13:05:56 <purusharths> #startmeeting "NeuroFedora - 2020-10-05" 13:05:56 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 5 13:05:56 2020 UTC. 13:05:56 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 13:05:56 <zodbot> The chair is purusharths. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:05:56 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:05:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to '"neurofedora_-_2020-10-05"' 13:06:27 <purusharths> #meetingname "neurofedora" 13:06:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to '"neurofedora"' 13:07:23 <purusharths> Hi folks o/ 13:07:38 <purusharths> We'll follow this meeting guide, please take a quick look at the zodbot commands: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Guide 13:08:29 <purusharths> #chair FranciscoD MeWjOr gicmo zbyszek bt0 13:08:36 <gicmo> o/ 13:08:42 <bt0> o/ 13:08:53 <purusharths> #topic Agenda 13:09:05 <purusharths> #info New introductions and roll call 13:09:13 <purusharths> #info Tasks from last week's meeting 13:09:19 <purusharths> #info Open Pagure tickets 13:09:24 <purusharths> #info open bugs 13:09:38 <purusharths> #info CompNeuro lab compose check 13:09:56 <purusharths> #info Koschei check 13:10:15 <purusharths> #info Next meeting date/time/chair 13:10:22 <purusharths> #info open floor 13:10:26 <purusharths> that's all, right? 13:10:35 <FranciscoD> +1 13:10:42 <bt0> yes 13:10:53 <purusharths> #topic new introductions and roll call 13:11:16 <purusharths> #info Format: Name, FAS, Fedora Activity ... 13:11:31 <FranciscoD> #info Ankur Sinha (ankursinha/FranciscoD): UTC+1: NeuroFedora, packaging, Fedora join etc. :) 13:11:48 <purusharths> #info Purusharth S(purusharths), UTC+530, packaging? 13:12:20 <bt0> #info Alberto Rodriguez (bt0dotninja/bt0); UTC-5; CommOps,Fedora Join, NeuroFedora and more. 13:12:55 <purusharths> FrancicoD, am I supposed to to update the karma as well? 13:13:07 <FranciscoD> no 13:13:13 <purusharths> Okay cool 13:13:38 <purusharths> Shall we go ahead? 13:13:57 <FranciscoD> the meeting related karma etc will happen automatically via fedmsg etc 13:14:05 <FranciscoD> purusharths: yes, sure, next topic :) 13:14:26 <purusharths> #topic Tasks from last meeting (25.09.2020) 13:14:51 <purusharths> It was 25th or 21st? :o 13:14:58 <purusharths> #undo 13:14:58 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x7fccce2d6150> 13:15:08 <FranciscoD> 21st I think 13:15:10 <purusharths> #topic Tasks from last meeting (21.09.2020) 13:15:34 <purusharths> Giving logs, just a sec 13:17:07 <purusharths> #info logs from last meeting: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-neuro/2020-09-21/neurofedora.2020-09-21-13.06.log.html 13:17:31 <FranciscoD> if you look at the text minutes, the actions will be listed there iirc 13:18:16 <FranciscoD> #info Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/neurofedora/neurofedora.2020-09-21-13.06.html 13:18:29 <FranciscoD> well, all the actions were mine XD 13:18:42 <purusharths> xD 13:18:58 <gicmo> haha 13:19:46 <purusharths> FranciscoD, Kinda confused on what to do now (._.") 13:20:04 <FranciscoD> ah, we go through each action item to see if it was done 13:20:11 <FranciscoD> so: 13:20:23 <FranciscoD> #info FranciscoD ping https://pagure.io/fedora-websites/issue/1013 for updates again: DONE (but no response received) 13:20:36 <FranciscoD> #info FranciscoD fix libneurosim: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1864029: WIP, reassigning 13:20:45 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD fix libneurosim: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1864029 13:21:07 <FranciscoD> #info FranciscoD ping primary vrpn maintainer, and remove neuro-sig from package: PENDING, reassigning 13:21:13 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD ping primary vrpn maintainer, and remove neuro-sig from package 13:21:28 <FranciscoD> the last one is for sending out logs, not documenting that 13:21:44 <FranciscoD> purusharths: there, that topic is done :) 13:21:58 <purusharths> Oh alright thanks :P 13:22:09 <purusharths> #topic open pagure tickets 13:22:44 <tg-fedneuro> <p​urusharths> f# 13:22:47 <purusharths> #info Tagged "Next meeting" https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issues?status=Open&tags=S%3A+Next+meeting 13:23:51 <purusharths> What's up with PEGTL, didn't we decide last time to scrap it? 13:24:01 <FranciscoD> Yeh, I haven't gotten down to orphan it yet 13:24:08 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD orphan PEGTL 13:25:04 <purusharths> #info what about: https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issue/318 13:25:23 <FranciscoD> that's informative---if there's anything interesting we think folks can read, we chuck it on the ticket 13:25:31 <FranciscoD> I put one or two articles there 13:26:20 <FranciscoD> folks can take a look in their own time 13:26:21 <purusharths> Since you posted this after the last meeting, gonna put it here again 13:26:36 <purusharths> https://open-neuroscience.com/en/ 13:26:47 <purusharths> Ah okay 13:27:09 <gicmo> Open Neuroscience seems really cool 13:27:48 <FranciscoD> yeh, it's a good resource 13:27:52 <FranciscoD> i put us on it too 13:28:09 <FranciscoD> https://open-neuroscience.com/en/post/neurofedora/ 13:28:16 <purusharths> Cool! 13:28:31 <gicmo> very cool 13:28:35 <gicmo> FranciscoD++ ;) 13:29:36 <purusharths> Shall we move on to bugs? 13:29:54 <FranciscoD> +1 13:30:17 <purusharths> #topic Open NeuroFedora bugs: https://tinyurl.com/neurofedora-bugs 13:30:50 <purusharths> #info List of NeuroFedora bugs: https://tinyurl.com/neurofedora-bugs 13:31:54 <FranciscoD> nothing urgent there, I don't think, mostly updates 13:32:11 <FranciscoD> folks, feel free to work on the update ones, and open PRs if you're not sure about the package 13:32:22 <purusharths> there were two ftbfs bugs last time any update there? 13:32:36 <FranciscoD> neurord is basically orphaned 13:32:47 <purusharths> Ah 13:32:58 <FranciscoD> I think same goes for vrpn 13:33:05 <purusharths> Alrighty 13:33:18 <FranciscoD> also not very neuro focussed, so I don't see a point of putting too much work into it to keep it on 13:33:20 <FranciscoD> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/vrpn 13:34:07 <purusharths> So, should it be orphaned completely? 13:34:27 <FranciscoD> if the primary maintainer does not fix it, it'll get retired in sometime 13:34:31 <FranciscoD> as per the FTBFS process 13:34:38 <FranciscoD> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/Fails_to_build_from_source_Fails_to_install/ 13:34:38 <purusharths> Okay, alright 13:34:57 <purusharths> Anything else in bugs? 13:36:17 <purusharths> Should we move on to CompNeuro lab? 13:36:24 <FranciscoD> yeh, nothing else on bugs 13:36:24 <bt0> +1 13:36:39 <FranciscoD> #info Everyone, please take up the update related bugs and open PRs if possible 13:37:02 <purusharths> #topic CompNeuro lab compose status check 13:37:17 <purusharths> FranciscoD +1 13:38:36 <FranciscoD> #info CompNeuro compose on Koji: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=30691 13:38:46 <FranciscoD> we should add the link to the agenda too 13:39:13 <FranciscoD> #action FranciscoD purusharths: add koji compose link to the agenda for future meetings 13:39:42 <purusharths> okay. will do. Can i update this one? 13:39:47 <FranciscoD> #info F33/F34 CompNeuro composes seem to be working fine 13:39:55 <FranciscoD> purusharths: if you chair the next meeting too, you can add the link :P 13:40:03 <purusharths> haha okay :P 13:40:27 <FranciscoD> Anyone else on F33? If you use the neuro-sig tools and see any issues, please do let us know 13:40:40 <FranciscoD> I know neuron seems to be segfaulting on rawhide for some reason, gotta debug that 13:40:59 <purusharths> Put in action? 