12:00:03 <gregbartholomew_> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 12:00:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 28 12:00:03 2020 UTC. 12:00:03 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 12:00:03 <zodbot> The chair is gregbartholomew_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:00:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 12:00:03 <gregbartholomew_> #meetingname magazine 12:00:03 <gregbartholomew_> #topic Roll call 12:00:03 <gregbartholomew_> #chair stickster ryanlerch cverna asamalik sub_pop gregbartholomew jakfrost misc rwaltr bcotton 12:00:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 12:00:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik bcotton cverna gregbartholomew gregbartholomew_ jakfrost misc rwaltr ryanlerch stickster sub_pop 12:00:24 <jakfrost> .hello2 12:00:25 <gregbartholomew_> .hello glb 12:00:25 <zodbot> jakfrost: jakfrost 'None' <s40w5s@gmail.com> 12:00:28 <zodbot> gregbartholomew_: glb 'Gregory Lee Bartholomew' <gregory.lee.bartholomew@gmail.com> 12:01:03 <gregbartholomew_> Good morning jakfrost. :) 12:01:30 <jakfrost> good morning grregbartholomew 12:01:52 <bcotton> .hello2 12:01:53 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 12:02:01 <stickster> .hello pfrields 12:02:02 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 12:02:14 <gregbartholomew_> #topic Agenda 12:02:15 <gregbartholomew_> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-magazine/workflow/ 12:02:15 <gregbartholomew_> #info -- 1/ Last week's stats -- 12:02:15 <gregbartholomew_> #info -- 2/ In progress followup -- 12:02:15 <gregbartholomew_> #info -- 3/ Finished articles to review -- 12:02:15 <gregbartholomew_> #info -- 4/ Articles to edit -- 12:02:17 <gregbartholomew_> #info -- 5/ Publishing schedule -- 12:02:19 <stickster> I may be in and out, I'm going to need to move consoles in a moment 12:02:19 <gregbartholomew_> #info -- 6/ Editor of the Week -- 12:02:21 <gregbartholomew_> #info -- 7/ Open floor -- 12:03:00 <gregbartholomew_> No problem. Thanks for being "half" here. :) 12:03:05 <gregbartholomew_> #topic 1/ Last week's stats 12:05:04 <gregbartholomew_> #info Week of October 19: about 66k pageviews 12:06:11 <gregbartholomew_> A bit low, by this week's release announcement should help to make up for it. 12:06:20 <gregbartholomew_> #topic 2/ In progress followup 12:06:20 <gregbartholomew_> #info Looking at the 'in progress' column, is there something that's been finished? Anything to follow up on with its author? 12:06:20 <gregbartholomew_> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 12:06:22 <jakfrost> already almost there half way 12:06:30 <jakfrost> through the week 12:06:55 <stickster> I missed the window on topic 1, but I believe the problem with our RSS feeding Fedora Planet was fixed last week as well. 12:07:10 <stickster> That might be resulting in some gains back to the pageviews. 12:07:47 <gregbartholomew_> Yeah, I wonder if we should only do two articles this week and postpone others until next week to spread things out? 12:08:21 <stickster> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 12:08:27 <jakfrost> Lets see what we have 12:08:34 <stickster> We can see what is up to bat... there's no hard and fast rule requiring 3 articles in the week. 12:08:56 <stickster> brb, have to move consoles and restart this one. 12:09:01 <jakfrost> #248 12:09:22 <jakfrost> glb are you doing a feature article? 12:09:44 <gregbartholomew_> I was also sort of thinking that we want the release announcements to stay more prominent (at the top) for longer? 12:10:07 <gregbartholomew_> I think I was just "volunteered" for it. :) 12:10:26 <gregbartholomew_> You are welcome to it if you are interested though. :) 12:10:51 <jakfrost> Thats fine, I would imagine you have it well in hand 12:10:59 <gregbartholomew_> HA! 12:11:25 <jakfrost> #185 and #237 are still like last week 12:11:46 <gregbartholomew_> I will make it top priority after this meeting though and can probably have something done within a few hours if I can get appropriate feedback for the WG team. 12:12:39 <jakfrost> There are the release notes too 12:12:39 <gregbartholomew_> Tony (#185) just stated that he was "half way done" with the article on the discussion forum. 