20:05:48 <rbergeron> #startmeeting
20:05:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jan 26 20:05:48 2010 UTC.  The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:05:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:05:59 <rbergeron> #topic marketing meeting
20:06:02 <rrix> is rbergeron on charge? scary ;)
20:06:20 <rbergeron> i am. mchua's RSI is being unhappy :)
20:06:27 <rbergeron> well. i guess that gets a frowny face
20:06:32 <rbergeron> #topic roll call
20:06:33 <rbergeron> who's here?
20:06:36 * stickster 
20:06:38 * hiemanshu 
20:06:41 * rrix is, for the most part
20:06:49 * AamirBhutto .
20:06:55 * rbergeron is here and new and improved with power flowing to house
20:07:04 <stickster> w0t
20:07:08 <stickster> I mean, w00t
20:07:19 <hiemanshu> rbergeron: doesnt matter, you are still late :P
20:07:22 <rbergeron> well, w0t is what i said... w0t! power!
20:07:32 <stickster> w0t! pip-pip! Cheerio!
20:07:42 * rharrison is here
20:07:50 <rbergeron> hiemanshu: we've been starting the meetings about 3 minutes late anyway since mchua's been unsynced from the atomic clock :)
20:08:01 <rbergeron> hey rharrison!
20:08:11 <rbergeron> okay... moving on
20:08:12 <rharrison> hey
20:08:21 <rrix> stickster is british? :)
20:08:31 <rbergeron> possibly. in spirit, anyhow
20:08:33 <AamirBhutto> roll call ?
20:08:35 * hiemanshu notes its 4 mins late today
20:08:55 <rbergeron> AamirBhutto: we like to log who is present for the meeting.
20:09:08 <rrix> who are we missing? the usuals are around
20:09:16 <rrix> spevack: ?
20:09:26 <rbergeron> #topic marketing fad 2010: finalizing the schedule for each day
20:09:33 <AamirBhutto> asmarass ?
20:09:47 <rbergeron> wonderer...
20:10:04 <stickster> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_FAD_2010
20:10:08 <rbergeron> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_meetings#Agenda
20:10:14 <rbergeron> oh, wrong agenda.
20:10:17 <rbergeron> thank you stickster :)
20:10:32 <rbergeron> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_FAD_2010#Agenda
20:10:40 <rbergeron> ah, neville! glad you're here
20:10:47 <rrix> yn1v: hi! :)
20:10:59 <rbergeron> so we have four days, and plenty of suggestions for each day on how we want to organize the schedule for each day
20:11:12 <yn1v> hello :)
20:11:35 <rbergeron> so let's take 5-10 minutes for each day and finalize teh schedule, and after we close that out we'll use the rest of the meeting for other business / infrastructure stuff.
20:11:51 <rbergeron> #topic Day 1 - Marketing FAD
20:12:14 * mchua is here, watching, RSI is acting up
20:12:21 <mchua> (thank you rbergeron for chairing)
20:12:23 <rbergeron> ps. is everyone kosher with my plan thus far :)
20:12:27 <rbergeron> mchua: you're welcome, of course :)
20:12:30 <rrix> good luck, mchua
20:13:12 <rbergeron> i'll take that as a yes :) so day 1 is for focusing on strategy and research stuff.
20:13:14 <stickster> rbergeron: Sorry if I just missed it on the page -- do we have a statement of what we want to be holding in hand at the end of Day 1? Or is that subsumed in a more global list of end results?
