13:01:25 <asamalik> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 13:01:25 <asamalik> #meetingname magazine 13:01:25 <asamalik> #topic Roll call 13:01:25 <asamalik> #chair stickster ryanlerch cverna asamalik sub_pop gregbartholomew bcotton misc rwaltr 13:01:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 4 13:01:25 2020 UTC. 13:01:25 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 13:01:25 <zodbot> The chair is asamalik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:01:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 13:01:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 13:01:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik bcotton cverna gregbartholomew misc rwaltr ryanlerch stickster sub_pop 13:01:35 <asamalik> .hello2 13:01:36 <zodbot> asamalik: asamalik 'Adam Samalik' <asamalik@redhat.com> 13:01:47 <stickster> .hello pfrields 13:01:49 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 13:01:50 * jakfrost waves hello 13:01:58 <rwaltr> .hello2 13:01:59 <zodbot> rwaltr: rwaltr 'Ryan W Walter' <rwalt@pm.me> 13:02:04 <gregbartholomew> .hello glb 13:02:05 <zodbot> gregbartholomew: glb 'Gregory Lee Bartholomew' <gregory.lee.bartholomew@gmail.com> 13:02:20 <jakfrost> .hello 13:02:20 <zodbot> jakfrost: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 13:02:44 <jakfrost> .hello jakfrost 13:02:45 <zodbot> jakfrost: jakfrost 'None' <s40w5s@gmail.com> 13:03:24 <stickster> o/ everyone 13:03:33 <rwaltr> Happy hump day! o/ 13:03:39 <gregbartholomew> o/ 13:04:13 <asamalik> hey everyone! 13:04:37 <asamalik> #topic Agenda 13:04:37 <asamalik> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-magazine/workflow/ 13:04:37 <asamalik> #info -- 1/ Last week's stats -- 13:04:37 <asamalik> #info -- 2/ In progress followup -- 13:04:38 <asamalik> #info -- 3/ Finished articles to review -- 13:04:38 <asamalik> #info -- 4/ Articles to edit -- 13:04:38 <asamalik> #info -- 5/ Publishing schedule -- 13:04:39 <asamalik> #info -- 6/ Article proposals to clarify / approve -- 13:04:39 <asamalik> #info -- 7/ Open floor -- 13:04:45 <asamalik> #topic 1/ Last week's stats 13:04:46 <gregbartholomew> asamalik: sorry about the mix up with the taskwarrior article. 13:05:41 <cverna> hello o/ 13:06:14 <rwaltr> Hello cverna! 13:06:47 <stickster> Looks like last week was way better 13:07:24 <asamalik> #info Week of 24 Feb: 71K pageviews --quite a bit higher, one of the best weeks in the past few months! 13:07:28 <asamalik> yeo! 13:07:31 <asamalik> yep even 13:07:46 <rwaltr> That's awesome 13:07:57 * asamalik has a horrible head ache today, so will be a bit slower, sorry for that 13:08:06 * stickster notes that tdawson's article on gaggle of desktops was very popular. Writers/editors keep in mind that articles about desktop usage of Fedora are often the most popular 13:08:43 <asamalik> tdawson was quite confident about it getting very popular, and he was right! :D 13:10:14 <jakfrost> I think it's a first, at least for some time 13:10:18 <stickster> asamalik: Do you want some help gaveling here? 13:10:24 <asamalik> we had some mix up with the Taskwarrior article — do we want to push it to tomorrow? 13:10:37 <stickster> asamalik: Sure, we could do that. It needs a real image 13:10:51 <stickster> The article itself should be ready editing-wise, though 13:11:17 <asamalik> stickster: oh! I'm just looking at the image as you've mentioned it and now I see what you mean 13:11:23 <rwaltr> It has an image on it that we probably used in the past 13:11:33 <rwaltr> "Todo apps on fedora" 13:11:51 <stickster> yeah, it's not correct for the article itself though, so we probably need one for this article specifically 13:12:21 <asamalik> yep, I agree, my brain somehow ignored the text on it, saw a to do list on the image, and was happy with that :D 13:12:58 <asamalik> stickster: if you don't mind gaveling today, I'd be actually grateful! 13:13:07 <stickster> asamalik: OK 13:13:12 <asamalik> stickster++ 13:13:19 <asamalik> thanks! 13:13:39 <stickster> #action stickster do a quick image for taskwarrior article today and push Thursday 13:13:54 <stickster> #topic 2/ In progress followup 13:14:36 <stickster> #info --- Origins --- 13:14:39 <stickster> #link https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/us/108?kanban-status=191 13:14:45 <stickster> jakfrost: anything to report here? 13:15:28 <jakfrost> yes I had a discussion with the author and asked for some links to pertinent info provided 13:16:00 <jakfrost> The author has modified the article to include links to subject matter at the end of the article. 13:16:31 <jakfrost> I would also like, and have asked for, an inclusion early on in the article for the four core values of Fedora. 