16:01:09 <tflink> #startmeeting f18beta-blocker-review-5 16:01:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 24 16:01:09 2012 UTC. The chair is tflink. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:09 <tflink> #meetingname f18beta-blocker-review-5 16:01:09 <tflink> #topic Roll Call 16:01:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f18beta-blocker-review-5' 16:01:22 * cmurf hears crickets 16:01:25 <adamw> morning 16:01:25 * satellit_e listening 16:02:29 <tflink> so that's how to get people to chime in - claim to hear crickets? 16:02:51 <tflink> I'll have to remember that one 16:02:57 <cmurf> i hear crickets are great at bug blockers 16:03:15 <tflink> aren't crickets bugs, though? 16:03:23 <cmurf> exactly! 16:03:24 <tflink> too many crickets to review!!!! 16:03:32 <jreznik> bugs? what are bugs? 16:04:06 <cmurf> unexpected anomaly? 16:04:40 <tflink> jreznik: you here for the review meeting? 16:04:50 * tflink is trying to figure out if we have enough people to get started 16:05:14 <tflink> the list actually doesn't look too bad today 16:05:20 <jreznik> tflink: yep a little bit tough today with many meetings... 16:05:28 <jreznik> tflink: yep, it looks good 16:05:29 * nirik chirps anoyingly behind a dresser. 16:05:30 <tflink> perhaps it's time to start sharpening the poking stick :-D 16:06:03 <tflink> anyhow, let's get this party started 16:06:14 <tflink> #topic Introduction 16:06:22 <tflink> Why are we here? 16:06:22 <tflink> #info Our purpose in this meeting is to review proposed blocker and nice-to-have bugs and decide whether to accept them, and to monitor the progress of fixing existing accepted blocker and nice-to-have bugs. 16:06:32 <tflink> #info We'll be following the process outlined at: 16:06:32 <tflink> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_Blocker_Bug_Meeting 16:06:39 <tflink> #info The bugs up for review today are available at: 16:06:39 <tflink> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/current 16:06:49 <tflink> #info The criteria for release blocking bugs can be found at: 16:06:49 <tflink> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Alpha_Release_Criteria 16:06:49 <tflink> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Beta_Release_Criteria 16:06:49 <tflink> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Final_Release_Criteria 16:07:02 <tflink> Up for review today are: 16:07:06 <tflink> #info 7 Proposed Blockers 16:07:06 <tflink> #info 8 Accepted Blockers 16:07:06 <tflink> #info 0 Proposed NTH 16:07:06 <tflink> #info 12 Accepted NTH 16:07:25 <tflink> any objections to starting with the proposed blockers? 16:07:37 <jreznik> go on! 16:07:40 <akshayvyas> nope 16:07:59 <tflink> #topic (868519) LUKS passphrase exposed in /root/anaconda-ks.cfg 16:07:59 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=868519 16:07:59 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, ASSIGNED 16:07:59 <tflink> #info assigned to: anaconda-maint-list@redhat.com 16:08:06 <tflink> #undo 16:08:06 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x24eedad0> 16:08:38 <adamw> oh, hey. 16:08:44 <adamw> so i've just been talking to dcantrell about this. 16:09:00 <adamw> anaconda team still isn't convinced they want to fix it, but... 16:09:32 <adamw> so far as blocker status goes, this hits one of our areas of 'missed coverage', we don't really have anything explicit to cover security issues 16:10:16 <adamw> we could take it under the 'urgent severity issue in a critpath component' escape clause, though. 16:10:18 <nirik> I don't know that I would call it a beta blocker, but it should be fixed before final, IMHO... 16:10:30 <jreznik> definitely 16:10:43 <nirik> it is kinda icky. why don't they want to fix it? 16:11:00 <adamw> if i was going to draft a criterion it'd be something like 'all security issues that could not be addressed fully with an update must be resolved before final release' or something like that. 16:11:07 <adamw> nirik: on the theory that the kickstart ought to be a precise replica of the install 16:11:22 <adamw> the problem with obfuscation is that we have a mechanism whereby the root password in the kickstart can be obfuscated but still work 16:11:25 <adamw> we don't have anything like that for LUKS 16:11:48 <nirik> ah true. 16:12:00 <adamw> my position would be that there is no valid use case for re-using encryption passphrases and this _is_ a clear security risk, so we should just leave it empty 16:12:14 <adamw> but that's kinda orthogonal to the blocker question. 16:12:27 <nirik> right 16:13:11 <adamw> so as i see the options...if we use the escape clause we kinda have to take it for beta, or we can agree in principle to my vague draft and take it for final 16:13:18 <tflink> well, it isn't 100% orthagonal - it's not like this could be fixed with an update 16:13:33 <adamw> i mean the question of whether to fix it, not the criterion. 