16:06:58 <alebastr[m]> #startmeeting Fedora Sway SIG (2023-03-13) 16:06:58 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 13 16:06:58 2023 UTC. 16:06:58 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:06:58 <zodbot> The chair is alebastr[m]. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 16:06:58 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:06:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_sway_sig_(2023-03-13)' 16:07:09 <Fale[m]> .hello fale 16:07:10 <zodbot> Fale[m]: fale 'Fabio Alessandro Locati' <me@fale.io> 16:07:14 <alebastr[m]> .hello alebastr 16:07:15 <zodbot> alebastr[m]: alebastr 'Aleksei Bavshin' <alebastr89@gmail.com> 16:07:43 <alebastr[m]> jkonecny: ping? 16:07:43 <zodbot> alebastr[m]: Ping with data, please: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/No_naked_pings 16:09:46 <alebastr[m]> I don't believe I had anything for today. 16:09:46 <alebastr[m]> ...actually, do we want `udiskie` in the image? 16:10:01 <Fale[m]> I have a couple of points on doc 16:10:44 <alebastr[m]> right. the website does not exist yet, so it can be added later 16:11:31 <Fale[m]> I received an email from Ben about websites, and his message was basically "come on" 16:11:51 <Fale[m]> for the spin part we are ok, thanks to https://pagure.io/fedora-websites/pull-request/1185 and https://pagure.io/fedora-websites/pull-request/1186 16:12:20 <Fale[m]> for the sericea part, we need to publish the doc that we have, create the sericea.fpo and publish it 16:14:24 <alebastr[m]> Fale: that's not a default waybar config at your screenshots :) 16:15:17 <Fale[m]> oppsy 16:15:47 <Fale[m]> @alebastr#2053 if you have the default one, and can make a new screenshot, might be better :) 16:17:16 <alebastr[m]> no, I don't. I hope nobody uses default waybar config as is 16:17:55 <Fale[m]> :-D 16:18:42 <alebastr[m]> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-docs/contributing-docs/contrib-new-documentation/ - it looks outdated. the "email" link is pointing to 404 16:18:44 <Fale[m]> this is my config: https://github.com/Fale/dotfiles/tree/master/dot_config/waybar 16:20:43 <alebastr[m]> a pull request to https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/docs-website/docs-fp-o/-/tree/prod (or stg) could be a good first step 16:21:06 <Fale[m]> should I do it? 16:21:54 <alebastr[m]> feel free. I'm running to work right after the meeting, so I won't have time for that 16:22:10 <Fale[m]> oki, I'll take this action then 16:22:28 <alebastr[m]> Thanks for your work on websites and docs! 16:22:47 <Fale[m]> no problem :) 16:23:13 <Fale[m]> I really want to be sure we met all requirements for a good F38 lunch :) 16:24:31 <alebastr[m]> that reminds me - I need to test beta images 16:25:02 <Fale[m]> yes, those should be published tomorrow, iirc 16:28:24 <alebastr[m]> too bad it doesn't include https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2023-65971797b2 with nm-applet autostart and vmware compatibility fix 16:31:13 <Fale[m]> it will make it for RC :) 16:34:39 <alebastr[m]> do we have anything else to discuss? 16:34:42 <Fale[m]> nope 16:35:43 <alebastr[m]> #endmeeting