14:15:07 <KageSenshi> #startmeeting 14:15:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 27 14:15:07 2012 UTC. The chair is KageSenshi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:15:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:15:13 <KageSenshi> #meetingname fudcon kl 2012 14:15:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fudcon_kl_2012' 14:15:20 <KageSenshi> #topic roll call 14:15:23 <KageSenshi> .fas izhar 14:15:23 <zodbot> KageSenshi: izhar 'Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail' <kagesenshi.87@gmail.com> 14:15:28 <sweemeng> .fas sweemeng 14:15:29 <TYSSeries> .fas tysseries 14:15:29 <zodbot> sweemeng: sweemeng 'sweemeng' <sweester@gmail.com> 14:15:30 <Alvisyu> .fas alvisyu 14:15:32 <vinz007> .fas vinz007 14:15:34 <zodbot> TYSSeries: tysseries '' <tys1992@gmail.com> 14:15:35 <meng> .fas seatux 14:15:37 <zodbot> Alvisyu: alvisyu 'Yu Kang Wei' <alvisyu6421@gmail.com> - almol '' <alvisyu89@hotmail.com> 14:15:41 <zodbot> vinz007: vinz007 'Tee Chin Ka' <teechinka@gmail.com> 14:15:45 <kulll> .fas kulll 14:15:45 <zodbot> meng: seatux 'Meng Shen' <seatux86@gmail.com> 14:15:46 <MavJS> .fas MavJS 14:15:49 <zodbot> kulll: kulll 'khairul anwar' <anwarbaik88@gmail.com> 14:15:53 <zodbot> MavJS: mavjs 'Ye Myat Kaung' <mavjs01@gmail.com> 14:16:10 <rebelk0de> .fas gurdip 14:16:11 <zodbot> rebelk0de: rebelk0de 'Gurdip Singh' <rebelkode@gmail.com> - gurdip 'Gurdip Singh' <gurdip@gandhara.org> 14:16:24 <rebelk0de> heh, now i have two accts 14:16:24 <KageSenshi> anymore? 14:16:28 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, :P 14:16:33 <MavJS> rebelk0de: :D 14:16:35 * KageSenshi ping Jsr 14:16:41 <rebelk0de> .fas rebelk0de 14:16:42 <zodbot> rebelk0de: rebelk0de 'Gurdip Singh' <rebelkode@gmail.com> 14:16:59 <KageSenshi> ok 14:17:20 <KageSenshi> #link Agenda is here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:KualaLumpur_2012/Meeting:2012-03-27 14:17:32 <KageSenshi> #topic Announcements 14:17:35 <KageSenshi> ok 14:18:34 <KageSenshi> thheres no real announcement at the moment, but .. heres a little stuff we need to be aware related for this meeting 14:19:12 <KageSenshi> #info from the budget document, we might go overbudget. we probably need to hunt for sponsorship 14:19:39 <rebelk0de> ! 14:19:40 <KageSenshi> #info theres a dangerously bad status with the promo team 14:20:15 <rebelk0de> is sponsorship allowed? I thought the only thing allowed was "sponsor in kind"? 14:20:24 <rebelk0de> eof 14:20:42 <KageSenshi> #info its been quite idle, and i dont see any actions done in the mailing list, from the coordinator, neither the team members .. we seriously need to reorganize the promo team 14:20:58 <KageSenshi> theres some designs, but its a blocker design 14:21:02 <KageSenshi> i mean 14:21:14 <KageSenshi> the design is blocking other tasks, due to the coordinator doesnt delegate 14:21:34 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, yes, only in kind .. finding someone to pay for food is in kind 14:21:35 <KageSenshi> :) 14:21:39 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, or pay for all t-shirts 14:21:50 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, or pay for bus 14:21:55 <rebelk0de> noted 14:22:09 <KageSenshi> we simply doesnt take cash 14:22:11 <rebelk0de> the bus part is something i can ask - but cant promise as we've outsourced our buses 14:22:23 <rebelk0de> will ask about the bus tho 14:22:29 <sweemeng> do we even have time for sponsor 14:22:32 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, can i have a dateline ? 