16:00:10 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA Meeting 16:00:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 4 16:00:10 2021 UTC. 16:00:10 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:00:10 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 16:00:22 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 16:00:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 16:00:29 <adamw> #topic Roll call 16:00:31 <copperi> x 16:01:00 <adamw> happy new year everyone! who's around for qa meeting fun? 16:01:11 <adamw> i bet you've been counting down the days 16:01:18 <geraldosimiao> happy new year. I'm here :) 16:01:29 <lruzicka> .hello2 16:01:30 <zodbot> lruzicka: lruzicka 'Lukáš Růžička' <lruzicka@redhat.com> 16:01:45 * coremodule is... where am I? This place feels vaguely familiar, but I can't recall why... 16:02:01 <tflink> morning 16:02:05 <adamw> you have been sent on a mission to fix all the bugs 16:02:10 <adamw> you cannot rest until the bugs are fixed 16:02:19 <bcotton> .hello2 16:02:19 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 16:02:22 <frantisekz> .hello2 16:02:23 <zodbot> frantisekz: frantisekz 'František Zatloukal' <fzatlouk@redhat.com> 16:02:33 <tflink> so ... no sleep ever again? 16:02:39 <adamw> thus begins the most boring fantasy novel ever 16:02:54 <geraldosimiao> .hello2 16:02:55 <zodbot> geraldosimiao: geraldosimiao 'None' <geraldo.simiao.kutz@gmail.com> 16:03:43 <cmurf> .hello 16:03:43 <zodbot> cmurf: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 16:03:52 <coremodule> "And so they worked, tirelessly, fixing all the bugs, until their descent into senescence was complete and they laid down to sleep, never waking, but having made some semblance of an impact on this now bug-free world." 16:03:57 <cmurf> .hello2 16:03:59 <zodbot> cmurf: Sorry, but you don't exist 16:04:05 <adamw> basically that! 16:04:15 <cmurf> umm i haz cmurf as alias in fas bot! 16:04:23 <scorreia> .hello2 16:04:24 <zodbot> scorreia: scorreia 'Sergio Correia' <scorreia@redhat.com> 16:04:24 <adamw> hope everyone had a good winter solstice 16:04:24 <bcotton> "No Sleep Till Bugfix" is my favorite Beastie Boys song 16:04:36 <coremodule> lol 16:05:15 <geraldosimiao> I'm in Brazil, here is summer now... :D 16:05:37 <cmurf> .hello chrismurphy 16:05:38 <zodbot> cmurf: chrismurphy 'Chris Murphy' <bugzilla@colorremedies.com> 16:06:31 * sumantrom is here! 16:06:39 <adamw> ...fine, region-specific solstice 16:06:54 <geraldosimiao> ;D 16:07:06 <sumantrom> .hello2 16:07:07 <zodbot> sumantrom: sumantrom 'Sumantro Mukherjee' <sumukher@redhat.com> 16:07:12 * defolos is lurking in the shadows 16:07:17 <adamw> alrighty 16:07:18 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 16:07:18 <adamw> hey sumantro! 16:07:29 <sumantrom> adamw, hey! :) 16:08:13 <adamw> "lruzicka to look into working up a better test plan for the pipewire change" - lruzicka, how's that coming? 16:08:29 <adamw> if you remember :P 16:08:52 <lruzicka> adamw, I have just installed the Rawhide today and started to look around, realized that pipewire is not being used by default, is that on purpose? 16:09:20 <lruzicka> however, I would like to spend several days playing around and testing it 16:09:42 <lruzicka> have not done anything in this yet, cause I was doing different agenda before holiday 16:10:01 <lruzicka> so this is proprity number 1 for the upcoming days 16:10:06 <lruzicka> priority 16:10:38 <frantisekz> Lukas, I think it's on purpose that pipewire isn't the default just yet 16:10:57 <frantisekz> if you look into change proposal, I think it should become default later in the F34 cycle 16:11:10 <adamw> not sure 16:11:28 <lruzicka> frantisekz, no problem for me, I can install it, but I expected a default usage as far as from now on 16:11:32 <adamw> 'dnf --allowerasing install pipewire-pulseaudio' is the way to install it for now, iirc 16:11:52 <lruzicka> ok 16:12:58 <adamw> the bug is in state ASSIGNED, so that would track with "they haven't actually made the change yet" 16:13:19 <frantisekz> also, that should work on F33, if somebody wanted to give it a shot 16:13:44 <lruzicka> frantisekz, I will give it a show after