16:13:36 <tflink> I'm not convinced this is a beta blocker 16:13:45 <tflink> I'd be more for beta NTH and final blocker 16:14:18 <cmurf> yeah 16:14:20 <cmurf> it's a beta 16:14:23 <cmurf> they bite 16:14:41 <cmurf> i'm -1 blocker, and +1 NTH for beta 16:14:48 <adamw> yeah, that's about where i am 16:14:50 <cmurf> and strong +1 block for final 16:14:51 <adamw> nth for beta, final blocker 16:15:03 * nirik too also 16:15:12 <jreznik> same here 16:15:13 <adamw> but i'd like us to agree on the gist of the criterion to take it for final 16:15:16 <nirik> but if we don't fix it, we should note it in relnotes/common bugs or something. 16:15:21 <nirik> so people aren't surprised. 16:15:25 <adamw> or else we're getting back towards 'it's a blocker because we said so' territory 16:15:29 <jreznik> nirik: true 16:16:01 <tflink> proposed #agreed 868519 - RejectedBlocker (beta), AcceptedNTH (beta), AcceptedBlocker (final) - needs wording 16:16:01 <cmurf> did any security people look at this? i see no additional comments 16:16:20 <adamw> vincent danen is from the security team. 16:16:37 <adamw> tflink: could we first have a proposed #agreed for the gist of the new criterion? 16:16:53 <adamw> propose #agreed it's agreed in principle that security issues not fixable by an update must be resolved before final release 16:17:41 <cmurf> well…. 16:17:52 <tflink> sorry, got distracted a bit 16:17:56 <cmurf> there are many qualifications for "security issues" 16:18:37 <tflink> yeah, security issues is a bit vague 16:18:56 <jreznik> but I don't think there's any more specific term... 16:19:34 <jreznik> and as fedora does not have any dedicated security people, we even can't say "reviewed by security team" 16:19:53 <adamw> cmurf: that's why i said in principle 16:20:01 <adamw> we can hack the details 16:20:11 <tflink> patch 16:21:22 * adamw waits with bated breath 16:21:49 <tflink> proposed #agreed in principle, all major security issues which can't be fixed by a security update must be fixed before final release 16:21:54 <tflink> #chair adamw 16:21:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw tflink 16:22:04 <adamw> heh. okay 16:22:21 <adamw> we can always use one of the existing security rating indicators. there's enough of them. 16:22:24 <cmurf> i'm less ok with that wording 16:22:40 <tflink> cmurf: patch? 16:23:14 <Southern_Gentlem> all known security issues 16:23:14 <cmurf> commend 14, Vincent says the bug "isn't a huge security issue" so if that's interpreted as not major, then this bug wouldn't qualify as needing to be fixed for final 16:24:11 <cmurf> i think the original wording, with admitted vagueness "in principle" is ok for today's purposes but it should be revisited to be a little more qualifying 16:24:13 <tflink> all security issues seems a bit vague 16:24:26 <tflink> s/major/significant? 16:24:27 <cmurf> very true, until someone is bitten badly 16:24:32 <cmurf> only then do we have clarity 16:25:09 <cmurf> i think the obfuscation of user passwords should be high priority, that can't be stored plain text 16:25:27 <cmurf> even if the kickstart were on an an encrypted rootfs this is not a good thing 16:25:29 <akshayvyas> cmurf: +1 16:25:30 <tflink> so the only thing that you two will agree to is 'all'? 16:25:36 <adamw> i kinda see this as a bit more serious than vincent, if you think it through, the point of encryption is to safeguard against untrusted people with direct access to the data, so the fact there's no remote exploit or anything is kinda irrelevant 16:25:49 <adamw> and encrypting /home only is a pretty common use case 16:26:11 <adamw> i think a distro where you can encrypt /home without it really being _effective_, because anyone who got hold of the drive would have the passphrase in plain text, is kinda bad. 16:26:25 <cmurf> haha yes absolutely 16:26:53 <adamw> of course you can wipe the file, but you have to know. 16:27:00 <tflink> I can't think of any examples off the top of my head, but what qualifies as a security issue if we do say all? 16:27:15 <tflink> it sounds like we're generally agreed that this should be a blocker 16:27:24 <adamw> to a rough approximation, anything with the security keyword 16:27:24 <cmurf> the internet connection to a computer is a security issue, fyi 16:27:41 <adamw> well yes, the only secure computer is one you never turn on, we know 16:27:52 <adamw> tflink: yeah, i think we have enough to go with for now 16:28:01 <adamw> but i would like to take one of those proposed #agreeds 16:28:08 <adamw> so cmurf, you prefer the one without 'major'? 16:28:09 <cmurf> the first one 16:28:11 <cmurf> yes 16:28:15 <tflink> to the people who disagree with the wording: answer the damn question - will you agree to anything other than 'all security issues'? 