13:57:09 <KageSenshi> #startmeeting
13:57:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 13 13:57:09 2012 UTC.  The chair is KageSenshi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:57:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
13:57:20 <KageSenshi> #topic rollcall
13:57:23 <KageSenshi> .fas izhar
13:57:24 <zodbot> KageSenshi: izhar 'Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail' <kagesenshi.87@gmail.com>
13:57:29 <wariola> .fas wariola
13:57:32 <zodbot> wariola: wariola 'Syamsul Anuar' <wariola@gmail.com>
13:57:35 <sweemeng> .fas sweemeng
13:57:36 <zodbot> sweemeng: 'sweemeng' Not Found!
13:57:38 <TYSSeries> .fas tysseries
13:57:40 <zodbot> TYSSeries: tysseries '' <tys1992@gmail.com>
13:57:40 <meng> .fas seatux
13:57:41 <ALmol> .fas Almol
13:57:44 <zodbot> meng: seatux 'Meng Shen' <seatux86@gmail.com>
13:57:48 <zodbot> ALmol: zalmolksis 'Ion' <vaneam@gmail.com>
13:57:50 <MavJS> .fas MavJS
13:57:52 <zodbot> MavJS: mavjs 'Ye Myat Kaung' <mavjs01@gmail.com>
13:57:57 <sweemeng> just registered nvm
13:58:02 <sweemeng> .fas sweemeng
13:58:03 <zodbot> sweemeng: 'sweemeng' Not Found!
13:58:33 <Ck007> .fas Ck007
13:58:34 <zodbot> Ck007: marck007 'Marco Antonio Colmenero' <marcoantonio.colmenero@gmail.com>
13:58:47 <KageSenshi> #info who have yet to have fas, do register at admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts
13:58:53 <KageSenshi> ok
13:58:57 <sweemeng> i did register!!!!
13:58:58 <KageSenshi> anyone else?
13:58:59 <sweemeng> nvm
13:59:09 <msian_tux_lover> .fas msian_tux_lover
13:59:10 <zodbot> msian_tux_lover: 'msian_tux_lover' Not Found!
13:59:15 <jurank_dankkal_> .fas jurankdankkal
13:59:15 <zodbot> jurank_dankkal_: jurankdankkal 'Prima Yogi Loviniltra' <me@juranktech.com>
13:59:28 <msian_tux_lover> .fas msiantuxlover
13:59:32 <zodbot> msian_tux_lover: msiantuxlover 'Eric Yeoh' <msiantuxlover@gmail.com>
13:59:38 <MavJS> \o/
13:59:42 <KageSenshi> ok
14:00:00 <KageSenshi> #link review the agenda here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:KualaLumpur_2012/Organization#13th_March_2012_.28IRC_Meeting.2C_.23fedora-my.29
14:00:19 <KageSenshi> ok .. lets start with the meeting
14:00:26 <KageSenshi> #topic promotion status
14:00:37 <yrcjaya> .fas yrcjaya
14:00:38 <zodbot> yrcjaya: yrcjaya 'Jayaseelan Yezhuarlai' <yrcjaya@gmail.com>
14:00:41 <KageSenshi> anybody from the promo team here?
14:00:57 <maktrix> .fas mak
14:00:58 <zodbot> maktrix: szechunm 'szechunm' <makszechun@gmail.com> - makfinsky 'Ivan Makfinsky' <ivan.makfinsky@endosys.com> - hamako 'Hamako Lavoie' <hamako.lavoie@gmail.com> - tmak 'Thomas Marek' <tmak@gmx.de> - radhika 'RADHIKA MAKWANA' <radhi.comp@gmail.com> - hzdrus 'Vladimir Ivashchenko' <hazard@hazard.maks.net> - shaileshmakwana 'shailesh makwana' <shailesh.makwana990@gmail.com> - dyermakerdaly 'Michael Daly' (28 more messages)
14:01:23 <KageSenshi> maktrix, try using .fas <email>
14:01:34 <maktrix> .fas <mahayalamkhan@gmail.com>
14:01:35 <zodbot> maktrix: '<mahayalamkhan@gmail.com>' Not Found!
14:01:46 <KageSenshi> without the <> of course
14:01:52 <sweemeng> .fas sweester@gmail
14:01:53 <zodbot> sweemeng: 'sweester@gmail' Not Found!
14:02:01 <maktrix> .fas mahayalamkhan@gmail.com
14:02:04 <zodbot> maktrix: mak 'Mahay Alam Khan' <mahayalamkhan@gmail.com>
14:02:06 <sweemeng> .fas sweester@gmail.com
14:02:07 <zodbot> sweemeng: 'sweester@gmail.com' Not Found!
14:02:10 <Ck007> .fas Vinz007
14:02:12 <zodbot> Ck007: 'Vinz007' Not Found!
14:02:17 <sweemeng> fas hate me
14:02:19 <ALmol> .fas almol
14:02:20 <zodbot> ALmol: zalmolksis 'Ion' <vaneam@gmail.com>
14:02:39 <KageSenshi> anybody from promo team?
14:02:48 <sniffit> .fas sniffit
14:02:48 <MavJS> can we all leave the fas stuff later..?
