20:01:39 <ssmoogen> #startmeeting EPEL (2021-09-01) 20:01:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 1 20:01:39 2021 UTC. 20:01:39 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 20:01:39 <zodbot> The chair is ssmoogen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:01:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel_(2021-09-01)' 20:01:40 <tdawson> #meetingname epel 20:01:40 <tdawson> #chair nirik tdawson bstinson pgreco carlwgeorge michel dcavalca 20:01:40 <tdawson> #topic aloha 20:01:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 20:01:42 <zodbot> tdawson: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. 20:01:59 <ssmoogen> #chair nirik tdawson bstinson pgreco carlwgeorge michel dcavalca 20:01:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: bstinson carlwgeorge dcavalca michel nirik pgreco ssmoogen tdawson 20:02:16 <ssmoogen> sorry I meant that as a 'you forgot but it came out as starting the meetring' 20:02:26 <dcavalca> .hi 20:02:27 <ssmoogen> #meetingname epel 20:02:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 20:02:27 <zodbot> dcavalca: dcavalca 'Davide Cavalca' <dcavalca@fb.com> 20:02:33 <ssmoogen> #topic aloha 20:02:57 <ssmoogen> ok now I am going to shut up and let tdawson talk 20:03:02 <tdawson> Ha! 20:03:16 <tdawson> No, it was my fault, I missed the # at the beginning of my startmeeting 20:03:34 <pgreco> do we need to say hello again? :P 20:03:49 <ssmoogen> if you want to 20:03:58 <rsc> .oO( IRC replay? ) 20:04:00 <nirik> hello. ;) 20:04:05 <tdawson> Well, dcavalca came in the middle, so I'm going to say hi to him 20:04:11 <dcavalca> hi tdawson 20:04:12 <tdawson> Hi dcavalca 20:05:29 <tdawson> OK, I think we're all settled, and it looks like eveyone is here ... 20:05:37 <tdawson> #topic Old Business 20:05:45 <tdawson> Let's start with epel-next 20:05:57 <tdawson> carlwgeorge: nirik: Any progress this past week? 20:06:08 <carlwgeorge> unfortunately no 20:06:32 <ssmoogen> what is needed? 20:06:38 <tdawson> bummer 20:06:44 <carlwgeorge> time 20:07:07 <ssmoogen> ah round-tuits 20:07:09 <carlwgeorge> i need to sit down with kevin (or anyone with admin in prod koji) to do the tag setup 20:07:20 <nirik> yeah, we will get there, just needs time. 20:07:37 <tdawson> #zotbot give nirik and carlwgeorge more time 20:07:37 <carlwgeorge> also whoever knows how to set up a new gpg key 20:08:28 <nirik> carlwgeorge: I can do that. it's easy. 20:08:49 <carlwgeorge> i'll try to schedule something this week or next for us 20:09:03 <ssmoogen> nirik, you just put the words gpg and easy in the same sentence 20:09:06 <nirik> this week is rapidly going away, but next might work well. 20:09:19 <nirik> ssmoogen: I just farm it out to sigul. ;) 20:09:50 <tdawson> :) 20:10:18 <tdawson> Anything else that needs to come up here regarding -next ? 20:11:11 <tdawson> Moving on to documentation 20:11:18 <tdawson> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/epel/ 20:11:46 <tdawson> I got all the links fixed (I think). Let me know, or do a pull request if you find any bad/broken links. 20:11:52 <dcavalca> we should get the link to the EPEL wiki on https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/package-maintainers/ to point to that 20:12:19 <tdawson> Yep, that is the next step. I was going to go through all the wiki pages and link them to the appropriate docs page. 20:12:39 <nirik> many thanks for working on this. docs is often thankless. ;( 20:13:03 <tdawson> Your very welcome. 20:13:54 <tdawson> I'm also working on getting it linked in the Fedora docs page(s), it will at least go in the Engineering page, but maybe one of the front pages. Turns out that the documentation committee has dwindled to be just Petr. 20:14:19 <tdawson> So I'll get contacting him this week about that. (I just found out right before this meeting) 20:14:44 <nirik> yeah, docs is very understaffed right now. ;( 20:15:40 <tdawson> Yep. It is definitely under-appreciated, and understaffed, and yet it makes alot of difference. 