20:14:14 <rbergeron> stickster: at last week's meting, we came up with a list of deliverables... i think (i was sort of in and out with the weather dumping on us here) - but that list hasn't made it to the wiki, it looks like
20:14:29 <rbergeron> mchua: type y or n with your nose to confirm
20:14:42 <rbergeron> stickster: in any case, with the schedule today, i'd like a list of deliverables tied to each day
20:14:52 * rrix will dig up the log, one moment
20:14:55 <rbergeron> rrix: can you do me favor pleeeeeez and look it up
20:15:00 <rbergeron> oh! you're on my page... awesomeness
20:15:02 <rrix> :D
20:15:13 <rbergeron> arizona minds... what can i asy :)
20:15:25 <mchua> y
20:15:36 <rbergeron> good, i'm not insane
20:15:53 <rbergeron> so let's nail down a finalized schedule, and firmly note deliverables for each day
20:16:01 <rbergeron> back to day 1....
20:16:24 <rbergeron> now, one of my big hopes for this day is that i'll have some research results by then, but i'm still sort of waiting on limesurvey packaging :(
20:16:35 <stickster> rbergeron: If that list was in last week's minutes, I'll take the action items of moving them to the wiki page
20:16:35 <rbergeron> nonetheless, that is the plan at this point.
20:17:06 <rbergeron> stickster: that would be much appreciated, if rrix confirms that we did have deliverables on the wiki page.
20:17:17 <rrix> firefox is acting up
20:17:20 <rbergeron> alternately, we can tie them into the wiki page with the final schedule
20:17:59 <rbergeron> i think at this point, the schedule of 9-10am of breakfast, introductions, orientation seems like a solid idea.
20:19:01 <rbergeron> neville proposed on the wiki page that we review market research and our current plans in the 10-noonish spot, which I agree with - it is better to ahve those results in mind before we start workign on marketing plan, etc.
20:19:14 <rbergeron> does anyone have any disagreements there?
20:19:24 <rrix> nuts
20:19:24 <rbergeron> the end deliverables for this day, i'm hoping, are:
20:19:35 <rbergeron> a finalized marketing plan
20:19:39 <rrix> my system is totally crapping out :/
20:19:56 <rbergeron> a nice presentation on market research results
20:20:50 <rbergeron> and time allowing, maybe come up with an SOP on how to set up lime survey surveys.
20:20:59 <rbergeron> rrix: don't worry about it. we'll tie it in :)
20:21:30 <stickster> rbergeron: Just added those to day 1
20:21:48 <rbergeron> yn1v also proposed developing some future goals / lifecycle stuff, and i totally agree with that.
20:22:02 <rrix> rbergeron: unfortunately I can't seem to find it
20:22:06 * rbergeron also thinks it would be hot if we had some more info on Fedora's target audience discussion by then :)
20:22:16 * rrix has failed his mision D:
20:22:21 <rbergeron> which i'm sure we will
20:22:29 <AamirBhutto> rrix :)
20:22:48 <rbergeron> so, i'm really apt to go with the schedule proposal Neville has come up with on Day 1:
20:23:03 <rrix> e/win 24
20:23:15 <stickster> rbergeron: Absolutely. The Board's strategic working group is meeting weekly, and our next step is to collect background info and issue breakdowns onto pages from which we can do some more actionable proposals
20:23:24 <rbergeron> does anyone have any disagreements / additions
20:23:37 <rbergeron> stickster: i've been following with baited breath. or however you type that :)
20:23:46 <rbergeron> type / spell :)
20:24:08 <yn1v> rbergeron, if we squeeze the time we may look at the results tie with a crash course in limesurvey.
20:24:44 <yn1v> but looks like we have more ideas than time
20:24:50 <rbergeron> everyone in agreement? Go with Neville's plan for Day 1, deliverables of a marketing plan, goals, discuss market research results
20:24:59 * rrix would like a limesurvey/RPM training session dual hackfest *nod*
20:25:02 <rbergeron> yn1v: yes, we tend to do that here in marketing it seems :)
20:25:10 <stickster> rbergeron: So on Day 1, is the section on "future goals" supposed to be a set of objectives for better marketing of Fedora, or is that for a discussion of any goals the Board sets out by that time?
