16:00:30 <sgallagh> #startmeeting ELN SIG 2022-04-08 16:00:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Apr 8 16:00:30 2022 UTC. 16:00:31 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:00:31 <zodbot> The chair is sgallagh. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 16:00:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'eln_sig_2022-04-08' 16:00:35 <sgallagh> #meetingname eln 16:00:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'eln' 16:00:40 <sgallagh> #topic Init Process 16:00:42 <sgallagh> .hi 16:00:42 <zodbot> sgallagh: Something blew up, please try again 16:00:45 <zodbot> sgallagh: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 16:01:06 <sgallagh> .hi 16:01:06 <zodbot> sgallagh: Something blew up, please try again 16:01:09 <zodbot> sgallagh: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 16:01:26 <cyberpear> .hello2 16:01:27 <zodbot> cyberpear: Something blew up, please try again 16:01:30 <zodbot> cyberpear: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 16:01:33 <salimma> .hi 16:01:34 <zodbot> salimma: Something blew up, please try again 16:01:35 <sgallagh> .hello sgallagh 16:01:36 <zodbot> salimma: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 16:01:39 <zodbot> sgallagh: Something blew up, please try again 16:01:42 <zodbot> sgallagh: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 16:01:42 <salimma> oh dear zodbot 16:01:49 <sgallagh> OK, zodbot is out of order. 16:01:56 <tdawson> Hello. My name is Troy. I am here. 16:02:03 <salimma> does it complain every time it's mention too? wow 16:02:17 <dcavalca> .hi 16:02:18 <salimma> Hello. My name is Michel. I think I'm here too. 16:02:19 <zodbot> dcavalca: Something blew up, please try again 16:02:22 <zodbot> dcavalca: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 16:02:31 <sgallagh> My name is Stephen Gallagher and I'm not all here. 16:02:31 <dcavalca> oh well 16:02:40 <asosedkin> Hello. My name is Alex. I am here. 16:02:50 <sgallagh> Thanks for joining us today, Alex 16:02:51 <neverpanic> Hi everyone, my name is Clemens Lang, I'm here too. 16:03:39 <asosedkin> ^ the openssl VIP 16:03:44 <SSmoogen> I think nirik or someone has to do something with fasjson and zodbot in situations like this 16:03:47 <sgallagh> Nice to see you Clemens 16:03:53 * nirik nods. 16:04:54 <nirik> zodbot: reload Fedora 16:04:54 <zodbot> nirik: Kneel before zod! 16:04:54 <sgallagh> Is it at least recording the meeting that it claims to have started? 16:04:54 <SSmoogen> you didn't kneel first 16:05:01 <SSmoogen> it should be.. it just didn't have the correct Fedora userlist 16:05:14 <sgallagh> ok 16:05:22 <nirik> sgallagh: yes, that issue only affects it querying fasjson...yeah, what SSmoogen said 16:05:35 <sgallagh> #topic crypto-policies 16:05:38 <nirik> should be fixed now, carry on. ;) 16:05:46 <sgallagh> Thank you 16:06:26 <sgallagh> I invited some of the crypto gurus here today to discuss getting Fedora ELN aligned with RHEL's crypto-policies. 16:06:46 <sgallagh> There are essentially two questions to answer here: 16:07:01 <salimma> .hi 16:07:02 <zodbot> salimma: salimma 'Michel Alexandre Salim' <michel@michel-slm.name> 16:07:18 <sgallagh> 1) Do we want ELN to diverge from Fedora Rawhide for this (I am emphatically "yes" on this) 16:07:18 <sgallagh> 2) What are the steps we need to take to get there? 16:07:27 <sgallagh> * 1. Do we want ELN to diverge from Fedora Rawhide for this? (I am emphatically "yes" on this) 16:07:27 <sgallagh> 2. What are the steps we need to take to get there? 16:07:37 <dcavalca> 1) yes, definitely 16:07:40 <asosedkin> 1 - sounds like a yes 16:07:57 <dcavalca> speaking as someone currently dealing with the sha1 fallout on my end, being able to use ELN to get a heads up that was coming would have been fantastic 16:08:31 <sgallagh> Yeah, I honestly didn't realize until this week that we weren't tracking the RHEL crypto here. 16:08:36 <asosedkin> 2 - likely what you've proposed in your MR with conditioning on different upstream tarballs (thank you for that) 16:08:42 <sgallagh> I completely missed that. 16:09:02 <sgallagh> I'm glad I could help there. 