12:03:39 <CyrusYzGTt> #startmeeting
12:03:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Nov 19 12:03:39 2010 UTC.  The chair is CyrusYzGTt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
12:03:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
12:03:40 <BadGirl> [2010-08-20 22:18:24] Posted by z/odbot@fedora-zh already: MeetBot - Debian Wiki
12:04:00 <kaio> hi
12:04:11 <CyrusYzGTt> hi
12:04:41 <kaio> CyrusYzGTt: pls endmeeting at the end also, thx
12:04:42 <tiansworld> CyrusYzGTt, 多设几个 chair
12:04:59 <CyrusYzGTt> #chair kaio tiansworld
12:04:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: CyrusYzGTt kaio tiansworld
12:05:27 <CyrusYzGTt> #chair kaio tiansworld hers lovenemesis
12:05:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: CyrusYzGTt hers kaio lovenemesis tiansworld
12:05:41 * CyrusYzGTt 行了吧
12:06:32 <kaio> CyrusYzGTt:12:06:52 <kaio> 梁牛有私事要晚來一小時。
12:06:54 <tiansworld> 嗯,这样谁都可以结束会议。要不让 chair不在,其他人结束不了会议
12:07:19 <kaio> lovenemesis: 你有主題嗎?請。
12:07:49 <lovenemesis> #topic Dimdim
12:08:34 <lovenemesis> 上周日线下活动的看来反响不错
12:09:08 <lovenemesis> 所以在尝试进行除了 IRC 以为其他方面的聚会,Dimdim 视频聚会被提出
12:09:40 <lovenemesis> 于是决定今天邀请诸位参与测试下,考察下 Dimdim 用作会议组织工具的可行性
12:10:15 <lovenemesis> 提出视频聚会也是经过一番考虑的
12:11:23 <lovenemesis> 1. 参会人士基本上汉语流利,英语也不是问题,具备从单纯文字 IRC 向实时多媒体聚会扩展的基础条件
12:11:31 <Devil_Wang> who is the chair?
12:12:13 <lovenemesis> 2. 大部分与会人员出于 GMT+8 时区(委屈 kaio 了),所以时差不是大问题
12:12:49 <Devil_Wang> who is the chair
12:13:06 <Devil_Wang> and the is the topic of tonight?
12:13:14 <tiansworld> #chair
12:13:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: CyrusYzGTt hers kaio lovenemesis tiansworld
12:13:15 <Devil_Wang> what is the topic of tonight/
12:13:24 <kaio> lovenemesis: 沒有委屈,星期五晚基本無問題。
12:13:52 <tiansworld> lovenemesis, 介绍完毕?
12:13:56 <lovenemesis> 3. 本次进行的 Dimdiim 测试如果成功,可以考虑利用他进行更进一步的 Webniar 活动,可以邀请开发者为 FZUG 举行小讲座,类似当下 ubuntu-cn 进行的,不过更全面
12:14:17 <kaio> dimdim 不確定有沒有錄音。
12:14:18 <Devil_Wang> ubuntu-cn.,....
12:14:19 <Devil_Wang> faint
12:14:29 <Devil_Wang> what a tragic thing ...
12:14:56 <lovenemesis> 按照安排,Dimdim 测试将于 GMT+8 20:30 分开始,各位点击邀请函中的链接即可
12:15:03 <lovenemesis> 介绍完毕,谢谢~
12:15:36 <tiansworld> lovenemesis, 一会试试,我已经按链接点了过去。不知要视频的话速度如何
12:15:38 <kaio> 次要撰擇可以試試 teamspeak,聚會完畢後我會親自試用。
12:15:43 <tiansworld> kaio, 好像有 record
12:16:17 <kaio> tiansworld: 那很好(dimdim 似乎用上 flash,不知道效果如何。)
12:16:36 <tiansworld> kaio, 一会便知
12:16:47 <tiansworld> lovenemesis, 之前用过吗?