20:25:12 <rbergeron> i think a limesurvey course would be good even as a fedora irc class
20:25:19 <rrix> at some point, though. Day 2 may work better
20:26:06 <rbergeron> stickster: yn1v wrote that, and I believe his intent was better marketing of Fedora, which I would agree with.
20:26:27 <stickster> rbergeron: Thanks for the clarification -- I completely agree too
20:26:32 <rbergeron> I think anything the board comes up with between now and then, unless they do it the day before we go, we coudl probably have a good marketing meeting about.
20:26:50 <rbergeron> just to discuss / clarify and have that stuff in people's mind before we do Marketing FAD.
20:27:12 <rbergeron> Are we good?
20:27:58 <rbergeron> #agreed Neville's plan for Day 1. Deliverable: marketing plan, marketing goals (short / long term), discuss market research results.
20:28:09 <rbergeron> moving on... that was more than 10 minutes :)
20:28:22 <rbergeron> #topic Day 2 - Brand Book
20:28:46 <rrix> brb, sneezing fit
20:29:01 <rbergeron> Deliverable for Day 2 is a solid brand book, ready to print / post / etc.
20:29:41 <mchua> We have the Red Hatters who did the Red Hat brand book coming in to support however they can help, we need to tell them how.
20:29:55 <rbergeron> mchua: are they available on Sunday?
20:30:02 <rbergeron> y / n :)
20:30:09 <mchua> y
20:30:13 <rbergeron> great
20:30:29 <mchua> Possibly not all of Sunday, and we should set out timeslots and then ask them for availability.
20:30:40 <rbergeron> noted.
20:30:51 <mchua> #action mchua get Red Hatters new to f-mktg coming to FAD to introduce themselves, schedule availability, on mktg list
20:31:06 <rbergeron> #action Brand book Day - need to set out timeslots and then ask RH brand / marketing folks on availability
20:31:19 <rbergeron> ^^^^what she said
20:31:30 <rrix> hurgh
20:32:04 <rrix> nice
20:32:05 <rbergeron> so. I like the schedule we have here. I also like the option 1 item we have listed on Day 2 - for developing templates, specifically - just to have more consistent marketing materials
20:32:49 <rbergeron> and I think we've given enough time of sprinting / brainstorming during the day that when RH people are available to drop in, we should be able to move things around slightly.
20:33:19 <stickster> rbergeron: We might also want to clean up the wiki pages for Presentations and other collateral
20:33:35 <rbergeron> so unless anyone has any objections, i'd like to call Day 2 settled as-is - pending availability of RH people.
20:33:47 <rbergeron> stickster: you mean, out with the old, in with the new?
20:33:49 <stickster> That's something that could be done in less than an hour by 1+ persons who are not actively working on template design
20:33:50 <stickster> Yeh
20:34:00 <rbergeron> make a central location for Branding info on the wiki and appropriate marketing materials?
20:34:03 <stickster> Wow, that was informal -- I meant "Yes"
20:34:14 <stickster> rbergeron: Or at least, a precise plan for it
20:34:34 <stickster> Wiki work can always be delayed until afterward as long as we have notes on how exactly we want to structure that
20:34:42 * rbergeron nods
20:34:57 <mchua> rbergeron: no need to pend for availability of RH people - don't block scheduling on them, we'll set it and they'll follow, and if needed we'll adjust.
20:35:00 <stickster> Wiki work is also spot-on for people who are attending remotely.
20:35:09 <rbergeron> well, even a rough draft wiki during the day would be good to caputure what we worked on, so we rememeber to put it into something more official looking.
20:35:15 <stickster> +1
20:36:00 <rbergeron> #action add to Day 2 Agenda as ongoing - wiki work around branding / branded materials.
20:36:06 <rbergeron> yes?
20:36:21 * rrix nods
20:36:42 <stickster> +1
20:36:47 <AamirBhutto> +1
20:36:54 <rbergeron> #agreed Day 2 Schedule - settled as-is, need to add wiki work of at minimum having a list of things we need to add to wiki pages around branding, updating presentation pages, etc.