14:22:44 <KageSenshi> sweemeng, foss.my was done in 1 month 14:22:55 <sweemeng> ok 14:23:02 <KageSenshi> sweemeng, so .. well .. that implies, if theres a will, theres a way :) 14:23:27 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, can i have a dateline on when i can get this information? 14:24:16 <rebelk0de> as mentioned a few mins before meeting, we have a few questions about the bus 14:24:27 <KageSenshi> #topic questions / decisions 14:24:31 <KageSenshi> #info bus information 14:24:37 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, what are the questions ? 14:24:39 <rebelk0de> 1. where does the bus need to go? LRT - APIIT, APIIT - LRT. Anywhere else? 14:24:58 <MavJS> ! 14:25:06 <rebelk0de> how many buses required? 14:25:06 <KageSenshi> APIIT<->LRT and APIIT<->Hotel Sri Petaling 14:25:17 <rebelk0de> so 2 buses? 14:25:45 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, to hotel sri petaling, we only need the bus to pick during start of the day , and drop during end of the day 14:25:59 <rebelk0de> all information on the bus can be provided by thursday / friday based on information collected here :) 14:26:09 <rebelk0de> KageSenshi, noted 14:26:10 <MavJS> X 14:26:19 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, while for the lrt, we can use the same bus if we time it right i think 14:26:22 <KageSenshi> MavJS, yep ? 14:26:33 <MavJS> KageSenshi: request withdrawn ;) 14:26:38 <KageSenshi> MavJS, ok :) 14:26:56 <KageSenshi> ok 14:27:09 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, anymore questions for the bus stuff? 14:27:30 <rebelk0de> hang on 14:27:32 <rebelk0de> checking 14:28:06 <rebelk0de> for Hotel SP - number of ppl requiring transport 14:28:14 <rebelk0de> lrt - number of ppl requiring transport 14:28:19 <rebelk0de> a rough estimate will do 14:28:48 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, for hotel, roughly 14 maybe , depending on how many we can approve 14:29:03 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, for lrt, i want a feeder mode for 2 hours 14:29:23 <rebelk0de> start time? 7.30 am or 8 am? 14:29:32 <KageSenshi> in the morning, and feeder mode for afternoon 14:29:43 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, lets take it 8am-10am 14:29:55 <rebelk0de> ok noted, KageSenshi 14:30:05 <rebelk0de> Will get back with data by latest Friday 14:30:09 <KageSenshi> for afternoon, should be shorter time needed i think 14:30:20 <KageSenshi> as we just pick whoever in apiit who need to be dropped in lrt 14:31:23 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, anymore questions? 14:31:44 <rebelk0de> no, KageSenshi thanks 14:31:48 <KageSenshi> ok 14:32:02 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, talking about bus and transport, theres another information i need 14:32:21 <KageSenshi> #action rebelk0de to get back on bus cost information by friday 14:32:28 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, parking information 14:32:32 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, where to park ? 14:33:03 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, i remembered theres a parking a bit behind of apiit, are there conditions for that place? 14:33:07 <rebelk0de> Good point, KageSenshi 14:33:28 <rebelk0de> Will have to check - pls ad to #action 14:33:32 <MavJS> ! 14:33:52 <KageSenshi> #action rebelk0de to check on parking information 14:33:55 <KageSenshi> MavJS, yep ? 