16:00:08 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA Meeting 16:00:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 20 16:00:08 2020 UTC. 16:00:08 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:00:08 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 16:00:12 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 16:00:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 16:00:17 <adamw> #topic Roll call 16:00:26 * kparal is not here 16:00:41 <tablepc> Yes you are I see you 16:00:43 <adamw> .fire kparal for lying 16:00:43 <zodbot> adamw fires kparal for lying 16:00:50 <coremodule> see, there he goes 16:00:57 * coremodule is happy and here. 16:01:03 <adamw> .fires tflink for walking by 16:01:09 <adamw> .fire tflink for walking by 16:01:09 <zodbot> adamw fires tflink for walking by 16:01:29 <adamw> tim and I are in the brno office this week, so expect shenanigans 16:01:32 <tablepc> .hello 16:01:32 <zodbot> tablepc: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 16:01:41 <tablepc> .hello2 16:01:42 <zodbot> tablepc: tablepc 'Pat Kelly' <pmkellly@frontier.com> 16:01:58 <adamw> hey pat 16:02:11 <tablepc> hey back at ya. 16:02:17 <tflink> morning 16:02:17 <lruzicka> .hello2 16:02:18 <zodbot> lruzicka: lruzicka 'Lukáš Růžička' <lruzicka@redhat.com> 16:02:39 <frantisekz> .hello2 16:02:40 <zodbot> frantisekz: frantisekz 'František Zatloukal' <fzatlouk@redhat.com> 16:02:59 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 16:03:09 <adamw> "frantisekz to draft wiki changes to implement FESCo's decision on the physical optical media boot Change" 16:03:13 <adamw> i think this is done, right? 16:03:18 <frantisekz> yep, done 16:03:45 <adamw> 🎉🎉 16:03:48 <frantisekz> summary of changed wiki pages is here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1788219#c1 16:04:06 <adamw> #info "frantisekz to draft wiki changes to implement FESCo's decision on the physical optical media boot Change" - this is done, a summary of the changes is at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1788219#c1 16:04:38 <adamw> any other follow-up from last week? note we will be covering the SOP and test case drafts in the next topic 16:05:42 <adamw> okay then! 16:06:02 <adamw> #topic Outstanding proposals 16:06:34 <adamw> OK, so we have three obvious things. let's start with the unmount/reboot test case 16:06:44 <adamw> #topic Outstanding proposals: reboot/unmount test case 16:06:47 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Adamwill/Draft_testcase_reboot 16:07:14 <adamw> i believe that's the current draft (pat and kparal put some changes on top of my draft) 16:07:39 <adamw> it looks fine to me, and no-one has objected on list 16:07:47 <lruzicka> it looks fine to me, too 16:07:50 <adamw> does anyone have any concerns or notes? if not i'd say we could go ahead and accept this 16:07:51 <tablepc> I sparkles, it shines... 16:08:21 <adamw> as i suggested on list, I think we should call it 'QA:Testcase_base_reboot_unmount' and put it in the Base matrix 16:08:36 <tablepc> Seems right to me. 16:09:01 <adamw> note lruzicka already has an openQA test case lined up for it: https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/os-autoinst-distri-fedora/pull-request/138 16:09:24 <lruzicka> yeah, I will only fix some minor issues and it will be ready 16:10:12 <adamw> proposed #agreed with positive feedback and lack of negative feedback both in meeting and on list, we accept the current draft of this testcase and will move it to final name QA:Testcase_base_reboot_unmount and add it to the Base matrix 16:10:37 <tablepc> YEAH!!! 16:10:37 * adamw waits a bit for objections 16:11:06 <adamw> thanks for all your work on this tablepc! much appreciated 16:11:46 <tflink> no objection from me 16:12:09 <adamw> #agreed with positive feedback and lack of negative feedback both in meeting and on list, we accept the current draft of this testcase and will move it to final name QA:Testcase_base_reboot_unmount and add it to the Base matrix 16:12:14 <adamw> ok, next one! 16:14:17 <adamw> tablepc: oh, do you want to make those final changes or should I? 16:14:23 <adamw> (the rename