16:09:07 <tdawson> I agree with the others. (1) is a yes. Especially if RHEL 9 is already doing it. 16:09:18 <asosedkin> though it makes maintenance rather awkward, with fedora packaging having to track two upstream branches 16:09:38 <sgallagh> But neverpanic also raised some concerns regarding OpenSSL 3, if I understood correctly. 16:09:49 <sgallagh> So we should be tracking those as well. 16:10:02 <neverpanic> those should be fixed as soon as https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2071615 is fixes 16:10:06 <asosedkin> I'm not really familiar with ELN, are there maybe better mechanisms to diverge than specfile conditionals? 16:10:14 <neverpanic> I merged the changes a few minutes ago 16:10:30 <sgallagh> asosedkin: We *can* split them into separate it into its own branch, but in general we vastly prefer to keep things in the Rawhide branch. 16:10:36 <salimma> maybe having the divergence be made obvious in the spec will also nudge Fedora into aligning its crypto policy 16:10:38 <sgallagh> Because then we don't miss anything when Fedora makes a change. 16:10:46 <jforbes> I am in favor of the crypto policy changes. The methods might get pushback if we require people to change specs 16:10:52 <asosedkin> salimma: no, Fedora has vastly different goals 16:11:07 <sgallagh> jforbes: Sorry, can you clarify the second half of that? 16:11:41 <jforbes> sgallagh: there are people in the community already rather opposed to having conditionals in the spec. 16:11:50 <asosedkin> sgallagh: could you elaborate on the downsides of having a separate branch? 16:12:08 <sgallagh> jforbes: They're not mandatory, merely strongly preferred. 16:12:16 <dcavalca> I personally prefer conditionals to a separate branch, but ultimately it's up the package maintainers 16:12:43 <dcavalca> asosedkin: separate branch usually meaning doing twice the work tracking and merging changes, and possibly forgetting to do so 16:12:53 <salimma> yeah... it can't be a uniform approach I suppose. I know package maintainers who are opposed to having EPEL-specific conditionals in rawhide, for instance 16:12:56 <sgallagh> asosedkin: Essentially that changes get merged to Rawhide and not to ELN because it's forgotten. 16:13:03 <asosedkin> I'm afraid not in the crypto-policies case =) 16:13:19 <sgallagh> asosedkin: Not what? 16:13:22 <salimma> if we have separate branches we need an automated rebase mechanism 16:13:37 <sgallagh> Michel Alexandre Salim 🎩: We don't need to solve the general case here. 16:13:47 <asosedkin> changes going into rawhide are 1. largely decoupled from changes going into RHEL 16:13:57 <asosedkin> 2. lag behind by several years 16:13:59 <sgallagh> But as dcavalca said, it's an increase in effort for the maintainer and also prone to being forgotten 16:14:12 <SSmoogen> ok who is the maintainer of the package? 16:14:17 <asosedkin> me 16:14:17 <SSmoogen> what do they want? 16:14:37 <asosedkin> ELN to magically follow CentOS 9 Stream and not Fedora =) 16:14:51 <sgallagh> ... 16:15:01 <sgallagh> That might actually be possible. 16:15:20 <SSmoogen> if you have a way to do that and keep yourself sane, then I would say 'it is something to be considered' 16:15:25 <neverpanic> We have the same question not only for crypto-policies, but for openssl as well. At the moment, the built-in default of OpenSSL without any config would allow SHA-1. If we also want to change that to the CentOS 9/RHEL 9 behavior, we'd also need a separate openssl in ELN. 16:15:28 <sgallagh> I hadn't thought of that previously, but I may be able to rig something up with DistroBuildSync 16:15:53 <dcavalca> sgallagh: that's an interesting idea 16:15:57 <asosedkin> neverpanic: this is unfortunate, but I'd say this is a rather static change 16:16:08 <neverpanic> Now, the built-in default really doesn't matter as long as people aren't running things with OPENSSL_CONF=/dev/null, so we may just ignore that corner case 16:16:16 <sgallagh> Actually... no. It would need both DistroBuildSync and DistroGitSync. 