16:28:16 <adamw> i'll propose that again then 16:28:36 <adamw> propose #agreed it's agreed in principle that security issues not fixable by an update must be resolved before final release 16:28:50 <cmurf> i'm fine with a committe of reasonable people making reasonable choices on demand, but adamw wants something in writing to point to 16:29:16 <cmurf> ack 16:29:21 <tflink> I still think that's too vague but it sounds like I'm pretty much the only one 16:29:29 <cmurf> it is too vague 16:29:37 <adamw> tflink: it's an agreement-in-principle, not a solid criterion i'm going to put in the list. 16:29:46 <tflink> not nak - i don't like it but I don't see the point in holding up the meeting more 16:29:49 <adamw> we'll draft it up and discuss it on list, but there's no need to hold up the meeting for it. 16:30:03 <cmurf> tflink: that's my position 16:30:07 <cmurf> exactly 16:30:18 <adamw> i just feel like we need a general basis to take the bug as a blocker, rather than just It Is So Written 16:30:30 <cmurf> i understand 16:30:44 <adamw> so i count two not-nacks =) 16:30:46 <adamw> anyone else? 16:31:12 <adamw> propose #agreed it's agreed in principle that security issues above a certain severity level (to be decided) not fixable by an update must be resolved before final release 16:31:15 <adamw> how's that? 16:31:45 <tflink> that's better but I have a feeling that we're going to catch flak for the new criterion :) 16:31:51 <tflink> ack - let's move on 16:32:01 <cmurf> i'm fine with that too, but it's putting someone on a hook very explicitly for deciding the clarity in the future 16:32:50 <adamw> tflink: well as i remember, this has come up before and we've always vaguely thought there needs to be some kind of security criterion. 16:32:58 <adamw> #agreed it's agreed in principle that security issues above a certain severity level (to be decided) not fixable by an update must be resolved before final release 16:34:06 <tflink> proposed #agreed 868519 - RejectedBlocker (beta), AcceptedNTH (beta), AcceptedBlocker (final) - This does not violate any F18 beta release criteria and is thus rejected as a blocker for F18. Following the agreement above, this is provisionally accepted as a blocker for F18 final and NTH for F18 beta. 16:34:10 <cmurf> ack, however for adamw and tflink's sake i'd say you're better off with the original one we acked 16:34:15 <adamw> ack 16:34:21 <cmurf> ack 16:34:24 <akshayvyas> ack 16:34:27 <tflink> #agreed 868519 - RejectedBlocker (beta), AcceptedNTH (beta), AcceptedBlocker (final) - This does not violate any F18 beta release criteria and is thus rejected as a blocker for F18. Following the agreement above, this is provisionally accepted as a blocker for F18 final and NTH for F18 beta. 16:34:39 <tflink> #topic (848764) default mediacheck on 18 Alpha RC2 discs does not work 16:34:40 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=848764 16:34:40 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, POST 16:35:39 * tflink thinks this is final, not beta 16:36:00 <jreznik> sorry, I got disconnected and had a problem with reconnecting :( 16:36:09 <cmurf> +1 blocker (final) 16:36:26 <tflink> jreznik: no worries, we decided that you'll be on the hook for all security issues in F18 - you didn't miss much :-D 16:36:28 <adamw> yeah, -1 beta +1 final, per the criterion cited 16:36:38 <adamw> also you have to go get me a coffee. 16:37:16 * jreznik can do it but never ever drinked coffee, so it would be an experiement... should not drink coffee 16:37:45 <adamw> never drank coffee? how the hell did we hire him? :) 16:37:54 <tflink> proposed #agreed 848764 - RejectedBlocker (beta), AcceptedNTH (beta), AcceptedBlocker (Final) - This does not violate any criteria for F18 beta and thus is rejected as a blocker for beta. However, it does violate the following F18 final release criterion and thus is accepted as NTH for beta and blocker for final: "If there is an embedded checksum in the image, it must match. If there is a related UI element displayed after booting the image, it must work a 16:38:02 <tflink> is that too long? 16:38:04 <adamw> yep 16:38:11 <adamw> cut off at 'must work a' 16:39:07 <tflink> proposed #agreed 848764 - RejectedBlocker(beta), AcceptedNTH(beta), AcceptedBlocker(Final) - This doesn't violate any criteria for F18 beta and is rejected as a blocker. However, it does violate the following F18 final criterion and thus is accepted as NTH for beta and blocker for final: "If there is an embedded checksum in the image, it must match. If there is a related UI element displayed after booting the image, it must work and display the correct res 16:39:13 <tflink> I think that's enough? 