17:00:33 <pboy> #startmeeting fedora-server 17:00:33 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 7 17:00:33 2022 UTC. 17:00:33 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 17:00:33 <zodbot> The chair is pboy. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 17:00:33 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-server' 17:00:43 <pboy> #topic Welcome / roll call 17:00:52 <pboy> Welcome to our Server WG IRC meeting today! 17:01:01 <pboy> Please, everybody who is lurking, say either .hello2 or .hello <fasname> 17:01:09 <pboy> I’ll post the agenda in a few minutes 17:02:06 <cooltshirtguy> .hello2 17:02:07 <zodbot> cooltshirtguy: cooltshirtguy 'Jason Beard' <jas_beard@hotmail.com> 17:02:32 <pboy> Welcome cooltshirtguy 17:03:15 <cooltshirtguy> thanks. I hope your doing good 17:03:48 <pboy> Yes, after an internet breakdown the last 2 days everything is fine again. 17:04:53 <pboy> That was a hard time. I didn't know how much I'm used to use the internet. I couldn't do nearly anything. 17:05:10 <cooltshirtguy> 2 days with no internet. I wouldnt know what to do 17:05:17 <cooltshirtguy> hahah 17:06:13 <pboy> Hm, we are not too many, today. Let's wait another 5 mins 17:06:20 <cooltshirtguy> ok 17:12:32 <pboy> Well, I think we have to postpone everything to the next meeting. 17:12:41 <cooltshirtguy> understood 17:12:49 <pboy> Do you have anything we should discuss now? 17:13:28 <cooltshirtguy> nope 17:13:51 <pboy> OK, just an announcemnt for the books: 17:14:10 <pboy> #info Update to my mail: Thanks to nirik we have a Server VM image in F37 and in Rawhide. 17:14:23 <pboy> Kevin (nirik) processed the PR and someone, I don’t know how, but probably nirik as well, wrote the integration script for the build system. 17:14:23 <cooltshirtguy> nice 17:14:36 <pboy> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=91733076 17:14:37 <nirik> well, except... 17:14:46 <nirik> it failed on ppc64le and aarch64. ;( 17:15:06 <pboy> Yes, but I think I know the cause. 17:15:07 <nirik> and it didn't quite make the beta RC. ;( 17:15:18 <nirik> yeah, hopefully it's an easy fix. 17:15:28 <pboy> Can I do another PR or is it better to do nothing? 17:16:05 <pboy> And do we have a chance for the next RC? 17:16:19 <nirik> another PR with a fix would be great. well, or two... one for rawhide, one f37 17:16:27 <nirik> if there is one. 17:17:10 <pboy> Yes, aarch64 is a bit stricter with the filesystem type. This seems to be the cause. 17:18:09 <pboy> Anyway, I’m really happy now, after a lot of work I had done. 17:18:30 <pboy> Again, many thanks to nirik. 17:18:37 <pboy> And to sgallagh for support on the not so easy way to get the kickstart file done. 17:18:51 <nirik> thanks for working on it pboy! 17:19:10 <sgallagh> pboy++ 17:19:10 <zodbot> sgallagh: Karma for pboy changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:20:01 <pboy> thanks! It was my first technical contrib after all the documentation. 17:20:43 <pboy> And it is the first notiable change for Fedora Server after a long time. 17:21:03 <eseyman> hello, folks 17:21:15 <eseyman> sorry I'm late, something came up 17:21:22 <pboy> Welcome eseyman 17:21:53 <pboy> Now we have the quorum, and I think we can start - and should do so! 17:22:13 <pboy> #topic Agenda 17:22:22 <pboy> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-server/report/Meeting 17:22:29 <pboy> #info Follow up actions 17:22:37 <pboy> #info Release 37 Beta testing 17:22:44 <pboy> #info Server VM status and the way forward 17:22:52 <pboy> #info I Work planning for the next 6 months 17:22:58 <pboy> #info Open Floor 17:23:06 <pboy> Any additional topic / issue / comment ? 17:23:33 <pboy> I see none 17:23:36 <eseyman> not for me 17:23:43 <cooltshirtguy> nope 17:23:46 <pboy> #topic Follow up actions 17:23:54 <pboy> #info Currently no open actions 17:24:03 <pboy> #info Still to do: final editing of the technical specifications as decided last meeting. 17:24:22 <pboy> Does anyone has anything to add here? 17:25:05 <pboy> #topic Release 37 Beta testing 17:25:14 <pboy> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-server/issue/91 17:25:23 <pboy> #info Fedora 37 Candidate Beta-1.5 Available 17:25:33 <pboy> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_37_Beta_1.5_Server 17:26:17 <pboy> I think, there are at least 4 subtopics: 17:26:26 <pboy> 1. Current state of the Software Raid installation issue 17:26:34 <pboy> 2. how to deal with bug reports found a long time ago and unprocessed since then 17:26:41 <pboy> 3. How to systematize testing 17:26:53 <pboy> 4. Where are there additional testing needs to automated testing? 17:27:26 <pboy> Any additional ideas? 17:28:22 <eseyman> that's already a lot to talk about 17:28:34 <pboy> Indeed. :-) 17:28:42 <pboy> So let's start with: 17:28:51 <pboy> 1. Current state of the Software Raid installation issue 17:29:10 <pboy> It was accepted as a blocker bug, but is it really? 