20:37:08 <rbergeron> #topic Day 3 - Interviews and Filming.
20:37:22 <rbergeron> spevack is supposed to own this, although I'm not sure I saw where he volunteered for that.
20:38:14 <rbergeron> The deliverables for this day are as follows:
20:38:23 <rbergeron> a "What is Fedora?" video explaining the project's community and ecosystem
20:38:44 <rbergeron> and also, I'd hope, interviews that we can recycle / refinish for purposes ofr marketing in general
20:39:14 <rbergeron> any feature profile interviews we can squeeze in maybe simultaneously would be great, although I'm not sure how that syncs up with "the master plan" off the top of my head.
20:39:47 <stickster> rbergeron: That might work timing-wise actually... talking points are to be set up a couple weeks before that.
20:40:01 <stickster> #link http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-13/f-13-marketing-tasks.html
20:40:03 <rbergeron> stickster: that's what I thought, sometime mid-february
20:40:15 <rbergeron> late feb.
20:40:34 <rrix> yay for syncronisation
20:40:39 <yn1v> I think we can use a video showing how easy is to contribute to fedora and how many options are available
20:40:51 <rrix> +1 vn
20:40:55 <rrix> yn1v**
20:40:57 <rbergeron> I think one thing we need to do between now and then is get in touch with as many people as we can and find out if they want to sign up for interviews on-campus in raleigh
20:41:04 <rbergeron> or over irc chat, or whatever
20:41:12 <rbergeron> we can make a movie of an irc interview ;)
20:41:37 <rrix> rbergeron: please no :P
20:41:42 <rbergeron> yn1v: i think that would probably fit into the "what is fedora" video, unless you feel another way about it?
20:41:47 <rrix> do we have any contacts at university in raleigh?
20:42:02 <rbergeron> rrix: pourquot?
20:42:04 <rrix> maybe some project members going to school there?
20:42:05 <rbergeron> err.
20:42:08 <stickster> yn1v: rbergeron: Right, I see that as the type of content that fits well into that video.
20:42:09 <rbergeron> wow, that sounds like a fruit.
20:42:13 <rbergeron> pourquoi? :)
20:42:24 * mchua getting spevack here
20:42:27 <yn1v> rbergeron, it can fit. But also we can make a short one just for that.
20:42:30 <spevack> hi
20:42:31 <rrix> for user videos, etc
20:42:42 <rbergeron> i think the beauty of doing all these interviews is that a lot of the content can be remixed for varying purposes
20:42:52 <rrix> or am i missing something?
20:43:12 <rbergeron> if we can manage to tag it and catalog it properly, we can use it until at least the next fudcon when we can capture even more video
20:43:24 <rbergeron> hola, spevack
20:43:34 <spevack> hey rbergeron
20:43:34 <rbergeron> we'er talking about day 3 of the mktg fad
20:43:37 <stickster> I think the idea of people videos, and the idea of a general video about Fedora, are both good but should be considered separate for the purposes of the FAD.
20:43:54 <rbergeron> apparently you're the owner, congratulations :) wondering if you have feedback on the tentative schedule for that day.
20:44:00 * spevack looks
20:44:01 <rbergeron> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_FAD_2010#Agenda
20:44:02 <rbergeron> day 3
20:44:24 <rrix> what is wrong with my router? :<
20:44:28 <spevack> Here's what I think, at a high/mid level.
20:44:39 * stickster holds typing for spevack
20:44:48 <spevack> First, I'd like for everyone to be able to not only see, but also participate in, the video-production that tends to happen before a Fedora release.
20:44:59 <spevack> This is a perfect oppty for that process to become more open.
20:45:22 <spevack> Since you can go back in time to see videos where it's just me, all the way through to F12 where it was a bunch of people, but still all Red Hatters.
