15:00:26 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA Meeting 15:00:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 27 15:00:26 2020 UTC. 15:00:26 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:26 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 15:00:31 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:00:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:00:35 <adamw> #topic Roll call 15:00:40 <adamw> morning folks! who's around? 15:01:11 <frantisekz> .hello2 15:01:12 <zodbot> frantisekz: frantisekz 'František Zatloukal' <fzatlouk@redhat.com> 15:01:27 * kparal is here 15:02:01 <cmurf> .hello chrismurphy 15:02:03 <zodbot> cmurf: chrismurphy 'Chris Murphy' <bugzilla@colorremedies.com> 15:02:10 <tflink> morning 15:03:44 <adamw> thin crowd 15:04:06 * kparal pokes lruzicka2 lbrabec 15:05:50 <lruzicka> .hello2 15:05:51 <zodbot> lruzicka: lruzicka 'Lukáš Růžička' <lruzicka@redhat.com> 15:06:00 <lruzicka> Uff, finally it let me in 15:06:07 <Southern_Gentlem> .hello jbwillia 15:06:08 <zodbot> Southern_Gentlem: jbwillia 'Ben Williams' <vaioof@gmail.com> 15:07:17 <adamw> what, i didn't know we hired a bouncer 15:08:21 <adamw> alrighty, let's get rolling! 15:08:35 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 15:08:51 <adamw> #info no action items from previous meeting 15:08:59 <adamw> anything anyone wanted to follow up on which isn't on the agenda already? 15:10:56 <adamw> okey dokey 15:11:13 <adamw> #topic Fedora 32 wrap-up and tasks 15:11:23 <adamw> #info Fedora 32 was signed off last week and will release tomorrow 15:11:35 <kparal> 🎆 15:11:38 <adamw> thanks to everyone for testing the flood of RCs 15:11:49 <adamw> sorry it was a bit of a bumpy freeze, all sorts of stuff showing up at the last minute 15:12:02 <adamw> #info many thanks to everyone for testing all the RCs 15:12:39 <adamw> kparal: did you do anything on commonbugs? 15:14:19 <adamw> has kparal been eaten by a grue 15:14:22 <adamw> can someone please call GrueBusters 15:14:33 <kparal> yeah, I updated commonbugs 15:14:43 <kparal> all the pending entries are there now 15:15:09 <kparal> if anyone knows a bug that should be there, add it or at least mark it 15:15:38 <adamw> awesome 15:15:43 <adamw> i'll check for anything else i know of later 15:15:53 <adamw> #info commonbugs is updated for F32 Final by kparal 15:16:12 <adamw> anyone aware of anything else we need to line up for f32? i think there isn't really anything, we don't have any previousrelease blockers 15:16:50 <kparal> I'm not aware of anything 15:16:53 <Southern_Gentlem> good work and on to f33 15:17:24 <adamw> ayup 15:18:00 <lruzicka> or hold your peace forever 15:18:07 <adamw> #topic Fedora 33 planning 15:18:16 <adamw> on that note! 15:18:52 <adamw> #info Fedora 33 cycle is live now, first validation event already created a bit early (thanks to Bodhi confusing fedfind) 15:19:30 <adamw> so this cycle i'd like to get out in front of IoT and Silverblue 15:20:06 <kparal> Silverblue is not a primary edition yet 15:20:10 <adamw> no 15:20:22 <adamw> but there is talk about both of them becoming primary/release-blocking/whatever 15:20:41 <kparal> IoT already has, technically :) 15:20:53 <adamw> ugh, where was that? 15:20:55 <cmurf> CoreOS 15:21:01 <cmurf> not Silverblue 15:21:03 <adamw> i think we should talk to council and whoever else to make it clear that needs to be decided definitely well ahead of beta and a plan made of how it's actually going to work 15:21:18 <adamw> cmurf: well, both, but coreos is kinda different. 15:21:22 <kparal> adamw: IoT is there: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/32/ReleaseBlocking 15:21:43 <kparal> we need to poke the right people with a hard enough stick to fix that mess 15:21:57 <kparal> also coreos, yes, but it's a bit different 15:22:06 <adamw> hmm 15:22:09 <adamw> bcott: oy 15:22:11 <adamw> d;oh 15:22:43 <adamw> ahoy bcotton 15:22:46 <bcotton> did somebody say "bcotton"?! 15:22:52 <adamw> so kparal points out an interesting thing i had missed: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/32/ReleaseBlocking 15:22:57 <adamw> note how that has IoT images on it 15:23:04 <bcotton> (i feel like this bit loses a lot in text mode) 15:23:28 <adamw> 1) we should probably have taken them off at some point, 2) why did we not notice this at go/no-go? 15:23:37 <adamw> aren't we supposed to do an 'are all the images there?' check? did we forget? 15:23:46 <bcotton> 1. agreed 15:24:06 <kparal> I actually pestered bcotton and IoT folks to put those images in there. At that time I still thought there was a plan to make them part of the release. 