14:02:48 <zodbot> sniffit: sniffit 'Ahmad Zulkarnain' <sniffit@gmail.com>
14:02:51 <jurank_dankkal_> .fas Jurankdankkal
14:02:53 <zodbot> jurank_dankkal_: jurankdankkal 'Prima Yogi Loviniltra' <me@juranktech.com>
14:03:07 <KageSenshi> haha
14:03:08 <KageSenshi> :)
14:03:23 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_,
14:03:37 <sniffit> ok shoot
14:03:37 <KageSenshi> jipangmenjerit doesnt seem to be here
14:03:49 * KageSenshi tries give him a phonecall
14:03:57 * jurank_dankkal_ from promo tim
14:04:18 * sniffit rolls a smoke
14:04:33 <sniffit> wait is zodbot recording?
14:04:34 <MavJS> jurank_dankkal_: good work on the promo stuff :)
14:04:42 <MavJS> sniffit: i believe everything :D
14:04:47 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, did syazwan/jipang assign tasks around yet?
14:05:25 <jurank_dankkal_> Mavjs, thx dude just promo around blog n forum in Indo.. :)
14:05:37 <KageSenshi> we have plenty of tasks under the promo team that need to be done
14:05:38 <jurank_dankkal_> KageSenshi, not yet..
14:05:51 <KageSenshi> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:KualaLumpur_2012/Organization#Promotion.2C_Publication_.26_Design_Team
14:06:13 <KageSenshi> the guidebook handout, travel kit, flyers, press release
14:06:44 <KageSenshi> priority right now is flyers and press release / promotional email
14:07:08 * jurank_dankkal_ bos didn't give a tasks yet, so i don't which one must to do 1st..
14:07:12 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, you want to take the secondary lead for the promo team ?
14:07:32 * KageSenshi just remembered jipang_menjerit always dissappear recently since he works at OSCC
14:07:33 <KageSenshi> XD
14:07:34 * msian_tux_lover supports that
14:07:37 <sweemeng> jurank_dankkal_: do first, but notify jipang_menjerit
14:07:44 <MavJS> +1
14:07:49 <msian_tux_lover> +1
14:08:22 <KageSenshi> #info jurank_dankkal_ is taking secondary lead for the promo team
14:08:38 <sniffit> +1
14:08:43 * jurank_dankkal_ wew
14:08:45 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, you're ok with that right ?
14:08:50 <sniffit> woot: not on the list
14:08:52 <jurank_dankkal_> so what what i must to do, just alone?
14:08:56 <sniffit> ok i can slack off now :D
14:09:04 <KageSenshi> the way we work here is easy , whoever do work most, takes the lead :)
14:09:20 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, i'll give you access to the contact list
14:09:33 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, decide on how you should divide the tasks
14:10:16 * jurank_dankkal_ accept that...
14:10:18 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, for the design related tasks (eg: flyer, travel kit, guidebook), you just need to gather information/data for it
14:10:38 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, we can file a ticket with the fedora design team to ask for their help in designing them
14:11:02 <KageSenshi> of course, if the promo team can design themselves, that will be better, as we want to more local contributors :)
14:11:34 <jurank_dankkal_> maybe the promo team need a meeting also to disscuss about this..
14:11:42 <jurank_dankkal_> n i don't know all my team
14:12:10 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, do it, announce in email / ml or something :) .. i'll give you access to their listing and email address later
14:12:11 <sniffit> jurank_dankkal_: you can do that tomorrow or later... try and get them on the ML or something
14:12:16 <jurank_dankkal_> can i get the detail
14:12:22 <KageSenshi> #action KageSenshi to give jurank_dankkal_ access to the volunteer contact list
14:12:51 <wariola> anyone else interested to assist jurank_dankkal_ for the promo?
14:13:10 <jurank_dankkal_> oke, maybe u can email for the contact list...
14:13:13 <KageSenshi> wariola, we have a listing of vlnts from the last week meeting
14:13:17 <sweemeng> give me the flyer, i will drop it during my visit to webcamp
14:13:21 <wariola> ok
14:13:26 <sweemeng> once it is ready
14:13:47 <KageSenshi> wariola, i didnt publish the list as it contains private info .. so only team lead have access to it ..
14:14:03 <KageSenshi> ok
14:14:06 <KageSenshi> next one
14:14:20 <jurank_dankkal_> so this <flyer, travel kit, guidebook> is not ready yet?
14:14:26 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, 0% progress :)
14:14:52 <KageSenshi> #info FUDCon KL Logo
14:15:05 <KageSenshi> we have some design proposals from the design team
14:15:06 <KageSenshi> http://publictest04.fedoraproject.org/artboard/post/view/115
14:15:11 * jurank_dankkal_ waiting for the contact list
14:15:12 <KageSenshi> http://gnokii.fedorapeople.org/fudcon-kl.png
14:15:17 <KageSenshi> http://gnokii.fedorapeople.org/fudcon-kl2.png
14:15:21 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, i'll pass after the meeting
14:15:25 * jurank_dankkal_ ca'nt design, maybe i will past to others..