20:16:17 <tdawson> So, that's the plan for this next week. link the wiki pages over, and get linked in the main Fedora docs. 20:17:13 <tdawson> Moving on to badges, logo and mascott. Has anyone heard anything this past week? 20:18:11 <tdawson> I'll assume nothing happened. Moving on to "bugzilla's for RHEL packages replacing EPEL packages" 20:18:50 <tdawson> It is almost implemented ... although we won't know for sure how well it does until we have a package actually trigger it. 20:19:26 <tdawson> I did ask them to have it block a tracker, and they liked the idea, but were already too far along in their testing to implement it. 20:19:52 <tdawson> So adding it to the tracker has been put on a future feature request. 20:20:19 <tdawson> But since the bugs should be standard, it should be fairly easy to do bugzilla searches to find them all. 20:20:35 <nirik> ok 20:21:17 <tdawson> I think that's all I have for Old Business ... did I miss anything? 20:21:26 <carlwgeorge> i have one small thing 20:21:31 <tdawson> Sure 20:21:45 <carlwgeorge> tesseract got rebased to v4, and -devel is now included 20:21:52 <tdawson> Ya!!! 20:21:54 <carlwgeorge> ^ that's for c8s, coming soon to rhel 8.5 20:22:22 <carlwgeorge> i'll need to track down the epel bug about it's removal and comment on the status 20:22:52 <tdawson> Oh ... and I can add that to the tracker I setup ... of course I'll have to track down that bug number too. :) 20:23:17 <carlwgeorge> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1980240 20:23:29 <tdawson> OK, moving on to the other topics. 20:23:38 <tdawson> #topic EPEL-7 20:23:52 <tdawson> There was something about macro's wasn't there? 20:25:20 <tdawson> Huh ... I don't see that in emails, maybe that was in chat. 20:25:39 <pgreco> sysusers_create_compat macro 20:25:47 <rsc> "no %sysusers_create_compat macro in epel8" 20:25:49 <rsc> Ah. 20:26:51 <tdawson> Is that being taken care of? Do we need to do any work/discussion here? 20:26:53 <pgreco> I think this is the original MR https://pagure.io/packaging-committee/pull-request/981 20:27:14 <pgreco> at least for the usage documentation 20:28:45 <tdawson> pgreco: rsc: Are either of you able to work on it? Or do ya'll think it's something that can wait a big until someone get's some spare time? 20:29:15 <nirik> It might be nice to talk to FPC and ask when they add macros that they add them to epel too (if possible/makes sense)? 20:29:36 <pgreco> nirik, I like that idea 20:29:47 <tdawson> I like it too. 20:29:51 <pgreco> tdawson: I'm trying to find the original MR to see what that implies 20:30:07 <tdawson> pgreco: Thank you 20:30:08 <nirik> I can try and talk to them in their next meeting 20:30:47 <tdawson> nirik That would be great. 20:31:42 <pgreco> mmm, that macro seems to be part of the systemd package 20:32:35 <tdawson> #info Next FPC meeting nirik will try to talk about getting macros added to epel-macros when they get added to Fedora's. 20:32:54 <tdawson> Oh ... that makes it hard to implement. 20:33:15 <pgreco> yeah, it seems to have a script attached to it 20:33:25 <pgreco> seems pretty isolated 20:33:38 <pgreco> I'll keep investigating 20:34:10 <tdawson> #info pgreco will investigate systemd macro associated with https://pagure.io/packaging-committee/pull-request/981 20:34:18 <pgreco> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/systemd/c/ced9237a14d6775a98e1a2f93880990417b4ae6e 20:34:55 <tdawson> #topic EPEL-8 20:35:16 <tdawson> Switching the topic to EPEL 8 ... since this was all regarding epel8 anyway. 20:35:30 <tdawson> Anything else regarding EPEL 7 or 8? 20:35:45 <pgreco> there was some movement on the git-cola/qtpy 20:36:08 <tdawson> pgreco: Cool. In which direction? 20:36:28 <pgreco> I saw some discussion in the bugzilla entries filed 20:36:48 <pgreco> seems like it can be provided for epel8, but epel7 will need to have it bundled for now (IIRC) 20:37:12 <pgreco> I'll need to re-read the issue, but it was positive 20:37:25 <tdawson> Well, that's good. 20:38:03 <tdawson> I'm wondering if qtpy needs to just be added to my list of KDE packages, so it just automatically get's updated and pulled along. 20:39:07 <tdawson> Nope, at least not in the state it's in, they'll need to add the kde-sig for that. 20:39:27 <tdawson> Anything else before we move to the packaging SIG business? 