17:31:12 <riecatnor> #startmeeting Mindshare Committee
17:31:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar  4 17:31:12 2020 UTC.
17:31:12 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
17:31:12 <zodbot> The chair is riecatnor. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
17:31:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:31:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'mindshare_committee'
17:31:25 <riecatnor> @meetingname Mindshare Committee Weekly Meeting
17:31:36 <riecatnor> #meetingname Mindshare Committee Weekly Meeting
17:31:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'mindshare_committee_weekly_meeting'
17:31:45 <riecatnor> hows everyone doing today?
17:31:57 <bt0> excellent
17:32:33 <riecatnor> bt0: glad to hear that!
17:32:45 <bt0> :)
17:32:49 <hhlp> good too
17:33:01 <riecatnor> hhlp, :)
17:33:11 <riecatnor> Let's look at some tickets
17:33:12 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/190
17:34:37 <riecatnor> so I think it
17:34:43 <riecatnor> it's a definite +1 to swag
17:35:10 <riecatnor> I am curious if we sponsored this event in the past
17:35:29 <bt0> i'm not sure
17:36:27 <riecatnor> I think I will ask mballa
17:36:32 <bt0> https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/81
17:37:07 <hhlp> she has a envent report -> https://marianaballa.com/the-fedora-project-at-oscal-2019/
17:38:30 <riecatnor> OK, so last year it looks like we did a $1500 sponsorship
17:38:58 <bt0> yep
17:39:04 <riecatnor> I will propose that in a comment on the ticket to get feedback
17:39:21 <riecatnor> I think the reasons for sponsorship still stand, and are valid
17:39:39 <bt0> +1 to comment the ticket
17:40:42 <riecatnor> OK, I commented
17:40:57 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/189
17:41:51 <riecatnor> looks like plenty of +1s already :)
17:41:58 <riecatnor> I will direct to open a budget ticket
17:42:11 <bt0> ok
17:42:14 <bt0> ,thanks
17:43:10 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/188
17:43:22 <riecatnor> this I actually requested the swag for, so I triaged to needs-event-report
17:43:54 <bt0> cool
17:44:28 <riecatnor> same for 187, 186
17:44:45 <riecatnor> (well at least they have been approved, not all swag sent yet ;)
17:46:14 <bt0> ok
17:46:24 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/184
17:46:37 <riecatnor> I think this one is on me to get these ordered :)
17:48:03 <nb> Hello
17:48:10 <riecatnor> hiya nb
17:49:58 <bt0> hi nb o/
17:50:19 <riecatnor> I put the sticker ordering on my to do list :)
17:50:34 <riecatnor> (triaged a couple more)
17:50:40 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/181
17:50:49 <bt0> mine
17:50:53 <riecatnor> bt0, any update on script? :)
17:51:19 <bt0> https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/FedoraCommunityStats
17:51:34 <bt0> actually I migrated some tools from Python2 to 3
17:51:50 <bt0> we can get data from user
17:51:54 <bt0> by example
17:52:49 <riecatnor> well, it is looking good :) thank you for your work on that
17:52:59 <bt0> the txt files in the ticket
17:53:29 <bt0> Username		Category		Count		Percentage
17:53:29 <bt0> bt0dotninja		Pagure		51		87.93%
17:53:29 <bt0> bt0dotninja		Irc		3		5.17%
17:53:29 <bt0> bt0dotninja		Wiki		4		6.9%
17:53:38 <riecatnor> yes, I was looking to decipher that
17:53:54 <riecatnor> what does the 'count' represent
17:54:00 <bt0> Total : 58
17:54:08 <bt0> number of hits by category
17:54:24 <riecatnor> what is a hit in this instance
17:55:28 <bt0> by example, in pagure, edit or add comments counts like one hit
17:55:42 <bt0> or avery corp update
17:56:01 <riecatnor> lines spoken in irc//changes made to the wiki
17:56:33 <bt0> presence on a meeting for irc
17:56:43 <bt0> number of edits on wiki
17:57:02 <riecatnor> can you run mine? :)
17:57:08 <bt0> fedora has a lot of different events
17:57:11 <bt0> sure
17:57:27 <bt0> Username		Category		Count		Percentage
17:57:27 <bt0> riecatnor		Pagure		120		76.43%
17:57:27 <bt0> riecatnor		Mailman		17		10.83%
17:57:27 <bt0> riecatnor		Irc		5		3.18%
17:57:27 <bt0> riecatnor		Fedbadges		4		2.55%
17:57:28 <bt0> riecatnor		Wiki		10		6.37%
17:57:30 <bt0> riecatnor		Fedocal		1		0.64%
17:57:34 <bt0> Total : 157
17:57:41 <bt0> last 12 weeks
17:58:27 <riecatnor> I see an opportunity for a set of badges :)
17:58:40 <bt0> sure
17:58:50 <bt0> let me fix the group part
17:59:13 <bt0> and ask/set a group of relevant eventos by SIG
17:59:45 <bt0> but this week this become really functional
17:59:56 <bt0> *this will become
18:01:08 <riecatnor> really sweet!