16:39:18 <adamw> 'correct res' 16:39:22 <tflink> 3 chars 16:39:23 <adamw> so three more characters =) 16:39:35 <cmurf> remove "any" 16:39:36 <zodbot> Ticket notification - f18betanicetohave: [Bug 868519] LUKS passphrase exposed in /root/anaconda-ks.cfg <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=868519> 16:39:53 <tflink> proposed #agreed 848764 - RejectedBlocker(beta), AcceptedNTH(beta), AcceptedBlocker(Final) - This doesn't violate any criteria for F18 beta and is rejected as a blocker. However, it does violate the following F18 final criterion and thus is accepted as beta NTH and final blocker: "If there is an embedded checksum in the image, it must match. If there is a related UI element displayed after booting the image, it must work and display the correct result" 16:40:35 <cmurf> ack 16:40:59 <akshayvyas> ack 16:41:47 <tflink> #agreed 848764 - RejectedBlocker(beta), AcceptedNTH(beta), AcceptedBlocker(Final) - This doesn't violate any criteria for F18 beta and is rejected as a blocker. However, it does violate the following F18 final criterion and thus is accepted as beta NTH and final blocker: "If there is an embedded checksum in the image, it must match. If there is a related UI element displayed after booting the image, it must work and display the correct result" 16:41:54 <tflink> #topic (858801) [zh_TW] Please add Chinese (Taiwan) language to language selection menu in anaconda 16:41:57 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=858801 16:41:59 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, POST 16:43:49 <tflink> not sure this is beta 16:44:06 <tflink> the closest release criterion I'm seeing is for final: All critical path actions on release-blocking desktop environments should correctly display all sufficiently complete translations available for use 16:44:43 <adamw> well, this would be a 'conditional breakage' case i guess. 16:45:05 <adamw> that criterion applies to desktops specifically, doesn't really hit anaconda. 16:45:09 <tflink> being able to use the installer if you speak traditional chinese? 16:45:25 <cmurf> There should be a fallback for Taiwan? It's Standard Chinese. 16:45:26 <tflink> adamw: using the graphical installer is listed as a critical path action, though 16:45:42 <adamw> yeah. well, even then I think you could just pick Hong Kong and get by, or there'll be some other option for Traditional as cmurf suggests. but i don't really know for sure. 16:45:54 <adamw> tflink: it says 'critical path actions on release-blocking desktops', not just 'critical path actions'. 16:46:21 <adamw> i kinda feel like notablocker 16:46:37 <jreznik> nonblocker for me 16:46:39 <tflink> for me, it depends on whether there is another traditional chinese option 16:46:41 <cmurf> Is there a Standard Chinese option? 16:46:49 <cmurf> even if it says Hong Kong or whatever? 16:46:57 <tflink> if the only option is simplified, I'd say final blocker, beta nth 16:47:40 <adamw> TC6 only offers simplified 16:47:46 <adamw> only thing in the list is 'Chinese (China)' 16:47:46 <cmurf> Standard Chinese includes both Traditional and Simplified, so either one qualifies 16:47:57 <jreznik> the question is - do we consider english as fallback for other languages? 16:47:58 <cmurf> OK well surely that's Mandarin so fine 16:48:00 <tflink> then +1 beta nth, +1 final blocker 16:48:03 <zodbot> Ticket notification - f18betanicetohave: [Bug 848764] default mediacheck on 18 Alpha RC2 discs does not work <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=848764> 16:48:07 <adamw> cmurf: written chinese is different from spoken. 16:48:14 <adamw> cmurf: in written there is Traditional and Simplified. 16:48:17 <tflink> cmurf: simplified chinese and traditional chinese are written differently 16:48:20 <adamw> in spoken there is Mandarin and Cantonese. 16:48:25 <cmurf> yes i know all of this 16:48:26 <adamw> tflink: even that's not quite right, there is no simple mapping. 16:48:49 <tflink> can be written differently 16:48:49 <adamw> Taiwan writes Traditional and speaks Mandarin. China writes Simplified and speaks Mandarin (mostly). HK writes Traditional and speaks Cantonese. 16:49:06 <adamw> obviously we're only concerned with the writing though, really. 16:49:13 <tflink> yeah, I was talking about written - the installer doesn't speak (that I know of) 16:49:18 <adamw> so aiui, anyone from TW or HK could use each other's options 16:49:38 <adamw> we'd need an actual chinesey person to tell for sure though, i guess. =) 16:49:41 <cmurf> I think it's a final blocker if you don't have both, but if you have one for beta it's fine 16:49:52 <adamw> yeah, shall we say not a beta blocker and punt the final question? 16:50:52 <tflink> I'm OK with not a beta blocker - beta NTH? 16:50:55 <adamw> sure 16:50:59 <cmurf> ) 16:51:01 <cmurf> oops 16:51:02 <cmurf> 0 16:51:49 <akshayvyas> hey i cant see option of Chinese 16:51:58 <adamw> akshayvyas: it's way down the bottom 16:52:04 <adamw> akshayvyas: second-to-last on the list 16:52:14 <adamw> dunno why. I am not entirely sure how the ordering works. unicode? 16:52:15 <akshayvyas> yeah 16:52:30 <akshayvyas> just one not sure its simplified 16:52:37 <akshayvyas> or the traditional 16:52:39 <adamw> it'd be Simplified, as it's the China locale. 16:52:54 <adamw> tflink: proposal? 