16:16:16 <dcavalca> it does result in divergence between Fedora and CentOS, which in general I don't think we'd want to encourage 16:16:21 <dcavalca> but it would help in cases like this 16:16:22 <sgallagh> Still doable, but harder. 16:16:35 <asosedkin> neverpanic: while with c-p we're talking every update I make 16:17:04 <sgallagh> My major concern there is that we would, by necessity, be moving the official location to work on an ELN package to CentOS Stream 16:17:27 <sgallagh> And we would have potential conflicts if someone accidentally merged changes directly to ELN. 16:17:42 <dcavalca> sgallagh: could we protect the eln branch somehow in that case? 16:18:04 <asosedkin> sgallagh: from my POV I'd call that a preferred case, because inheriting otherwise right is even harder 16:18:21 <asosedkin> (protected ELN branch tracking c9s branch) 16:18:26 <jforbes> We can remove packages from the autobuild, though it can be overridden in some circumstances 16:18:30 <sgallagh> dcavalca: Unfortunately, we don't have controls that granular (by branch) 16:18:54 <jforbes> In fact, I have explicitly used it to get around some issues that RHEL isn't designed to 16:19:36 <sgallagh> jforbes: The ELN autobuild? Yeah, we already exclude some things like the secure boot chain 16:19:46 <sgallagh> (Since the autobuild user doesn't have signing privileges) 16:19:58 <salimma> in the case of this package, we can just block direct push altogether, right? 16:20:12 <sgallagh> But my main concern is that if the git commit histories get out of sync, that's a harder issue to resolve. 16:20:27 <jforbes> sgallagh: Right, I just meant that it will prevent rawhide from overriding ELN most of the time, but if someone is determined, they can force through 16:20:35 <salimma> some packages already require PRs for everything (there's an unrelated issue that Pagure lets provenpackagers bypass that without even a warning) 16:20:35 <sgallagh> No, because asosedkin would still want push access to the Rawhide branch 16:20:56 <sgallagh> jforbes: I'm not worried about builds. We have easy fixes for that with tags. 16:21:00 <salimma> make asosedkin a provenpackager :) 16:21:05 <sgallagh> But breaking the git sync would be hard. 16:21:11 <sgallagh> Michel Alexandre Salim 🎩: I wouldn' 16:21:16 <sgallagh> t want to risk THAT either 16:21:31 <sgallagh> If we did this, I'd need to exclude this package from PP access too 16:21:34 <jforbes> Right, that requires manual intervention at the least, and possibly legal approval depending on how long it had been done 16:21:59 <dcavalca> this seems like a lot of work for a fairly narrow usecase tbh 16:22:11 <SSmoogen> ok are we trying to get the perfect answer in a meeting? 16:22:17 <sgallagh> OK, FTR I'm going to assume from the direction of this conversation that we are all agreed we WANT the RHEL policy in ELN. 16:22:43 <sgallagh> #agreed Fedora ELN should use the RHEL crypto-policies, rather than the Fedora ones. (Unanimous) 16:22:55 <sgallagh> Actually, another thought just occurred to me. 16:23:38 <sgallagh> We probably want to START from CentOS Stream 9, but going forward I would think we would want ELN's crypto-policies to be available as a testbed for RHEL 10 policy. 16:23:47 <jforbes> exactly 16:23:56 <sgallagh> And if that's the case, a non-manual sync doesn't make much sense. 