14:15:59 <KageSenshi> #info check out the design, and give thoughts in the design team thread
14:16:20 <KageSenshi> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/design-team/2012-March/005275.html
14:16:27 <sweemeng> first one make more sense than the rest
14:16:49 <KageSenshi> sweemeng, the 2 other logo are based on cultural element, malayan tiger
14:16:50 <jurank_dankkal_> KageSenshi, oke, whre the design team thread?? sory my bad
14:16:51 <maktrix> +1 with first one, from my point of view as non Malaysian.
14:17:15 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, the link i pasted just now
14:17:31 * KageSenshi leaning for the KLCC based logo too
14:17:33 <sweemeng> very far east'ish
14:17:52 <KageSenshi> but i think better if we get everyone's input first :)
14:17:56 <MavJS> +1 on the KLCC one
14:17:57 <sweemeng> alright
14:18:04 <wariola> +1 klcc one
14:18:08 <wariola> more welcoming
14:18:17 <sweemeng> +1 klcc one
14:18:22 * jurank_dankkal_ still open the link, my inet so slow.. :)
14:18:25 <wariola> that tiger looks like wanna eat anyone comes to the event :p
14:18:28 <sniffit> -1000 on tiger
14:18:29 <yrcjaya> +1 KLCC backdrop
14:18:30 <TYSSeries> +1 for KLCC
14:18:38 <KageSenshi> haha
14:18:47 <meng> the tiger is something unique though
14:18:47 <KageSenshi> i guess everyone want the klcc backdrop
14:18:54 <sniffit> KLCC motif has been repeated too often
14:19:00 <meng> KLCC backdrop is predictable
14:19:04 <wariola> not for FUDcon
14:19:04 <sniffit> any other alternatives?
14:19:13 * harish just back at kbd
14:19:14 <wariola> maybe APIIT backdrop then?
14:19:38 <wariola> its safer and a very famous landmark of .my
14:19:42 <sniffit> excuse my french but f**k apiit
14:19:45 <KageSenshi> i suggested klcc, bunga raya, malaysian flag, and malayan tiger motif .. at the moment only klcc and the tiger motif got someone working on
14:19:55 <sweemeng> sniffit: +100 on that
14:20:09 <KageSenshi> sniffit, i know you've been stuck in apiit too long, but meeting is logged btw :)
14:20:10 <sweemeng> the tiger motif is very far east'ish
14:20:14 <meng> bunga ray is alright too
14:20:19 <maktrix> think why any backdrop or motif is being used with the FUDCon logo, then choose couple of background.
14:20:19 <wariola> bunga raya is nice, but its on iPad 3 marketing .. so NO then
14:20:28 <sweemeng> put it into a jungle motif, then it make sense
14:20:40 <KageSenshi> haha
14:20:41 <qambin_joltz> get idea from new coins?
14:20:46 * sweemeng should stop, not a graphic designer btw
14:20:55 <KageSenshi> qambin_joltz, you should submit some designs too
14:21:09 <sniffit> actually
14:21:15 <wariola> i think we need some fireworks on the KLCC logo
14:21:16 <qambin_joltz> currently working on other event's design, but will do
14:21:21 <wariola> looks more welcoming and happening
14:21:23 <sniffit> the wau motif could be used
14:21:23 <KageSenshi> qambin_joltz, ok :)
14:21:28 <KageSenshi> oit
14:21:32 <sniffit> as an alternative
14:21:37 <wariola> like saying "come to malaysia, it will be a blast" or something
14:21:40 <KageSenshi> ok .. try not to bikeshedding here :)
14:21:50 * harish perhaps the "white gloves" would be better :-)
14:21:54 <maktrix> what about "Satu Malaysia" :)
14:21:58 <wariola> LOL
14:22:01 <sweemeng> maktrix: banned
14:22:04 <sniffit> regardless ... what is the cut off date for design?
14:22:05 <KageSenshi> maktrix, lol .. that , will cause problems :)
14:22:08 <maktrix> :P
14:22:09 <wariola> 1 malaysia, 1 fedora
14:22:18 <qambin_joltz> too political >.<
14:22:19 <KageSenshi> cut off right now is 20th
14:22:20 <sniffit> -1GOOGLE for 1malaysia
14:22:38 <KageSenshi> we'll decide final logo on meeting on 20th march
14:22:41 <maktrix> better put this discussion on the list
14:22:44 <KageSenshi> which is physical meeting next week
14:22:48 <meng> Wau could represent ambition?
14:22:56 <KageSenshi> yeah, agree to put this discussion in ML
14:23:08 <KageSenshi> #idea meng suggested wau element for logo
14:23:09 <wariola> wau going skywards to KLCC
14:23:12 <wariola> also nice
14:23:15 <KageSenshi> meng, nice idea
14:23:22 <wariola> blend wau with KLCC
14:23:24 <KageSenshi> ok .. lets move on i guess?
14:23:28 <sweemeng> +1
14:23:30 <sniffit> +1
14:23:31 <sniffit> next
14:23:34 <wariola> +1
14:23:49 <harish> what's uniquely malaysian is the orang utan.
14:23:50 <qambin_joltz> wau + songket..
14:24:06 <wariola> harish: nowadays it seems to be the tiger
14:24:09 <meng> fedora swirl wau
14:24:15 <KageSenshi> #info, wau bulan element: https://www.google.com.my/search?q=wau+bulan&tbm=isch
14:24:17 <harish> what's a "way"
14:24:18 <clkhoo656565> KL Tower
14:24:25 <KageSenshi> ok .. next~~
14:24:26 <harish> s/way/wau
14:24:29 <wariola> harish: a type of kite
14:24:38 <harish> kelantan kites!