I have seen it works on rawhide 16:16:30 <adamw> so...the test plan? :) 16:16:58 <lruzicka> adamw, not yet ready, will work on it from now on 16:17:32 <lruzicka> adamw, let's say I will try to finish it in a week or two 16:17:41 <adamw> well, moving on 16:18:21 <adamw> the next two are kinda the same, so i'll just take the second 16:18:41 <adamw> #info "adamw to look into more details around Matrix and make a more specific proposal if it still seems like a good idea in the new year" - I didn't get roundtuits for this yet, but as it's been announced that we're getting an official Fedora homeserver it definitely does still seem like a good idea, so I'll get on with this soon 16:19:26 <adamw> #topic Fedora 34 status and Changes 16:22:29 <adamw> #info Rawhide is mostly working, note the Firefox/nss/system certificate policy issue which prevents add-ons working unless you tweak the cert policy: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1908018 16:22:31 <adamw> i'm not aware of any huge bear traps other than that, anyone else have notes? 16:24:59 <frantisekz> probably just that more traps are coming as we're still pretty early in the cycle :) 16:25:35 <adamw> well yes, this is usually the case :) 16:26:02 <adamw> as for Changes, some more interesting ones showed up over the break 16:26:50 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Ignore_Anaconda_kernel_boot_parameters_without_inst_prefix would be worth noting for testers - if you're not already used to using "inst.ks=foobar" instead of "ks=foobar" and so on, get used to it :) 16:27:47 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/EnableSystemdOomd is one we should keep an eye on just in case it has unintended consequences... 16:28:32 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/RPMCoW would be a pretty major change to how DNF/RPM operate and we'd definitely need to test it and watch out for issues 16:28:54 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/BtrfsTransparentCompression shouldn't be a problem if it's as transparent as claimed, but again look out for new issues on btrfs installs 16:29:34 <adamw> and https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/UnifyGrubConfig would definitely need some testing across various boot configs and platforms, especially if there's an upgrade mechanism 16:32:00 <adamw> is it quiet in here or is matrix lagging or something? :D 16:32:18 <tflink> it's quiet 16:32:28 <bcotton> por que no los dos? 16:32:48 <adamw> welp then 16:33:29 <adamw> anyone have notes on any of those changes? or want to volunteer to make awesome test plans and things? :) 16:33:59 <sumantrom> adamw 16:34:07 <sumantrom> I will volunteer for test plan 16:34:21 <sumantrom> and even will be turning them in test day topics as we go ahead 16:34:35 <adamw> yeah, test days for some would be good 16:34:52 <adamw> probably rpmcow and the grub config thing 16:35:11 <sumantrom> yes! 16:35:33 <sumantrom> if there's something on BTRFS it will be good too 16:35:46 <adamw> cmurf and neal could probably help with grub stuff 16:36:25 <adamw> #action sumantrom to look at putting together test plans and test days for major Changes 16:37:03 <lruzicka> except the pipewire, right? 16:37:31 <sumantrom> lruzicka, pipewire is all yours :D 16:38:09 <lruzicka> sumantrom, thanks 16:39:48 <adamw> alrighty 16:39:54 <adamw> any other thoughts on f34 stuff? 16:40:59 <geraldosimiao> that suggestion Mathew made, about discard the "test media" on live cd, wil be adopted? 16:41:38 * bcotton joins the queue adamw 16:42:47 <adamw> geraldosimiao: I don't think it's decided yet, but i think the idea at least got tweaked to "just make it not default any more" 16:42:58 <adamw> Ben Cotton: what queue is this 16:43:29 <bcotton> adamw: the queue of people who have f34 thoughts to add 16:43:51 <adamw> then add away 16:44:13 <bcotton> so the FCOS promotion change is getting mixed reviews from FESCo 16:44:15 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2516 16:44:20 <geraldosimiao> adamw you're right, it changed to not make it as default. :) 16:45:06 <adamw> aha, yes 16:45:15 <adamw> thanks for the reminder 16:45:15 <bcotton> the proposal