and adding to the matrix) 16:15:10 <tablepc> Well I need to learn how so sure. 16:15:47 <adamw> okay :) 16:15:52 <adamw> poke me for help if you need it 16:16:07 <adamw> #action tablepc to rename the draft to the final name and add it to the matrix 16:16:20 <adamw> #topic Outstanding proposals: sponsor process SOPs 16:17:04 <adamw> #info adamw wrote a pair of draft SOPs for becoming a sponsor and handling membership requests: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Adamwill/Draft_sop_becoming_a_sponsor and https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Adamwill/Draft_sop_new_member_welcome 16:17:42 <adamw> so far feedback is mostly positive, anyone have thoughts/notes here? if not i'll plan to publish those to 'production' this week and approve alciregi as a sponsor 16:18:30 <tablepc> Sounds good to me 16:19:22 <adamw> #agreed sponsor SOP drafts are approved, adamw will publish them 16:19:45 <adamw> #action adamw to publish sponsor SOP drafts under final names and approve alciregi as a sponsor 16:19:46 <lruzicka> yeah, the proposals are oc 16:19:48 <lruzicka> ok 16:20:07 <adamw> too late, your feedback is ignored! 16:20:10 <adamw> .fire lruzicka for lateness 16:20:10 <zodbot> adamw fires lruzicka for lateness 16:20:15 <adamw> #topic F32 status 16:20:20 <lruzicka> better late than never :D 16:20:58 <adamw> F32 status: mostly working fine, but last couple of composes have failed, bcl has just told us it's some kind of size issue, i will look into it tomorrow - https://pagure.io/releng/failed-composes/issue/864 16:21:09 <adamw> there are some interesting change proposals currently under discussion on devel@ 16:21:36 <adamw> "reduce installation media size by improving the compression ratio of SquashFS filesystem" will certainly affect deliverables 16:21:58 <adamw> "Enable EarlyOOM" would be a significant behaviour change 16:22:15 <tablepc> Pardon? 16:23:10 <tablepc> OOM? 16:23:28 <tflink> out of memory, no? 16:23:34 <adamw> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/EnableEarlyoom and https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Changes/OptimizeSquashFS look like significant proposed changes 16:23:37 <adamw> yeah 16:23:41 <adamw> see that page for more details 16:23:58 <cmurf> i'm a little on the fence if/when all the implied work for the squashfs stuff can happen for f32 16:24:52 <cmurf> i'm under the impression releng prefers to push big changes to affecting only rawhide composes for a little while and see what shakes out 16:25:15 <adamw> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/firewalld_default_to_nftables gave us trouble the last time it was tried, so we should keep an eye on it 16:25:27 <adamw> cmurf: yeah, that's generally the case 16:26:04 <adamw> would be nice for releng to put in their $0.02 on it i guess 16:26:29 <cmurf> i think you're right that the scope of changes needs to be more clear 16:26:37 <cmurf> so releng can do that 16:26:57 <cmurf> i'm not sure what doesnt get touched :D 16:27:18 <adamw> yeah, i guess it depends on what images actually include a LiveOS file or whatever it is? 16:27:19 <cmurf> anaconda, blivet, all the assembly code in dracut (which is done but perhaps not heavily tested) 16:27:53 <cmurf> yeah i was about to respond to your email, but basically anything that uses squashfs for the payload 16:28:00 <cmurf> so anything with Live in the ISO filename 16:28:08 <adamw> but not other things? well, that's at least a limit 16:28:22 <cmurf> :D 16:28:30 <cmurf> well i'm not sure if it extends to boot.iso 16:28:32 <adamw> alright, so, a few things to keep our eyes on 16:28:37 <adamw> any other notes on f32? 16:28:54 <cmurf> i think there is a little squashfs image in there so it might affect everything booting wise 16:28:56 <tablepc> 0117 wasn't bad 16:31:03 <adamw> sumantro isn't around, it seems, so let's skip the community bit 16:31:12 <adamw> taking us straight to everyone's favourite bit... 16:31:14 <adamw> #topic Open floor 16:31:19 <adamw> any other business or lame injokes? 16:31:58 <adamw> a wild sumantro appeared! 