14:24:47 <harish> too much MAS?
14:24:52 <KageSenshi> this discussion starting to go into bikeshedding mode :)
14:25:06 <KageSenshi> next item
14:25:13 <KageSenshi> #info T-shirt/swags
14:25:17 <KageSenshi> ok
14:25:34 <KageSenshi> t-shirt design , currently i'm thinking of just using the logo
14:25:41 <KageSenshi> smack in front of the t-shirt
14:25:54 <sweemeng> +1
14:25:58 <msian_tux_lover> +1
14:25:59 <sweemeng> save time
14:26:00 <KageSenshi> simple and quick , and we dont have to come up with too many design, as thats consume time, which we dont have
14:26:25 <sweemeng> cost?
14:26:32 * jurank_dankkal_ my friends dean say what about "gasing kelantan", i dont know whic one..
14:26:34 <meng> the shirt design also would have to be economical with color
14:26:46 <sweemeng> jurank_dankkal_: focus
14:26:48 <wariola> maybe some nice wording
14:26:53 <wariola> front or back
14:26:55 <KageSenshi> for volunteers/crew/contributors ... we'll probably put a "Contributor" at the back of the t-shirt
14:26:59 <wariola> would be nice
14:27:00 <MavJS> we can you some of the designs from here? https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/T-Shirt
14:27:03 <KageSenshi> but well, that depends on time/budget
14:27:07 <MavJS> s/you/use
14:27:14 <sweemeng> KageSenshi: who will pay for t-shirt printing
14:27:20 <KageSenshi> sweemeng, harish :P
14:27:34 <sweemeng> still need to be economical because fund is limited
14:27:36 <sniffit> sweemeng: that's coming from FUDcon funds IIRC
14:27:49 <sweemeng> which is limited right? sniffit
14:27:53 <KageSenshi> sweemeng, we have budgeted rm35 per t-shirt
14:28:03 <KageSenshi> and i think it should be enough
14:28:04 <harish> yep, CommArch will pay for the t-shirts.
14:28:21 <sweemeng> ok
14:28:31 <sweemeng> RM35 should be enough
14:28:37 <wariola> maybe behind the shirt is the 4F logo or something
14:28:38 <sniffit> t-shirt quantity and cutoff time for printing?
14:28:39 * sweemeng remember it is a bit higher,
14:28:50 <KageSenshi> #info t-shirt will be using logo in front , and the fudcon boston design for background https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/T-Shirt
14:29:29 <wariola> features, first, friends, f... something
14:29:31 <KageSenshi> sniffit, cutoff is 70/75
14:29:47 <KageSenshi> #info or the 4 Foundation logo
14:29:54 <jurank_dankkal_> sweemeng, i'm serious..
14:30:24 <alak> KageSenshi: which year? for the Boston design
14:30:32 <wariola> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:Freedom1_2.png
14:30:34 <KageSenshi> alak, to be decided later
14:30:36 <wariola> something like that
14:30:47 <jurank_dankkal_> r u reserve the place to print the t-shiirt?
14:30:49 <rebelk0de> yo
14:30:49 <KageSenshi> alak, i'm trying to avoid bikeshedding discussion :)
14:31:22 <KageSenshi> #info exact design for t-shirt to be decided in mailing list
14:31:27 <alak> KageSenshi: noted.
14:31:28 <KageSenshi> ok .. next is vendor for t-shirt
14:31:31 <KageSenshi> we have some quotes
14:31:43 <rebelk0de> the meeting is still going on?
14:32:00 <sweemeng> rebelk0de: yes
14:32:01 <KageSenshi> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:KualaLumpur_2012/Budget#Quotations
14:32:05 <MavJS> rebelk0de: indeed. it started at 22:00 :)
14:32:13 <rebelk0de> ah...coolness
14:32:17 <KageSenshi> so we'll need to ping them
14:32:17 <rebelk0de> sorry just got back home
14:32:43 <KageSenshi> who gave me the dreamshocker quote again ?
14:33:34 <KageSenshi> anybody ?
14:33:43 <MavJS> KageSenshi: it says quote taken by meng on the fedora.my/docs :D
14:33:51 <KageSenshi> ah
14:33:53 <KageSenshi> ok
14:33:58 <KageSenshi> erm
14:34:26 <KageSenshi> #action KageSenshi to ping the printing houses for latest prices
14:34:40 <KageSenshi> ok ..
14:34:47 * JamesLim headache
14:35:09 <KageSenshi> next is swags
14:35:14 <alak> KageSenshi: do remind me to ping a vendor reagrding "Vertical banner with stand	" and "10feet x 2feet banner",
14:35:34 <KageSenshi> #action alak to ping vendor for banners
14:35:37 * bckurera any meeting agenda, please?
14:35:51 <KageSenshi> bckurera, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:KualaLumpur_2012/Organization#13th_March_2012_.28IRC_Meeting.2C_.23fedora-my.29
14:36:03 <jurank_dankkal_> KageSenshi, did u reserve the printing house??