16:24:33 <jforbes> At some point, it needs to break. Even if RHEL 10 doesn't change, some release in the future will, and it needs to be used in ELN long before that is branched to CS 16:24:37 <asosedkin> hm, problem is, predicting RHEL-10 crypto-policy is out of the reach of my crystal ball 16:24:42 <sgallagh> asosedkin: FWIW, until they diverge, it's pretty easy to get it set up so that you can trivially pull from c9s to the ELN branch 16:25:08 <sgallagh> asosedkin: Sure, but as it gets closer, I'm guessing you'd want at least some tweaks before we hit CentOS Stream 10 launch 16:25:31 <sgallagh> I'd be happy to help you set that manual sync up. 16:25:34 <neverpanic> My concern with this decision is that unless ELN also uses openssl with the same patches as in c9s, this will mean ELN with the LEGACY crypto-policy will no longer be able to use SHA-1 in TLS. 16:25:40 <dcavalca> asosedkin: how/where do you normally develop crypto-policies for the N+1 release? 16:26:05 <sgallagh> neverpanic: So let's do the same thing for openssl 16:26:21 <sgallagh> Create an `eln` branch and manually keep it in sync with the c9s branch (for now) 16:26:26 <jforbes> neverpanic: How much of a patch is that? Can it be cased out? 16:26:28 <asosedkin> RHEL-9 crypto-policies aim to answer the question of "what cryptography is safe to use in 2035", I don't think we have a solid idea for RHEL-10 16:27:07 <neverpanic> I'd rather not have a branch, since it would mean we'd have one more branch to fix for all CVEs. 16:27:35 <asosedkin> dcavalca: RHEL-9 is very aggressive already, and by the time we'll have RHEL-10 plans I think there will be c10s already, so, in c10s 16:27:40 <neverpanic> jforbes: A few lines of diff, nothing that couldn't be done, especially considering we already have the patch on c9s. 16:27:46 <sgallagh> neverpanic: Fine, conditionalize it. I'm happy with that. 16:28:07 <asosedkin> +1 on conditionalizing openssl part 16:28:09 <jforbes> neverpanic: Right, but for kernel for instance, we have a bit in the specs that build a very different kernel, all based on if fedora conditionals 16:28:18 <sgallagh> asosedkin: OK, but the possibility exists, so I'd prefer not to close that avenue 16:28:56 <asosedkin> sgallagh: could you outline what's the closest flow available now that you have in mind? 16:29:10 <neverpanic> #action clang Conditionalize openssl in ELN to behave as C9S 16:29:11 <asosedkin> for when eln "tracks" c9s 16:30:19 <sgallagh> asosedkin: I can create the `eln` branch on Fedora, create a `centos_stream` remote and pull the history from `c9s` into `eln`. 16:30:54 <asosedkin> and then I do manual pushes there when I merge c9s MRs? 16:30:59 <sgallagh> Then subsequent pushes to `c9s` could also be trivially pulled and built for ELN. (Updating the tarballs in the lookaside cache when needed) 16:31:31 <sgallagh> Hmm, we might be able to set up a CI action in c9s to do that part for you... 16:31:48 <Eighth_Doctor> .hello ngompa 16:31:49 <zodbot> Eighth_Doctor: ngompa 'Neal Gompa' <ngompa13@gmail.com> 16:32:04 <asosedkin> ... so the biggest technical question is how to protect eln branch? 16:32:26 <sgallagh> asosedkin: I think we skip "protecting" the eln branch. 16:32:34 <Eighth_Doctor> ehhh, why do we need an eln branch for this? 16:32:46 <sgallagh> Because as long as they have a common history, we can always do a `git merge -s ours` to get them back in sync. 16:32:55 <sgallagh> (With the downside of a merge commit, of course) 16:33:08 <Eighth_Doctor> the crypto-policies package should be the same one in rawhide and we can tweak on the %rhel conditional 16:33:18 <sgallagh> Conan Kudo: They use different upstream source tarballs 16:33:24 <Eighth_Doctor> why? 16:33:34 <sgallagh> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/crypto-policies/pull-request/10 16:33:50 <asosedkin> Eighth_Doctor: because the task of determining sane defaults for Fedora lifetime and RHEL lifetime leads to very different results 16:34:11 <asosedkin> with Fedora lagging behind RHEL 16:34:20 <Eighth_Doctor> that seems flawed for the purpose of ELN 16:34:31 <Eighth_Doctor> yeah, no, I think we've made a fundamental mistake here 16:34:43 <asosedkin> that is an objective necessity 16:34:50 <dcavalca> we _could_ use conditionals for the source tarball, at least in theory 16:35:04 <sgallagh> dcavalca: Right, see the link above to the MR I suggested initially. 