16:52:57 <tflink> proposed #agreed 858801 - RejectedBlocker (beta), AcceptedNTH (beta) - There are no translation requirements for beta and this is rejected as a blocker for beta. However, a tested patch would be accepted after beta freeze to add traditional chinese. Please re-propose as a final blocker for later review 16:53:02 <akshayvyas> ack 16:53:21 <jreznik> ack 16:53:42 <cmurf> ack 16:53:52 <tflink> #agreed 858801 - RejectedBlocker (beta), AcceptedNTH (beta) - There are no translation requirements for beta and this is rejected as a blocker for beta. However, a tested patch would be accepted after beta freeze to add traditional chinese. Please re-propose as a final blocker for later review 16:54:30 <tflink> #topic (862784) newUI custom partitioning does not allow formatting of an existing partition for use in the installed system 16:54:33 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=862784 16:54:35 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, MODIFIED 16:55:43 <adamw> so we still didn't nail down the partitioning criteria 16:55:48 <tflink> and we still don't have input on the partitioning criteria 16:55:50 <adamw> but i'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest this should not be covered 16:56:05 <cmurf> yeah 16:56:06 <adamw> i think for Beta we possibly want to cover re-use of /home without reformatting it, but i can't see a case for covering re-use beyond that 16:56:13 <cmurf> delete teh partition make a new one identical to it, format it 16:56:15 <cmurf> what's the big deal 16:56:18 <adamw> yeah, there's all sorts of workarounds 16:56:29 <zodbot> Ticket notification - f18betanicetohave: [Bug 858801] [zh_TW] Please add Chinese (Taiwan) language to language selection menu in anaconda <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=858801> 16:57:14 <cmurf> looks like 18.20 has a reformat checkbox now 16:57:34 <adamw> yeah, it's changed, but we still theoretically have to decide on status. of course we could keep punting till it goes away :) 16:57:52 <cmurf> -1 beta blocker 16:57:56 <tflink> do we have an 18.20 build? last night's failed and it sounded like they were waiting until the end of the day to try again 16:58:16 <tflink> punt? 16:58:45 <cmurf> -1 16:59:08 <adamw> i'm okay with -1 or punt 16:59:13 <cmurf> 18.20 failed 16:59:41 <tflink> sounds like we're -1 blocker over all 16:59:56 * tflink doesn't have a strong opinion either way 17:00:25 <adamw> anyone else? 17:01:07 <tflink> proposed #agreed 862784 - RejectedBlocker (beta) - This doesn't violate any of the F18 beta release requirements, seems unlikely to hit any proposed revisions and has several reasonable workarounds. 17:01:18 <akshayvyas> ack 17:01:25 <cmurf> ack 17:02:10 <adamw> ack 17:02:13 <tflink> #agreed 862784 - RejectedBlocker (beta) - This doesn't violate any of the F18 beta release requirements, seems unlikely to hit any proposed revisions and has several reasonable workarounds. 17:02:22 <tflink> #topic (868777) fail to install the system use vnc 17:02:22 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=868777 17:02:22 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, NEW 17:03:00 <tflink> crap, I forgot to finish digging into this one 17:03:17 <tflink> I had problems with vnc w/ PXE and dhcp on i686 17:03:26 <tflink> haven't seen issues on x64, though 17:03:50 <adamw> hum, someone else said no issues with PXE 17:04:10 <tflink> under x64, I haven't seen any issues with vnc and PXE 17:04:14 <tflink> it was just i686 17:04:46 <tflink> i have no idea if it's the same bug, though 17:05:01 <tflink> nothing on the local screen, vnc session didn't start up 17:05:14 <cmurf> that would seem to be a blocking bug 17:05:15 <tflink> but I forgot to dig into it more and don't have access to that machine ATM 17:05:38 <tflink> I wouldn't be surprised if it was a different bug, though 17:05:54 <tflink> I'm ok with rejecting this - I'll repropose if I turn out to be wrong 17:06:14 <adamw> i'm okay with that or punt 17:06:43 <akshayvyas> i think punt is okay 17:06:45 <cmurf> so comment 4 makes me wonder if this is something else and vnc not coming up is a consequence 17:07:14 <tflink> proposed #agreed 868777 - RejectedBlocker (beta) - Since this seems to only affect VNC installs with media and dhcp, there are several workable workarounds and it was decided that this is not a blocker for f18 beta 17:07:23 <cmurf> ack 17:07:29 <akshayvyas> ack 17:07:58 <adamw> ack 17:08:08 <tflink> #agreed 868777 - RejectedBlocker (beta) - Since this seems to only affect VNC installs with media and dhcp, there are several workable workarounds and it was decided that this is not a blocker for f18 beta. 17:08:14 <tflink> #topic (869091) Gnome fails to install in TC6 Beta netinstall 17:08:14 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=869091 17:08:14 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, distribution, NEW 17:09:19 <cmurf> uhoh 17:09:23 <tflink> punt? 17:09:31 <tflink> there is certainly not enough info to accept as a blocker 17:09:43 <tflink> I'm leaning more towards reject, though 17:10:03 <adamw> well 17:10:08 <adamw> i might lean towards CLOSED NOTABUG 17:10:13 <cmurf> yeah 17:10:16 <cmurf> exactly 17:10:17 <adamw> on the basis it seems to have been a transient error, can't be reproduced 17:10:26 <adamw> but rejecting as a blocker on that basis doesn't make any sense 17:10:36 <tflink> adamw: which is not mutually exclusive w/ rejecting :) 17:10:49 <tflink> I suppose you have a point 17:10:54 <adamw> tflink: no, but to me that isn't a logical ground for leaving the bug open but rejecting it as a blocker 17:10:55 <tflink> either way works for me 17:10:57 <adamw> either it's a valid bug or it isn't 17:11:04 * nirik notes beta freeze is being discussed by fesco in #fedora-meeting. 