15:24:19 <bcotton> 2. i suppose that's implied in releng's reporting on the RC 15:24:28 <adamw> kparal: you pester him to put them in, i pester him to take them out 15:24:29 <adamw> we're a team! 15:24:34 <kparal> :) 15:24:36 <bcotton> but it probably wouldn't hurt to make it an explicit check 15:24:51 <adamw> yeah, maybe let's do that going forward 15:25:28 <adamw> bcotton: also, while you're here: we'd like this sorted out more clearly and more early for f33 15:26:08 <adamw> if anything's going to be made release-blocking that wasn't before, it needs to be definitely decided reasonably early in the cycle, and there needs to be a plan for how it's going to work if there's anything 'odd' about it (like IoT's whole 'not in the main release' thing) 15:26:48 <adamw> who's actually supposed to be in charge of that? is it council? 15:26:54 <pwhalen> What are the major sticking points for QA? I made sure it was tested, as I do for the other release blocking things I am responsible for 15:27:22 <bcotton> adamw: https://pagure.io/fedora-pgm/pgm_docs/c/81dbf7e407b20210795a9289a4da610ed1e158d1?branch=master 15:27:37 <adamw> pwhalen: if it's not in the main compose we need a documented process for testing and releasing from multiple composes 15:27:40 <bcotton> adamw: for which part, exactly? 15:28:07 <adamw> bcotton: deciding on new release-blocking artifacts and/or primary Editions 15:28:19 <bcotton> editions are definitely a council decision 15:28:34 <pwhalen> OK, my understand was the composes were going to be broken up, or that was something we wanted to do in the future. 15:28:54 <bcotton> release-blocking artifacts should *normally* be done via a Change proposal, but promotion to an Edition is a special case that implies release blocking but doesn't go through the change process 15:29:04 <adamw> pwhalen: it's a thing mattdm has suggested doing in The Future 15:29:07 <bcotton> as we've discussed, there's not really a good process for that part because it's so rare 15:29:16 <adamw> pwhalen: but vague Future plans don't cut the mustard for releasing Fedora in six months :) 15:29:30 <adamw> bcotton: okay. i guess i will file a council ticket. 15:29:34 <bcotton> but now that 32 is (nearly) out the door, i'll have some time to work on that 15:29:54 <pwhalen> adamw, well, time to make them less vague too 15:30:19 <adamw> #action adamw to file a council ticket, tagging bcotton, to request that any Fedora 33 changes to release-blocking deliverables and/or primary Editions be made early and clearly communicated and planned for 15:30:41 <kparal> I believe one sticking point was pbrobinson's radio silence in tickets/emails where we needed to figure out the compose plans 15:31:01 <pbrobinson> kparal: it's on my todo list 15:31:04 <kparal> that's a big problem when he's the main person behind that edition 15:31:24 <bcotton> not to be that guy, but apart from "hey ben, do this" do you expect any result from teh council ticket? because you can just harass me directly, too :-) 15:31:26 <kparal> pbrobinson: hello 15:33:06 <kparal> pbrobinson: that's great, let's clarify the plans well ahead of F33. Because it might also need a lot of tool changes on our side. 15:33:07 <adamw> bcotton: i expect a paper trail for the purposes of casting blame confidently in future 15:33:11 <adamw> this is always a valuable tool :P 15:33:23 <bcotton> adamw: that's a valid answer :-) 15:33:31 <adamw> but i can hold off on it if you say you're gonna deal with it 15:33:32 <bcotton> i am happy^W willing to be held to account 15:33:44 <adamw> and only start bugging people if we don't hear anything about this in a few weeks 15:34:13 <bcotton> i mean, i'm going to try. having a ticket won't make a difference one way or another, but i'm totally fine with having it for public accountability 15:34:29 <mboddu> pbrobinson: Please let me know if you want to sit and talk about it and I can schedule a meeting. 15:34:32 <adamw> okay. then i'll do it, just to make it a thing the council has to actively think about at least 15:34:33 <bcotton> my plan is to try to get IoT solved as a specific case adn then generalize from there 15:34:49 <pbrobinson> mboddu: probably, but it won't be in the next 2 weeks 15:35:15 <bcotton> mboddu: i'll set up something with you, me, pbrobinson, and mattdm soon (apparently 2+ weeks from now) 15:35:24 <mboddu> pbrobinson: Sure, ping me when you get free, thanks 15:35:33 <mboddu> bcotton: That works too 15:35:42 <mboddu> Maybe add adamw as well 15:35:51 <mboddu> Sorry adamw, more meetings for you :) 15:35:55 <bcotton> i don't like that guy 15:35:57 <bcotton> i mean...um 15:37:04 <adamw> woohoo 15:37:09 <adamw> i love meetings 15:37:15 <adamw> i love them so much i'm in two right now! 15:37:20 <tflink> who doesn't? 15:37:31 <Southern_Gentlem> 3 15:37:41 <mboddu> Haha, I just got out meetings and still have 3 more meetings for today :( 15:37:48 <cmurf> quick, assign everything to adam while his attention is split 15:37:54 <adamw> .fire cmurf 15:37:54 <zodbot> adamw fires cmurf 15:38:02 <adamw> okay, so aside from this, other things for F33... 