17:30:02 <bexelbie> #startmeeting Mindshare 17:30:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 21 17:30:02 2018 UTC. 17:30:02 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 17:30:02 <zodbot> The chair is bexelbie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:30:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:30:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'mindshare' 17:30:02 <bexelbie> #chair jsmith sumantrom robyduck nb x3mboy bt0dotninja mleonova bex bexelbie 17:30:02 <bexelbie> #topic Roll Call 17:30:02 <bexelbie> .hello bex 17:30:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: bex bexelbie bt0dotninja jsmith mleonova nb robyduck sumantrom x3mboy 17:30:04 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bexelbie@redhat.com> 17:30:28 <jsmith> .hello2 17:30:30 <zodbot> jsmith: jsmith 'Jared Smith' <jsmith.fedora@gmail.com> 17:31:11 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Well, I can't send .commands from telegram 17:31:14 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> But I'm here 17:31:17 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> .hello x3mboy 17:31:49 <bexelbie> #topic Agenda 17:31:50 <bexelbie> Proposed: Tickets: 63, 38, 57, 60, NA Note, and then Open Floor 17:31:50 <bexelbie> Any suggested additions or modifications? 17:32:30 <jsmith> Looks good to me. 17:32:55 <tg-fedmindshare> <bt0dotninja> Hi 17:33:02 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Looks good to me 17:33:47 <tg-fedmindshare> <bt0dotninja> It's fine 17:33:58 <bexelbie> #topic #63 Update Advocate Template 17:33:58 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/63 17:34:31 <jsmith> I just gave it my +1 17:34:34 <jsmith> It looks good to me. 17:35:00 <bexelbie> mainly bringing this up to collect votes or get it fixed to get them :) 17:35:24 <bexelbie> I'd like to then use this as a model for an RP specific ticket and hopefully nb can model the larger events process on this too 17:36:21 <bexelbie> any questions? 17:36:27 * bexelbie presumes the silent folks are reading? 17:36:30 <jsmith> No questions from me -- makes perfect sense. 17:36:32 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> +1 from me 17:37:01 <bexelbie> lazy consensus by next meeting? 17:37:03 <tg-fedmindshare> <bt0dotninja> +1 too 17:37:33 <bexelbie> #action ticket passes by lazy consensus by next meeting 17:37:37 <jsmith> Sounds good to me 17:37:42 <bexelbie> we have enough +1s to feel good about imho 17:37:43 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Ok 17:37:53 <bexelbie> any more comments? 17:38:26 <bexelbie> #topic #38 Announcement of F29 release parties 17:38:26 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/38 17:38:35 <bexelbie> x3mboy_ posted a draft 17:38:40 <bexelbie> any additional feedback? 17:39:24 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> I think the draft is really ok 17:39:27 <tg-fedmindshare> <sumantro93> I m here too 17:39:44 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> But I was waiting for others feedback 17:39:48 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Also, I posted a etherpad link 17:39:52 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Where we can work with it 17:40:01 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/Release_Party_Announcement_DRAFT 17:40:02 <bexelbie> @sumantro93 please see #63 after the meeting - we are talking about #38 now 17:40:35 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> We should move quickly on that one, because Release is a little far now 17:40:44 <jsmith> Looks good to me 17:40:49 <jsmith> +1 to publish it 17:40:54 <bexelbie> I suggest you goal for posting it next week, +1 to publish 17:41:28 <jsmith> +1 to goal as well :-) 17:41:28 <bexelbie> proposed #action x3mboy_ to get this published next week? 17:41:45 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Sure! 17:41:48 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> +1 17:42:03 <bexelbie> bt0, or sumantro? 17:42:32 <tg-fedmindshare> <sumantro93> +1 17:42:40 <bexelbie> #action x3mboy_ to get this published next week 17:42:45 <bexelbie> #topic #57 Rationalize list of teams 17:42:46 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/57 17:42:56 <bexelbie> I have not had a time to read all of this since the last round of updates 17:43:03 <bexelbie> does someone have time to be a second set of eyes? 17:43:21 <bexelbie> @bt0dotninja had done great work here 17:43:26 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Nope, reading it now 17:44:03 <bexelbie> @bt0dotninja can you work on getting this merged for next week? 17:44:18 <tg-fedmindshare> <bt0dotninja> Yes 17:44:19 <jsmith> I can merge if you'd like 17:44:27 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> I have a question 17:44:44 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Forget it 17:44:49 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> It was my mistake 17:44:53 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> I get it know 17:44:57 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> +1 to merge it 17:45:04 <bexelbie> cool 17:45:12 <bexelbie> jsmith, actually that would be awesome 17:45:24 <bexelbie> #action jsmith to get this merged 17:45:32 <bexelbie> that way the proposer isn't the merger 17:45:33 <bexelbie> :) 17:45:45 <bexelbie> #topic #60 Telegram as communication channel 17:45:45 <tg-fedmindshare> <sumantro93> +1 merge! 