17:11:12 <adamw> if it's not valid, then it should be closed; if it's valid, then 'we don't think it's valid' doesn't make any sense as a reason for rejecting it :) 17:11:18 <tflink> pause for fesco meeting? 17:11:20 <adamw> sure 17:11:30 <cmurf> notabug 17:15:54 * adamw starts up a netinst test in the mean time 17:16:18 <akshayvyas> +1 NEEDINFO 17:24:18 * satellit TC 6 and DVD and netinstall x86_64 work fine for me 17:24:38 <adamw> satellit: default net install, of GNOME? 17:24:48 <satellit> yes 17:25:24 <satellit> see test page 17:25:46 <adamw> OK 17:25:57 <adamw> i'm running one ATM and the installed package count looks about right, 1175 17:26:10 <adamw> so i'm OK with just saying this does not appear to be reproducible, close it, re-open if dan can reproduce 17:26:20 <satellit> +1 17:28:44 <cmurf> +1 17:29:26 <adamw> propose #agreed 869091 does not seem to be reproducible by anyone else, others have run successful GNOME netinstalls with TC6, and the reporter has provided no data to diagnose the issue. Bug will be closed as WORKSFORME, reporter can re-open if he can reproduce and provide data 17:29:49 <tflink> ack 17:31:53 <akshayvyas> ack 17:34:10 <adamw> #agreed 869091 does not seem to be reproducible by anyone else, others have run successful GNOME netinstalls with TC6, and the reporter has provided no data to diagnose the issue. Bug will be closed as WORKSFORME, reporter can re-open if he can reproduce and provide data 17:34:37 <dreamreal> adamw: I put in TC6 with the netinstall in vbox, it worked for me 17:35:07 <adamw> so another data point, thanks 17:35:31 <cmurf> ack 17:53:14 <jreznik_> adamw: as I said, jskladan was already testing git bits, so he can retry the latest version and we are close to have a real package, so... 17:54:32 <adamw> yeah. 18:09:38 <tflink> #topic (867118) limit bugzilla summary to 255 chars 18:09:38 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=867118 18:09:39 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, libreport, MODIFIED 18:10:51 <tflink> and thus, it begins ... 18:10:55 <adamw> in general i'm pretty -1 on conditional libreport bugs 18:11:26 <adamw> i'm comfortable with a fairly strict interpretation of the criterion, so that only things which mean a _lot_ of automatic crash reports are going to fail get to be blockers 18:11:35 <adamw> given that i've never ever seen this happen, it seems like kind of a corner case. 18:11:41 <cmurf> it happend to me 18:11:44 <tflink> yeah, I'm pretty much in the same boat 18:12:03 <tflink> for final, maybe but for beta ... nth at most 18:12:13 <adamw> i'm +1 nth. 18:12:16 <cmurf> this bug prevents bugs from being filed because it's completely non-obvious why it's failing to file 18:12:31 <adamw> sure, it's just a question of how many we're going to lose. 18:12:36 <jmoskovc> that bug is fixed and update is already in bodhi... 18:12:43 <adamw> i think this one would fail the 'do we freeze for it on the last day' test 18:12:48 <adamw> er, 'slip' 18:12:53 <cmurf> absolutely not 18:12:57 <tflink> we're already freezing :) 18:13:03 <tflink> cmurf: then not a blocker, to be honest 18:13:08 <cmurf> if it's important to get autofiled bugs, this would get fixed with or without blocker 18:13:24 <cmurf> i'm -1 btw 18:13:34 <cmurf> i wouldn't even clutter nth with it 18:14:06 <akshayvyas> -1 blocker 18:14:34 <tflink> proposed #agreed 867118 - RejectedBlocker, AcceptedNTH - This doesn't seem to prevent enough bug reports to justify taking as a blocker. However, it could affect bug reporting in the installer and a well tested fix would be accepted past final. 18:14:44 <cmurf> ack 18:14:48 <akshayvyas> ack 18:15:12 <adamw> ack 18:15:16 <adamw> er 18:15:18 <adamw> patch 18:15:19 <adamw> past freeze 18:15:26 <tflink> oh, thanks 18:15:32 <tflink> proposed #agreed 867118 - RejectedBlocker, AcceptedNTH - This doesn't seem to prevent enough bug reports to justify taking as a blocker. However, it could affect bug reporting in the installer and a well tested fix would be accepted past freeze. 18:15:37 * tflink assumes that votes hold 18:15:44 <tflink> #agreed 867118 - RejectedBlocker, AcceptedNTH - This doesn't seem to prevent enough bug reports to justify taking as a blocker. However, it could affect bug reporting in the installer and a well tested fix would be accepted past freeze. 