16:01:37 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA Meeting 16:01:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 30 16:01:37 2020 UTC. 16:01:37 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:01:37 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 16:01:43 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 16:01:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 16:01:46 <lruzicka> .hello2 16:01:47 <adamw> #topic Roll call 16:01:47 <zodbot> lruzicka: lruzicka 'Lukáš Růžička' <lruzicka@redhat.com> 16:01:54 <bcotton> .hello2 16:01:56 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 16:01:59 <pwhalen> .hello2 16:02:00 <zodbot> pwhalen: pwhalen 'Paul Whalen' <pwhalen@redhat.com> 16:02:00 <Southern_Gentlem> .hello jbwillia 16:02:03 <zodbot> Southern_Gentlem: jbwillia 'Ben Williams' <vaioof@gmail.com> 16:02:27 <kparal> .hello2 16:02:28 <zodbot> kparal: kparal 'Kamil Páral' <kparal@redhat.com> 16:06:55 <adamw> how's everyone doing this morning 16:06:59 <adamw> now we're in the right room and all 16:07:18 <adamw> also, does anyone remember what the thing was I said I'd put on the agenda? was that you, kparal? 16:07:50 * cmurf is here, or maybe over there 16:10:09 <kparal> I have no idea :) 16:10:17 <adamw> well then, never mind :P 16:10:36 <kparal> but I will hold it against you if I remember and I care about it 16:10:43 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 16:10:52 <adamw> kparal: naturally 16:10:57 <adamw> you wouldn't believe all the things i'm holding against you 16:11:23 <adamw> #info there are no action items from last time 16:11:32 <adamw> anyone have anything not-action-item-y that we needed to follow up on? 16:11:48 <adamw> work on the blockerbugs feedback is moving along nicely 16:13:38 <kparal> yeah I still haven't read all ticket updates 16:13:53 <kparal> but some minor improvements were pushed already 16:14:11 <adamw> #info work on blockerbugs improvements is moving along nicely 16:14:27 <adamw> #topic Fedora 34 status and Changes 16:14:44 <adamw> #info we had about a week of no composes for various reasons 16:15:07 <adamw> #info we finally got a compose again a couple of days ago, I have not finished digging into the bugs that showed up in it yet, but it's in the "broadly OK but some broken stuff" category 16:15:26 <adamw> notable is that systemd seems to be segfaulting on shutdown and/or reboot sometimes, i need to get some more detail on that 16:16:10 <adamw> #info some Change proposals are ruffling feathers on devel@, the latest being a proposal to replace Pulseaudio and JACK by default with a new system called Pipewire which is intended to supersede both 16:16:50 <cmurf> is thre a way to capture journalctl output in openqa? 16:17:08 <lruzicka> Huh, I am very curious about this Pipewire change. 16:19:42 <adamw> cmur: sure, it does so for most failed tested 16:19:46 <adamw> ...sigh 16:19:53 <adamw> cmurf: sure, it does so for most failed tests 16:20:14 <adamw> it captures the whole of /var/log , including the systemd journal, which you can read with `journalctl --file (path/to/journal/file)` 16:20:30 <adamw> lruzicka: yes, so are lots of other people :) 16:20:57 <adamw> there's a feeling that it's possibly premature, mostly. i don't think anyone thinks it's not ultimately a good idea 16:21:23 <adamw> oh hey! this may actually be the thing i was thinking about for the agenda? anyhow. yeah, if we have anyone who is interested in sound stuff, one thing that could help is to come up with a better test plan for that Change 16:22:03 <adamw> #info the current test plan for the pipewire Change is thin: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/DefaultPipeWire#How_To_Test 16:22:20 <adamw> someone has beefed it up a *bit* after mailing list discussion, I think, but it's still pretty short 16:22:46 <adamw> it would help to come up with something better, ideally written into test cases so we could build one or more test days around them 16:23:07 <adamw> #info it would be good if we could beef that test plan up a bit, ideally using proper test cases so we can organize test days 16:23:12 <adamw> anyone interested in that? 16:23:40 <lruzicka> adamw, I have some recording stuff at home and use JACK to do it, so I could try 16:23:54 <lruzicka> adamw, sound recording is my hobby 16:25:44 <lruzicka> adamw, and I would be happy to work on that :) 16:27:13 <adamw> awesome, thanks a lot 16:27:26 <adamw> #action lruzicka to look into working up a better test plan for the pipewire change 16:27:34 <adamw> anything else on f34? 16:29:53 <adamw> #topic IRC vs. Matrix 16:30:07 <adamw> so i figured this might be an interesting one to kick around and leave in people's heads over the winter break 16:30:18 <copperi> ? 