20:45:23 <mchua> the process that produces shiny like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b42bPNOdkA0
20:45:35 <mchua> (that's the f12 vid)
20:45:39 <spevack> There are two videos in the past
20:45:49 <spevack> that capture the spirit of what I think we want to achieve on this day of the Marketing FAD
20:45:57 <spevack> stickster might know where they are
20:46:08 <spevack> (1) A video that was made at FISL a few years ago where we interviewed a bunch of LATAM ambassadors
20:46:29 <spevack> (2) A video that we made at the Red Hat Summit in San Diego, that was basically a Fedora roundtable discussion with all the Fedora folks who were there
20:46:33 <spevack> which included some community folks.
20:46:49 <spevack> This is a chance for us to get a lot of video down that can be used for F13 as well as general Fedora B-roll.
20:46:53 <spevack> with a lot of different people.
20:46:56 <spevack> That last comment
20:47:04 <spevack> ties back into the idea of refreshing an old "what is Fedora" talk
20:47:12 <stickster> spevack: I know the exact videos you're talking about. Fishing for links...
20:47:27 <spevack> that was given by one guy (warren togami).  The content is a few years old, and it's time to refresh it and update it and have it be told by a bunch more people
20:47:46 <spevack> I'd also like to use the Marketing FAD to kick off the "interview chain" idea.
20:47:58 * rbergeron agrees with that
20:48:04 <stickster> http://magazine.redhat.com/2007/06/01/video-fedora-7-highlights/ <-- San Diego video
20:48:14 <rbergeron> i think we need to get a list of willing interviewers / interviewees
20:48:18 <spevack> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Contributor_podcast
20:48:37 <spevack> rbergeron: I know that's not a "specific order of operations" but it's a Vision Statement :)
20:49:22 * rbergeron nods
20:49:47 <rbergeron> ahha! prospective interviewees
20:49:48 <stickster> Can't find the FISL video but I know the one you're talking about. "Yo sao Fedora!"
20:49:54 <rbergeron> see, y'all are way ahead of me
20:50:22 <rbergeron> i'm assuming there is a local raleigh mail list? maybe asking a few days before on that ilst if anyone's interested would be a good idea.
20:50:32 <rrix> spevack: I've been meaning to ping MooDoo about that podcast, he said he'd like to be the first interviewee on it
20:50:33 <rbergeron> along with what rrix proposed, looking at any of the student groups in the area
20:50:59 <rbergeron> spevack: aer you kosher with the proposed schedule for the day?
20:51:22 <spevack> Yep
20:51:28 <rbergeron> awesomeness
20:51:31 <spevack> It is sufficiently specific and self-contained for this point in time
20:51:43 <rbergeron> everyone else?
20:52:11 <stickster> I like it... spevack, would you agree deliverable for that day is "solid mass of B-roll"?
20:52:38 <rbergeron> #agreed Day 3 - Interviews and Filming, schedule settled as-is on wiki. Deliverable: Fedora Video, hopefully interviewing local devs for feature profile videos, kick off contributor podcast interview chain.
20:52:44 <spevack> stickster: def
20:52:45 <rbergeron> #link  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Contributor_podcast
20:52:58 * spevack laughs at himself in that video stickster posted
20:53:08 <rbergeron> oh, let me undeliverable that whole sentence
20:53:19 <rbergeron> not a video, but a lot of solid content to be shaped?
20:53:24 <stickster> rbergeron: I think there's an "#undo" command
20:53:32 <rbergeron> lol
20:53:37 <stickster> seriously :-)
20:53:37 <mchua> Editing can happen after, I'd say. Who's going to do the editing? Open question.
20:53:43 <spevack> f
20:54:00 * rbergeron wonders just she would be undoing
20:54:08 <stickster> rbergeron: the #agreed I believe.
20:54:14 <rbergeron> #undo
20:54:14 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x2a0150d0>
20:54:20 <spevack> it undoes the last #FOO
20:54:22 <stickster> Ah OK, it's everything.
