14:00:39 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora IoT Working Group Meeting
14:00:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 13 14:00:39 2021 UTC.
14:00:39 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
14:00:39 <zodbot> The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:00:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
14:00:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_iot_working_group_meeting'
14:00:39 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson bcotton tdawson puiterwijk coremodule
14:00:39 <pwhalen> #topic roll call
14:00:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton coremodule pbrobinson puiterwijk pwhalen tdawson
14:00:51 <bcotton> .hello2
14:00:52 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com>
14:01:14 <coremodule> .hello2
14:01:15 <zodbot> coremodule: coremodule 'Geoffrey Marr' <gmarr@redhat.com>
14:01:51 * pbrobinson is here
14:02:56 * tdawson is here.
14:03:22 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Working Group process and admin  ====
14:03:23 <pwhalen> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/iot/
14:03:31 <pbrobinson> nothing of real note here
14:04:01 <pbrobinson> I updated the Fedora IoT git repos in pagure from master -> main branch naming
14:04:23 <pbrobinson> I have on my list to go through the docs
14:05:00 <pwhalen> right, we should all read them over to look for things that need updating
14:05:55 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Fedora 33 status ====
14:06:25 <pwhalen> Any new issues in F33?
14:07:35 <pwhalen> #info No new issues reported.
14:09:22 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== Fedora 34 (Rawhide) status ====
14:10:44 <pwhalen> rawhide composes have been failing on the disk image for armhfp
14:12:00 <pwhalen> The latest - 5.11 rc3 gives me no output on the console, 5.11 rc2 I did get a kernel panic as it failed to find the rootfs
14:13:14 <pbrobinson> on f33 we'll have a compose with 5.10 this week
14:13:43 <pwhalen> cool, should be no issues there
14:14:01 <pwhalen> armhfp boot issues seem to happen every new gcc release
14:16:42 <pwhalen> #info F34 composes failing due to boot issues on armhfp with 5.11 kernels.
14:18:09 <pbrobinson> yes, there looks to be a number of issues around gcc 11 in general
14:18:29 <pbrobinson> I'm going to circle to the armv7 boot issues when I get some time later in the week
14:18:51 <pwhalen> would it be worthwhile to make armhfp disk image failable again until we get it fixed?
14:19:18 <pbrobinson> it's on my list to look at
14:19:25 <pwhalen> ok. thanks.
14:20:01 <pwhalen> Anything else to discuss for F34?
14:21:52 <pwhalen> #topic 4) ==== Open Floor ====
14:22:29 <bcotton> i don't know if any of y'all pay attention to Discussion, but this topic came up a few hours ago: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-iot-related-query/25986
14:23:38 <pwhalen> Seems a few people are trying to get their hardware working
14:24:28 * pbrobinson looks
14:25:46 <pbrobinson> we've been working with a partner around engagement with IoT, it seems that may be a related post, it's a learning process for them
14:28:25 <pwhalen> Anything else for open floor?
14:30:07 <pwhalen> #endmeeting