16:00:03 <sgallagh[m]> #startmeeting Fedora ELN SIG (2021-06-18) 16:00:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 18 16:00:03 2021 UTC. 16:00:03 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:00:03 <zodbot> The chair is sgallagh[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_eln_sig_(2021-06-18)' 16:00:03 <sgallagh[m]> #meetingname eln 16:00:03 <sgallagh[m]> #chair sgallagh dcavalca 16:00:03 <sgallagh[m]> #topic init process 16:00:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'eln' 16:00:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: dcavalca sgallagh sgallagh[m] 16:00:25 <tdawson> .hi 16:00:26 <zodbot> tdawson: tdawson 'None' <tdawson@redhat.com> 16:00:29 <sgallagh[m]> #chair tdawson 16:00:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: dcavalca sgallagh sgallagh[m] tdawson 16:00:36 <cyberpear> .hi 16:00:37 <zodbot> cyberpear: cyberpear 'James Cassell' <fedoraproject@cyberpear.com> 16:00:46 <sgallagh[m]> * #chair tdawson 16:00:52 <jforbes> .hello2 16:00:53 <zodbot> jforbes: jforbes 'Justin M. Forbes' <jforbes@redhat.com> 16:01:02 <sgallagh[m]> .hello sgallagh 16:01:03 <zodbot> sgallagh[m]: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 16:02:20 <sgallagh[m]> I'll give folks another minute to join, then we will get started 16:03:15 <sgallagh[m]> #topic Broken ELN Composes 16:03:39 <sgallagh[m]> I have good news on this front! 16:04:29 <sgallagh[m]> Yesterday, we managed to get a compose together that `FINISHED_INCOMPLETE` 16:04:45 <tdawson> Ya!! 16:04:51 <sgallagh[m]> Today, I finally got us back to `FINISHED` (meaning all install, container and VM images also built successfully) 16:05:01 <tdawson> Double Ya!! 16:05:36 <sgallagh[m]> tdawson: You mentioned in a previous meeting that you have some tooling to monitor for failed composes, IIRC. 16:06:04 <tdawson> Yes. I have the script up in the eln script directory - https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln/blob/master/scripts/eln-compose-status.py 16:06:33 <tdawson> I have set it up to run when the eln-periodic runs (once and hour) ... but I'm having problems getting it to show up. 16:06:48 <tdawson> I've got the output listed in artifacts, but not all the artifacts are showing up. 16:06:59 <sgallagh[m]> Define "getting it to show up", please? 16:07:23 <tdawson> Have it viewable outside of the jenkins private area. 16:07:52 <sgallagh[m]> Can you configure it to at least send an email to a mailing list when it fails? 16:08:13 <tdawson> It's supposed to show up here - https://osci-jenkins-1.ci.fedoraproject.org/job/eln-periodic/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/ 16:08:42 <tdawson> I don't know the mailling configuration of jenkins, but I have give it a try. 16:09:37 <tdawson> Which mailling list do you want it to go to? 16:09:38 <sgallagh[m]> Some sort of a notification would be helpful in avoiding this situation in the future. 16:10:21 <sgallagh[m]> Good question... 16:10:43 <sgallagh[m]> We generally use devel@ with an [ELN] tag in the subject line for other things, so probably okay to do the same there. 16:11:00 <sgallagh[m]> As long as we only send it the first time it fails and not every hour. 16:11:26 <tdawson> Hmm ... ya ... that's going to be the hard part 16:11:31 <sgallagh[m]> If it would be otherwise, just use my email for the time being and I'll look into getting another list created. 16:11:39 <jforbes> Probably, though compose check reports also tend to go to fedora-test 16:12:14 <sgallagh[m]> jforbes: Fedora QA isn't really responsible for ELN composes though. 16:12:38 <jforbes> Right, was just thinking about where I typically look for such issues 16:13:43 <tdawson> For starters, I'll just send it to me and sgallagh[m] ... at least until I get it down to once per compose. Then we can decide where to send it. 16:13:59 <sgallagh[m]> Thanks, tdawson 16:14:59 <sgallagh[m]> OK, that's all I have on this topic. 16:15:01 * nirik suspects it could be hooked up to compose tracker too. 16:15:11 <sgallagh[m]> And, frankly, that's the only topic I had for today. 16:15:14 <sgallagh[m]> #topic Open Floor 16:15:26 <tdawson> nirik What, and where is compose tracker? 16:15:26 <sgallagh[m]> Does anyone else have something to discuss? 16:15:54 <cyberpear> do we have container images? 16:16:02 <nirik> tdawson: it's a small openshift app that listens for messages and makes tickets on https://pagure.io/releng/failed-composes/ 16:16:07 <sgallagh[m]> bookwar wasn't able to make any progress on the side-tag work these last couple weeks due to fighting other fires, so there's nothing to report there. 16:16:17 <sgallagh[m]> cyberpear: quay.io/fedoraci/fedora:eln-x86_64 16:16:30 <cyberpear> 🎉 16:16:31 <jforbes> Just a brief update on the AWS images, someone has volunteered to look at adapting the rawhide scripts to do eln, so it is moving now at least 16:16:42 <cyberpear> do the RH UBI images inherit from those eventually? 16:17:05 <sgallagh[m]> cyberpear: In a couple years, sure :) 16:17:19 <sgallagh[m]> ELN is tracking towards EL 10 at this point. 16:17:25 <cyberpear> understood 16:17:52 <sgallagh[m]> #info AWS images are in the works for ELN 16:19:00 <sgallagh[m]> Anyone have another topic to discuss? 16:19:41 <tdawson> Nothing from me. 16:21:18 <jforbes> nothing here 16:22:00 <sgallagh[m]> Alright, then I guess we'll call it a short meeting this time. 16:22:02 <sgallagh[m]> Thanks for coming, folks! 16:22:27 <sgallagh[m]> #endmeeting