18:15:44 <cmurf> ack 18:15:55 <tflink> ok, that's all of the proposed blockers on my list 18:16:08 <tflink> there are no proposed NTH 18:16:13 <cmurf> wow 18:16:20 <cmurf> time for beta to be released 18:16:21 <cmurf> hha 18:16:23 <tflink> let's get through the accepted blockers quick so we can start poking at fedup 18:16:45 <adamw> sure 18:16:48 <tflink> #topic (863348) ValueError: Cannot remove non-leaf device 'vda2' 18:16:48 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=863348 18:16:48 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, anaconda, POST 18:17:22 <adamw> we really need anaconda team to get off their asses on this one. 18:17:40 <cmurf> fixed? 18:18:03 <tflink> who knows 18:18:52 <cmurf> the lack of an up front "blow away disk" vs "use free space" vs "other" is… a difficult Ux 18:19:06 <adamw> out of scope 18:19:24 <tflink> we haven't seen new reports for a week now 18:19:32 <cmurf> it's the premise of this bug though 18:19:36 <tflink> we could just leave it for another week and close if there are no new reports 18:19:41 <cmurf> yep 18:19:53 <adamw> wait a sec 18:20:13 <adamw> cmurf: not really, the bug is for anaconda crashing when trying to remove partitions. nothing to do with the UI. 18:20:26 <adamw> okay, clumens just updated and said this was committed since 18.17 18:20:44 <adamw> so we should check it's fixed and close it 18:20:47 <zodbot> Ticket notification - f18betanicetohave: [Bug 867118] limit bugzilla summary to 255 chars <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=867118> 18:21:03 <tflink> #info a fix for this was included in anaconda-18.17-1 18:21:15 <tflink> #info request re-testing and close as verified when fixed 18:21:26 <tflink> it should be in ON_QA, then, I suppose 18:22:04 <adamw> i'll deal with it 18:22:07 <adamw> in fact i already did 18:22:09 <tflink> anything else on this bug? 18:22:25 <adamw> nup 18:22:26 <cmurf> nope - but i thin it's squashed because i've done a few of these reclaims and no crashes 18:22:33 <tflink> #topic (866519) BIOS RAID is not shown on harddrive screen 18:22:33 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=866519 18:22:33 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, anaconda, NEW 18:22:35 <cmurf> in fact since 18.18 i haven't had any crashes 18:22:39 <adamw> yeah, me too. but it'd be good to find a definite reproducer and check for sure. 18:23:07 <tflink> #info no movement on this since last reviewed 2 days ago 18:23:17 <adamw> pretty much in anaconda team's hands, i think. 18:24:02 <cmurf> hmm 18:24:05 <tflink> #info waiting for info and/or a fix from anaconda devs 18:24:19 <tflink> #topic (866115) ValueError: ('invalid size specification', '0 b') 18:24:19 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=866115 18:24:20 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, anaconda, MODIFIED 18:24:32 <cmurf> so comment 20 is dlehman suggesting that partitionable md raid is not supported/supportable? 18:25:01 <tflink> cmurf: no, just that is likely related to the cause of the problem 18:25:07 <adamw> right, just defining the cause. 18:25:09 <cmurf> ok 18:26:17 <adamw> looks like this should be in 18.20, so just needs testing 18:26:23 <adamw> when we have a build of course 18:26:35 <tflink> #info fix for this should be in anaconda-18.20-1 18:26:53 <tflink> #info test when the new build is available, add reports to bug 18:27:09 <tflink> #topic (862613) ValueError: cannot initialize a disk that has partitions 18:27:10 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=862613 18:27:10 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, anaconda, NEW 18:27:37 <tflink> I hit this with anaconda-18.91-1 18:27:45 <tflink> er, 18.19-1 18:28:02 <cmurf> ouch 18:28:21 <tflink> I added logs yesterday, waiting for requests for more info or a fix to test 18:28:30 <cmurf> i had high hopes for 18.19 i haven't hit this one 18:28:43 <tflink> #info doesn't appear to have been fixed yet 18:29:03 <tflink> I can hit this 100% of the time on a particular system if I don't clear the partitions first 18:29:17 <tflink> #info waiting for request for more information or a fix to test 18:29:49 <tflink> #topic (863451) AttributeError: 'DeviceFormat' object has no attribute 'peStart' 18:29:52 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=863451 18:29:54 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, anaconda, NEW 18:30:24 <tflink> #info no movement on this since last week, still waiting for attention from anaconda devs 18:31:05 <tflink> not sure there is much more to say unless someone wants to take an action to poke anaconda devs 18:32:06 <tflink> moving on ... 