12:17:20 <lovenemesis> Dimdim 房间: https://my.dimdim.com/tommy.he/
12:17:27 <lovenemesis> tiansworld: 没有……
12:17:29 <kaio> 以前想在前公司組會議推行,最後沒有實現。
12:18:46 <lovenemesis> 没事儿的可以进来了~
12:18:55 <tiansworld> kaio, dimdim开始了,
12:19:01 <kaio> joing
12:19:05 <kaio> joining
12:19:23 <lovenemesis> 似乎有个录制按钮呢~
12:19:38 <kaio> downloading plugin
12:20:25 <Devil_Wang> kaio
12:20:28 <Devil_Wang> kaio:
12:20:35 <tiansworld> kaio, 不用 plugin 好像也可以
12:21:07 <kaio> 它建議我下的
12:22:17 <tiansworld> kaio, 下载后可以共享桌面
12:22:28 <kaio> 連上中
12:22:37 <tiansworld> kaio, 不下倒也可以用。
12:30:34 <kaio> lovenemesis 強,試試視像。
12:31:00 <CyrusYzGTt> #chair kaio tiansworld hers lovenemesis liangsuilong
12:31:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: CyrusYzGTt hers kaio liangsuilong lovenemesis tiansworld
12:35:12 <lovenemesis> CyrusYzGTt: 测试一下啦~
12:35:25 <kaio> 今晚是這裏
12:35:37 <CyrusYzGTt> lovenemesis§ 好多英文。。。。
12:44:33 <liangsuilong> 我来了
12:45:10 <alexyxai> 今晚聚会?
12:45:34 <liuhongdan> 是啊
12:45:35 <liuhongdan>12:46:00 <liangsuilong> 他们那帮人去了dimdim玩
12:46:03 <liangsuilong> 测试
12:46:55 <CyrusYzGTt> 我被提出来了。。。。转入注册页面。。。
12:47:32 <liuhongdan> me too
12:47:50 <lovenemesis> 刚发生了什么?
12:47:54 <CyrusYzGTt> 。。。。。还是继续irc吧。。。
12:47:55 <liuhongdan> 发现irc也reconnect了
12:47:55 <liangsuilong> 其实我还不知道那个怎么玩?
12:48:15 <liuhongdan> 似乎一切都被重置了
12:48:16 <lovenemesis> 哦,对了, meeting 时长到了
12:48:26 <lovenemesis> 我当初只设置了 30 分钟
12:48:32 <liuhongdan>12:48:42 <lovenemesis> sigh
12:48:50 <lovenemesis> 屏幕贡献有些卡
12:48:58 <kaio> wait
12:48:59 <lovenemesis> 不过貌似 ppt 分享还是可用的
12:49:02 <kaio> I test my cam now
12:49:15 <lovenemesis> no prob, i'm there
12:49:20 <liangsuilong> 。。
12:49:32 <Robin_ch`> 来闪一下~现在邮件列表上还未批准我的发贴~robinlee.sysu@gmail.com
12:49:52 <alick> re,也把我批准发言吧
12:50:07 <alick> alick9188#gmail.com
12:50:42 <liangsuilong> Robin_ch`, 貌似我批准了啊
12:51:06 <user_> 今天maillist人都下了
12:51:08 <supercyper> fcitx 4正在推送到源中
12:51:11 <YINGFENG> 我网速不太好
12:51:56 <YINGFENG> 卡呀:-(没办法
12:52:15 <lovenemesis> supercyper: 辛苦啦
12:52:20 <Robin_ch`> liangsuilong: 只是我昨晚发的贴没在Archive里
12:52:46 <liangsuilong> 我再看看去
12:53:16 <Robin_ch`> liangsuilong: 可能批准了我订阅但还没批准我发言~
12:53:18 <lovenemesis> kaio: 准备开自己的房间?
12:53:32 <kaio> lovenemesis: CAM 可以了
12:53:40 <CyrusYzGTt> supercyper§ 能否把kmod-xtables-addons-PAE"uname -r"也更新到f14最新的内核版本
12:53:43 <lovenemesis> 怎么测试呢~
12:54:12 <lovenemesis> kaio: 房间链接
12:54:36 <kaio> https://my.dimdim.com/caius.chance/
12:55:02 <liangsuilong> alick, Robin_ch` 应该都批准了
12:55:08 <supercyper> 早更新xtables
12:55:21 <supercyper> 在testing里面
12:55:33 <supercyper> rpmfusion最近半死不活的
12:55:55 <CyrusYzGTt> supercyper§ 就是kmod 带内核版本序号的xtables-addons
12:56:15 <liangsuilong> supercyper, 只能说要对 rpmfusion 忍耐
12:56:23 <CyrusYzGTt> 或许某墙抽风症发作
12:57:12 <Robin_ch`> liangsuilong: 好,辛苦了。这个学期我刚好星期五晚上有课,所以只能来闪下~~
12:57:24 <liangsuilong>12:57:42 <Robin_ch`> 好像VirtualBox-OSE从rpmfusion里移走了
12:57:53 <liangsuilong> 其实还是不要发新来报道的邮件。。
12:57:55 <supercyper> rpmfusion严重不给力
12:58:01 <liangsuilong> Robin_ch`, 不会吧?
