#fedora-neuro: NeuroFedora - 2022-07-18

Meeting started by FranciscoD_ at 13:01:08 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Agenda (FranciscoD_, 13:03:56)
    1. New introductions and roll call. (FranciscoD_, 13:04:05)
    2. Tasks from last meeting. (FranciscoD_, 13:04:13)
    3. Open Pagure tickets. (FranciscoD_, 13:04:23)
    4. Package health check. (FranciscoD_, 13:04:32)
    5. Open package reviews check. (FranciscoD_, 13:04:42)
    6. CompNeuro lab compose status check for Fedora 36/37. (FranciscoD_, 13:04:55)
    7. Neuroscience query of the week (FranciscoD_, 13:05:04)
    8. Next meeting day, and chair. (FranciscoD_, 13:05:11)
    9. Open floor (FranciscoD_, 13:05:17)

  2. New introductions and roll call (FranciscoD_, 13:05:26)
    1. Ankur Sinha (FranciscoD), UTC+1, packaging, Join SIG etc. (FranciscoD_, 13:05:43)
    2. Vanessa Christopher(vanessakris ), UTC+1, packaging. (vanessa_kris[m], 13:06:33)

  3. Tasks from last meeting (FranciscoD_, 13:09:04)
    1. Last meeting logs are here: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-neuro/2022-06-20/neurofedora.2022-06-20-13.14.html (FranciscoD_, 13:09:15)
    2. omnidapps to follow up on Pluto migration from Venus: WIP (FranciscoD_, 13:10:32)
    3. ACTION: omnidapps to follow up on Pluto migration from Venus (FranciscoD_, 13:10:39)

  4. Open Pagure tickets (FranciscoD_, 13:11:20)
    1. Tickets marked as "meeting" here are to be discussed: https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issues?status=Open&tags=S%3A+Next+meeting (FranciscoD_, 13:11:32)
    2. No pagure tickets to discuss this week (FranciscoD_, 13:11:38)

  5. Package health check (FranciscoD_, 13:11:47)
    1. See our packages dashboard here: https://packager-dashboard.fedoraproject.org/neuro-sig (FranciscoD_, 13:12:13)
    2. We give FTBFS (fails to build from source) and FTI (fails to install) bugs priority, because if they are not fixed, the packages will be orphaned/retired as per the community policy: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/Fails_to_build_from_source_Fails_to_install/ (FranciscoD_, 13:13:19)
    3. Oluyosola Afolabi(Oluyosola), UTC+1, packaging (oluyosola[m], 13:13:28)
    4. A number of packages have new versions available (FranciscoD_, 13:15:30)
    5. ACTION: FranciscoD fix arbor and genesis FTBFS bugs (FranciscoD_, 13:16:09)

  6. Open package reviews check. (FranciscoD_, 13:16:32)
    1. Please block this "tracking bug" when you submit new package reviews related to the neuro-sig: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=fedora-neuro (FranciscoD_, 13:17:13)
    2. If you go to "show advanced fields", and then look at "depends on", you will see all our currently open review tickets (FranciscoD_, 13:17:46)
    3. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2107915 -> needs a reviewer (FranciscoD_, 13:18:15)
    4. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2107901 -> needs a reviewer (FranciscoD_, 13:18:25)
    5. python-neatdend is built for rawhide, thanks vanessa_kris ! (FranciscoD_, 13:22:09)
    6. ACTION: vanessa_kris check on status of python-pyABF review (FranciscoD_, 13:22:33)
    7. python-ephysviewer also imported and built, thanks vanessa_kris ! (FranciscoD_, 13:23:48)
    8. ACTION: vanessa_kris give neuro-sig permissions to python-ephyviewer repo (FranciscoD_, 13:24:36)

  7. CompNeuro lab compose status check for Fedora 36/37. (FranciscoD_, 13:25:44)
    1. check latest build tasks here: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=30691 (FranciscoD_, 13:25:55)
    2. todays' build failed: fallout from the fmt update from the looks of it, should be fixed once the rebuilds are complete (FranciscoD_, 13:27:59)

  8. Neuroscience query of the week (FranciscoD_, 13:28:57)
    1. This illusion, new to science, is strong enough to trick our reflexes - Science & research news | Frontiers : https://blog.frontiersin.org/2022/06/01/frontiers-human-neuroscience-expanding-hole-illusion/ (FranciscoD_, 13:30:06)
    2. As professors struggle to recruit postdocs, calls for structural change in academia intensify | Science | AAAS: https://www.science.org/content/article/professors-struggle-recruit-postdocs-calls-structural-change-academia-intensify (FranciscoD_, 13:30:33)
    3. The Cerebellar Cortex | Annual Review of Neuroscience: https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev-neuro-091421-125115 (FranciscoD_, 13:31:13)

  9. Next meeting day, and chair (FranciscoD_, 13:32:15)
    1. Next meeting on 01 Aug, at 1300 UTC (FranciscoD_, 13:32:55)
    2. ankursinha to chair next meeting (FranciscoD_, 13:32:59)

  10. Open floor (FranciscoD_, 13:33:12)

Meeting ended at 13:35:36 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. omnidapps to follow up on Pluto migration from Venus
  2. FranciscoD fix arbor and genesis FTBFS bugs
  3. vanessa_kris check on status of python-pyABF review
  4. vanessa_kris give neuro-sig permissions to python-ephyviewer repo

Action items, by person

  1. vanessa_kris
    1. vanessa_kris check on status of python-pyABF review
    2. vanessa_kris give neuro-sig permissions to python-ephyviewer repo
    1. omnidapps to follow up on Pluto migration from Venus
    2. FranciscoD fix arbor and genesis FTBFS bugs

People present (lines said)

  1. FranciscoD_ (78)
  2. zodbot (7)
  3. vanessa_kris[m] (3)
  4. oluyosola[m] (1)
  5. Alessio (0)
  6. achilleas (0)
  7. vanessa_kris (0)
  8. davdunc (0)
  9. Josh (0)
  10. Santos (0)
  11. HafsatAjia-Egbey (0)
  12. Luna (0)
  13. Jernberg (0)
  14. lbazan (0)
  15. oluyosola (0)
  16. OluyosolaAfolabi (0)
  17. music (0)
  18. musicinmybrain (0)
  19. MeWjOr (0)
  20. major (0)
  21. principis (0)
  22. zbyszek[m] (0)

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