16:30:30 * kparal hopes to leave IRC in dust 16:30:50 <kparal> I asked some questions on the devel list thread today 16:30:58 <adamw> #info Matrix is an open source, open standard, federated chat system in the modern style - it presents more like something like Slack or Discord than IRC: https://matrix.org/ 16:31:26 <adamw> #info various Fedora groups are looking into moving to using it over IRC, including - recently - the Council 16:31:40 <adamw> #info we could consider doing the same in QA 16:32:12 <lruzicka> Is there a Fedora application for Matrix? 16:33:01 <adamw> the main benefits of this would be that it's easier to get started using it than IRC - there is a pretty good webapp called Element that you can just sign up with through your browser - and that everyone would get the benefit of features you need a proxy for with IRC, like eternal logs, multiple clients, messages when you're away etc 16:33:09 <adamw> lruz: good question, the answer is yes-ish 16:33:41 <copperi> software store has several ? 16:34:10 <adamw> #info there is a webapp client called Element which many folks use - https://app.element.io/ , there is a "desktop" version of Element which is mostly just a thin wrapper around a browser library, and there are some real "desktop" clients. Most are available as Flatpaks, one called quaternion is in the repos 16:34:11 <kparal> so what exactly happens if the QA group votes for going with Matrix? 16:34:15 <adamw> I'm using quaternion right now 16:34:36 <adamw> kpar: well, i think there'd need to be a proposal more fleshed-out than "IRC vs. Matrix?" as a meeting topic to vote on, first :) 16:35:07 <lruzicka> copperi, indeed, there are several apps in repository 16:35:14 <adamw> but i guess it'd just mean we'd make a native Matrix room the "official" sync discussion location rather than an IRC channel - that'd mostly involve updating wiki pages and meeting/test day templats and things 16:35:52 <lruzicka> quaternion, neochat, nheko 16:35:55 <adamw> i guess we'd also run the meetings in Matrix when possible, though that might depend on tooling, I believe zodbot isn't implemented on matrix yet 16:35:56 <kparal> so we wouldn't use the #fedora-qa IRC channel bridged through Matrix, but use a native room? 16:36:15 <adamw> kpar: yeah. the native room could still be bridged to the IRC channel 16:36:32 <adamw> but we'd consider the room primary not the IRC channel. the IRC channel would be for folks from that xkcd comic. :P 16:36:36 <adamw> at least, that's how i'd think of it, i think 16:36:44 <adamw> sigh, quaternion feature request: implied tab completions 16:36:58 <kparal> I'm still missing something. Can I already connect to #fedora-qa through Matrix? 16:37:14 <adamw> obligatory xkcd: https://xkcd.com/1782/ 16:37:19 <adamw> kpar: i was just about to get to that :D 16:38:40 <adamw> #info you can already access #fedora-qa on IRC through Element; there is a native Element room which is bridged to the IRC channel, the alias for it is #fedora-qa:matrix.org 16:39:22 <adamw> several other Fedora groups have native Element rooms bridged to their IRC channels, there are also generic matrix.org bridge channels for almost all freenode channels you can use to access other Fedora IRC channels from Element 16:39:24 <adamw> er 16:39:27 <adamw> Matrix, sigh 16:39:33 <adamw> i get the terms mixed up sometimes :D 16:39:37 <adamw> #undo 16:39:37 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by adamw at 16:38:40 : you can already access #fedora-qa on IRC through Element; there is a native Element room which is bridged to the IRC channel, the alias for it is #fedora-qa:matrix.org 16:39:53 <adamw> #info you can already access #fedora-qa on IRC through Matrix; there is a native Matrix room which is bridged to the IRC channel, the alias for it is #fedora-qa:matrix.org 16:40:33 <kparal> ok, so if we create a native room, it means we'll bridge it to #fedora-qa or some new irc channel that serves as the irc endpoint? 