15:00:37 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 15:00:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon May 1 15:00:37 2023 UTC. 15:00:37 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:37 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 15:00:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 15:00:42 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:00:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:00:47 <adamw> #topic Roll Call 15:01:32 * coremodule_ is here 15:01:33 <bcotton> .hello2 15:01:34 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 15:01:40 <coremodule_> Good morning adamw! 15:02:02 <adamw> hi folks 15:02:10 * tflink[m] is here 15:04:12 <adamw> welp, thin crowd, which is good cos i've got a thin agenda =) 15:04:24 <bcotton> and i have thinning hair 15:04:38 <adamw> oh god, don't remind me 15:06:05 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 15:06:15 <adamw> ooh, this is exciting, i have no idea if i forgot to do something this time 15:06:42 <adamw> oh no, i didn't. aw, that's disappointing 15:06:45 <adamw> oh well, i'm sure i forgot to do lots of other things 15:06:51 <adamw> #info no action items at last meeting 15:06:52 <bcotton> better luck next time 15:10:21 <adamw> thanks...i...guess? 15:10:27 <adamw> here, let's play a game i'm gonna call Meeting Roulette 15:10:30 <adamw> #chair bcotton 15:10:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw bcotton 15:10:34 <adamw> now you can give me action items 15:10:42 <bcotton> oh wow 15:10:43 <adamw> use this power wisely 15:10:47 <bcotton> is that even legal? 15:11:06 <adamw> i won't narc if you don't 15:11:23 <bcotton> #action adamw to migrate release criteria from the wiki to docs.fp.o 15:11:24 * bcotton runs 15:11:52 <adamw> ...well that one's gonna be in the followup section for a while 15:12:35 <bcotton> i'd hate for your can-kicking muscles to atrophy 15:14:12 <adamw> #topic hah 15:14:14 <adamw> d'oh 15:14:16 <adamw> #undo 15:14:16 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x7f3e985262b0> 15:14:23 <adamw> i had #topic typed already. :D 15:14:27 <tflink[m]> I thought we had talked about doing that in the past and decided it wasn't worth the effort. Did something change? 15:14:38 <adamw> did we talk about it? 15:14:50 <adamw> the thing that changed is that everybody else desperately wants to kill the wiki for some reason 15:14:53 <adamw> the poor wiki, it never hurt anyone 15:14:54 <tflink[m]> Years ago 15:15:13 <adamw> sure it was the criteria not the test cases? 15:15:27 <bcotton> i'd settle for having criteria be an ordered list so that we could easily refer to "criterion", e.g. 15:15:40 <adamw> the criteria i think we probably cooould move, relatively easily...i don't think they have any fancy templating tricks going on 15:15:59 <bcotton> also i think the pull request workflow is a big improvement for proposing changes because you can't do that in the wiki 15:16:00 <bcotton> but 15:16:10 <bcotton> mostly i'm just poking adam because I can 15:16:11 <adamw> Ben Cotton (he/him): okay, you come up with a numbering scheme that we will *never* realize we need to change 15:16:34 <bcotton> it can change between releases 🤷 15:16:44 <tflink[m]> I wondered if that was the case :) 15:16:46 <adamw> hum. i'll think about it! 15:16:57 <bcotton> but if I invent one, I'm calling it the "Screwy Decimal System" 15:17:43 <adamw> i feel like that has to exist already 15:17:57 <adamw> probably an obscure Wierd Al b-side 15:18:13 <adamw> #topic Fedora 38 and 39 check-in 15:20:11 <nirik> FWIW, I am probibly going to be upgrading the wiki in the next week or two... :) 15:20:11 <adamw> oh gee, buckle your pants for Fun 15:20:27 <adamw> drop me a line when staging gets upgraded and i'll test stuff 15:20:29 <adamw> sooo, yeah, we released a thing 15:20:51 <adamw> i have seen enough reports of https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2187837 to be worried, but not enough to figure out what's going on 15:21:32 <adamw> basically, for some people packagekit crashed during the upgrade to f38, leaving the transaction incomplete and breaking various things due to operations from late in the upgrade process that didn't happen 15:21:42 <adamw> the most obvious symptom for most people is that GNOME Software doesn't start 15:22:14 <adamw> it's possible this is a single repeatable bug, and it's also possible each reporter had an incomplete upgrade for a different reason but saw the same symptoms, that's entirely possible 15:22:28 <adamw> (if the upgrade fails in a similar place you'll see similar symptoms, regardless of the cause) 15:22:33 <adamw> anyone run into any more cases like that? 15:26:11 <adamw> i guess not! well, keep an eye out. if anyone hits it, do not wipe the machine, and keep all the logs 15:31:51 <adamw> seen a few other random problems on mastodon, but nothing that seems to rise to the level of a trend 15:32:21 <adamw> Rawhide seems pretty solid right now, still just three known failures in openqa (lvm resizing and Arabic missing from the installer) 15:32:21 <adamw> any other notes on f38/f39? 15:32:39 <tflink[m]> nothing from me 15:35:03 <adamw> #info Fedora 38 seems to be going over generally well, there's a potential issue with upgrades crashing, see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2187837 and preserve all logs if you encounter this 15:35:14 <adamw> #info Fedora 39 (Rawhide) is fairly stable at present 15:35:28 <adamw> #topic Test Day / community event status 15:36:16 <adamw> #info the call for Test Days has gone out, please go ahead and file a ticket if you'd like to propose a Test Day for Fedora 39 cycle: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/desktop@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/BVGUCIDZ7RJ7RR5PZMCCC5RYB5D4ACMQ/ 15:38:36 <adamw> anything else? 15:41:57 <adamw> guess not! 15:41:59 <adamw> #topic Open floor 15:42:03 <adamw> any other business, folks? 15:42:10 <coremodule_> nothing here... 15:42:11 <tflink[m]> nothing here, no 15:45:17 * bcotton has nothing 15:47:21 <adamw> alrighty, thanks for coming folks 15:47:27 <adamw> #endmeeting