13:17:12 <jakfrost> This is important for the article IMO since it is the very core of Fedora 13:17:17 <stickster> OK, so it sounds like this is article is still moving, not yet ready, and for now we can move on. 13:17:51 <stickster> jakfrost: Agreed. I think we went into some discussion last time about some of the deficiencies so no need to harp on it here 13:18:20 * jakfrost not harping 13:18:34 <stickster> no no, I meant me :-) 13:18:56 <stickster> Speaking only for myself, I'd want to see a much improved version before sending it out. Anything coming out from the Magazine needs to be more complete, correct, and official 13:19:03 <stickster> So, moving on... 13:19:07 <stickster> #info --- mhddfs --- 13:19:17 <stickster> #link https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/us/144?kanban-status=191 13:19:35 <stickster> I *believe* this may be ready for editing, pinged the author via the card to double check 13:19:48 <stickster> #action stickster ping mhddfs author to confirm it's ready to edit (DONE) 13:20:07 <stickster> any questions on this one? 13:21:25 <stickster> #info --- Encrypted backups to GDrive --- 13:21:27 <stickster> #link https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/us/145?kanban-status=191 13:21:27 <gregbartholomew> what I see in wordpress don't look close to done. 13:21:32 <stickster> This one had the same author as mhddfs, but I believe he mentioned to me the other day it was turning out to be too complex to make it work easily for most users. So we might want to evaporate this one. Again, double checking in the ticket because I don't like to have stuff like that stuck in my IRC PM's :-) 13:21:39 <gregbartholomew> maybe I'm looking at the wrong thing. 13:22:09 <stickster> gregbartholomew: you're totally right. 13:22:22 <stickster> gregbartholomew: No worries, the author ping should prompt next steps at least. 13:23:25 <gregbartholomew> are people replying to you directly about the status of these articles? 13:23:52 <stickster> gregbartholomew: the author in this case PM'd me, but I've lost the backlog. Which is exactly why I want them to respond *in the ticket* 13:24:17 <asamalik> none from me! 13:24:58 <stickster> That's it for in progress. 13:25:14 <stickster> #topic 3/ Finished articles to review 13:25:33 <stickster> looks like there's nothing to do here except the one taskwarrior article we know about. 13:26:29 <stickster> Anyone know of any other content that's ready? 13:26:44 <stickster> Oh interesting, looks like we have something here from mkonecny -- https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=30623&preview=true 13:26:48 <gregbartholomew> what's the fish thing I see in the review column of kanban? 13:27:23 <stickster> Ha, looks like that showed up for me in refresh, thanks Taiga :-) 13:27:28 <jakfrost> I am trying to get my Quarkus article moving along. I think I will have it ready for review by the end of week or weekend 13:28:03 <stickster> jakfrost: That would be most appreciated! 13:28:14 <stickster> Does someone want to take the editing of the fish article? 13:28:38 <gregbartholomew> I'm trying to jump in the water on one of these. 13:28:59 <gregbartholomew> I haven't done the process before though, so I would like plenty of leaway 13:29:04 <stickster> gregbartholomew: Why don't you take this one. The content looks pretty accurate, but it does need some careful reading and correction for proper English (just standard ESL issues) 13:29:42 <gregbartholomew> OK. Will I be doing an image as well? 13:29:55 <stickster> Let's see if anyone wants to put a hand up for that 13:30:11 <gregbartholomew> sounds good. 13:30:16 <stickster> I mean, you're welcome to do it. https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-magazine/creating-an-image/ 13:31:22 <stickster> By the way asamalik, have you done some images lately that are not in the git repo? I haven't seen many commits there other than mine recently. 13:31:48 <asamalik> I'm sure I'm pushing mine, let me check 13:32:00 <asamalik> have I created a fork and just pushing there? 13:32:00 <stickster> or maybe they're pushed to a fork? 13:32:05 <stickster> *jinmx 13:32:30 <asamalik> yep! I don't even have push perms :D 13:32:51 <stickster> asamalik: Feel free to open a PR, I'll deal with the perms later 13:32:57 <jakfrost> wouldn't you PR from your fork to the master 13:33:01 <asamalik> #action asamalik push all his images to the repo (or file a PR) 13:33:03 <asamalik> will do! 13:33:06 <gregbartholomew> if there is a logo for a particular opensource project, should it be included in the image? 13:33:41 <stickster> gregbartholomew: It doesn't have to be. It can be as long as the logo is allowed to be used in that manner 13:33:51 <stickster> If using a logo, respect the usage guidelines from the owner 13:35:30 <gregbartholomew> I can try to do the image for this one unless someone else *wants* to do it. 13:35:44 <stickster> gregbartholomew: Please give it a try 13:36:11 <stickster> #action gregbartholomew Do edit and image for fish article, hoping to publish on Monday 13:36:43 <stickster> #topic 4/ Articles to edit 13:37:56 <stickster> OK, I think *this* section we're already done with, for better or worse 13:38:33 <stickster> Right now, we only have the taskwarrior and fish articles upcoming. We don't have anything for Friday :-( 13:39:14 <rwaltr> In the google drive post, is the author using Rclone? 13:39:29 <rwaltr> taking a look 13:39:55 <stickster> rwaltr: I'm not sure that one will get to final, the author was having issues with it and I think he wanted to cancel it. 13:40:05 <stickster> It's apparently painful. 