#fedora-townhall: FESCo townhall
Meeting started by jds2001 at 20:06:17 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- introductions (jds2001, 20:07:52)
- candidate info can be found at
- 16:18 < calimocho> Q: what is something that fedora is doing wrong or missing? How can it be fixed? (jds2001, 20:23:59)
- What do you think of the proposal to use Microsoft as a signing authority for all systems implementing secure boot? http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/12368.html (jds2001, 20:30:40)
- 16:25 < mdomsch> Q: There is a good argument to be made that the current Fedora / EPEL structure isn't suitable for 3rd parties to leverage. For example, maintaining multiple releases of higher-level cloud stacks (OpenStack, CloudStack, Eucalyptus, ...) within the distribution. Do you think Fedora should be usable for such, and if so, what changes would you propose to enable such? (jds2001, 20:39:14)
- http://gregdekspeaks.wordpress.com/2012/01/06/why-the-fedora-isv-sig-never-caught-fire/
- When it comes to approving new features, are you willing to trust maintainers to do things right or are there features you would never approve? If so, what kinds, and for what reasons? (jds2001, 20:52:14)
- What role do you want to see secondary arches take in future development? (jds2001, 20:57:19)
Meeting ended at 21:09:42 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- jds2001 (34)
- pjones (33)
- sgallagh (26)
- nirik (16)
- t8m (15)
- notting (14)
- zodbot (3)
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