14:33:56 <rebelk0de> Saturday and Sundays aren't a problem, i need to make arrangements for Friday 14:34:17 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, just a quick email to me should be enough, 14:34:33 <MavJS> KageSenshi: the parking behind apiit, after the road is around RM5 a day, iirc. 14:34:57 <KageSenshi> MavJS, which is fine for me .. i just need its operating hours/availability 14:35:16 <TYSSeries> ! 14:35:17 <KageSenshi> MavJS, they coming to a free event, rm5 is a small tradeoff imo :P 14:35:20 <KageSenshi> TYSSeries, yep ? 14:35:26 <MavJS> KageSenshi: right. eof :) 14:35:43 <rebelk0de> noted, KageSenshi 14:35:57 <TYSSeries> There is a new parking lot that also costs RM5 and the time availability is from 7am till 10pm, that's I experienced 14:36:15 <TYSSeries> So parking lot slots are sufficient and time availability is okay 14:36:16 <KageSenshi> TYSSeries, cool 14:36:32 <KageSenshi> hurm .. maybe we'll need a ground plan for tpm to point ppl to parking areas 14:36:33 <rebelk0de> MavJS, will ask management if we can use our parking near astro + request van from that parking to the main building 14:36:33 <KageSenshi> :P 14:37:00 <MavJS> rebelk0de: ok. that's cool as well. :) 14:37:29 <KageSenshi> we'll just list out all options i guess, and let the attendees decide where to park 14:37:35 <MavJS> +1 14:37:44 <KageSenshi> i myself prefer to pay rm5 than to park all the way at astro 14:37:46 <KageSenshi> XD 14:37:53 <MavJS> +1 to that as well :p 14:37:58 <rebelk0de> KageSenshi, haha ok 14:38:21 <KageSenshi> though parking at astro theres an advantage 14:38:26 <KageSenshi> your attendees cant run away :P 14:38:31 <MavJS> lol! 14:38:37 <TYSSeries> Sweat @@ 14:38:45 <kulll> >.< 14:38:53 <KageSenshi> :P 14:38:57 <KageSenshi> ok 14:39:02 <KageSenshi> next item 14:39:20 <KageSenshi> #info Where the heck are the fliers??!! 14:39:27 <MavJS> :S 14:40:02 <KageSenshi> #info we need the fliers for WebcampKL TOMORROW, and HackWeekend this weekend 14:40:07 <KageSenshi> ok 14:40:12 <sweemeng> yeah 14:40:24 <sweemeng> they even plan to setup a board to post this already :-( 14:40:26 <KageSenshi> and jipang is still missing :( 14:40:34 <kulll> :( 14:40:42 <KageSenshi> sweemeng, in webcampkl ? 14:41:20 <sweemeng> yeah 14:41:22 <KageSenshi> #info WebcampKL even plans to setup a board to post up the FUDCon Fliers .. 14:41:28 <KageSenshi> ok 14:41:53 <KageSenshi> can someone here that attend this meeting take up the work to figure out the content for the fliers? 14:41:58 <KageSenshi> we need to get it done by tonight 14:42:09 <KageSenshi> i can do some remixing of the design 14:42:24 <KageSenshi> but i need some ideas for content .. my brain getting slow d 14:42:25 <KageSenshi> XD 14:42:26 <sweemeng> man... 14:42:31 <sweemeng> suck at design 14:42:39 <kulll> me too 14:42:46 <KageSenshi> kulll, sweemeng , contents 14:42:48 * kulll sucks at everything >.< 14:43:16 <KageSenshi> kulll, sweemeng , i need help with the contents.. i can come up with a simple flier design quickly i think with my existing design element svgs 14:43:21 <meng> what is Fedora Project, FUDCON 14:43:38 <meng> event day and time, a brief overview of the events 14:43:43 <KageSenshi> meng, thats the part, help me with writing the pitch under the paragraph 14:43:44 <KageSenshi> :) 14:43:52 <KageSenshi> need a pitch, not cold , raw data 14:44:13 <sweemeng> as mel gibson once said 14:44:17 <sweemeng> "FREEEEEDOM!!" 14:44:20 <KageSenshi> haha 14:44:20 <meng> Come to FUDCON where we share "knowledge" 14:44:24 <sweemeng> oh wait, not for fedora 14:44:32 <KageSenshi> meng, after this meeting we'll start the work 14:44:37 <KageSenshi> meng, you want to take on the work ? 