16:32:01 <adamw> sumantro: are you really here? 16:32:07 <cmurf> it's up to our leader to set the proper expectation and quality level for lame injokes :D 16:32:20 <ravindralakal> Hi adamw will I have an onboarding call ? 16:32:22 <adamw> cmurf: the bar is so low as to be pretty much non-existent 16:32:24 <sumantro> YeS1 16:32:25 <adamw> hi ravindra! 16:32:36 <sumantro> hey ravindralakal 16:32:42 <adamw> ravindralakal: the calls are usually a sort of group thing for all new / prospective members who want to join 16:32:48 <adamw> ok, sumantro is here, so let's back up 16:32:56 <adamw> #topic Test Day / community event status 16:32:59 <adamw> #chair sumantro 16:32:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw sumantro 16:33:05 <adamw> sumantro, got a minute to give us an update? 16:33:17 <sumantro> Yes will have an onboarding calls happen close to beta and we will have it soon this cycle 16:33:37 <ravindralakal> Thanks 16:33:46 * bcotton has a question on this topic when the update is done 16:33:47 <sumantro> I was skimming through the changeset and will start setting up the QA test day calendar in a couple of days 16:34:27 <adamw> cool :) 16:34:28 <sumantro> Kernel 5.14 Test Week happened and the result is on the @test list. Thanks jforbes for building the iso 16:34:48 <adamw> ravindralakal: until the onboarding call comes, just ask here and/or on the mailing list if you have any questions or anything 16:34:56 <adamw> +1 thanks jforbes 16:35:02 <sumantro> bcotton, question? 16:35:03 <ravindralakal> Sure 16:35:08 <adamw> #info kernel 5.14 Test Week is complete, and a summary was sent to the mailing list 16:35:19 <adamw> #info sumantro will start looking through the F32 Changes and planning test days soon 16:35:34 <bcotton> sumantro: as part of the spins keepalive process, i see the Test Days Spin. is that something that's still useful? https://pagure.io/fedora-project-schedule/issue/166 16:35:35 <adamw> #info an onboarding call for new members will also be planned soon 16:36:02 <sumantro> bcotton, I have seen that. I never used it ever. adamw do we need that ? 16:36:11 <adamw> yeah, we didn't use it for a bit 16:36:24 <adamw> it had the installer hidden, i think, and...some other customization? i forget what 16:36:28 * adamw looks for the kickstart 16:37:22 <adamw> ok, yeah, it removes anaconda, sets SELinux to permissive, strips some packages to save space, stuff like that 16:37:33 <adamw> at least, it is not intended as a conventional spin, iirc 16:37:46 <adamw> it was more the case that we would produce an image as and when we needed one and sometimes customize it by test day 16:38:09 <adamw> that's why it's in the 'custom' dir, i believe 16:38:14 <bcotton> so it's worth keeping around then? 16:38:33 <adamw> as described, yeah 16:38:42 <sumantro> adamw, i believe we can always keep it as it might be useful 16:38:43 <adamw> but not with the expectation that we build it nightly and ship it as part of the release or anything 16:38:49 <adamw> i guess that's what "ISO: No" means? 16:38:59 <adamw> (on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/32/Spins ) 16:39:00 <bcotton> okay. i'll make a note to myself to not bother doing the keepalive for it since it's an "internal" thing 16:39:14 <adamw> thanks 16:39:19 <bcotton> adamw: i guess? that page is mostly copypasta :-) 16:39:26 <adamw> i think considering it a 'Spin' is kinda a stretch/hack relaly 16:39:32 <adamw> it's more just...a kickstart :P 16:39:44 <cmurf> an invisible installation = badass 16:39:53 <adamw> very hard to navigate though :P 16:40:02 <adamw> ok, can we move on/back to open floor? 16:40:48 <tflink> go for it 16:41:07 <adamw> #topic Open floor redux 16:41:26 <adamw> OK, so, once again! anything else, or can we all go drink and pass out (not necessarily in that order) 16:41:39 <tablepc> As I've been running tests on rawhide this time I've been reading the test cases more carefully. There are some that need updates. I will send proposals to the list one at a time. 16:41:47 <sumantro> anyone noticed this bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1792262 16:42:13 <adamw> tablepc: that'd be appreciated, they definitely do need looking over from time to time - thanks very much 16:42:47 <tablepc> The stars don't work if tracker miner is not working. 