20:39:47 <tdawson> #topic EPEL-Packaging-SIG 20:40:13 <tdawson> https://pagure.io/epel/issue/117 20:40:49 <rsc> Oh, that's mine. 20:41:26 <tdawson> Yep. So it needs a +1 on the issue (which it has), and then it comes up in the need meeting, which is now. 20:42:14 <tdawson> Looking at the documentation ... seeing what we have to discuss ... 20:42:43 <tdawson> I think it's just if everyone feels ok about it (which I do, but I can't speak for others) 20:43:22 <ssmoogen> I feel like this is something which should have been done years ago so go for it 20:43:46 <tdawson> Oh, I read that wrong. We only need to discuss it here if there ISN"T approval. 20:43:52 <tdawson> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/epel/epel-packagers-sig/#how_can_i_contribute 20:45:36 <tdawson> Hmm ... I think we need to document what the SIG needs to do to add a person. I'm always having a hard time finding the epel-packagers-sig group page 20:46:16 <ssmoogen> as I was answering some one else's question the original epel-packagers-sig I think was epel-cabal 20:47:06 <nirik> yeah 20:48:50 <tdawson> So, if someone wants to add rsc to eht epel-packagers-sig, that would be great ... is there any other SIG business before we go to open floor? 20:49:38 <tdawson> #topic General Issues / Open Floor 20:49:52 <rsc> Not directly SIG business, because package reviews aren't, I guess...however #1983416 is quite special 20:50:51 <tdawson> Ooohhh ... someone is going to for the gcc-epel 20:51:02 <tdawson> Oh, that someone would be you. :) 20:51:09 <rsc> :) 20:51:32 <nirik> nice. 20:51:43 <nirik> was that tricky to package? 20:51:59 <tdawson> Oh, it's been there for over a month with nobody looking at it. 20:52:18 <rsc> It was tricky to find out that "gcc" only handles languages it was built for, thus non-C has to use another name for "gcc" :( 20:52:48 <rsc> So the sub-modules of gcc in Fedora are...not really meaningful. 20:52:59 <rsc> s/sub-modules/sub-packages/ 20:53:25 <rsc> If gcc wasn't built with say gnat support, just having gcc-gnat installed won't enable gcc(1) for gnat. 20:54:25 <pgreco> rsc: yeah, I remember that..... :( 20:54:41 <tdawson> So ... how do / did you get around that? 20:54:42 <rsc> pgreco: oh...and thanks for the bootstrap hint. I used old Fedora packages there :) 20:55:28 <pgreco> ;) 20:55:48 <rsc> tdawson: well, gnat-gcc always had a gnatgcc (which was a symlink to gcc), so I made it a binary (similar for golang). And now there is "gobjc" and "gobjc++" additionally, documented in %description 20:56:18 <rsc> So yes, users might have to use '%make_build CC=gnatgcc' 20:56:37 <tdawson> Oh, cool. But that's better than not being able to built it at all. 20:56:47 <tdawson> build with gnat at all I mean 20:57:14 <rsc> Right, not great, but working. I also tested that it works as much as I could...but it still might have issues. 20:57:30 <tdawson> Very cool 20:57:44 <tdawson> It's getting close to time, is there anything else for open floor? 20:58:10 <tdawson> ssmoogen: It's good to see you here, were you just dropping in, or was there something specific you wanted to talk about? 20:58:43 <ssmoogen> just dropping by 20:58:56 <ssmoogen> I do have an issue though 20:59:07 <tdawson> Sure 20:59:08 <ssmoogen> please correct the title in #epel so it says the right time for this meeting 20:59:18 <ssmoogen> it currently has the meeting as 2 hours earlier 20:59:37 <ssmoogen> I don't have op in that channel to do so 20:59:56 <tdawson> nirik I think that's you ... unless you gave me permisisons 21:00:11 <nirik> can do it and/or give more people perms. 21:00:21 <ssmoogen> otherwise that is it. hope everyone has a good week 21:00:54 <nirik> done 21:02:01 <ssmoogen> now for the warring end of meeting? 21:02:19 <ssmoogen> 10-9-8-7.. 21:02:20 <tdawson> Oh ... sorry, was looking in the other channel. 21:02:37 <tdawson> Thank you all for coming, and for ssmoogen for starting the meeting. :) 21:02:44 <tdawson> Talk to ya'll next week. 21:02:54 <pgreco> see ya! 21:02:59 <ssmoogen> night gracie 21:03:09 <tdawson> #endmeeting