12:12:51 <jakfrost> cool (#185) 12:13:05 <gregbartholomew_> Thanks jakfrost. I'll definitely check those out. 12:13:12 <bcotton> worst case is that you can just throw up a "coming soon" with a few highlights and edit in actual content later 12:13:46 <gregbartholomew_> bcotton: good to know. I'll do that right after this meeting. 12:14:24 <gregbartholomew_> Also, how is #244 coming? 12:14:32 <jakfrost> #245, wish they would make a WP preview link so I don't have to ask permission to look at the content 12:15:16 <gregbartholomew_> jakfrost: Is that something we, as editors, should fix up for them/ourselves? 12:15:26 <jakfrost> #247 should be published this week I think 12:15:27 <bcotton> jakfrost: you should be able to as an editor. if not, it's a bug in the permissions 12:15:38 <gregbartholomew_> I would have done it before this meeting, but I was a little short on time. 12:16:04 <jakfrost> I meant they use the google drive for their draft 12:16:11 <gregbartholomew_> #247 sounded like it would be a quick and easy one. 12:16:20 <jakfrost> should be 12:16:29 <jakfrost> bcotton: what? 12:17:41 <gregbartholomew_> So, to sum things up, there is lots of stuff "in progress" that will likely be ready early next week. 12:17:47 <jakfrost> done 12:17:55 <gregbartholomew_> jakfrost++ 12:17:57 <jakfrost> #245 has a WP preview 12:18:41 <gregbartholomew_> Unfortunately, not much can actually be moved to the review column at this point. 12:19:04 <bcotton> jakfrost: i'm only half paying attention, i assumed you weren't able to look at a post in wordpress 12:19:38 <jakfrost> bcotton: I am still having my first coffee, so I could be the one not paying full attention 12:19:57 <jakfrost> didn't think to look in WP actually 12:20:02 <gregbartholomew_> Who, what, huh? :), 12:20:13 <gregbartholomew_> Just kidding. :), 12:20:42 <gregbartholomew_> Well, there is plenty of content "in progress". Moving on... 12:20:57 <gregbartholomew_> #topic 3/ Finished articles to review 12:20:58 <gregbartholomew_> #info Looking at the 'review' column, let's decide which articles are good to go. Move each either to the 'to edit' (finished) or to the 'in progress' (needs more work) and provide feedback. 12:20:58 <gregbartholomew_> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 12:22:01 <gregbartholomew_> Only one here -- #246 (https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=32075&preview=true&preview_id=32075&_thumbnail_id=18647) -- and it has a working preview link \o/ 12:22:05 <jakfrost> #246 is ready to go to edit I think 12:22:19 <jakfrost> yes it does 12:22:52 <gregbartholomew_> Yeah, I think the author even pinged us on the discussion forum and asked why it hadn't been posted yet. :) 12:23:00 <jakfrost> lol 12:23:38 <jakfrost> I moved it to edit 12:23:51 <gregbartholomew_> Thanks jakfrost :) 12:23:57 <jakfrost> np 12:24:07 <gregbartholomew_> So, moving along ... 12:24:15 <jakfrost> god speed 12:24:22 <gregbartholomew_> #topic 4/ Articles to edit 12:24:22 <gregbartholomew_> #info Looking at the 'to edit' column, assign an editor and a cover image creator. 12:24:22 <gregbartholomew_> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 12:24:37 <gregbartholomew_> Sorry, I'm a bit slow at this hour. 12:24:44 <jakfrost> meant good speed 12:24:55 <jakfrost> and me too 12:25:07 <gregbartholomew_> :) 12:25:28 <gregbartholomew_> Any volunteers for #246? 12:25:37 <jakfrost> sure I can do it 12:25:47 <gregbartholomew_> Thanks Steve! 12:25:50 <gregbartholomew_> jakfrost++ 12:25:54 <gregbartholomew_> :) 12:26:02 <jakfrost> you are welcome 12:26:25 <gregbartholomew_> #action jakfrost to edit #246 -- 4 cool new projects to try in COPR for October 2020 12:26:46 <jakfrost> +1 12:26:46 <gregbartholomew_> Hmm, I wonder if we will need to change that title? 