18:01:29 <riecatnor> I think this would also be cool for some "stat" cards for users
18:01:37 <hhlp> really helpfull
18:01:47 <riecatnor> how much time can the script grab
18:03:09 <bt0> without crash ??? :P
18:03:13 <riecatnor> lol
18:03:15 <bt0> 3 years maybe
18:03:46 <riecatnor> mm, very cool!
18:04:05 <riecatnor> I think it would be nice to take one of these meetings and brainstorm all the different things we could do with this
18:05:24 <nb> bt0, can you do me?
18:05:29 <bt0> sure
18:06:10 <hhlp> @nb is in the ticket
18:06:30 <bt0> give me a minute or two
18:06:46 <bt0> for 3 years is running nb :)
18:07:50 <riecatnor> How about next meeting we focus on brainstorming ways to use the script
18:07:56 <riecatnor> thoughts?
18:08:10 <hhlp> +1
18:08:14 <bt0> sounds good for me
18:08:18 <bt0> +1
18:08:44 <nb> +1
18:09:24 <riecatnor> sweet :)
18:10:02 <riecatnor> What do y'all think about reclaiming 20 minutes of our day? (end the meeting early :)
18:10:15 <bt0> fine +1
18:10:15 <tg-fedmindshare> <j​wflory> @bt0dotninja++
18:10:31 <riecatnor> anyone have pressing things?
18:11:33 <tg-fedmindshare> <j​wflory> riecatnor bt0: Might be interesting to poll different teams if there is data that would be directly useful to tailor the script for. Some early feedback might be helpful but not too much just yet :P
18:11:44 <bt0> Username		Category		Count		Percentage
18:11:44 <bt0> nb		Pagure		482		3.08%
18:11:44 <bt0> nb		Bugzilla		4391		28.09%
18:11:44 <bt0> nb		Irc		176		1.13%
18:11:44 <bt0> nb		Infragit		3028		19.37%
18:11:44 <bt0> nb		Buildsys		3886		24.86%
18:11:46 <bt0> nb		Ansible		118		0.75%
18:11:48 <bt0> nb		Fedbadges		86		0.55%
18:11:50 <bt0> nb		Copr		363		2.32%
18:11:52 <bt0> nb		Bodhi		1603		10.25%
18:11:54 <bt0> nb		Git		671		4.29%
18:11:58 <bt0> nb		Fmn		3		0.02%
18:12:00 <bt0> nb		Wiki		63		0.4%
18:12:02 <bt0> nb		Ci		52		0.33%
18:12:04 <bt0> nb		Mailman		27		0.17%
18:12:06 <bt0> nb		Fas		596		3.81%
18:12:08 <bt0> nb		Summershum		29		0.19%
18:12:10 <bt0> nb		Hotness		14		0.09%
18:12:12 <bt0> nb		Pkgdb		46		0.29%
18:12:14 <bt0> Total : 15634
18:12:22 <tg-fedmindshare> <j​wflory> Oops didn't realize meeting was still running. Didn't mean to interrupt
18:12:30 <riecatnor> jwflory you're always welcome :)
18:13:31 <riecatnor> I think what we need once we have some preliminaries is a blog post to show what great work bt0 has been up to :)
18:13:52 <tg-fedmindshare> <j​wflory> +1 to that
18:14:02 <bt0> Yeah @jwflory , i need solve some problems with port from Python2.7 to python3 and start adding new features to solve Fedora-Join, QA and Mindshare particular issues
18:14:17 <hhlp> +1
18:14:56 <tg-fedmindshare> <j​wflory> Feel free to drop a line in #fedora-commops if you'd like any help on anything
18:14:56 <riecatnor> Next we when we discuss further, we can set out what we want to do for promotion
18:15:05 <riecatnor> next week*
18:15:24 <riecatnor> alright folks, going to close this out for today :)
18:15:34 <riecatnor> thank you, everyone for being here!
18:15:40 <riecatnor> #endmeeting