16:35:25 <dcavalca> oh of course, yes that's exactly what I had in mind, thanks sgallagh 16:35:54 <Eighth_Doctor> here's my problem: using the same sources doesn't mean we can't have different configurations in those sources 16:35:55 <Eighth_Doctor> so why aren't we doing that? 16:36:05 <sgallagh> The tarball for crypto-policies is essentially ALL configuration 16:36:09 <sgallagh> (As I understand it) 16:36:32 <sgallagh> asosedkin: Is that an accurate assessment? 16:36:44 <Eighth_Doctor> yes, okay, so why isn't there a split in the sources itself (similar to how the kernel package works?) 16:36:54 <sgallagh> There is. RHEL and Fedora have separate branches. 16:37:07 <Eighth_Doctor> so that's what I'm getting at, they shouldn't be separate branches 16:37:26 <asosedkin> sgallagh: sans the docs and tests, the tarball for crypto-policies is either configuration files or what generates configuration files 16:37:47 <asosedkin> but yeah, the code is trivial, and the effective consumed output is configuration 16:37:49 <jforbes> The reason kernel can do the split that it does is because we started working on this long before ELN was even a thing. 16:38:05 <Eighth_Doctor> jforbes: that doesn't excuse fixing it now for crypto-policies 16:38:31 <sgallagh> Conan Kudo: May I suggest that we have a "perfect is the enemy of the good" situation here? 16:38:32 <Eighth_Doctor> doing ELN properly here means we should strive to unify sources, otherwise we're not actually testing Rawhide as RHEL 16:38:44 <Eighth_Doctor> Stephen Gallagher: I think your PR is a perfect starting point 16:38:49 <Eighth_Doctor> I'm saying that we should avoid the eln branch entirely 16:38:50 <sgallagh> It may be desirable to unify things in the long run, but right now we have the current reality to deal with. 16:38:56 <Eighth_Doctor> and instead work to fix this 16:39:13 <jforbes> Eighth_Doctor: given infinite resources sure, we don't exactly have that or I might actually get more sleep than I do 16:39:28 <asosedkin> Eighth_Doctor: I have no idea what "unifying things" could mean in crypto-policies case 16:39:43 <Eighth_Doctor> jforbes: we have two years between now and the next branching cycle, and sha-1 distrust is going to happen in fedora itself before rhel10 branch 16:39:43 <sgallagh> jforbes: You get to sleep? I figured they just hooked you up with a caffeine IV 16:40:00 <Eighth_Doctor> if we don't even make it a north star and try, it's never going to happen 16:40:06 <jforbes> asosedkin: So, for the kernel package, we have separate config directories for fedora and rhel, and both config files are generated and added to the ssrpm 16:40:29 <asosedkin> Eighth_Doctor: FTR, sha-1 distrust in Fedora has no timing dependency on RHEL 16:40:31 <Eighth_Doctor> if the whole point of ELN is to make it easier to make RHEL from Fedora, then we should take that approach to everything that's "brand/configuration" 16:40:33 <jforbes> Eighth_Doctor: you are assuming that sha-1 is the only issue 16:40:58 <Eighth_Doctor> I'm making a reasonable assumption that it is likely the headline driver for this in the first place 16:41:08 <Eighth_Doctor> because that's literally what all the list discussion has been about 16:41:13 <dcavalca> let's say we went with sgallagh PR -- what issues would that cause? 16:41:27 <sgallagh> . 16:41:38 <asosedkin> Eighth_Doctor: it is the most impactful planned change, but when it lands in Fedora bears no relationship to RHEL-10 16:41:58 <sgallagh> dcavalca: Well, if Fedora's c-p package is updated rarely, but RHEL's more frequently, it might lead to meaningless Fedora builds. 