18:32:20 <tflink> #topic (855526) f18a tc6 anaconda cannot connect to a protected wireless network 18:32:23 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=855526 18:32:26 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, anaconda, ASSIGNED 18:33:12 <adamw> seems we're kind of waiting to see whether anaconda folks want to split this into a new report 18:33:20 <adamw> but there obviously appear still to be issues with the wireless support 18:33:54 <tflink> #info this doesn't appear to be completely fixed yet 18:34:10 * kparal tips his hat 18:34:38 * adamw catches kparal's hat 18:34:46 <tflink> #info waiting to see how anaconda devs want to handle the bug - split it or keep it as one bug 18:35:41 <tflink> #topic (867071) NameError: global name 'anaconda' is not defined 18:35:42 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=867071 18:35:42 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, anaconda, MODIFIED 18:35:59 <tflink> it looks like this might have been fixed to the point where it's not a blocker anymore 18:36:09 <tflink> no new reports in a week 18:36:54 <tflink> if it's not fixed in a week, close it? 18:36:59 <adamw> should be fixed in at least 18.18 18:37:01 <tflink> any other thoughts 18:37:07 <adamw> so we can set ON_QA and ask for re-testing 18:37:19 <tflink> #info this should be fixed in the latest ananconda builds 18:37:25 <adamw> well 18:37:31 <adamw> i think we have enough tests of TC6 now just to close this 18:37:47 <tflink> c#25 makes we wonder if we can close it 18:37:56 <tflink> not a blocker anymore if we don't, though 18:37:56 <adamw> it's clearly been fixed in the code 18:38:07 <adamw> no-one's hitting it any more, and it seems like you hit it pretty easily when it was active 18:38:20 <adamw> i know i've done minimal installs of TC6, which is how you hit it... 18:38:28 <adamw> i say we just close it 18:38:31 <tflink> adamw: the release blocking effects of this bug are fixed, yes 18:38:46 <tflink> but according to c#25, there is still no anaconda global 18:38:55 <tflink> it just isn't causing the installation to fail any more 18:39:04 <tflink> either way, though 18:39:18 <tflink> #undo 18:39:18 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x14a834d0> 18:39:23 <adamw> um 18:39:30 <adamw> as i read comment #25, there isn't *meant* to be an anaconda global for fedora 18:39:48 <adamw> the anaconda global is used in rhel, and a commit from rhel was cherry-picked into fedora without it being changed, hence the problem 18:40:01 <tflink> #info this appears to have been fixed in recent anaconda builds and there have been no new reports on a bug that used to be easy to hit 18:40:01 <adamw> so as soon as that's corrected, i don't see that there's a bug any more 18:40:15 <tflink> ok 18:40:17 <adamw> i don't think we still have a bug for 'implement an anaconda global' or anything, i don't think that's the situation. 18:40:35 <tflink> #info this can be closed 18:41:08 <tflink> anything else on this bug? 18:41:38 <adamw> nope 18:41:43 <tflink> #topic (866486) Apper: cannot perform system update 18:41:43 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=866486 18:41:43 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, apper, ASSIGNED 18:41:56 <tflink> it sounds like we have progress on this bug 18:42:03 <tflink> and that it is still not working for a default install 18:42:28 <adamw> yeah 18:42:28 <tflink> #info progress has been made on this - it works when updates are set to never but doesn't work for the default install 18:42:34 <adamw> maybe we need hughsie in on it, if the bug affects pkcon also 18:42:47 <weld> jreznik, hi, the ics files from http://jreznik.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-18/ no longer contain events (just tasks), is that intentional or an error? 18:42:47 <tflink> #info dialoge between testers and devs is taking place, waiting for a new fix 18:42:51 <adamw> although it seems to depend on the setting of KDE's 'check for updates' function, as i read it 18:43:14 <adamw> i might check this and see if i can confirm Martin's results. 18:43:40 <kparal> I think Jan Sedlak saw it as well 18:44:23 <kparal> we can flag him with needinfo if needed 18:44:43 <tflink> #info more testing would be useful to confirm the findings stated in the bug 18:45:09 <tflink> anything else on this? 18:45:29 <adamw> can't think of anything 18:45:38 <tflink> well, that's all of the accepted blockers 18:45:43 <tflink> which means that it's time for ... 18:45:48 <tflink> #topic Open FLoor 18:45:51 <tflink> #undo 18:45:51 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x155dead0> 18:45:54 <tflink> #topic Open Floor 18:46:19 <tflink> Anything else that should be brought up? 18:47:03 <cmurf> nothing thinking of anything 18:47:09 <adamw> me either 18:47:22 <cmurf> security criteria *yawn*, partitioniong criteria *YAWN* 18:47:25 <tflink> ok, on to testing fedup 18:47:48 <tflink> #info the next blocker review meeting will be 2012-10-31 @ 16:00 UTC 18:47:49 <cmurf> heck i can barely type. it's not even 1pm. 18:47:58 <kparal> tflink: it works already? 18:48:03 <cmurf> haha 18:48:05 <cmurf> where is it? 18:48:07 <tflink> kparal: apparently we were supposed to be testing it already 18:48:16 <tflink> even though it's not packaged 18:48:23 <kparal> tflink: mkrizek tested it and it doesn't download vmlinuz+initrd, so grub menu doesn't work 18:48:25 <adamw> cmurf: in git. 18:48:30 <kparal> but it downloaded all rpms, that's fine 18:48:31 <tflink> don't get me started on this 18:48:59 <tflink> anyhow, fuse is set for [0,5] minutes 18:50:45 <tflink> thanks for coming, everyone 18:50:52 * tflink will send out minutes shortly 18:50:54 <tflink> #endmeeting