16:43:15 <adamw> do we still (try to) run it by default? 16:43:17 <tflink> my laptop tends to not work well if tracker miner is running :) 16:43:32 <tablepc> yes tracker miner is a default 16:43:52 <tablepc> I turned it off and had to give up stars as the trade. 16:44:28 <adamw> sumantro: did you do that? 16:44:32 <tablepc> F31 haven't checked that on F32 16:44:36 <cmurf> sumantro: good bug report, it should work 16:45:13 <sumantro> F31 works fine 16:45:28 <tablepc> Check tracker miner 16:45:41 <tablepc> on f32 16:46:33 <tablepc> I'll check my F32 and if it fails I'll add to the bug report. 16:46:39 <adamw> i'm not quite sure what steps 5-7 of the reproducer mean 16:46:55 <adamw> when i open the 'starred' view i see the folder i created and dragged into Downloads 16:47:01 <adamw> but from that view i can't create a new folder 16:47:37 <cmurf> there's no "group" concept in bugzilla is there? 16:47:41 <cmurf> for searching? 16:48:11 <adamw> how do you mean group? 16:48:31 <adamw> if you want to mark a bunch of bugs as related, i'd use a whiteboard field 16:48:33 <cmurf> a way to search for bugs made by any fedora qa member 16:49:00 <adamw> oh, that kind of group 16:49:03 <cmurf> bugzilla knows about the qa fas group, for permissions 16:49:03 <sumantro> so if you create a folder ~ and then drag it to Downloads .. then try to star it it appears on the Starred section BUT when you try to create a fresh folder/files in Downloads and then try to star it.. it wont appear 16:49:06 <adamw> don't think so, no. 16:49:11 <cmurf> so it's semi aware of groups but not for searching 16:49:23 <adamw> sumantro: ah, the 'star the new folder' step seems to be missing in the decsription 16:50:03 <sumantro> oh yes :( my bad 16:51:06 <adamw> #info sumantro filed a nautilus bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1792262 , would be good if others can confirm whether they see it too 16:51:17 <adamw> anything else, folks? 16:51:20 <sumantro> btw, I don't know if kana kanji is important to us or not BUT https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1790554 16:52:01 <tablepc> I'll have to check that, I use those from time to time. 16:52:49 <adamw> sumantro: it is, yeah, it's the default input method for japanese and we care about japanese 16:52:57 <adamw> aha 16:53:03 <adamw> but that's probably not a 'bug' exactly 16:53:16 <adamw> kana kanji is an input method, it doesn't exactly have a 'keyboard layout' 16:53:18 <cmurf> by the way, reminder, for the included by default apps on Workstation ISO, the workstation wg wants a higher bar that they launch without crashing and menus work 16:53:48 <cmurf> so like, if you run across a functionality bug that makes no sense or makes the app less than useless, propose it as a blocker 16:54:05 <cmurf> s/that/than 16:54:08 <adamw> gnome could probably improve UI there, but not showing a keyboard layout for an input method is not in itself a bug 16:54:22 <adamw> thanks cmurf 16:54:31 <tablepc> Well, I should be able to use Romanji with a KWERTY or type directly with my japanese keyboard. 16:54:32 <sumantro> adamw got it! thanks 16:55:17 <adamw> tablepc: you can do those things, sumantro was just expecting GNOME to show a keyboard layout illustration like it does for things that are actually keyboard layouts 16:55:18 <tablepc> I have three apps I'll check. 16:55:43 <tablepc> Yes, I check my keyboards. 16:55:49 <adamw> (basically if there's a bug here, it's that GNOME doesn't distinguish between keyboard layouts and input methods in some places it probably could) 16:56:08 <adamw> ok, tim's about to fall asleep and break his laptop so let's wind the meeting up :P 16:56:19 <adamw> thanks for coming everyone! 16:56:25 <cmurf> cya thanks adamw 16:56:27 <kparal> thanks 16:56:27 <sumantro> :P 16:56:29 <tablepc> Have a Great Day! 16:56:30 <tflink> thanks 16:56:31 <tablepc> ttfn 16:56:33 <sumantro> thanks! 16:56:46 <kparal> tflink++ 16:56:46 <zodbot> kparal: Karma for tflink changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:57:09 <adamw> #endmeeting