14:36:05 * bckurera thanks KageSenshi
14:36:12 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, no, not yet
14:36:23 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, so if you have other options, please suggest
14:36:34 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, we'll decide on which to go on the 20th meeting
14:37:06 <KageSenshi> ok , next topic
14:37:08 * bckurera seems like I have missed the best part, anyway I ll read logs
14:37:17 <KageSenshi> #info invitation for foreign attendee
14:37:40 <KageSenshi> #info KageSenshi have pinged mansur for possibility of RH-MY to provide the invitation letter
14:37:53 <KageSenshi> #info mansur replied he will be checking it out tomorrow
14:38:05 <jurank_dankkal_> i've ask the printing houses I usually make an order for numoss, he say can about RM15/t-shirt, if we book in quantity we'll get the cheaper price+bonus like banner or poster
14:38:08 <harish> #action harish to get mansur to provide invitation letter
14:38:11 <KageSenshi> maktrix, anything you want to add
14:38:24 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, we need quality t-shirt, not the usual low quality ones :)
14:38:38 <maktrix> me and rtnpro wanted to have talk and hacksession on loclization
14:38:40 <KageSenshi> low quality ones we can get around 12-15 i think
14:38:48 <maktrix> there was no talk on l10n
14:38:49 <harish> KageSenshi, what's you assessment of the tshirt from pune?
14:38:54 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, you might want to check out our fudcon pune t-shirt
14:39:11 <KageSenshi> harish, way better than the t-shirt i had from other events :)
14:39:22 <maktrix> Pune T-shirts were excellent. Will it be possible they produce and ship to KL?
14:39:25 <jurank_dankkal_> i already check that, so the model for fudcon KL same w/ that?
14:39:26 <harish> see if you can get that quality atleast
14:39:35 <jurank_dankkal_> how many t-shirt we need??
14:39:43 <harish> could be cost prohibitive
14:39:56 <KageSenshi> maktrix, yeah, i wonder about that too, though i dont think we want to deal with customs etc
14:39:58 <jurank_dankkal_> so i can ask the printing houses again..
14:40:01 <harish> 200-250
14:40:17 <harish> jurank_dankkal_, show them the same from pune fudcon
14:40:27 <alak> harish: 200 - 250 tshirts? what about bunting and banners?
14:40:36 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, current plan is 75 for cutoff point
14:40:47 <harish> alak, yes
14:40:50 <KageSenshi> erm .. harish , we want to produce that many o_O
14:40:51 <KageSenshi> ?
14:41:03 <harish> why not?
14:41:19 <harish> what kinds of numbers were you planning for?
14:41:34 <KageSenshi> harish, as our bids was based on 75 attendee cutoff point
14:42:15 <rebelk0de> KageSenshi, the vlnt + sponsored attendees = 75 ppl?
14:42:17 <harish> ok. very conservative.
14:42:39 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, yeap
14:42:51 <jurank_dankkal_> so the total is 75 n the model like pune??
14:42:51 <rebelk0de> ok mate
14:43:26 <jurank_dankkal_> tomorrow i'll ask 1stthe printing house n i'll inform u later..
14:43:28 <KageSenshi> harish, yeap, conservative, we're giving around 7000usd allocation to bring ppl in
14:43:43 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, you might want to take a look at the fudcon pune t-shirt first
14:43:55 <harish> ok
14:44:12 <KageSenshi> harish, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:KualaLumpur_2012/Budget#Current_Estimated_Rough_Budget
14:44:22 <maktrix> KageSenshi: as harish said, you must show that Pune t-shirt to the vendors.
14:44:34 <maktrix> It was very good fabric
14:45:16 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, buzz me after meeting to figure out how to meet up .. i can pass you the extra one which i took from pune for someone, but he did not claim from me
14:46:09 <alak> KageSenshi: i would like a sample too, at least i can feel the material and printing
14:46:21 <maktrix> :P who wrote that flight estimate :D in estimated rought budget?
14:46:23 <jurank_dankkal_> KagenSenshi, oke .. here the deisgn right? https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/Sc74xlCYinOQaZqjXBTFt_yXuBVBWvh0886EceAOmEc
14:46:30 <KageSenshi> maktrix, me :P
14:46:45 <maktrix> see the figures, you must have used one zero extra
14:46:57 <KageSenshi> jurank_dankkal_, nope
14:47:09 <maktrix> there is no such flight costs thirteen thousands five hundred USD
14:47:17 <maktrix> from Mumbai
14:47:38 <maktrix> I guess, all the figures have one extra zero
14:47:41 <jurank_dankkal_> KageSenshi, ups, so which one?
14:47:46 <KageSenshi> maktrix, 20 ppl from mumbai :)
14:48:12 <maktrix> sorry, my apologies
14:48:38 * KageSenshi want to bring together APAC contributors in one place
14:48:47 <maktrix> +1
14:48:53 <sniffit> urm still not done with tshirts?
14:48:58 <KageSenshi> of course, if we have plenty of extras from the sponsorship request, we can use that to produce swags etc
14:49:07 <KageSenshi> sniffit, +1 , next one :)
14:49:24 <KageSenshi> swags,
14:49:24 <KageSenshi> erm
14:49:39 * sniffit looks at the clock ...