15:38:17 <adamw> #info there are already several juicy Change proposals, i'll schedule some time to look through them in detail next meeting 15:38:26 <adamw> there's also the Lenovo stuff you may have read about 15:38:27 <mboddu> Anyway, I think I have a plan for IOT, we can discuss it during the meeting 15:39:08 <pbrobinson> mboddu: well do share it with me, I love people making plans on my behalf! 15:40:04 <pbrobinson> mboddu: also note the iot compose process is due to change quite a bit in the f33 cycle 15:40:37 <mboddu> pbrobinson: I think I already mentioned it somewhere in the tickets, having two composes, one that is part of general composes and the other is your composes that you own (basically that one's you are running right now). 15:41:18 <mboddu> pbrobinson: Okay, well, we can discuss it after 2 weeks 15:41:27 <adamw> #info as recently announced, Lenovo is planning to release laptop models with Fedora pre-loaded 15:42:01 <adamw> so RH has been working with them on this, I and the other RH Fedora QA folks were pulled into this a few weeks back, we've had some meetings with lenovo people and they've sent us some hardware for testing 15:42:07 <mboddu> adamw: How is it being tested? and do we ship same repos or something else on top of normal repos? ... 15:42:21 <adamw> while it was still a Sekrit Projekt we told them we can't block on lenovo bugs just because of this project or anything 15:42:30 <adamw> but now it's public, we might look at that going forward 15:42:49 <adamw> mboddu: we didn't set up anything very formal yet because of the whole sekrisy thing, and it's also quite recent 15:42:50 <mboddu> Which adamw will ship to me :P 15:43:00 <mboddu> ^ about h/w 15:43:21 <adamw> for now lenovo has a few folks testing - you probably noticed several late proposed blockers showed up from them - and i think we got like 4 or 6 test laptops or something which we've spread around the RH team 15:44:14 <kparal> (not just for QA, though) 15:44:28 <adamw> #info there may be proposals coming for enhancing the Lenovo support, e.g. blocking release on bugs in supported Lenovo models; anything that happens will be public and within normal Fedora processes, so keep an eye out for proposals 15:44:35 <mboddu> adamw: Okay, as long as they are planning to use the repos that we ship there are no changes needed from releng (maybe they want us to sync the content somewhere, but otherwise nothing should change) 15:44:44 <adamw> mboddu: i'm not sure about the repo question 15:44:54 <adamw> they may plan to have a supplementary repo or something, i'm really not sure 15:45:11 <adamw> i can put you in touch with a couple of the lenovo folks so you can ask them questions if that helps? 15:45:25 <mboddu> Sure, that will help a lot 15:46:02 <adamw> ok 15:46:16 <adamw> #action adamw to put mboddu in touch with some of the Lenovo laptop folks for discussions on anything they need from releng 15:46:35 <mboddu> Thanks adamw++ 15:46:42 <adamw> anyone have any questions about this stuff? 15:46:50 <cmurf> yeah i'm vaguely curious about whether/how nvidia stuff plays out 15:46:56 <adamw> good question! 15:47:12 <adamw> they certainly haven't asked us to ship the proprietary driver or anything 15:47:14 <mboddu> cmurf: Hehe, those are the questions I too also have :D 15:47:16 <cmurf> if it's nouveau by default and then what happens if a big kaboom happens 15:47:29 <adamw> i believe they're aiming to have things working decently on nouveau 15:47:46 <kparal> cmurf: probably yes & no idea 15:47:46 <cmurf> or if it's going to somehow enable nvidia's driver, if it'll be signed to avoid kernel taint, and so forth 15:47:47 <adamw> i'm not sure how easily they intend to make the proprietary driver available, tbh 15:47:56 <mboddu> Wow, thats so nice of them 15:48:06 <cmurf> actually i guess even if it's signed, it'll still taint the kernel because it's out of tree 15:48:10 <adamw> i can ask for more details on that 15:48:20 <adamw> in fact... 15:48:36 <adamw> #action adamw to ask Lenovo folks to introduce themselves on test@ and take questions, if they're willing to do that 15:48:56 <adamw> they seem like nice folks and now this is a public thing i think they'll probably be fine with something like that 15:48:58 <mboddu> Or rather devel@ :D 15:49:07 <adamw> maybe not throw them to the devel@ wolves yet :P 15:49:29 <cmurf> who doesn't like a tire fire? 15:49:45 <lruzicka> the devel wolves ....oh my :D 15:49:53 <cmurf> ahh the fresh smell of burning rubber in the morning, afternoon, and evening three days in a row 15:50:02 <adamw> heh 15:50:23 * mboddu wonders where cmurf lives? 