16:00:04 <bcotton> #startmeeting Prioritized bugs and issues 16:00:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 12 16:00:04 2020 UTC. 16:00:04 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:00:04 <zodbot> The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'prioritized_bugs_and_issues' 16:00:05 <bcotton> #meetingname Fedora Prioritized bugs and issues 16:00:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_prioritized_bugs_and_issues' 16:00:15 <bcotton> #topic Purpose of this meeting 16:00:17 <bcotton> #info The purpose of this process is to help with processing backlog of bugs and issues found during the development, verification and use of Fedora distribution. 16:00:19 <bcotton> #info The main goal is to raise visibility of bugs and issues to help contributors focus on the most important issues. 16:00:20 <bcotton> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/program_management/prioritized_bugs/#_process_description 16:00:33 <bcotton> #topic Roll Call 16:00:55 <mhroncok> hey. I'm here, summoned by an e-mail 16:01:05 <mattdm> i am here! 16:01:18 <mattdm> i did not know e-mail had that power. 16:01:35 <bcotton> hello. mhroncok! I figured it would be good to cc reporters and assignees to talk about the bugs :-) 16:01:36 <mhroncok> it was a nice e-mail :) 16:01:43 <bcotton> mattdm: maybe *your* emails don't have that power... 16:02:07 <mattdm> haha. yes. 16:02:22 <bcotton> i'll wait a moment to see if my emails lure anyone else to the meeting 16:02:44 * zbyszek was lured successfully 16:02:55 <bcotton> welcome zbyszek! 16:03:09 <mattdm> wow, this new plan is amazing 16:03:27 <mhroncok> hopefully not only the reportes will come :) 16:03:42 <mattdm> well, that's a start :) 16:04:08 <bcotton> speaking of starting, let's! 16:04:15 <bcotton> #topic Nominated bugs 16:04:16 <bcotton> #info 1 nominated bugs 16:04:18 <bcotton> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&f1=flagtypes.name&f2=OP&o1=substring&product=Fedora&query_format=advanced&v1=fedora_prioritized_bug%3F 16:04:43 <bcotton> so the email yesterday had two, i'll just note that one for the record real quick 16:04:50 <bcotton> #topic turns Wi-Fi on without asking or telling me 16:04:52 <bcotton> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1792650 16:04:55 <bcotton> #info CLOSED->NOTABUG 16:05:19 <mattdm> yeah I 100% agree with that assessment 16:05:21 <bcotton> now for the real deal 16:05:28 <bcotton> #topic Authentication dialog for samba printer provides no input fields 16:05:30 <bcotton> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1715900 16:06:20 <mattdm> this seems like it's an upstream samba problem? 16:06:47 <mattdm> It does seem relatively important if it affects all printing to windows computers 16:06:54 <bcotton> yeah, although it's possible we could carry the reversions until upstream fixes it 16:07:24 <bcotton> and it's a regression that's causing at least one person to stay on an EOL fedora 16:08:02 <mattdm> i'm concerned that just blindly reverting will cause other problems 16:08:10 <mattdm> e.g. one of the commits says it fixes https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13832 16:08:16 <mattdm> which is "Printing via smbspool backend with kerberos auth fails" 16:08:23 <bcotton> yeah, theres that 16:08:36 <mattdm> oh, maybe all of the commits are for that 16:09:01 <mattdm> it looks like one of the reviewres of those commits is a red hatter 16:10:06 <bcotton> my inclination is to grant the prioritized status and defer to the maintainer's decision on how to best address it 16:10:15 <mattdm> Okay, works for me 16:10:27 <mattdm> We don't have a long prioritized list so we can handle this I think 16:10:34 <bcotton> mhroncok, zbyszek, anyone else: opinions? 16:10:42 <mattdm> if we were juggling fifteen or something, it would fall down my priority list 16:11:14 <mhroncok> no opinion, wasn't really paying attention to this one, sorry 16:11:21 <bcotton> #agreed BZ 1715900 is accepted as a prioritized bug 16:11:24 * mhroncok will try to do better now 16:11:30 <bcotton> mhroncok: no worries :-) 16:11:38 <zbyszek> What bcotton says sounds reasonable. 