itself has been updated to address some of the concerns raised by adamw and others on the devel list, but it's still a big paradigm change for the royal us 16:45:15 <bcotton> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/FedoraCoreOS 16:45:22 <cmurf> we might want to do compression related benchmarking for a test day 16:45:56 <adamw> yeah, that seems like a good idea 16:46:01 <adamw> can you work with sumantro on that? 16:46:04 <sumantrom> cmurf, I m game! 16:46:05 <cmurf> see if there's something out of the ordinary for Fedora users - the FB folks use compress=zstd:1 across the board for everything but they have faster cpus relative to the SSD performance 16:48:47 <adamw> #info Fedora CoreOS edition promotion is under heavy discussion by FESCo - https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2516 16:50:28 <adamw> alrighty, so that's the state of play for f34...moving along 16:51:02 <adamw> #topic Matrix, redux 16:52:15 <adamw> so yeah we kinda covered this earlier, but - mattdm announced on devel@ that we'll be getting a Fedora matrix homeserver at least on a trial basis - https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/52Y3STF567JJ7KU4DT76X4NJGYGUMIX7/ 16:52:16 <adamw> it'll be provided by element as SaaS 16:52:38 <adamw> so i'm definitely planning to work up a proposal to have an Official qa room on the server, bridged to the IRC channel 16:53:52 * cmurf is curious how the bridging works, is this someting each channel requests? 16:54:34 <adamw> there's a couple of ways it can be done, but yeah i think in this case we'd do it in a sort of bespoke way 16:55:48 <adamw> on the element homeserver we have some rooms that are 'real' matrix rooms and are individually bridged to freenode irc channels - the "Fedora QA (Quality Assurance)" room is like that - and there are also automatically-generated bridged rooms for most freenode channels (the #fedora-meeting room is like that) 16:57:39 <adamw> #topic Test Day / community event status 16:57:40 <adamw> sumantro, any news here? 16:58:15 <sumantrom> Kernel 5.10 Test week is going 16:58:29 <sumantrom> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2021-01-04_Kernel_5.10_Test_Week 16:58:49 <adamw> indeed, everyone join in :) 16:59:07 <sumantrom> Things are running great, thanks to jforbes for the image on time and all testers participating 16:59:39 <sumantrom> frantisekz, revamped the testdays app and it looks fantastic now 16:59:43 <sumantrom> frantisekz++ 16:59:43 <zodbot> sumantrom: Karma for frantisekz changed to 4 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:00:08 <adamw> #info kernel 5.10 test week is running as we speak, please join in and help if you didn't already 17:00:09 <cmurf> URL for the testday app? 17:00:14 <adamw> frantisekz++ 17:00:14 <zodbot> adamw: Karma for frantisekz changed to 5 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:00:24 <frantisekz> :) hope it'll continue to work just fine, also, kudos to Fedora infra team and @pingou for help with bringing it up to infra OpenShift 17:00:27 <cmurf> frantisekz++ 17:00:29 <sumantrom> cmurf https://testdays.fedoraproject.org/events/99 17:00:38 <adamw> https://testdays.fedoraproject.org/events\ 17:00:45 <geraldosimiao> I already tested on my baremetal installation and on a VM. 17:00:46 <adamw> * https://testdays.fedoraproject.org/events 17:00:49 <cmurf> oh so i can't give karma now either? or did i do it already? 17:01:13 <adamw> if the bot doesn't respond it usually means you did it already, yeah 17:01:23 <adamw> or it might be because you're not authed or something? not sure 17:01:33 <adamw> #topic Open floor 17:01:43 <adamw> we're over time, but does anyone have anything urgent? 17:02:38 <geraldosimiao> no nothing urgent 17:03:15 <adamw> cool, well happy new solar year again everyone :D 17:03:26 <adamw> thanks for coming! 17:03:27 <sumantrom> adamw :D 17:03:31 <geraldosimiao> :D 17:03:55 <cmurf> happy new solar year LOL 17:04:00 <cmurf> happy festivus 17:04:16 <coremodule> thanks, as always, for hosting adamw 17:04:52 <lruzicka> thank you and have a good time 17:04:59 <frantisekz> thanks for leading the meeting adamw :) 17:05:08 <adamw> #endmeeting