora&query_format=advanced&v1=fedora_prioritized_bug%3aF 16:06:43 <bcotton> Grr 16:06:44 <bcotton> #undo 16:06:45 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7fbf06bb8b50> 16:06:46 <bcotton> #undo 16:06:46 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by bcotton at 16:06:40 : 1 nominated bugs 16:06:47 <bcotton> #undo 16:06:47 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x7fbf0666ff50> 16:06:54 <bcotton> #topic Touchpad / Trackpoint not working on T490s with latest kernel 16:06:56 <bcotton> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1773879 16:07:01 <mattdm> that's pretty bad 16:07:15 <bcotton> yeah, particularly since it's a regression 16:07:23 <mattdm> give me a second to see if it happens on my x1 carbon g6 16:07:34 <bcotton> ack 16:08:50 <mattdm> uh can't cut and paste between machines. 16:08:53 <mattdm> hold on :) 16:08:59 <bcotton> fwiw, i haven't seen any touchpad issues on mine (same model), but i also don't use the trackpad too often. it certainly is working now with 5.3.12-300.fc31.x86_64 16:09:02 <bcotton> hah 16:10:39 <mattdm> let's move on to the next topics while that goes? 16:10:57 <bcotton> that's all we have 16:11:07 <mattdm> no open anything? 16:11:10 <mattdm> well good for us 16:11:19 <bcotton> well that may be a lie. one sec 16:11:57 <bcotton> nope! the one open one we had is CLOSED->ERRATA 16:13:06 <mattdm> the problem is i haven't updated this laptop in a while 16:13:12 <mattdm> so it has 2gb of updates 16:13:31 <bcotton> yuck. can you just do the kernel? 16:13:33 <mattdm> and wifi is slow because of (complicated boring reasons involving bathroom remodel) 16:13:41 <mattdm> i could but now it's almost done :) 16:13:44 <bcotton> lol 16:13:49 <mattdm> ETA 47 seconds 16:13:55 <bcotton> something something pipes clogged something 16:14:07 <mattdm> FTR I'm using the no-debug kernel 16:14:21 <mattdm> #info testing with https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RawhideKernelNodebug 16:14:37 <mattdm> deltarpms saved me 0.1% 16:15:29 <mattdm> #info also testing on F31 instead of F30 as in the bug. Presumably this doesn't matter. 16:16:32 <mattdm> hmmm kernel is 5.5 now. maybe resolved? 16:17:43 <mattdm> I'm going to make a note of that 16:18:43 <mattdm> So anyway, I see two possibilities: 16:18:44 <bcotton> there have been a couple of F30 kernel release since then, (5.3.12-200 and 5.3.13-200), too 16:18:57 <mattdm> the bug report notes trying 5.4 from rawhide 16:19:03 <mattdm> Two possibilities 16:19:14 <bcotton> ah! so it does 16:19:29 <mattdm> 1. I can reproduce on a X1 Carbon -> go to high alert panic the kernel team 16:19:49 <mattdm> 2. I can't reproduce -> ask on the test list for people to see if they can duplicate 16:20:08 <mattdm> brb construction project stufff. 16:21:14 <bcotton> okay. when you return, i propose this: we defer decision to the next meeting and 1. needinfo the reporter to see if using the 5.5 kernel fixes the issue, 2. ask test list to test as well 16:23:38 <mattdm> i am back 16:23:51 <mattdm> okay that's fine. 16:23:53 <Southern_Gentlem> ??? 16:24:01 <mattdm> Southern_Gentlem: hi! 16:24:06 <bcotton> hi Southern_Gentlem 16:24:14 <mattdm> can you reproduce this? 16:24:16 <Southern_Gentlem> hello why ask them to use the rawhide kernel? 16:24:34 <bcotton> because they've already tried it 16:24:52 <mattdm> Southern_Gentlem It's from the standard kernel bug template 16:25:03 <bcotton> and this lets us know if there's a fix in place or if it's still an open issue 16:25:10 <mattdm> Hardware enablement things are often fixed in newer kernels 16:25:18 <Southern_Gentlem> rawhide is now on 5.5 16:25:33 <mattdm> yes. 16:25:44 <mattdm> so maybe this problem is actually resolved 16:25:56 <Southern_Gentlem> if they grab one of the 20191205 respins does it work there (has the 5.3.8 kernel) 16:26:59 <mattdm> Southern_Gentlem: worth checking I guess. They say 5.0.9 works but 5.3.11 and fail 16:27:15 <mattdm> ok update done rebooting now 16:28:58 <Southern_Gentlem> so the default kernel on f31 works 16:29:18 <mattdm> Southern_Gentlem: what hardware do you have? 16:29:28 <mattdm> oh I see you mean in the report. yeah. 16:29:38 <Southern_Gentlem> i dont have the hardware to test this 16:31:13 <mattdm> me either since it's shiny and new 16:31:47 <mattdm> Eh okay secureboot problems. Ben, let's do your plan :) 16:31:51 <bcotton> ack 16:32:03 <bcotton> #agreed We will defer decision until we can get more information 16:32:44 <bcotton> #action bcotton to needinfo the reporter to see if rawhide or 5.3.8 kernel works in order to help narrow down the issue 16:32:52 <mattdm> thanks bcotton! 16:32:52 <bcotton> #action bcotton to request test mailing list test this bug 16:33:11 <bcotton> for completeness sake... 16:33:15 <bcotton> #topic Accepted bugs 16:33:16 <bcotton> #info 0 accepted bugs 16:33:18 <bcotton> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&f1=flagtypes.name&f2=OP&list_id=10626381&o1=substring&product=Fedora&query_format=advanced&v1=fedora_prioritized_bug%2B 16:33:23 <bcotton> #topic Next meeting 16:33:24 <bcotton> #info We will meet again on 18 December at 1600 UTC in #fedora-meeting 16:33:35 <bcotton> anything else we need to cover? 16:36:10 <bcotton> that sounds a like a "no" 16:36:14 <bcotton> see y'all in two weeks 16:36:17 <bcotton> #endmeeting