16:11:38 <bcotton> #topic Accepted bugs 16:11:40 <bcotton> #info 1 accepted bugs 16:11:42 <bcotton> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&f1=flagtypes.name&f2=OP&&o1=substring&product=Fedora&query_format=advanced&v1=fedora_prioritized_bug%2B 16:11:51 <bcotton> zbyszek: wow, i don't hear that very often ;-) 16:11:56 <bcotton> #topic Migrate Fedora 31 users back to nonmodular content overridden by the eclipse module 16:11:58 <bcotton> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1780827 16:12:19 <mattdm> I assume this is the one we have special guests for :) 16:12:34 <bcotton> it would seem to be 16:12:43 <mhroncok> I work closely with the dnf team, they understand that this is top prio 16:12:56 <bcotton> #info this is a top priority for the dnf team 16:13:11 <mhroncok> OTOHO unlike the F32 blocking ones, this has no deadlines, so it can easily slip 16:13:15 <mhroncok> *OTOH 16:13:27 <bcotton> #info this is not an F32 blocker, so it may slip 16:13:38 <mattdm> soooo, top priority after blockers? 16:13:46 <mhroncok> this shoukld coem first 16:13:48 <mhroncok> *come 16:14:01 <mhroncok> the only reason it's not a blocker is that it affects already released fedora only 16:14:13 <mhroncok> we cannot block F32 on F31 bugs 16:14:16 <bcotton> what's the impact on upgrade? 16:14:24 <mhroncok> bcotton: good question 16:14:42 <mhroncok> bcotton: I have no idea 16:15:00 <mattdm> mhroncok: We can block F32 on "can't upgrade from F31" bugs even if the bug is in F31. But I don't *want* to 16:15:07 <bcotton> because we do have a concept of "Previous Release" blockers if it us an upgrade-related problem 16:15:13 <mattdm> bcotton: well the headline says "Cannot upgrade" 16:15:17 <bcotton> yes, that 16:15:36 <mattdm> that seems like a fairly sigificant upgrade-related problem 16:15:46 <mhroncok> are we on the same BZ? 16:16:01 <mattdm> oh, no, wait, i am ahead of myself :) 16:16:02 <bcotton> mattdm: i think you're looking at a different bug 16:16:14 <mattdm> "Cannot upgrade to Fedora 32: Modules blocking the upgrade path" *IS* a blocker 16:16:18 <mhroncok> .bug 1780827 16:16:19 <zodbot> mhroncok: 1780827 – Migrate Fedora 31 users back to nonmodular content overridden by the eclipse module - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1780827 16:16:24 <mattdm> yeah sorry. 16:17:23 <mattdm> so anyway bcotton's question stands then 16:17:24 <mhroncok> as much as I hate this bug, I think it won't block upgrades, users affected by this will still be affected by this after upgrading to F32 16:17:39 <bcotton> i mean, i suppose it doesn't matter for the purposes of this discussion. if it does block upgrades, then it should be nominated as a blocker 16:17:50 <bcotton> but it's definitely something we want fixed as soon as possible 16:17:50 <mhroncok> only if the eclipse module goes away, they would be affected, but that's covered by the second one 16:17:50 <mattdm> ok, so, it has to be after the blocker in priority I think. 16:17:56 <mattdm> hopefully both can get done 16:18:15 <mhroncok> hopefully 16:18:35 <mhroncok> I don't think there needs to be any poking into this at this moment 16:18:46 <mhroncok> it was ignored for quite a while, but now it's handled by somebody else 16:18:46 <bcotton> it sounds like the team understands the priority, so i don't know if there's much else for us to do at this point except keep an eye on it 16:19:02 <mhroncok> right 16:19:21 <zbyszek> The bug isn't particularly hard to fix: just drop the modular content, add another hack of "dnf module reset" to dnf. 16:19:35 <zbyszek> In fact, that's probably the only solution that will work in time for F32. 16:20:00 <mhroncok> zbyszek: I was thinking, maybe consult dnf history to see if the module was enabled during regular "dnf upgrade" and reset it if true 16:20:20 <zbyszek> mhroncok: too complicated. I'd just od it unconditionally. 