14:49:48 <KageSenshi> #info need ideas for swag, post in mailing list
14:49:53 <KageSenshi> sniffit, its not even 1 hour yet :)
14:50:14 <sniffit> effective meeting duration is 1 hour
14:50:15 <KageSenshi> sniffit, you've never been in apac-ambasadors meeting .. lol
14:50:18 <KageSenshi> :)
14:50:28 <sniffit> that's why most people zone out
14:50:30 <KageSenshi> anyway, we've reached final item
14:50:30 <sweemeng> stickers
14:50:34 <KageSenshi> http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fudcon-planning/2012-03-08/fudcon_kl_planning.2012-03-08-13.59.txt
14:50:41 <KageSenshi> ok
14:50:47 <sniffit> sweemeng: stickers are a given
14:50:57 <KageSenshi> #topic review on actions given by FPL last thursday
14:50:59 <KageSenshi> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fudcon-planning/2012-03-08/fudcon_kl_planning.2012-03-08-13.59.txt
14:51:07 <sniffit> KageSenshi: key chains?
14:51:17 <KageSenshi> spam in the ML later :)
14:51:28 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, classrom info
14:51:33 * MavJS waits for the spam...
14:52:10 <KageSenshi> i remember you sent me it .. gotta dig inbox
14:52:12 <KageSenshi> #action KageSenshi to insert the classroom info provided by gurdip into the wiki
14:52:30 <KageSenshi> next is MavJS's hotel info
14:52:43 <KageSenshi> MavJS, can you add them into the /Organization wiki later?
14:52:49 <MavJS> KageSenshi: sure.
14:52:55 <KageSenshi> ok cool
14:53:04 <KageSenshi> erm ..
14:53:09 <KageSenshi> thats it from the action list
14:53:21 <KageSenshi> #topic open floor
14:53:30 <wariola> foooooood
14:53:35 <MavJS> KageSenshi: btw, do you want me to find out if the restaurant at the hotel is available for booking?
14:53:39 <wariola> what is plan for that :p
14:53:44 <MavJS> for FoodPub..
14:53:54 <harish> keychains I can send over - the ones with Red Hat on one side and Fedora on the other - perhaps 300 pcs.
14:53:55 <maktrix> FoodPub +1 :D
14:54:00 <KageSenshi> MavJS, please do if you want to .. more info will help us in doing decisions
14:54:05 <kulll> +1 alcohol
14:54:14 <MavJS> KageSenshi: ok, cool. will get to it tomorrow.
14:54:18 <sniffit> harish: +1
14:54:18 <KageSenshi> #info harish can send keychains over - the ones with Red Hat on one side and Fedora on the other - perhaps 300 pcs.
14:54:19 <alak> KageSenshi: i would like to gt info on: 1) who had quoted the bunting and banners and which vendor? 2) how many buntings and banners do we need?
14:54:20 <meng> if anything it would help with room discounts also
14:54:29 <maktrix> keychains were excellent, got in Pune
14:54:33 <KageSenshi> alak, its on the wiki
14:54:39 <meng> since we would occupy the hotel's restaurant
14:54:41 <alak> ouh! -recheck-
14:54:44 <KageSenshi> alak, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:KualaLumpur_2012/Budget#Quotations
14:55:06 <MavJS> meng: i asked the hotel sales & marketing room ain't getting discounts..
14:55:08 <alak> hmm.. ok noted!
14:55:15 <MavJS> unless 30 and above.
14:55:24 <meng> ah
14:55:34 <MavJS> it was in the mail ;)
14:55:43 <KageSenshi> MavJS, thats ok i guess .. as we're only expecting foreign attendees to be in the hotel anyway
14:55:51 <MavJS> KageSenshi: ok :)
14:56:44 <KageSenshi> #info KageSenshi is developing the registration system + conference management system at the moment, testsite at http://fedora.my/events/fudconkl-testsite/
14:57:17 <sweemeng> there is a few tech meetups in the coming month that i will go, want to distribute flyers there?
14:57:26 <sweemeng> i most probably be there anyway
14:57:34 <KageSenshi> #info it has nice ui to organize/resize sessions through drag/drop, and should be generating listing / reports to help with the organizer team later (eg: registration list, vegetarian attendee list, etc)
14:58:05 <KageSenshi> sweemeng, what are those meetups?
14:58:25 <sweemeng> webcamps, maybe python malaysia meetup
14:58:37 <sweemeng> they are geeks inside that might interested in webcamps
14:58:41 <sweemeng> but that happens only once a month
14:58:49 <KageSenshi> #info sweemeng will be at webcampkl and python-my meetups, and he might be promoting the event there
14:59:29 <KageSenshi> ok .. anybody else want to add anything?
14:59:41 <MavJS> sweemeng: when/where is webcamp?