16:42:10 <Eighth_Doctor> meh 16:42:12 <dcavalca> that's probably fine 16:42:24 <asosedkin> what's the changelog gonna look like? =D 16:42:40 <Eighth_Doctor> whatever you want it to be :D 16:42:45 <dcavalca> same as it looks on the RHEL side, I'd assume 16:42:50 <Eighth_Doctor> it's still a curated changelog, so it should be easy enough 16:42:57 <dcavalca> but yeah, basically whatever you want 16:43:06 <dcavalca> this isn't using rpmautospec 16:43:34 <Eighth_Doctor> (thank goodness for that) 16:43:36 <asosedkin> so it's gonna grow two changelogs 16:43:43 <jforbes> We auto generate the kernel changelog, but it ignores a number of tagged entries 16:43:54 <sgallagh> * Some Guy (foo@bar.net) - 1.2.3-1 16:43:54 <sgallagh> - RHEL9: Drop support for SHA-1 16:43:54 <sgallagh> - Fedora: Re-enable support for ROT13 16:43:54 <Eighth_Doctor> nah, just one changelog, just has info on everything 16:44:03 <Eighth_Doctor> which is actually not a bad thing 16:44:08 <asosedkin> Eighth_Doctor: that'd be an UX nightmare IMO 16:44:19 <asosedkin> one changelog for two unrelated configs 16:44:38 <Eighth_Doctor> the point is that they will stop being unrelated eventually 16:44:45 <Eighth_Doctor> and if you need help doing that, well, that's what we're for 16:44:47 <sgallagh> Conan Kudo: I think that's probably wishful thinking 16:44:53 <asosedkin> Eighth_Doctor: wait 16:45:07 <dcavalca> asosedkin: if you use a consistent prefix, it's not too bad, as you could 'grep RHEL9' and get all the related content for example 16:45:19 <Eighth_Doctor> Stephen Gallagher: everything in Linux is wishful thinking 16:45:20 <asosedkin> Eighth_Doctor: I think there's some misunderstanding here, as I hold a very different view 16:45:25 <Eighth_Doctor> so nope, I don't care :P 16:45:36 <asosedkin> Eighth_Doctor: Fedora state of c-p will never match RHEL's state of c-p by definition 16:46:15 <Eighth_Doctor> uhh why? 16:46:32 <jforbes> Eighth_Doctor: because our lifecycle is 1 year and not 10. 16:46:33 <asosedkin> oversimplified, Fedora's state of c-p is "list the algorithms safe to use in two years", RHEL's state of c-p is "list the algorithms safe to use in ten years" 16:46:44 <asosedkin> can't converge that 16:47:21 <jforbes> asosedkin: until quantum makes enough advancement to where your list is empty for both 16:47:26 <salimma> sounds like you can have the Fedora list be a supplement to the EL list then 16:47:56 <salimma> when you remove an algo from the EL list, if it's still deemed safe for Fedora, add it to the Fedora list, if unsafe for both, then just yank it 16:48:00 <Eighth_Doctor> alternatively, those two configurations could live in the same branch under separate folder hierarchies, but yeah, I don't think it makes sense to say that there's no convergence point 16:48:10 <asosedkin> jforbes: `* dc7a8ce (main, rawhide) sorry folks, I give up` =D 16:48:13 <SSmoogen> ok we are coming up to the end of the meeting and was wondering if there had been anything else on the agenda 16:48:24 <asosedkin> SSmoogen: I have an addition to the agenda 16:49:04 <asosedkin> besides "what's the source of eln c-p" I'd like to add "how do we coordinate the earth-shattering kaboom that happens when we do" 16:49:05 <SSmoogen> so can we table this try to make something perfect in 50 minutes by talking at each other part? 16:49:14 <asosedkin> but, I guess, that's gonna be postponed =) 16:49:28 <sgallagh> Before we move on, I just want to get to one answer: how do we proceed TODAY? 16:49:43 <SSmoogen> mailing list discussion? 16:49:52 <sgallagh> asosedkin: Do you want to move forward with my proposed MR or use a branch? 16:50:00 <asosedkin> sgallagh: I guess we should discuss the proposed flows with you, not sure where 16:50:01 <sgallagh> If the latter, I'll whip something up for you ASAP. 16:50:12 <sgallagh> OK, we'll take it to #fedora-eln then 16:50:15 <asosedkin> sgallagh: I prefer a branch, but I'm open for arguments for both 16:50:20 <sgallagh> What was your other agenda item? 16:50:28 <asosedkin> landing the change 16:50:44 <asosedkin> distrusting SHA-1 signatures in DEFAULT is disruptive 16:50:54 <sgallagh> #action sgallagh and asosedkin to finalize the branch-vs-rawhide approach 16:51:07 <sgallagh> #topic Timeline for landing the SHA-1 removal 16:51:25 <jforbes> it would require a sidetag build 16:51:27 <asosedkin> so we need something side-tag-like for that 16:51:44 <sgallagh> We can do side-tag builds for ELN 16:51:45 <Eighth_Doctor> If we can get COPR, OBS, and our major third party repo configurations to work without SHA-1, then we can land it for F38 16:52:08 <Eighth_Doctor> and ELN now obviously 16:52:10 <sgallagh> Just `fedpkg request-side-tag --base-tag eln-build` 16:52:10 <Eighth_Doctor> OBS is already set, COPR needs work, and we haven't done any ISV outreach 16:53:04 <salimma> Conan Kudo: this basically affects ISVs that mostly produce desktop software, I take it? the ones that do server software, I'd hope, would already be preparing for EL9 16:53:14 <salimma> so the Zooms of the world 16:53:15 <Eighth_Doctor> Michel Alexandre Salim 🎩: the server people are worse off 16:53:32 <Eighth_Doctor> the desktop software actually tend to do better 16:53:45 <Eighth_Doctor> because support calls == cost 16:54:05 <asosedkin> oh, note that the change will affect openssl 3.0, and not openssl 1.1 16:54:08 <Eighth_Doctor> B2B software tends to be considerably further behind 16:54:10 <salimma> ugh. but yeah let's not derail this, we can commiserate about servers later 16:54:38 <asosedkin> so the Zooms of the world may only jump ship when we deprecate *and* remove openssl 1.1 16:54:45 <sgallagh> asosedkin: Presumably also NSS and gnutls? 16:54:47 <Eighth_Doctor> in any case, we are on OpenSSL 3.0 as of F36, so we're looking at the F38-ish window 16:55:04 <sgallagh> We still have the 1.1 compat lib in F36 16:55:05 <Eighth_Doctor> asosedkin: the main worry is actually package signatures, most everything else is fine 16:55:14 <asosedkin> sgallagh: NSS and gnutls are in better standing; not an NSS expert, but gnutls should already block SHA-1 16:55:22 <neverpanic> The biggest problem for 3rd parties is probably that their package signing GPG keys contain an encryption subkey that has a binding signature made with SHA-1, because that's what you used to get when creating a key with GPG 16:55:32 <Eighth_Doctor> yup 16:55:47 <neverpanic> Luckily most of those just don't use the encryption subkey at all, so that can be worked around by importing just the main (and signing) key 16:55:52 <Eighth_Doctor> I'm going through a lot of pain because of it right now 16:55:55 <asosedkin> Eighth_Doctor: I assume that all worries we identify now will be 30% of the total worries tops 16:56:07 * Eighth_Doctor shrugs 16:56:08 <asosedkin> 70% more we'll find only when we break it 16:56:16 <jforbes> git could be problematic 16:56:26 <Eighth_Doctor> unless you care about the new Russian CA that's sha-1, I think we're going to be mostly fine 16:56:31 <sgallagh> neverpanic: When did that default change? 16:56:35 <Eighth_Doctor> git doesn't use openssl, iirc? 16:56:35 <sgallagh> (GPG) 16:56:37 <asosedkin> lol, is it SHA-1? 16:56:47 <asosedkin> let's block SHA-1 =) 16:56:58 <Eighth_Doctor> huh, so it is 16:57:01 <Eighth_Doctor> that's... odd 16:57:05 <asosedkin> just joking, it's TLS and in TLS we already block SHA-1 16:57:09 <Eighth_Doctor> given Git's license 16:57:28 <neverpanic> sgallagh: A while ago, but don't have an exact version for you. Problem is, most people generated their keys a while ago, and even modern gpg will not change the signature type on existing keys afaik. 16:57:29 <salimma> asosedkin: it's a hilarious read https://koen.engineer/russias-certificate-authority-for-sanctioned-organizations-645d61af8ac6 16:57:56 <sgallagh> Mostly I was curious since I created a new key in 2020 :) 16:58:13 <neverpanic> Use pgpdump on it, it'll tell you. 16:58:17 <asosedkin> salimma: I even read the Russian propaganda coverage of it, but failed to notice it's SHA-1 16:58:25 <salimma> TL;DR not sha1, but the cert payload Yandex sends to its users is signed with SHA1 16:58:41 <salimma> and then they encrypt with AES256 but hardcode the key in the browser so anyone can decryp tit 16:59:08 <Eighth_Doctor> Stephen Gallagher: the key I created in 2018 was sha1 :/ 16:59:14 <asosedkin> should I attend the next meeting as well? 16:59:17 <Eighth_Doctor> so if it changed, it would be very recent 16:59:29 <sgallagh> asosedkin: That would probably be helpful 16:59:36 <asosedkin> I have a feeling we should digest all of that and continue 16:59:50 <sgallagh> We can continue the discussion in #fedora-eln for now 16:59:54 <salimma> quick update before we dismiss 16:59:58 <sgallagh> As we are at the top of the hour (and I need lunch) 17:00:09 <salimma> follow up from last meeting, I have some pending docs for EPEL pointing to ELN Extras https://pagure.io/epel/pull-request/170 17:00:11 <asosedkin> even if we reach agreement in the meantime, we should protocol it, right? 17:00:18 <salimma> once that's approved I'll add a pointer to it from the ELN side 17:00:58 <dcavalca> also quick update: I have two new ELN Extras workflows merged, one for the CentOS Hyperscale SIG and one for stuff Meta cares about specifically 17:01:03 <sgallagh> asosedkin: Yeah, we'll bring it back to the group before we land any builds in ELN 17:01:09 <dcavalca> we'll keep extending these in the coming weeks/months/etc 17:01:10 <asosedkin> cool 17:01:13 <sgallagh> dcavalca++ 17:01:13 <zodbot> sgallagh: Karma for dcavalca changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:01:17 <sgallagh> I saw that, thanks! 17:01:40 <Eighth_Doctor> Stephen Gallagher: I'm hoping to do the same for datto in the near future 17:01:49 <Eighth_Doctor> now that I know how to do it from Davide Cavalca 17:02:07 <sgallagh> Great! 17:02:12 <salimma> it's a really nice way to track who cares about a package, as opposed to who's the nominal maintainer 17:02:17 <sgallagh> Thanks for leading the way, Davide 17:02:20 <Eighth_Doctor> yup 17:02:29 <Eighth_Doctor> I just didn't have time so thankfully he figured it out :D 17:02:38 <Eighth_Doctor> now I can just steal his methodology :D 17:02:50 <salimma> Troy did it for KDE too :) 17:03:05 <dcavalca> btw, I wasn't sure how robust our yaml parser is, but I assume we can put comments in these? 17:03:12 <Eighth_Doctor> yes, but tdawson is a god-king 17:03:41 <sgallagh> Now now, don't go too far. He's barely a god-prince :-P 17:03:58 <tdawson> No no ... I think he's right. God King is correct. :) 17:04:08 <sgallagh> dcavalca: I'm actually not sure what parser the Content Resolver is using, but I think it's just python-yaml 17:04:09 * salimma bows down 17:04:24 <dcavalca> that's probably fine then 17:04:45 <dcavalca> I might end up attaching some metadata in the comments for the Meta one down the road to make internal tracking easier on my end, but we'll see 17:05:16 <sgallagh> Makes sense 17:05:18 <salimma> if we decide it's sensitive we can always strip them in a preprocessor 17:05:33 <Eighth_Doctor> let's not make yaml more awful please 17:05:43 <sgallagh> Note that Content Resolver also has a container-based generator that you can try out on your YAML before submitting if you want to. 17:05:54 <tdawson> salimma: After I re-read them, your pull request on the document sounds right ... I'll do a verification to make sure everything works. 17:05:55 <dcavalca> oh that's great to know 17:06:07 <salimma> tdawson: thanks 17:06:12 <sgallagh> It's... not fast. But it works,. 17:06:24 <salimma> oh one note on ELN Extras - the link to the result contains -- which gets mangled by antora 17:06:29 <sgallagh> OK, we're over time. I'm going to close out the meeting. 17:06:40 <dcavalca> thanks sgallagh 17:06:45 <salimma> I'll fix it when I'm on my x86, there's no aarch container and the previewer is suggesting I use npm, which... heck no 17:06:48 <dcavalca> salimma: file an issue so we don't forget? 17:06:50 <salimma> thanks Stephen Gallagher 17:07:05 <salimma> dcavalca: nah, I'll do a PR right after this :) 17:07:12 <dcavalca> even better :p 17:07:14 <salimma> it's on my todo note app 17:07:38 <sgallagh> #endmeeting