15:00:20 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora IoT Working Group Meeting 15:00:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 21 15:00:20 2021 UTC. 15:00:20 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:20 <zodbot> The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_iot_working_group_meeting' 15:00:20 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson bcotton tdawson puiterwijk coremodule 15:00:20 <pwhalen> #topic roll call 15:00:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton coremodule pbrobinson puiterwijk pwhalen tdawson 15:00:38 <pwhalen> Good mornign folks, who's here today? 15:00:41 * coremodule is here 15:00:51 * bcotton is here 15:02:22 <pwhalen> ok, lets get started. 15:02:31 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Working Group process and admin ==== 15:02:31 <pwhalen> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/iot/ 15:02:47 <pwhalen> Anything for admin this week? 15:03:52 <pwhalen> We'll likely need to go over the docs, I haven't had time to look at all. Anyone else? 15:04:17 <coremodule> pwhalen, any doc you specifically have in mind? 15:04:47 <pwhalen> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/iot/ 15:04:54 * pbrobinson o/ 15:04:58 <pbrobinson> sorry I'm late 15:05:05 <pbrobinson> had my head in bisects 15:05:17 <pbrobinson> we need to do some updates on the docs 15:05:28 <coremodule> this page? 15:05:31 <pwhalen> right, I figured. 15:05:32 <pbrobinson> I would appreciate if someone could take the lead to review those 15:06:28 <pwhalen> I can take a look, but likely wont be until after release or sign off anyways 15:07:16 <pwhalen> anything else for admin? 15:07:35 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Fedora 33 status ==== 15:07:50 <pwhalen> #info Latest - Fedora-IoT-33-20210420.0 15:07:50 <pwhalen> #link https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/tests/overview?distri=fedora&version=33&build=Fedora-IoT-33-20210420.0&groupid=1&groupid=5 15:08:13 <pwhalen> looks ok there, anyone have any issues not reported? 15:09:05 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== Fedora 34 status ==== 15:09:23 <pwhalen> #info Fedora-IoT-34-20210421.0 15:09:23 <pwhalen> #link https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/tests/overview?distri=fedora&version=34&build=Fedora-IoT-34-20210421.0.0&groupid=1&groupid=5 15:09:40 <coremodule> had a test week last week on F34, for the most part, everything tested well 15:09:41 <coremodule> https://testdays.fedoraproject.org/events/110 15:09:57 <pwhalen> #undo 15:09:57 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7f25b3505a10> 15:10:14 <coremodule> almost everything tested was with a virtual machine 15:10:26 <pwhalen> coremodule any bugs reported? I havent had a chance to look 15:10:45 <pwhalen> #link https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/tests/overview?distri=fedora&version=34&build=Fedora-IoT-34-20210421.0&groupid=1&groupid=5 15:11:02 <pwhalen> As of today we have some new failures for F34 15:11:11 <coremodule> there were two, .bug 1949823 and .bug 1949825 15:11:55 <coremodule> one of them was on downgrading from F34 to F33, so not a typical use case 15:12:19 <coremodule> sorry, rebasing to f33 stable from f34 15:12:45 <pwhalen> which we test in openqa 15:13:00 <pwhalen> https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/tests/864430 15:13:06 <pwhalen> that worked ok as of today. 15:13:19 <coremodule> cool. I wonder if Lili was doing something wrong. lgtm 15:13:56 <pwhalen> coremodule: did you try by chance? 15:14:31 <coremodule> no. not personally. I can though if it'd help. have a machine spun up right now. ill post in-bug 15:14:40 <coremodule> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1949825 15:16:36 <pwhalen> the other device-not-known one has been around for a while, it does work but sometimes not right at boot. 15:16:55 <coremodule> thats what i thought for that one 15:17:10 <pwhalen> I think we might have an open issue for it, 15:17:34 <pwhalen> I've been testing upgrade from stable -> devel, those have been working ok on all three arches 15:19:32 <pwhalen> but now fail today 15:20:07 <pwhalen> pbrobinson you mentioned a change today? Are we able to roll that back? 15:23:17 <pwhalen> #topic 4) ==== Fedora 35 (Rawhide) status ==== 15:23:30 <pwhalen> #link https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/tests/overview?distri=fedora&version=35&build=Fedora-IoT-35-20210411.0&groupid=1&groupid=5 15:23:50 <pwhalen> Rawhide is still busted, I havent had a chance to look at that either. 15:26:25 <pwhalen> #topic 5) ==== Open Floor ==== 15:26:31 <pwhalen> Anythign else for today? 15:27:58 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: I will investigate it to make sure it's not an impact, from the failure I don't believe it is, but I will check 15:29:18 <pwhalen> ok, thanks. 15:29:24 <pwhalen> #endmeeting