14:44:48 <KageSenshi> if yes i'll add and action item 14:44:52 <KageSenshi> *an 14:44:53 <sweemeng> if can be in SVG, i can attempt to fill in the wording 14:45:00 <KageSenshi> sweemeng, it is svg 14:45:02 <kulll> +1 meng 14:45:04 <KageSenshi> XD 14:45:05 <meng> i can't design the thing, could try hacking the writing 14:45:09 <KageSenshi> ok 14:45:19 <KageSenshi> who else are going to help in this meeting? 14:45:23 <MavJS> o/ 14:45:32 <KageSenshi> me, sweemeng , mavjs, meng 14:45:33 <KageSenshi> ok 14:45:36 * MavJS pulls Alvisyu & TYSSeries as well :D 14:45:38 <KageSenshi> anyone else? 14:46:10 * KageSenshi pokes Alvisyu TYSSeries 14:46:31 <KageSenshi> (silent 14:46:33 <TYSSeries> @@ 14:46:34 <MavJS> :| 14:46:38 <kulll> >.< 14:46:41 <TYSSeries> I am watching you, lol 14:46:49 <MavJS> TYSSeries: dude, respond. 14:46:52 <TYSSeries> No problem 14:46:56 <Alvisyu> i'm ok 14:46:59 <KageSenshi> #action meng , sweemeng , KageSenshi and MavJS will be getting a quick flier done by tonight 14:47:02 <vinz007> Ok, for me, i in too 14:47:03 <MavJS> we aren't doing video chat ;) 14:47:12 <sweemeng> aye 14:47:16 <KageSenshi> ok cool 14:47:19 <KageSenshi> next item 14:47:31 <KageSenshi> #info Where is T-Shirt design?? 14:47:38 <MavJS> <.< >.> 14:47:53 <sweemeng> slap the logo on tshirt and use that as the ultimate fallback 14:48:17 <kulll> grab other fudcon design 14:48:35 <KageSenshi> #info jipang_menjerit is holding on the rear design .. need him to send svg over for mixing into the t-shirt and submitting to printer for proper quote ... KageSenshi been asking him for the file since last week 14:48:39 <kulll> +1 sweemeng 14:49:04 <KageSenshi> #action KageSenshi to keep nagging jipang_menjerit for the svg files 14:49:21 <KageSenshi> #info similarly, the lanyard design is also being held by him, not uploaded anywhere 14:49:53 <MavJS> KageSenshi: how much longer do we want to wait for those designs? :S 14:50:11 <sweemeng> anyone willing to kidnap him in cyberjaya? 14:50:34 <KageSenshi> #info if theres no news on the svgs by thursday, KageSenshi will come up with a quick fallback design, as we really are chasing datelines .. 14:50:50 <MavJS> KageSenshi: ok. 14:51:03 <KageSenshi> #info make that friday night 14:51:04 * sweemeng wonder if i can request for t-shirt sponsor tomorrow hmmm 14:51:19 <KageSenshi> sweemeng, first we need the design, and a proper quote from the printer 14:51:24 <sweemeng> right 14:51:41 <sweemeng> because one of the person is doing t-shirt for webcamp, is there tomorrow i think 14:52:00 * MavJS pokes TYSSeries - got any vendor for printing? 14:52:03 <KageSenshi> #info this is urgent as until we have the price and design for the t-shirt, we couldnt find sponsors for t-shirt 14:52:14 <TYSSeries> MavJS, banner or T-shirt? 14:52:35 <KageSenshi> MavJS, TYSSeries , the vendor i found is a printer himself, he have a production line of ppl who print t-shirt 14:52:47 <MavJS> KageSenshi: ok. 14:52:48 <KageSenshi> TYSSeries, MavJS , dpeending on design, we might even able to get rm15 14:53:04 <MavJS> KageSenshi: ok. cool. but yes, need design. :| 14:53:16 <TYSSeries> KageSenshi, I also try to ask the vendors here to see the price @@ 14:53:21 <KageSenshi> TYSSeries, ok 14:53:28 <KageSenshi> TYSSeries, take note, request for rubber dye 14:53:44 <TYSSeries> KageSenshi, okay 14:53:50 <KageSenshi> ok 14:54:07 <KageSenshi> next item .. 14:54:13 <KageSenshi> #topic new action items 14:54:14 <KageSenshi> erm .. 