16:40:48 <kparal> because you just said the bridge to #fedora-qa already exists 16:40:52 <adamw> we already have one, bridged to #fedora-qa . that's where you're talking to me when you talk to me in #fedora-qa ATM :D 16:41:13 <adamw> if we made matrix "official" it'd mainly just mean pointing folks to that room rather than pointing them to #fedora-qa on IRC 16:41:26 <kparal> alright, so it's just a docs update 16:41:30 <adamw> mainly yeah 16:41:50 <kparal> and people can still use both irc and matrix as they feel fit 16:42:05 <adamw> of course, there'd be a tipping point where more folks were on matrix than IRC where native matrix features would start getting used more, like reactions and edits and stuff 16:42:08 <kparal> good for me, and let's do it today :) 16:42:10 <adamw> and i don't think all those make it through a bridge 16:42:26 <adamw> so there might come a point where you'd want to be on the matrix side unless you're that xkcd person :P 16:42:47 <copperi> within next 55 yrs :) 16:42:56 <kparal> I'm sure we have a few of them around 16:43:29 * kparal will create a matrix account 16:43:32 <adamw> the other thing is that as part of the Council proposal they're talking about having a Fedora 'homeserver' (which is the server end of matrix - the current Fedora QA room is on the matrix.org "homeserver" 16:43:49 <adamw> so if we get an official Fedora homeserver we'd obviously want the official matrix room to be there 16:43:55 <kparal> can the room be moved? 16:44:06 <adamw> i was just about to say I dunno :) 16:44:14 <kparal> ok 16:44:40 <adamw> i mean, it's an open protocol so presumably even if the answer is "no" you could *make* it possible to clone a room to another homeserver 16:44:46 <adamw> no idea how technically difficult it'd be 16:44:48 <lruzicka> we might create a "temporary fedora qa" and then another one "final" on the Fedora homeserver 16:44:58 <adamw> i will look into it 16:45:14 <adamw> #action adamw to look into details of matrix hosting, like can rooms be moved across homeservers 16:45:32 * kparal is hyped on ditching the irc setup 16:45:46 <adamw> is there anyone here who's relatively new to fedora QA? if so, what do you think of the idea? was IRC any kind of barrier to joining for you? 16:45:52 * adamw brb 16:46:22 <kparal> I'd say that anyone for whom it was a barrier is not present :D 16:46:51 <copperi> new to QA, but very long time IRC user (previous century ...) 16:47:13 <Southern_Gentlem> initial barrier i think are about the same in either case 16:47:48 <Southern_Gentlem> we will see when people start spambots for matrix 16:48:26 <adamw> heh 16:49:00 <adamw> kparal: I've been using it for about a week and honestly purely using it for bridged IRC channels as a replacement for a tuned IRC proxy it's not quite as good, but it's good *enough* that i'm sticking with it 16:50:17 <adamw> but i think it'd be a big improvement overall for everyone if it mostly superseded IRC. it's silly expecting people to learn a lot about IRC and run or get access to a proxy to have a reasonable experience 16:50:33 <adamw> also it is nice not having to maintain and run the damn proxy any more :P 16:50:41 <kparal> +1 to that 16:52:13 <adamw> ok, so i just wanted to kick this around for now and see if anyone already had deep and considered thoughts on it 16:52:46 <adamw> sounds like initial response is vaguely "sure sounds interesting" so i guess i'll look into some details and come up with a more specific proposal next year 16:53:05 <adamw> #action adamw to look into more details around Matrix and make a more specific proposal if it still seems like a good idea in the new year 16:53:09 <lruzicka> adamw, beginning of next year? 16:54:13 <adamw> hopefully! 16:54:24 <adamw> #info it seems sumantro isn't around, so we'll skip the next topic 16:54:26 <adamw> #topic Open floor 16:54:33 <adamw> any other business, folks? 16:54:40 <sumantro> I was on PTO for a long time...we didnt have any movement on the test days. 16:54:46 <Southern_Gentlem> of course all the old farts will do it (kicking and screaming all the way) 16:54:46 <sumantro> adamw, I am here :D 16:55:05 <adamw> ah sorry! 16:55:14 <adamw> i looked back at the startup process and didn't see you check in 16:55:20 <adamw> circling back 16:55:29 <adamw> #topic Test Day / community event status 16:55:34 <adamw> so, what's the word, sumantro? 16:56:23 <sumantro> Nothing much, there wasnt at all any movement on test days , But I am hopful to set up an onboarding call mid december 16:56:29 <sumantro> before 15th that is 16:56:43 <sumantro> and *maybe* a virtualization test day too 16:57:52 <sumantro> I was on long PTOs and just came back today 16:58:15 <adamw> no problem 16:58:39 <adamw> #info we don't have much going on with events right now, sumantro just came back from time off 16:58:55 <adamw> still a couple of months till 34 branches, so plenty of time to set things up 16:59:23 <adamw> #info there may be an onboarding call mid-december 16:59:28 <adamw> #topic Open floor 17:00:31 <adamw> welp, that's time 17:00:34 <adamw> see everyone in the new year :D 17:00:47 <kparal> 🎆️ 17:00:50 <adamw> thanks for coming, everybody! happy socially distanced holidays 17:00:58 <kparal> :-) 17:01:30 <cmurf> :) 17:02:46 <adamw> #endmeeting