16:20:32 <mattdm> let's not solve this here :) 16:20:43 <mhroncok> zbyszek: that's breaking users who opted in for eclipse module, which is still the only way to install eclipse 16:20:55 <zbyszek> The more general solution of "modularity fixed" that the dns team wants to work on is nice, but currently it's a pie in the sky. 16:20:57 <mhroncok> mattdm: sorry, so easy to go deeper 16:21:22 <zbyszek> Right, some of the eclispe stuff needs to be rebuilt in Fedora properly too. 16:21:29 <mhroncok> zbyszek: it is... wait... 16:21:52 <mhroncok> .bug 1800528 16:21:53 <zodbot> mhroncok: 1800528 – Modules make eclipse non-installable - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1800528 16:22:39 <mhroncok> this woudl also be a candidate for prioritized bug, but since Dan marked it as high prio, I didn't do that 16:23:04 <bcotton> mhroncok: is it sufficiently different from 1780827? 16:23:14 <mhroncok> bcotton: totally different 16:23:31 <zbyszek> Yes, it's a different facet, merits its own bug. 16:23:38 <mhroncok> bcotton: 1780827: users were forced to broken modular packages 16:23:47 <bcotton> i'm fine with slapping the prioritized label on it, too, then 16:23:58 <mhroncok> bcotton: 1800528: users cannot install nonmodular eclipse due to modular packages 16:24:22 <bcotton> it's as much for the sake of matthew and i being aware of stuff as it is for the maintainers 16:24:39 <mhroncok> bcotton: I am not familiar with the process. do we mark bugs prioritized even if we see people are actively trying to fix them? if so, please do 16:25:45 <bcotton> #topic (late nominee) Modules make eclipse non-installable 16:25:51 <bcotton> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1800528 16:26:32 <bcotton> so yeah, we can certainly flag it. if people are actively working on it, we either see if we can help get them what they need or just stay out of their way and keep an eye on it 16:26:48 <bcotton> i'm +1 on this one 16:27:11 <mhroncok> I'm +1 to mark it prioritized given the above 16:27:18 <zbyszek> I'm +1 too. 16:27:29 <mattdm> yep +1 16:27:41 <bcotton> #agreed 1800528 is accepted as a prioritized bug 16:27:45 <mattdm> that's 4 out of 1 required vote :) 16:27:57 <bcotton> #topic Next meeting 16:27:58 <zbyszek> Not sure if that changes anything, since those bugs being prioritized clearly doesn't have much effect..., but OK. 16:27:59 <bcotton> #info We will meet again on 26 February at 1600 UTC in #fedora-meeting 16:28:48 <bcotton> zbyszek: sometimes the process helps, sometimes it just lets me play with Bugzilla for a few minutes :/ 16:29:00 <zbyszek> What about #1801353? 16:29:06 <zbyszek> .bug 1801353 16:29:11 <zodbot> zbyszek: Error: That URL raised <('The read operation timed out',)> 16:29:34 <bcotton> not a bug, i guess ;-) 16:29:50 <mhroncok> that's an accepted blocker 16:30:00 <mhroncok> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1801353 Mounting root from installation media fails since kernel-5.6.0-0.rc0.git5.1.fc32 16:30:55 <zbyszek> It's currently assigned to the kernel, but there's so many moving parts that it's hard to say for certain what the issue is. 16:31:08 <bcotton> yep. if it becomes not a blocker (fixed "enough", i guess?) but still an issue, we can consider it for prioritized bugs. but adding the prioritized flag to a blocker is just me playing in bugzilla 16:31:21 <mattdm> yes. 16:31:31 * zbyszek shuts up. 16:31:39 <mattdm> lol no no it's fine :) 16:31:44 <mattdm> glad to have you here :) 16:32:02 <bcotton> yes, it's so nice to have someone to talk these through with besides matthew 16:32:21 * mattdm ignores that 16:32:36 <bcotton> i mean i like you an all, but.... :-) 16:32:46 <bcotton> okay, anything else for this meeting? 16:32:55 <mattdm> We should probably explictly call out in the process doc that we consider blocker bugs already prioritized automatically 16:33:09 <bcotton> mattdm: ack 16:33:10 <mattdm> and therefore don't need this process 16:33:42 <bcotton> #action bcotton to update the process doc to make explicit that blocker bugs are prioritized and don't need this process 16:34:23 <bcotton> okay, last call 16:35:20 <bcotton> thanks, everyone! 16:35:24 <bcotton> mhroncok++ 16:35:27 <bcotton> zbyszek++ 16:35:27 <zodbot> bcotton: Karma for zbyszek changed to 5 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:35:28 <bcotton> #endmeeting