14:54:17 <KageSenshi> lets see 14:54:38 <KageSenshi> i need someone to take over baton from jipang menjerit 14:55:31 <KageSenshi> i can understand he's busy, but his action hogging the tasks and not passing it around is very dangerous 14:55:45 <MavJS> KageSenshi: since we're going to wait for reply from jipang till friday night. we could ask some other vlnt on tuesday for this? 14:56:03 <KageSenshi> at least he need to delegate so that i know theres someone else i can ask when i need somehting 14:56:26 <KageSenshi> but while i have been reminding him several times about it, he still hogging the tasks .. 14:56:49 <KageSenshi> promo team is idle, and as we are already less than 2 months before the event, this is getting dangerous 14:57:14 <KageSenshi> MavJS, can you find someone who can coordinate? 14:57:37 <MavJS> KageSenshi: i'd have take it myself, if i didn't have assignment submission on 9th april :| 14:57:44 <MavJS> KageSenshi: ok. i'll find. 14:58:02 <KageSenshi> MavJS, you can take it, but do not hog tasks 14:58:23 <KageSenshi> MavJS, having the core team burnt down due to tasks not delegated is quite dangerous 14:58:58 <MavJS> KageSenshi: btw, i think we may need to delegate some more people in promo as some are "dead"? 14:59:13 <KageSenshi> MavJS, get someone to ping whether they are still alive first 14:59:24 <sweemeng> they might just in "coma" 14:59:37 <KageSenshi> #action MavJS to find someone who can take over coordinator role for promo team 14:59:37 <MavJS> KageSenshi: ok. cool. I'll ping every promo member after the meeting. 14:59:50 <KageSenshi> MavJS, i think they simply idle because their coordinator doesnt move them 14:59:56 <MavJS> KageSenshi: ok. noted. 15:00:06 <KageSenshi> MavJS, malaysia is not really a culture where ppl step forward to do stuff 15:00:14 <MavJS> KageSenshi: so is Burma ;) 15:00:17 <KageSenshi> they volunteer, but they wait for tasks 15:00:34 <KageSenshi> if no tasks, instead of finding/suggesting something to do .. they idle 15:00:42 * MavJS agrees... 15:01:20 <rebelk0de> Sorry chaps, wish i could help, but am packed with tasks already 15:01:36 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, no prob, i dont want you hogging tasks too 15:01:37 <KageSenshi> :P 15:01:43 <MavJS> lol! :D 15:02:02 <KageSenshi> rebelk0de, and i know you will if i do pass you the promo team stuff :P 15:02:08 <rebelk0de> haha, thanks KageSenshi 15:02:28 <rebelk0de> i'll just kung-fu it to others, KageSenshi 15:02:28 <KageSenshi> ok 15:02:42 <MavJS> ok. perhaps next item? :D 15:03:03 <KageSenshi> #action MavJS (or someone who can help coordinating the promo team) , will poke all promo team members and assign tasks 15:03:31 <MavJS> \o/ more action items! :p 15:03:55 <KageSenshi> #info whoever taking the new coordinator role for promo team, will have to be able to take own initiatives 15:04:39 <KageSenshi> #info KageSenshi will only notify rough idea of things that might need to be done, but the coordinator will need to break it apart and get volunteers to do it 15:04:57 <KageSenshi> #info or file tickets to design team to do it 15:05:00 <KageSenshi> ok 15:05:02 <KageSenshi> next item 15:05:08 <KageSenshi> #topic open floor 15:05:27 <KageSenshi> #info Chief minister coming in FUDCon 15:05:31 <KageSenshi> #undo 15:05:31 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x28020910> 15:05:43 <KageSenshi> #info Chief Minister of Melaka might be coming to FUDCon 15:05:51 <KageSenshi> anybody strongly disagree with that? 15:05:53 <KageSenshi> i hope not 15:05:57 <MavJS> nope. 15:06:01 <kulll> +1 15:06:03 * MavJS welcomes that.. 15:06:05 <sweemeng> high level support is a good thing 15:06:10 <vinz007> yup 15:06:18 <KageSenshi> ok cool 15:06:20 <kulll> ? 