13:40:58 <rwaltr> ahh, I see what he is doing, he is doing restic over Rclone, with Rclone using a client ID 13:41:00 <jakfrost> What about the vieo editors one? https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=29786&preview=true, seems complete to me 13:42:08 <stickster> jakfrost: That one has some forbidden codec stuff in it 13:42:19 <stickster> I know there was a discussion on this either in kanban or the issue 13:42:30 <jakfrost> Ohh didn't catch that 13:42:34 <stickster> https://pagure.io/fedora-magazine-proposals/issue/36 13:43:29 * stickster left a reminder to the author 13:43:57 <stickster> OK, we're down to last 1/4 of our time, maybe we should come up with some ideas now for how to stock up the remainder of the week 13:44:49 <asamalik> good old asking on the list might be worth! 13:45:24 <gregbartholomew> nautilus does connect to google drive and you said desktop stuff was popular. Maybe a how to connect to google drive with nautilus article? 13:45:35 <asamalik> although 146, 140, and 144 might be ok? 13:45:48 <stickster> asamalik: We also have some pitches from Karlis Kavacis on Cockpit -- can you get in touch with them to see if they want to provide either or both of these? 13:45:57 <stickster> asamalik: for instance https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=29802&preview=true 13:46:08 <stickster> gregbartholomew: Brilliant idea 13:46:15 <asamalik> sure! 13:46:37 <asamalik> stickster: have a note, will do 13:46:46 <gregbartholomew> I don't really mean to be volunteering to write it up though. 13:47:15 <gregbartholomew> I've got plenty of other stuff that I need to work on. 13:47:34 <stickster> gregbartholomew: Nope, you got a task, you've done quite enough to help :-) It's no worries 13:47:37 <asamalik> I wonder if I could just take a random desktop from Troy's article and write a a full article about it 13:47:43 * stickster can take the nautilus idea from glb 13:47:56 <stickster> #action stickster write up the "how to connect to Google Drive with Files in Workstation" article 13:48:33 <stickster> asamalik: 144 and 140 are still under construction, I don't want to assume they'll be ready 13:48:42 <gregbartholomew> note that it is a little buggy about moving files though. I saw a writeup about the problems somewhere a little while ago. 13:48:44 <asamalik> stickster: ok, fair enough 13:49:16 <stickster> So right now the going plan is publish taskwarrior tomorrow (Thu), fish article on Monday, and hopefully this nautilus thing on Wednesday 13:49:23 <stickster> We don't have anything for Friday. 13:50:44 <asamalik> yeah, I won't be able to write the desktop one for Friday, but could get it ready for Wednesday as a backup in case the nautilus thing is too buggy 13:51:19 <stickster> asamalik: That sounds good to me. Also, I will be extremely under time pressure for the rest of the week... possible jury duty tomorrow and a gig in the evening, traveling on Friday, traveling/AFK on Saturday, and possibly at a rehearsal all day Sunday, so my time's going to be rather limited... so may need you to lend a hand with glb over the weekend to schedule his stuff for Monday morning 13:51:46 <asamalik> I also wonder if we should do a review of the Article Spec column... many things are assigned but not moving, potentially discouraging other contributors to just take them and write them 13:52:11 <asamalik> probably not today, but someday :) 13:52:33 <stickster> Agreed. I would also like to clean out the WordPress pitches, and remove that workflow category so people don't use it 13:52:34 <asamalik> stickster: you know what? I'll just write it and free you up, then! 13:52:49 <stickster> asamalik: I'll still write mine. At worst we'll have extra for next week 13:52:52 <asamalik> and sure, happy to help with the one for Monday 13:52:54 <stickster> but go 4 it 13:53:01 <stickster> oops 13:53:02 <stickster> 5/ Publishing schedule 13:53:05 <stickster> umm 13:53:08 <stickster> #topic 5/ Publishing schedule 13:53:11 <stickster> There we go. 13:54:04 <stickster> #proposed #agreed Thu Mar 5: taskwarrior (image: stickster) -- Mon Mar 9: fish (edit/image: glb) -- Wed Mar 11: nautilus or desktop (asamalik or stickster respectively) -- Fri Mar 13: the other nautilus/desktop 13:54:17 <stickster> ^ +/-1? 13:54:25 <asamalik> +1 13:54:32 <gregbartholomew> asamalik: thanks for offering to help with Monday's article. I'd like someone to "review my review" -- especially the image. 13:54:37 <gregbartholomew> +1 13:54:38 <rwaltr> +1 13:54:41 <jakfrost> +1 13:54:47 <asamalik> gregbartholomew: sure thing! 13:56:04 <stickster> #agreed Thu Mar 5: taskwarrior (image: stickster) -- Mon Mar 9: fish (edit/image: glb) -- Wed Mar 11: nautilus or desktop (asamalik or stickster respectively) -- Fri Mar 13: the other nautilus/desktop 13:56:11 <asamalik> \o/ 13:56:18 <gregbartholomew> \o/ 13:56:33 <stickster> OK, looks like we are about out of time, so we'll see each other next week -- be thinking about content, and if you have articles to do... let's rock!!! 13:56:45 <stickster> #endmeeting