05:30:22 <priyam> #startmeeting i18n 05:30:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Sep 6 05:30:22 2021 UTC. 05:30:22 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 05:30:22 <zodbot> The chair is priyam. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 05:30:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 05:30:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:30:31 <pwu> hi 05:30:37 <priyam> #meetingname i18n 05:30:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:30:49 <priyam> #topic agenda and roll call 05:30:58 <vishalvvr> Hi 05:31:02 <suanand> hello 05:31:04 <priyam> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2021-09-06 05:31:13 <paragan> Hi 05:31:40 <priyam> #chair pwu vishalvvr suanand paragan 05:31:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: paragan priyam pwu suanand vishalvvr 05:32:00 <juhp> ello 05:32:10 <priyam> #chair juph 05:32:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: juph paragan priyam pwu suanand vishalvvr 05:32:36 <priyam> #chair juhp 05:32:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: juhp juph paragan priyam pwu suanand vishalvvr 05:33:23 <priyam> hello everyone!! Let's start with today's agenda 05:33:37 <priyam> #topic Upcoming schedule 05:33:59 <priyam> #info 2021-09-14 -Beta Release Public Availability 05:34:08 <priyam> #info 2021-09-14 - Beta Release (Early Target) 05:34:21 <priyam> #info 2021-09-21- Beta Target date #1 05:35:02 <priyam> Does anyone have any upcoming schedule to be mentioned here? 05:36:20 <paragan> just want to mention in advance tomorrow we will have F35 i18n test day week 05:36:54 <priyam> yes..Thanks paragan for the reminder :) 05:38:05 <juhp> So there will be a go/no-go meeting this week? 05:38:36 <juhp> Presumably 05:39:24 <paragan> Sep 09 05:41:30 <priyam> okay..thanks paragan for the update 05:41:47 <priyam> if nothing more to discuss here let's move on the next topic 05:42:30 <priyam> #topic Issues 05:42:53 <priyam> #info #134: Tracker for Fedora 35 Changes 05:43:01 <priyam> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/134 05:44:35 <priyam> any update for this ticket ? 05:45:31 <paragan> we have completed all our Changes 05:45:45 <paragan> they are ready to be tested in F3 05:45:54 <paragan> *F35 05:46:51 <priyam> okay..so should we close this ticket ? 05:47:39 <paragan> yes we can close that ticket. 05:47:57 <priyam> okay..thanks paragan 05:48:04 <priyam> moving onto the next ticket if nothing more to discuss here 05:48:11 <juhp> okay 05:48:26 <priyam> #info #135: Fedora 33 Bug triaging 05:48:30 <priyam> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/135 05:48:45 <juhp> I added a comment that I think it would be better to use separate tickets for each Change in future 05:48:47 <priyam> total bug count is 35 as of today. 05:50:59 <priyam> thanks juhp.. 05:51:19 <juhp> I wonder why the anaconda bug is there? 05:52:18 <juhp> Ah Adam added us 05:54:26 <juhp> Okay I "fixed" it... 05:54:39 <priyam> thanks juhp 05:55:13 <priyam> any bug anyone want to discuss here ? 05:55:55 <priyam> moving onto the next ticket if nothing more to discuss here 05:56:32 <priyam> #info #136:Fedora 35 i18n test day 05:56:37 <priyam> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/136 05:57:39 <vishalvvr> Thank you everyone for reviewing all test-cases :) 05:57:44 <priyam> Thanks everyone for reviewing the test cases and updating it to make it better for test day 05:57:59 <priyam> :) 05:58:46 <juhp> Yes 05:58:55 <vishalvvr> it was much required and thanks priyam for initiating it :) 05:59:01 <paragan> Thanks all for your help with updating testcases 05:59:20 <paragan> priyam++ 05:59:48 <priyam> :) 06:00:24 <paragan> #info do join us from tomorrow to test i18n components as part of F35 i18n testday week 06:00:47 <paragan> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2021-09-07_I18N_Test_Day 06:02:32 <priyam> yeah..Thanks paragan 06:02:35 <priyam> moving onto the next ticket if nothing more to discuss here 06:03:08 <priyam> #info #137 Docs Beats for Fedora 35 06:03:11 <priyam> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/137 06:05:19 <juhp> Probably we can come to this after Beta 06:05:33 <paragan> yes 06:05:46 <priyam> okay 06:06:17 <priyam> Moving onto the next ticket 06:06:32 <priyam> #info #139: brainstorming for i18n-Podcast 06:06:40 <priyam> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/139 06:07:27 <juhp> Hoping it happens next week 06:07:49 <priyam> okay.juhp thanks for the update 06:07:52 <juhp> Since the main activity is in the podcast ticket, I closed this one earlier 06:08:07 <juhp> But I will spend some time this week refining the questions 06:08:31 <juhp> Probably going to base it more around our Fedora Changes over the last years 06:09:40 <priyam> okay 06:10:30 <priyam> moving onto the next ticket if nothing more to discuss here 06:11:11 <priyam> #info #140 Get locale user stats using DNF Countme 06:11:23 <priyam> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/140 06:11:40 <vishalvvr> #link https://github.com/rpm-software-management/libdnf/pull/684 06:11:41 <vishalvvr> #link https://github.com/rpm-software-management/libdnf/pull/768 06:11:47 <vishalvvr> #link https://github.com/rpm-software-management/dnf/pull/1324 06:11:52 <vishalvvr> Currently referring to above PRs to understand the working and specifics of countme 06:13:16 <priyam> thanks vishalvvr for the update 06:13:46 <juhp> (complete sidenote, but I saw the countme was enabled for rpm-ostree recently) 06:14:50 <vishalvvr> https://fedoramagazine.org/getting-better-at-counting-rpm-ostree-based-systems/ 06:17:02 <juhp> s/the/that/ 06:18:16 <priyam> moving onto the next ticket if nothing more to discuss here 06:18:45 <priyam> #info #141 order meeting agenda tickets better 06:18:59 <priyam> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/141 06:19:26 <vishalvvr> i see tagoh san has already fixed it https://pagure.io/i18n/c/0021cbf458649b5880a27b59f9ecc95b51005133?branch=main 06:19:32 <priyam> Thanks tagoh for updating the script. 06:19:35 <priyam> yeah 06:19:49 <juhp> tagoh++ 06:20:36 <juhp> I closed it 06:21:15 <priyam> Thanks juhp 06:21:23 <paragan> Thanks Tagoh-san 06:22:25 <priyam> okay then moving onto next topic in agenda 06:22:34 <priyam> #topic #openfloor 06:22:55 <priyam> Anything to discuss here? 06:25:56 <juhp> Since we have the testday from tomorrow, I think we can wrap-up 06:26:23 <priyam> sure..thanks juhp 06:26:32 <priyam> Thank you everyone for joining 06:26:52 <priyam> #endmeeting