20:54:24 <rbergeron> #undo
20:54:24 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Agreed object at 0x2a22bc10>
20:54:28 <rbergeron> sweet.
20:54:28 <rrix> lol, nice
20:54:29 <stickster> bootiful.
20:54:34 <rbergeron> #link  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Contributor_podcast
20:55:07 <rbergeron> #agreed Day 3 - interviews and filming, schedule settled as-is on wiki. Deliverable: MASS AMOUNTS OF VIDEO, interviewing local devs for feature profile videos, kick off contributor podcast interview chain.
20:55:19 * hiemanshu is back now, reads the logs and notes he can help with the editing part
20:55:20 <rbergeron> #topic Day 4 - PR Day
20:55:47 * rbergeron notes that we are getting a little thin on time. I can go over, but feel free to drop off if needed since I think PR day will take more than a few minutes
20:56:00 * rrix is and will be here
20:56:25 <rbergeron> so, wonderer is owning this, along with asamaras, and they're not here atm since .... other side of planet and all
20:56:51 * rrix brb
20:56:58 <rbergeron> hhhI have a proposed schedule, along with mchua
20:57:07 <rbergeron> minus the hhhh
20:57:13 * rbergeron laughs at herself
20:57:33 * mchua likes rbergeron's schedule better, looking at diff now
20:58:01 * rbergeron bows to mchua
20:58:11 <rbergeron> i think I have a lot of stuff jammed in there
20:58:28 * rbergeron is one of those people who makes a 12 course meal with enough for for 45 for a 4 person dinner party... just an FYI
20:59:00 <rbergeron> anyone? :)
20:59:20 <rbergeron> I'm happy to run with my schedule, unless wonderer / asamaras have any objections when they get back.
20:59:52 <rbergeron> mchua: when your wrists and hands are more comfy, can you provide some background on "fedora insight discussion" on the list or wiki?
21:00:01 <rbergeron> are you just talking about workflow and that kind of thing?
21:00:09 <rbergeron> i'm not sure, it'd be great to know :)
21:00:45 <rbergeron> okay. well, unless there are objections -
21:01:04 <mchua> FI discussion: "It's up - what did we learn, what are we doing with it, what do we want to do with it in the future?"
21:01:10 <mchua> very loose. it's over lunch after all.
21:01:14 <mchua> EOF
21:01:15 <rbergeron> I'm going to go with my plan for day 4, deliverables of a press kit / beginnings thereof, schedule of press-related delvierables for the cycle, RH summit plan of attack.
21:01:21 <rbergeron> mchua: sounds good
21:01:33 <rbergeron> #info Day 3 FI lunch talk - <mchua> FI discussion: "It's up - what did we learn, what are we doing with it,
21:01:41 <rbergeron> #info          what do we want to do with it in the future?"
21:02:34 <rbergeron> #agreed Day 4 PR Day  - schedule as proposed by rbergero on wiki.  Deliverables: Press Kit (or beginnings thereof), press deliverables schedule, hopefully targeting multiple audiences, RH summit plan of attack.
21:02:48 <rbergeron> any business we need to wrap up now?
21:03:14 <rbergeron> stickster: were you volunteering to keep track of deliverables on the wiki, or cleaning up the schedule?
21:03:20 * rbergeron can clean up the schedule if needed
21:03:57 <stickster> rbergeron: I'll add the deliverables, but I have a call coming up 2 minutes ago :-)
21:04:10 <rbergeron> stickster: thanks. go attach phone to your head :)
21:04:27 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron will clean up wiki schedule, stickster will add deliverables unless rbergeron beats him to it.
21:04:45 <rbergeron> okay, let's call that schedule wrapped up and get to rest of the meeting business really quicklike
21:04:55 <rbergeron> #topic Infrastructure business - Limesurvey
21:05:16 <rbergeron> #info rbergero still needs packagers and eyeballs and stuff, oh my!