13:41:42 <FranciscoD> no, not yet, I need to see if it's actually crashing 13:41:49 <FranciscoD> seen it while building a package, so it could be other things 13:41:50 <purusharths> Okay 13:41:51 <FranciscoD> >_> 13:42:59 <purusharths> #topic Koschei check 13:43:02 <purusharths> These are all our packages on Koschei: 13:43:02 <purusharths> https://koschei.fedoraproject.org/groups/neuro-sig 13:43:02 <purusharths> More information on Koschei here: 13:43:02 <purusharths> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Koschei 13:43:26 <purusharths> ^ from FranciscoD's comment: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/neurofedora@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/76UKMMZJCUIW2I22UN6CX6VGMPBVULR6/ 13:43:49 <FranciscoD> hrm, python-mne, python-lfpy, python-pydicom 13:43:54 <FranciscoD> libneurosim is known 13:44:35 <FranciscoD> @Alessio: pydicom is FTBFS? I haven't seen a bug about it. Any idea? 13:46:20 <FranciscoD> purusharths: best to info the three packages at the moment and move on 13:46:24 <FranciscoD> this will take some looking into 13:46:29 <FranciscoD> cant be done during a meeting 13:46:33 <purusharths> Okay 13:47:18 <purusharths> FranciscoD, info or action? 13:47:36 <FranciscoD> info perhaps, I need to see who the primary maintainers for the packages are 13:48:05 <purusharths> #info look into python-nme, python-lfpy, python-pydicom 13:48:39 <purusharths> #topic Next Meeting date/time/chair 13:48:55 <FranciscoD> same time, in two weeks? 13:49:02 <FranciscoD> on 19th? 13:49:07 <purusharths> Yeah 13:49:12 <FranciscoD> works for me too 13:49:29 <purusharths> chair? 13:49:32 <FranciscoD> I can chair, so that we rotate from person to person 13:49:42 <purusharths> Sure :D 13:49:57 <FranciscoD> #info FranciscoD to chair next meeting on 19th October at 1300 UTC 13:50:08 <FranciscoD> open floor? :D 13:50:15 <purusharths> #topic open floor 13:50:20 <purusharths> Yeah :D 13:50:37 <purusharths> Any update on twitter? 13:51:09 <FranciscoD> What about twitter? 13:51:12 <FranciscoD> I seem to have forgotten 13:51:32 <purusharths> Nothing on agenda, just asked. 13:51:46 <purusharths> wrt outreachy 13:51:50 <purusharths> *outreach 13:52:22 <FranciscoD> no, nothing particular there 13:52:38 <FranciscoD> i retweet/follow folks, but not much to actively tweet about 13:52:50 <FranciscoD> we do have templates, but keeping track of package updates requires some time 13:53:04 <FranciscoD> https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/blob/master/f/Outreach/Template-tweets.rst 13:53:46 <FranciscoD> #info if anyone wants the twitter account credentials to tweet from the account, please ping FranciscoD 13:54:15 <FranciscoD> purusharths: do you think its worth noting the meetings on our docs at neuro.fedoraproject.org? 13:54:19 <purusharths> Okay. I think we should openneuro 13:54:43 <FranciscoD> oo, I added a section already: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/neurofedora/communicating/#_meetings 13:54:45 * FranciscoD forgets 13:54:59 <purusharths> *tweet about openneruoscience and the page about neruofedora :P 13:55:37 <purusharths> FranciscoD, not sure about it (._.") 13:55:40 <FranciscoD> yeh, we could---would you tweet from your account and mention @neurofedora etc? and then I can retweet it from the neurofedora account? 13:55:50 <purusharths> alright will do :D 13:56:31 <purusharths> #info purusharths add tweet about neurofedora page on openneuroscience 13:56:47 <purusharths> Alright anything else? got 4 minutes 13:57:21 <FranciscoD> no, that's all I think 13:57:28 <FranciscoD> #action purusharths send out logs to ML 13:57:30 <FranciscoD> :P 13:58:21 <purusharths> FranciscoD, I was about to ask, that happens automatically after #endmeeting? 13:58:51 <FranciscoD> no, minutes go to the meeting-minutes ML automatically, but we copy/paste the text minutes and send those to the list 13:59:48 <purusharths> umm, I don't get it? (._.") 14:00:19 <FranciscoD> there's a mailing list where all minutes go to: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/meetingminutes@lists.fedoraproject.org/ 14:00:35 <FranciscoD> after you end the meeting, the zodbot will give links to the logs 14:00:53 <purusharths> Okay, and I'll copy paste it there in a new thread 14:00:54 <FranciscoD> one of them will be the text minutes, and we must manually send those to the neurofedora list 14:01:05 <FranciscoD> not a new thread, the same one, since it's about the same subject 14:01:32 <FranciscoD> end the meeting, and we can do it now 14:01:47 <purusharths> Okayt 14:01:51 <purusharths> #endmeeting