12:27:08 <jakfrost> not if we publish friday 12:27:27 <jakfrost> or today? 12:27:46 <gregbartholomew_> Well, the "What's new in Fedora" article is supposed to go up today. 12:28:18 <jakfrost> oh 12:28:25 <gregbartholomew_> And I was considering delaying the Copr article until Monday just to spread things out a bit. 12:28:33 <jakfrost> works for me 12:28:33 <gregbartholomew_> I don't know, what do you think? 12:29:33 * stickster back 12:29:49 <jakfrost> I'm okay with monday for the copr article 12:29:58 <jakfrost> stickster o/ 12:30:20 <gregbartholomew_> I guess we could do the Copr article on Friday and "bet" that /something/ will be ready for publication early next week? 12:30:56 <jakfrost> We should try to get the SB upgrade article out the same wekk as the release announcement IMO 12:30:56 <gregbartholomew_> stickster: we only have one article to edit/schedule. What should we do? 12:31:08 <gregbartholomew_> Oh yeah. 12:31:35 <gregbartholomew_> Again though, it isn't actually in the "ready for review column" yet. 12:31:58 <jakfrost> it is sort of a template announcement I think though 12:32:28 <bcotton> yeah, the silverblue article is essentially a copy/paste, I think 12:33:05 <stickster> I'd recommend getting the workstation article out soonest. Anything else could wait 12:33:13 <gregbartholomew_> Well, do either of you -- jakfrost or bcotton -- want to volunteer to edit/image the not-yet-existent SB article? 12:33:26 <bcotton> i'll takeit 12:33:31 <gregbartholomew_> stickster: yeah, I'll get that out today. 12:33:35 <jakfrost> bcotton++ 12:33:35 <zodbot> jakfrost: Karma for bcotton changed to 5 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:33:39 <gregbartholomew_> bcotton++ 12:34:06 <gregbartholomew_> #action bcotton to edit/image SB article. 12:34:31 <gregbartholomew_> Well, I guess it is long past time to move on to scheduling. 12:34:43 <gregbartholomew_> #topic 5/ Publishing schedule 12:34:43 <gregbartholomew_> #info Looking at the 'queued' and 'to edit' columns, decide the publishing schedule for the next week period. 12:34:43 <gregbartholomew_> #info If there is not enough content, we might also need to look at the 'in progress' or even the 'article spec' columns come up with additional content. 12:34:43 <gregbartholomew_> #link Board: https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/asamalik-fedora-magazine/kanban 12:35:07 <gregbartholomew_> OK, so I have jakfrost down for Copr and bcotton down for SB. 12:35:18 <jakfrost> +1 12:35:31 <gregbartholomew_> jakfrost -- yours will be on Monday 12:35:42 <jakfrost> +1 12:35:43 <gregbartholomew_> bcotton -- yours will be Friday? 12:36:02 <bcotton> friday might be tough unless the content comes in today 12:37:03 <bcotton> i'm AFK this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon 12:37:30 <bcotton> or it could get it out later in the day on friday. if we don't publish at 0800 UTC, the world doesn't come to an end :-) 12:37:39 <jakfrost> true 12:38:14 <gregbartholomew_> The release announcements will give us plenty of pageviews for this week regardless. 12:38:41 <gregbartholomew_> I'll put you down for Friday, but if it is delayed until the weekend, that is fine. 12:40:04 <gregbartholomew_> I wonder if these need to be in the right column for the python script to work? 12:40:08 <gregbartholomew_> About to find out ... 12:40:35 <jakfrost> boldly go 12:41:31 <jakfrost> well ... don't keep us in suspense! 12:42:33 <gregbartholomew_> #proposed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri 30 Oct 2020: #247 How to rebase to Fedora 33 on Silverblue (image: bcotton, edit: bcotton) -- Mon 02 Nov 2020: #246 COPR - Cool projects (image: DONE, edit: jakfrost) 12:42:42 <jakfrost> +1 12:42:56 <gregbartholomew_> Sorry, I noticed that I needed to add the "needs image" tag to the Silverblue article. 12:43:17 <bcotton> ack 12:43:30 <gregbartholomew_> Also, I didn't check that the image on the Copr article was done correctly, but I'm sure the editor will verify it. 12:43:39 <gregbartholomew_> OK then ... 