15:50:43 <cmurf> Mars 15:50:47 <adamw> ok, we're running short on time 15:50:49 <adamw> well this explains a lot! 15:50:53 <adamw> so moving on to next topic quickly 15:51:02 <adamw> we'll obviously be coming back to f33 in future meetings :) 15:51:17 <adamw> #topic Proposals: backgrounds criterion, last-minute blocker process, service manipulation test case, user switching... 15:51:32 <adamw> so, we're probably not gonna have time for all of this, but wanted to reach it at least in case anyone has anything urgent 15:51:40 <adamw> we have outstanding proposals for: 15:51:54 <adamw> #info changing desktop backgrounds criteria (sgallagh) 15:52:00 <adamw> #info clarifying last-minute blocker process (bcotton) 15:52:24 <adamw> #info tweaking the service manipulation test case (coremodule) 15:52:39 <adamw> #info blocking on user switching (adamw/kparal) 15:53:01 <adamw> all of those have threads on test@ (and some on desktop lists too), so please chip in any thoughts you have 15:53:09 <adamw> anyone have big notes on any of them for today? 15:53:17 <bcotton> not me 15:53:23 <kparal> no 15:53:26 <cmurf> best quote of the release cycle "you somewhat decreased my influence when you introduced the late blocker policy :-/" 15:53:31 <cmurf> that's kparal 15:53:33 <cmurf> :D 15:53:40 <adamw> =) 15:53:47 <cmurf> i'm still cackling at that one 15:53:55 <adamw> that definitely wasn't our intention at all! ahemahem 15:54:43 <adamw> #info please check out all the above proposals on test@ and chip in your thoughts 15:55:09 <adamw> #topic Test Day / community event status 15:56:02 <adamw> #info IoT Test Day went ahead successfully on 2020-04-15, looks like there were some useful results: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2020-04-15_Fedora_32_IoT_Edition 15:56:16 <adamw> #info Kernel 5.6 Test Week also went off successfully: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2020-04-13_Kernel_5.6_Test_Week 15:56:28 <adamw> F33 cycle plans will be coming up soon, keep an eye out 15:57:02 <adamw> #action adamw to find someone to do F32 Heroes of Fedora posts 15:57:07 <adamw> #topic Open floor 15:57:13 <adamw> whew, that was a packed one! 15:57:18 <adamw> any other business, folks? 15:58:00 <satellit> info that irc is being updated so it will work soon I hope 15:58:01 <lruzicka> I would like to ask, if we want to put the Kiwi TCMS into our process, because if we do, maybe it is time to start fresh. 15:58:17 <adamw> lruzicka: well, i thought we were still planning to trial it 15:58:23 <adamw> the idea was to try it with IoT 15:58:38 <adamw> but that seems to be moving as fast as my changing wikitcms to work with IoT :P 15:58:53 <lruzicka> adamw, but we refused the trial because it was too late, so I am asking whether we are going to start trying. 15:58:59 <adamw> oh, we did? i don't remember that 15:59:11 <kparal> lruzicka: yes 15:59:13 <adamw> anyhoo, i'd say certainly now we're through F32 it'd be fine to try it out any time 15:59:26 <adamw> we definitely need a live trial to see if it'll work well 15:59:35 <adamw> we thought moztrap was going to be good until we tried it :) 16:00:16 <adamw> kparal: i think sumantro has the ball on this atm, right? 16:00:28 <lruzicka> I have spotted the Taskotron Ragnarok happening soon, so could we use its machines to run it? 16:00:47 <tflink> communishift might be a better choice 16:00:55 <tflink> the taskotron boxen aren't long for this world 16:01:06 <adamw> right, and it shouldn't need much in the way of resources 16:01:07 <tflink> s/might/would 16:01:15 <kparal> adamw: I think so 16:01:24 <adamw> i think we're leaving the taskotron boxes behind with the infra move, right tflink? 16:01:30 <tflink> yep 16:01:47 <lruzicka> all right then 16:02:00 <tflink> I expect them to be powered off in the next couple of weeks and sent off to the recyclers shortly thereafter 16:02:04 <adamw> kparal: ok, let's check in on this next time 16:02:18 <adamw> we are over time, so let's wind up! 16:02:21 <adamw> thanks for coming out, everyone 16:02:30 <adamw> i guess we'll meet again next week since we didn't get through everything today :) 16:02:50 <adamw> #endmeeting