21:05:44 <hiemanshu> rbergeron: Well I am a packager and can help with a few stuff probably
21:05:52 <rbergeron> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Things_to_do_to_finish_Limesurvey
21:06:24 <rbergeron> thank goodness, because I am not and I"m pretty sure I might break something if i tried... most likely my brain, first :\
21:06:50 * rbergeron is going to write a call to action blog for help and will be bribing with beer. or root beer for the underagers
21:06:59 <rbergeron> :)
21:07:36 * rrix perks up
21:07:39 <rrix> root beer? :D
21:07:40 <rbergeron> #topic infrastrucutre business - Fedora Tour
21:07:43 <rbergeron> anyone?
21:07:46 <hiemanshu> rbergeron: Ship me the beer
21:07:50 <rbergeron> rrix? update?
21:07:57 <rrix> I guess I'm the only fedora-tour'r here, but I've been crazy busy with other things
21:08:13 * rbergeron nods
21:08:15 <hiemanshu> rrix: I am the other one
21:08:18 <rrix> I need to ping Subfusc I think we're starting to have weekly meetings, but haven't standardized on a time.
21:08:22 <rrix> hiemanshu: oh, okay, yes :D
21:08:24 <rbergeron> hiemanshu: i will :)
21:08:40 <hiemanshu> rbergeron: I spoke to franciscod today, and he says he is working on the mockups
21:08:51 * rbergeron nods
21:08:55 <hiemanshu> and converting the handwriting to an actual font
21:08:55 <rbergeron> excellent
21:09:11 <rbergeron> anything you guys need from anyone?
21:09:16 <rbergeron> help? assistance? cookies?
21:09:19 <rrix> not atm, i think
21:09:22 <rrix> cookies!!
21:09:25 <rbergeron> okay :)
21:09:27 <mchua> blog and mailing list updates plz
21:09:29 <hiemanshu> mchua owes me cookies and loads of em
21:09:31 <mchua> :)
21:09:37 <mchua> hiemanshu: I do!
21:09:39 <rbergeron> #topic Infrastructure - Fedora Insight
21:09:43 <rrix> mchua: kay
21:09:49 <hiemanshu> but ill leave mchua silent today
21:09:59 <rbergeron> mchua: i see this has been plugging along on the mailing list
21:10:03 <hiemanshu> Well I fixed 3 blocker bugs
21:10:14 <hiemanshu> one more to go, need help from simon fixing it
21:10:34 * rbergeron cheers
21:10:46 <hiemanshu> he'll be here late around 4AM my time
21:11:02 <hiemanshu> Actually 3AM, but I should be able to make it
21:11:19 <hiemanshu> and fixing it and then move it to staging with infra help
21:11:42 <rbergeron> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/marketing/2010-January/011583.html
21:11:43 <hiemanshu> Other tickets are being worked on
21:12:18 <rbergeron> #info seems to be a general list of what's going on. at least as of last wednesday. if someone wants to send some more up to date info / calls for action / help to the list on FI, feel free :)
21:12:51 <rbergeron> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zikula
21:12:52 <hiemanshu> FTR InnoDB seems to be having some problems right with zikula, working on those
21:13:04 <hiemanshu> and the PHP warnings reported currently
21:13:15 * rbergeron nods
21:13:41 <hiemanshu> But since this my first time with Zikula, I ll need time to understand it a little
21:14:01 <hiemanshu> EOF
21:14:11 <rbergeron> okay.
21:14:15 <rbergeron> any other business?
21:14:18 <rbergeron> #topic Anything else?
21:14:36 <rbergeron> then....
21:14:39 <rbergeron> 5.....
21:14:41 <rbergeron> 4.....
21:14:45 <rbergeron> 3.....
21:14:48 <rbergeron> 2..
21:14:53 <rbergeron> 1...............
21:14:57 <rbergeron> #endmeeting