15:00:04 <sweemeng> MavJS: last wednesday every month
15:00:12 <sweemeng> which leave us only in april
15:00:28 <maktrix> KageSenshi: FUDCon Pune used COD an open source conference and event management CMS. http://fudcon.in/ they hacked it more to fit with FUDCon
15:00:47 <maktrix> if you have less time and had to hack the plone installation too much, go with Pune codebase
15:00:53 <MavJS> but we all love plone :D
15:00:56 <KageSenshi> maktrix, yes i'm aware of it :)
15:01:08 <maktrix> I'm just aware of time
15:01:17 <maktrix> I love plone too :D
15:01:23 <KageSenshi> maktrix, though the plone addon is also one of my long standing todo :)
15:01:39 <maktrix> +1 with the testsite
15:01:45 <KageSenshi> its shaping up well now
15:02:07 <KageSenshi> https://github.com/inigoconsulting/collective.conference/issues/
15:02:10 * jurank_dankkal_ +1 with the testsite
15:02:15 <KageSenshi> some main tasks before version 1.0 :)
15:02:50 <KageSenshi> maktrix, the calendar there in the agenda, is drag/dropable if you are admin :P
15:02:56 <maktrix> wow! I can sign in with my fedora account in the testsite. way to go KageSenshi
15:03:05 <maktrix> +1 for the plone based testsite
15:03:09 <rebelk0de> yeah +1 with test site
15:03:32 <KageSenshi> i will be adding features this week, and hope to launch the site by 20th march
15:03:45 <maktrix> drag/dropable is a sought after features for the admins, i must agree.
15:04:31 <KageSenshi> i can code backend rapid enough ..  the slow part is the design :)
15:05:01 <KageSenshi> i got email from naveed from RH who want to help out with some html .. and sweemeng is also helping out too
15:05:36 <MavJS> rebelk0de & TYSSeries do check on the "Checklist" for the logistics team :) https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:KualaLumpur_2012/Organization#Logistics_Team
15:05:51 <sweemeng> just doing what a code monkey can do
15:06:11 <MavJS> KageSenshi: ah, right, we should leave some funds for the whiteboard markers/erasers? :D
15:06:20 <MavJS> or is APIIT gonna provide?
15:06:22 <TYSSeries> MavJS Copy, I need to meet other TAs who supposed to be volunteers due to they have the authorities to do certan stuffs
15:06:37 <sniffit> .... isn't that coming from venue sponsor?
15:06:40 <MavJS> TYSSeries: i'll be sending them emails tonight.
15:06:40 <KageSenshi> MavJS, rm150 in the budget doc
15:06:45 <KageSenshi> already there
15:06:45 <MavJS> KageSenshi: ok.
15:06:52 <KageSenshi> should be way more than enough
15:07:00 <MavJS> sniffit: just in case.. ;)
15:07:09 <KageSenshi> ah another thing ..
15:07:10 <TYSSeries> MavJS Put me in the ML too
15:07:16 <meng> kuru toga mechanical pencils
15:07:17 <MavJS> TYSSeries: ok.
15:07:39 <KageSenshi> i'm planning to have a backup wireless setup .. so anybody who have extra wireless router, would be cool if you guys can bring your router during the event
15:07:40 <KageSenshi> :)
15:07:49 <MavJS> +1 XD
15:07:56 <sniffit> MavJS: i have some choice swear words for the venue sponsors if only zodbot isn't recording
15:07:56 <KageSenshi> and hook the routers to LAN
15:08:01 <maktrix> bringing your own router +1
15:08:05 <sniffit> KageSenshi: running off the LAN?
15:08:09 <KageSenshi> sniffit, yes
15:08:12 <MavJS> sniffit: you can do that after the meeting. ;D
15:08:20 <meng> would probably activate weekly broadband, can turn phone into hotspot if needed
15:08:41 <KageSenshi> even hitb routers can fail during events , malaysian users are aggressive :P
15:08:42 <sniffit> KageSenshi: i got the one i brought for hackweekday
15:08:56 <rebelk0de> will do MavJS
15:08:59 <sniffit> might flash it to updated rom / dd-wrt
15:09:01 <rebelk0de> btw, Kagesenshi
15:09:15 <rebelk0de> we've made an announcement to the tech guys to vlnt for the event
15:09:17 <sweemeng> got an unused ddwrt, so i can bring in
15:09:21 <rebelk0de> we've got some good feedback
15:09:28 <rebelk0de> will wait till thursday to confirm
15:09:31 <KageSenshi> #info those who have extra wireless routers, do bring to fudconkl, for backup network purposes
15:09:32 <MavJS> rebelk0de: we do?
15:09:32 <rebelk0de> names etc
15:09:36 <rebelk0de> yeap
15:09:38 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, cool :)
15:09:44 <rebelk0de> i think they got ur email wrong MavJS
15:09:45 <KageSenshi> ah that reminds me too
15:09:47 <MavJS> rebelk0de: ah, i was thinking of sending the email..
15:10:04 <rebelk0de> I've drafted the email for all students and staff
15:10:07 <MavJS> rebelk0de: never mind, i'll send links.. ;)
15:10:14 <rebelk0de> need to get permission to send first, MavJS
15:10:24 <rebelk0de> i'll do that this week and CC you in the email
15:10:24 <MavJS> rebelk0de: i meant the TAs.. :D
15:10:27 <MavJS> ok.
15:10:28 <rebelk0de> ah
15:10:29 <rebelk0de> okok
15:10:32 <KageSenshi> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:KualaLumpur_2012#Registrations
15:10:32 <rebelk0de> we can use the same email?
15:10:55 <MavJS> rebelk0de: same email for?