17:45:45 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/60 17:46:08 <bexelbie> I bring this one up to point out that there is now a council ticket about this. I think this will get talked about at the Council Hack during the first week of December 17:46:27 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Cool! 17:46:32 <bexelbie> so lets land any additional information we want in that conversation then - so that they can come out with an answer that will hopefully not require too much debate before it is accepted 17:46:34 <jsmith> Proposed action: Wait for the Council to decide 17:46:53 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> +1 to wait for Council 17:47:05 <tg-fedmindshare> <sumantro93> +1 17:47:34 <bexelbie> +1 17:47:49 <bexelbie> #action Wait for Council 17:47:58 <bexelbie> #undo 17:47:58 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by bexelbie at 17:47:49 : Wait for Council 17:47:58 <tg-fedmindshare> <bt0dotninja> +1 17:48:20 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> It should be agreed, not action 17:48:22 <bexelbie> #action x3mboy_ to hold this pending council outcome 17:48:23 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> xD 17:48:26 <bexelbie> #undo 17:48:26 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by bexelbie at 17:48:22 : x3mboy_ to hold this pending council outcome 17:48:34 <bexelbie> #agreed Wait for Council 17:48:38 <bexelbie> third times a charm :) 17:48:39 <bexelbie> thank you 17:48:42 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> That's it 17:48:54 <bexelbie> #topic NA Note on Ambassadors Meetings 17:48:54 <bexelbie> I thought the comments in this ticket were interesting, especially the part about what regional meetings should be. I think there is a next action buried in here, but I am unsure what it is. 17:48:54 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/198 17:49:04 <bexelbie> there is some praise for us getting things done in there 17:49:26 <bexelbie> but the part about what a meeting is struck me as something we should hae in our Amby guidance - it would be nice if nb were here to update us - I hope he will read these minutes 17:49:32 * bexelbie lets people read 17:50:05 <jsmith> Yeah, I hope he will as well :-) 17:50:59 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> I think is interesting 17:51:05 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Something similar happens on Latam too 17:51:28 <tg-fedmindshare> <bt0dotninja> Yeah 17:51:29 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Last week, as there were no tickets to discuss/approve, we didn't run a meeting 17:51:30 <bexelbie> x3mboy are they falling into the same pattern? I think we've seen a few latam tickets 17:51:54 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Yes 17:52:22 <bexelbie> makes me think we need the ambassadors list to be more active as a "find help" and that can lead to meetings as needed if cadence doesn't make sense 17:52:28 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> And my concern is that having less meetings can make people to get disconnected from the group's work 17:52:33 <bexelbie> also makes me wonder if that list should be more open 17:53:05 <bexelbie> x3mboy it'd be nice to see LATAM work on this with suggestions that could be considered by APAC, EMEA and NA 17:54:51 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Sure, I will try to raise some conversation about it 17:54:58 <bexelbie> cool 17:54:59 <tg-fedmindshare> <sumantro93> me concurs with bex 17:55:20 <bexelbie> any other thoughts/comments? 17:55:35 <bexelbie> otherwise, the moment you've all been waiting for: 17:55:43 <bexelbie> #topic Open Floor 17:55:43 * jsmith has no other comments 17:55:59 <tg-fedmindshare> <sumantro93> /me has nothing to add either 17:56:24 <tg-fedmindshare> <bt0dotninja> Me neither 17:56:31 <bexelbie> any topics? 17:56:40 <bexelbie> otherwise we can gift back the world 30 minutes of our time 17:57:07 <bexelbie> propose to close 17:57:10 <bexelbie> +1 17:57:17 <jsmith> +1 17:57:19 <tg-fedmindshare> <sumantro93> +1 17:57:31 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> I have a question 17:57:33 <tg-fedmindshare> <sumantro93> Happy Thanksgiving to all! :) 17:57:34 <bexelbie> go for it 17:57:39 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Not a topic properly 17:57:44 <tg-fedmindshare> <sumantro93> yes Eduard! 17:57:49 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Can a Mindshare member apply for council? 17:58:08 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Are these mutually exclusive? 17:58:10 <tg-fedmindshare> <sumantro93> I dont see why not 17:58:16 <bexelbie> they are not mutually exclusive 17:58:20 <jsmith> No, they're not mutually exclusive 17:58:27 <bexelbie> good council members are involved 17:58:39 <bexelbie> they just need to know how to balance $life so they aren't overloaded 17:58:42 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Cool! 17:58:49 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> So x3mboy for Counil! 17:59:08 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> s/Counil/Council/g 17:59:14 <bexelbie> any other topics/questions? 17:59:19 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Nope 17:59:21 * bexelbie doesn't comment on elections for obvious reasons 17:59:23 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> EOF 17:59:54 <bexelbie> @bt0dotninja ok to close? 18:00:19 <bexelbie> silence is consent :D 18:00:24 <bexelbie> thank you all very much 18:00:28 <bexelbie> to those celebrating, happy holidays 18:00:47 * bexelbie is without a Turkey :( or Cranberry Sauce :(:( 18:00:54 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> +1 18:01:00 <tg-fedmindshare> <x3mboy> Happy thanks giving 18:01:05 <bexelbie> #endmeeting