15:06:23 <KageSenshi> kulll, ? 15:06:31 <kulll> what about protocol? 15:06:31 <sweemeng> protocol by red hat, confirm? 15:06:47 <sweemeng> the CM one 15:06:58 <KageSenshi> #info RH will be dealing with the official stuff, formal invitation, and protocol if needed 15:07:23 <KageSenshi> i'm thinking of giving day2 keynote to the CM 15:07:41 <KageSenshi> ok with that? 15:07:58 <kulll> +1 15:08:08 <MavJS> +1 ok 15:08:12 <TYSSeries> +1 15:08:42 <sweemeng> ok 15:08:47 <Alvisyu> +1 15:08:52 <vinz007> +1 15:09:17 <KageSenshi> ok 15:09:33 <KageSenshi> #info Melaka CM will be having his keynote on day2 - conference day 15:09:47 <KageSenshi> ok 15:10:08 <KageSenshi> anymore stuff to add into open floor before we end this meeting and start doing fliers? 15:10:10 <KageSenshi> ok wait 15:10:45 <KageSenshi> #info Dinesh nair from MDEC want us to submit a writeup on FUDCon to them, so that he can find something for MDEC to help out 15:10:58 <sweemeng> define writeup? 15:11:11 <sweemeng> i wonder whether he is there in webcamp too.. hmmm 15:11:38 <KageSenshi> sweemeng, he wants 1 - information about the event .. 2 - information of activities in the event , what will be happening, etc 15:11:45 <sweemeng> arr 15:11:46 <sweemeng> ok 15:12:12 <KageSenshi> i want to send this to him by tomorrow night hopefully 15:12:22 <KageSenshi> due to he need it a.s.a.p 15:12:39 <KageSenshi> supposedly this is a task for promo team. but they are missing 15:12:44 <MavJS> shall we "mopad" that? 15:12:48 <KageSenshi> MavJS, yes 15:12:55 <MavJS> KageSenshi: ok. 15:13:09 <sweemeng> while we are on mopad 15:13:12 <KageSenshi> also another thing we should get done before next tuesday meeting 15:13:18 <sweemeng> how we going to share screen on design? 15:13:45 <KageSenshi> #info we also need generic email to start sending to universities etc 15:14:02 <KageSenshi> #info we have a basic one on mopad, but we should be updating it 15:14:07 <KageSenshi> as its updated 15:14:18 <KageSenshi> #info we also need a template for invitation letter 15:14:41 <KageSenshi> #info the tasks above, should be done by the promo team, but they are missing, guess it goes back to KageSenshi and MavJS to do it :( 15:14:52 <MavJS> :| 15:15:17 <MavJS> i think we ain't sleeping tonight! lol! XD 15:15:43 <KageSenshi> sweemeng, dont bother i guess, just collaborate on the emails / informations 15:16:00 <KageSenshi> sweemeng, i can pick the information and come up with a design 15:16:06 <sweemeng> ok 15:16:13 <sweemeng> +1 15:16:22 * sweemeng go grab more coffee 15:16:23 <KageSenshi> sweemeng, i have bunch of svgs from my older designs which i can remix 15:16:49 <sweemeng> i try help in design 15:16:53 * KageSenshi is bad in deisgn, but at least i'm quite ok in remixing designs 15:17:00 <sweemeng> though for now, i am best as the delivery guy 15:17:11 <KageSenshi> hehe 15:17:12 <KageSenshi> ok 15:17:17 <KageSenshi> anymore for open floor? 15:17:17 * MavJS walks the plank of shame regarding design..... 15:17:46 * MavJS has none. 15:17:53 * sweemeng nay 15:17:57 <sweemeng> nothing to say 15:18:04 <KageSenshi> ok 15:18:07 <KageSenshi> cool 15:18:14 <KageSenshi> thanks all for attending the meeting 15:18:36 <KageSenshi> #info next vlnt meeting is on tuesday, 3rd april 2012 15:18:52 <KageSenshi> #info next fudcon-planning meeting is on thursday, 29th april 2012 15:19:08 <KageSenshi> ending meeting now 15:19:10 <KageSenshi> 5 15:19:11 <KageSenshi> 4 15:19:12 <KageSenshi> 3 15:19:13 <KageSenshi> 2 15:19:14 <KageSenshi> 1 15:19:16 <KageSenshi> #endmeeting