12:43:57 <gregbartholomew_> #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri 30 Oct 2020: #247 How to rebase to Fedora 33 on Silverblue (image: bcotton, edit: bcotton) -- Mon 02 Nov 2020: #246 COPR - Cool projects (image: DONE, edit: jakfrost) 12:44:22 <gregbartholomew_> #topic 6/ Editor of the Week 12:44:54 <gregbartholomew_> I can do this again if others are busy. I have plenty of time. 12:45:06 * gregbartholomew_ could also use some practice 12:45:37 <gregbartholomew_> I'll take the silence as agreement. :) 12:46:17 <jakfrost> Don't want to make you carry the load continuously, after this go I can do it 12:46:20 <gregbartholomew_> #info gregbartholomew_ to be EOW for the week of November 1st. 12:46:27 <gregbartholomew_> Thanks jakfrost 12:47:00 <gregbartholomew_> #topic 7/ Open floor 12:47:10 <gregbartholomew_> Did I miss anything? 12:47:27 <jakfrost> I don't think so, good meeting, thanks 12:47:44 <jakfrost> I go nothing for the open floor, but others may 12:47:51 <stickster> It was pretty smoothly running, gregbartholomew_++ 12:48:18 <bcotton> o/ 12:48:18 * stickster checks to see if editors are on watch lists 12:48:44 <bcotton> i have this question over in #fedora-magazine: hey folks, do we want to highlight magazine tasks on the marketing schedule https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-34/f-34-marketing-tasks.html or do we want a separate magazine schedule? 12:48:45 <gregbartholomew_> I didn't get anything scheduled for Wednesday. If something is done between now and then, should I edit/schedule it for Wednesday morning? 12:48:56 <bcotton> what would make it easier for us to keep track of things? 12:49:13 <Southern_Gentlem> we are getting lots of questions how to switch f33 back to vim instead of nano in #fedora so that might make a good howto artilce 12:49:52 <gregbartholomew_> Thanks Southern_Gentlem. 12:49:58 <gregbartholomew_> I'll make a card for it. 12:50:24 <bcotton> Southern_Gentlem++ 12:50:24 <zodbot> bcotton: Karma for jbwillia changed to 3 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:50:39 <jakfrost> bcotton: I'm not sure, would this be something we add to our existing editor roles 12:51:21 <stickster> bcotton: I think it would make sense to put things like the required announcement articles in that schedule 12:51:30 <gregbartholomew_> Is there a way the #action items could automatically be added to that marketing schedule? 12:51:33 <bcotton> stickster: yes, i'm just asking where 12:51:43 <stickster> I think in the Marketing tasks makes sense. 12:51:57 <bcotton> gregbartholomew_: no, and that would be too detailed 12:52:01 <jakfrost> Okay that is making sense 12:52:20 <bcotton> jakfrost: sort of. it's basically a "how can we remind ourselves to make sure we have the workstation article ready at release?" 12:52:28 <stickster> yup 12:53:04 <jakfrost> It sounds like a good idea, maybe help with avoinding the 11th hour publish requests 12:54:09 <bcotton> so i'm hearing one vote in favor of putting it on marketing and none in favor of a separate magazine listing 12:54:42 <jakfrost> What would the separate listing be about? 12:54:54 <jakfrost> same but more detail? 12:55:25 <bcotton> same detail, just a page on it's own 12:55:47 <bcotton> like how releng has its own https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-34/f-34-releng-tasks.html 12:55:58 <bcotton> or web https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-34/f-34-web-tasks.html 12:56:09 * stickster runs off to prep for meeting 12:56:39 <gregbartholomew_> I think it is more of a senior editor thing, so I abstain from the vote :) 12:57:01 <jakfrost> okay, we should maybe be on our own in that respect 12:57:25 <jakfrost> We aren't just marketing 12:58:19 <gregbartholomew_> We are running short on time. I guess further discussion will have to take place in the #fedora-magazine channel. 12:58:41 <jakfrost> sure 12:58:53 <gregbartholomew_> Thanks everyone! 12:58:57 <gregbartholomew_> #endmeeting