15:11:01 <KageSenshi> we dont want volunteers to not get their t-shirt and food because their didnt preregister
15:11:06 <KageSenshi> #info we dont want volunteers to not get their t-shirt and food because their didnt preregister
15:11:21 <sniffit> KageSenshi: recheck for my name on the volunteer list
15:11:34 <rebelk0de> MavJS, TA's and students
15:11:37 <sniffit> if its not there then it's cool too :p
15:11:48 <KageSenshi> erm .. we're almost 1 hour 15 mins ..
15:11:57 <KageSenshi> anything else you guys want to add into the meeting log?
15:11:58 <rebelk0de> lol, sniffit, its there!
15:12:13 <maktrix> KageSenshi: what about putting a column in registration table, if he's bringing an extra router
15:12:30 <MavJS> rebelk0de: ah..was thinking about sending just the TAs first, so that they know what is FUDCon, what they should help out in, how to come to irc...blah blah blah ... :D
15:12:49 <KageSenshi> maktrix, the comment column should be ok i guess
15:12:53 <rebelk0de> KageSenshi, can we get someone to create a list of IT equipment we will need - i can list the basic, but is there anything else apart from what we normally use?
15:12:54 <maktrix> good
15:13:09 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, just create one in the /Organization wiki
15:13:20 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, then post in the ML asking to populate
15:13:35 <KageSenshi> i'll add the stuff i think we need after you posted it
15:13:40 <msian_tux_lover> KageSenshi, I manage to secure a vlnt to "catch potos" during Fudcon....I am unsure Jipang will come through
15:13:44 <rebelk0de> MavJS, the email has to come from internal - maybe we need emails like mavjs@foss.apiit.edu.my
15:13:52 <MavJS> rebelk0de: lol :D
15:13:54 <KageSenshi> msian_tux_lover, neat
15:13:54 <rebelk0de> ok KageSenshi
15:14:11 <KageSenshi> #info msian_tux_lover  manage to secure a vlnt to "catch potos" during Fudcon
15:14:17 <sweemeng> photo
15:14:20 <KageSenshi> msian_tux_lover, who is that btw ?
15:14:20 <MavJS> rebelk0de: i sent the one about FAD with my own mail XD
15:14:41 <KageSenshi> msian_tux_lover, please ensure he/she is subscribed to the ml
15:14:43 <MavJS> rebelk0de: anyways, sending mails internally is better of course.
15:14:46 <rebelk0de> yeah, it works, but they dont encourage it being sent to mailing list
15:15:01 <MavJS> rebelk0de: yes, indeed.
15:15:06 <rebelk0de> yeah.. u have student email right? Can try to use that - I'm going to try to secure the @foss.apiit.edu.my :)
15:15:17 <KageSenshi> (we're beyond 1 hr 15 mins mark)
15:15:22 <MavJS> rebelk0de: i don't like my student mail.. :|
15:15:24 <MavJS> XD
15:15:31 <MavJS> KageSenshi: shall be #end? :D
15:15:32 <rebelk0de> MavJS, heh
15:15:37 <KageSenshi> anything else you guys want to add into the meeting log?
15:15:38 <rebelk0de> yeah #end sounds good :)
15:15:41 <KageSenshi> if none i can end
15:15:51 <KageSenshi> +1 for end
15:15:51 <MavJS> +1 on #end
15:16:07 <maktrix> will you arrange another meeting to discuss the talk sessions
15:16:10 <maktrix> and hackfests
15:16:23 <sweemeng> ciao guys
15:16:24 <KageSenshi> maktrix, ah darn i forgot about that ..
15:16:38 <jurank_dankkal_> +1
15:16:45 <KageSenshi> maktrix, maybe a meeting after fudcon-planning meeting on thursday ?
15:16:50 <maktrix> let's have a seperate meeting for that
15:17:08 <KageSenshi> fudcon-planning meeting is on thursday, 14:00 UTC
15:17:13 <maktrix> that good
15:17:15 <maktrix> +1
15:17:26 <maktrix> +1 to end
15:17:45 <msian_tux_lover> KageSenshi, an ex colleague of mine....
15:17:49 <kulll> +1
15:18:00 <maktrix> +1
15:18:09 <KageSenshi> #info next meeting is FUDCon Planning meeting is on 14:00 UTC (10pm MYT) at #fudcon-planning on thursday , March 15 2012
15:18:34 <KageSenshi> #info we will be having a #fedora-my meeting after the fudcon meeting
15:18:53 <KageSenshi> #info to discuss on talk/sessions/hackfests
15:19:20 <rebelk0de> KageSenshi, thanks for reminding me on the FUDCon Planning meeting!
15:19:21 <meng> right boss, I also have to turn in, got chores to do before water cut tommorow
15:19:24 <KageSenshi> #info our next tuesday meeting will be a physical meeting at APIIT, 8pm
15:19:39 <KageSenshi> ok
15:19:41 <KageSenshi> thats it
15:19:42 <rebelk0de> sounds good, KageSenshi - vlnt will be there too
15:19:50 <KageSenshi> ending meeting in 5
15:19:52 <KageSenshi> 4
15:19:54 <KageSenshi> 3
15:19:55 <KageSenshi> 2
15:19:56 <KageSenshi> 1
15:19:57 <rebelk0de> !
15:19:59 <KageSenshi> #endmeeting