17:29:21 <pboy> Didn’t see it in bcottons mails. 17:29:31 <pboy> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/current 17:29:58 <pboy> I'm wondering, what to do. 17:31:17 <pboy> adamw Are you online by any chance? 17:31:26 <eseyman> One easy win is to document the current state of affairs 17:31:38 <nirik> pboy: it's a final blocker, not a beta one 17:31:45 <nirik> https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/37/final/buglist 17:32:05 <nirik> (I think? what is the bug number?) 17:32:35 <eseyman> people who want to use software raid should be told upfront that it works or doesn't work 17:33:24 <pboy> nirik https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2088113 17:33:44 <nirik> yeah, final blocker 17:34:16 <pboy> OK, very good. Well, I've still to learn the fine details of fedora universe. :-) 17:34:27 <nirik> so this is only bios boot? 17:35:28 <pboy> yes, efi did never work with custom, but does work with advanced config (that blivi... I never can remeber) 17:35:53 <nirik> well, efi has a different problem I guess... the efi partition can only be in one place. 17:35:59 <nirik> anyhow, sorry for sidetracking. 17:36:56 <pboy> Yes,anconda resolves that by making it a raid partition. It work with Fedora, but probably with nothing else. 17:37:51 <pboy> I think, we have to resolve that in a next step, F38 of F39 17:38:54 <pboy> My biggest concern with this bug has been taken care of. 17:39:03 <pboy> I will continue to test the installation and comment on the bug. 17:39:29 <pboy> I've already set up a specific test environment in my home lab 17:39:50 <pboy> Anything elso to that sub topic? 17:40:07 <eseyman> nope 17:40:29 <pboy> OK, let's forward to the next one: 17:40:41 <pboy> 2. how to deal with bug reports found a long time ago and unprocessed since then 17:41:08 <pboy> Specifically it is: 17:41:23 <pboy> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1900869 17:41:41 <pboy> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1900888 17:42:23 <pboy> The latter is especially bad. you have to deactivate SELinux and must not forget to activate it again afterwards 17:42:50 <pboy> What can we do about those 2 years old bugs? 17:44:14 <eseyman> humm... 17:44:56 <pboy> Me either. :-) 17:45:53 <pboy> I think I will bring to the weekly QA meeting next Monday. Maybe, we can get some advice there. 17:46:32 <pboy> Maybe, we should first discuss the 4. subtopic: 17:46:44 <pboy> 4. Where are there additional testing needs to automated testing? 17:47:26 <pboy> It means, we should study the change list for suspicious items. 17:47:54 <eseyman> dns, dhcp and ldap seems like quick wins 17:49:13 <pboy> Yes, with dns / systemd-resolved there is another longstanding but. Split DNS doesn't work with virtual interfaces, specifically libvirt, out default virtualization 17:49:38 <pboy> It did work some releases ago. 17:50:49 <pboy> Maybe the best is, to start a mailing list thread about additional test items? 17:51:50 <cooltshirtguy> sounds like a place to start 17:52:04 <pboy> #agreed We start a thread on the mailing list about additional needs for testing. 17:52:36 <pboy> I think, we can switch to the next topic? 17:52:54 <pboy> #topic Server VM status and the way forward 17:53:21 <pboy> I think, everything is said the the beginning. So we can skip to the next? 17:53:33 <cooltshirtguy> yes 17:53:46 <pboy> #topic Work planning for the next 6 months 17:53:54 <pboy> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-server/boards/Works%20in%20progress 17:54:19 <pboy> I think, we have 2 larger projects: 17:54:39 <pboy> a) review & extend our release criteria 17:54:48 <pboy> b) review our installation media 17:55:26 <pboy> a) is probably rather boring and b) is rather complicated. 17:55:43 <eseyman> yes 17:56:05 <pboy> Any idea what to do? 17:57:22 <cooltshirtguy> not really, pick one and move forward? 17:58:45 <pboy> Yeah. So I think we should start with the release criteria and probably as a more interesting project expand our Ansible project. 17:59:08 <pboy> So we have 2 in parallel, that should be possible. 17:59:30 <pboy> Eseyman what about your Ansible project ideas? 18:00:52 <eseyman> well, my idea was to build the SBC reference list and create Ansible roles based on that 18:01:25 <eseyman> I did spend part of my vacation writing the dnsmasq one and it's almost complete 18:01:41 <eseyman> I'll probably finish this weekend 18:02:26 <eseyman> so release criteria should come first 18:02:38 <pboy> That's a lot of progress! 18:03:15 <pboy> Yeah, release criteria is somewhat dry, but important. 18:03:39 <eseyman> it would make a lot more things simpler to do 18:03:54 <pboy> I see, our time is up. Let's continue with this topic text meeting. 18:04:15 <pboy> I would close, if nothing else is to talk about? 18:04:19 <cooltshirtguy> nope 18:04:41 <pboy> ok. Bye then and see you in 2 weeks and on mailing list. 18:04:49 <eseyman> see you, folks 18:04:56 <pboy> #endmeeting