12:58:23 <Robin_ch`> F14下是这样
12:58:30 <supercyper> 似乎是maintainer没时间维护
12:58:37 <supercyper> 所以就移除了
12:58:44 <liangsuilong> Robin_ch`, rawhide 还有 virtualbox
12:58:48 <liangsuilong> ose的
12:58:54 <supercyper> >p
12:59:06 <Robin_ch`> 直接用上游的RPM
12:59:26 <alick> liangsuilong: :)多谢
13:01:14 <liangsuilong> 囧,lovenemesis, kaio 他们两个都去了做果聊测试了
13:01:17 <alick> liangsuilong: 哦,大家还是不要回复了
13:02:00 <JianLee> IRC 上好多名人啊,呵呵
13:02:23 <JianLee> 这个IRC何时开始热闹起来的?
13:02:25 <liuhongdan> 上irc的都是鸣人
13:02:58 <JianLee> 对,不鸣不惊人
13:03:01 <liuhongdan> Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).
13:03:09 <kaio>13:03:11 <kaio> 回來了
13:03:15 <kaio> 測試成功
13:03:27 <lovenemesis> 成功
13:03:30 <tiansworld> kaio, 你的mic拾音太强了
13:03:32 <kaio> gbraad: hi
13:03:38 <CyrusYzGTt> 测试成功,,,不过具体要看各位的网速
13:03:43 <kaio> tiansworld: 是用內置的
13:03:44 <JianLee> 这个周末有聚会吗?
13:03:48 <liuhongdan> 咋啦,这是,一会就Disconnected/reset一下,受不了了
13:03:58 <kaio> 還有那個鏡頭都是內置的
13:04:43 <kaio> 好吧,繼續聚會。
13:04:44 <gbraad> kaio: hi... I hate my employer!
13:04:48 <tiansworld> kaio, 真不错  XD
13:04:57 <CyrusYzGTt> JianLee§ 现在就是,而且已经开了会议记录
13:04:59 <tiansworld> gbraad, hi
13:05:07 <liuhongdan> hate ...
13:05:26 <JianLee> 如果做项目,就的常常聚聚
13:05:27 <kaio> gbraad: I understand.
13:05:40 <gbraad> kaio: is the channel recording?
13:05:47 <kaio> gbraad: here? yes...
13:06:00 * gbraad repeats it so the world knows: I hate my employer!
13:06:13 <kaio> gbraad: pm me for details XD
13:06:39 <liangsuilong> 。。。
13:06:48 <lovenemesis> gbraad: you missed the live show period !
13:06:54 <JianLee> :-)
13:06:54 <liuhongdan> work overtime?
13:07:02 * gbraad was unable to leave early
13:07:08 <kaio> gbraad repeats it so the world knows: I hate my employer! # kaio "likes this".
13:07:36 <liuhongdan> :-)
13:07:43 <JianLee> 我听maillist的说,以为这周继续有人聚会呢,上次忘记看邮件,错过聚会了。
13:07:48 <kaio> gbraad: the townhall was no moderator, but temp one
13:07:53 <tiansworld> what about next topic?
13:08:13 <kaio> gbraad: you missed the dimdim testing just now
13:08:15 <gbraad> I tried my best, but seems it is run by a bunch of unqualified... oh well, you get the idea
13:08:38 <gbraad> me lets you talk first. will get something to eat
13:09:09 <kaio> gbraad: I do know what it means.
13:09:18 <lovenemesis> who gonna say sth about fedoracommuity.org? Step out please ;p
13:09:46 <gbraad> I will have to push that forward again.
13:09:47 <kaio> lovenemesis: I
13:10:50 <gbraad> I will set up a temporary location, and want to use a temporary doamin on our current url: like community.fedora-zh.org
13:11:00 <gbraad> who is in control of the DNS for this?
13:11:14 <gbraad> this way we can propose the temporary design to get the cn.fc.o
13:11:49 <kaio> fedoracommunity.org 好像有點簡陋
13:12:33 <lovenemesis> liangsuilong: fedora-zh 是 bbbush 负责的么?
13:13:08 <kaio> hers:  ^^^
13:13:35 <liangsuilong> lovenemesis, news.fedora-zh.org?
13:13:52 <lovenemesis> the domain name, fedora-zh.org
13:14:17 <liangsuilong> lovenemesis, 这个我不清楚
13:14:17 <liangsuilong> 有可能是 hers,有可能是 pengjiayou
13:15:15 <lovenemesis> add a resolver pointing from community.fedora-zh.org to the temporary location set up by gbraad
13:15:39 <kaio> okay, gbraad are you going to take this task?
13:15:57 <gbraad> yes
13:16:06 <kaio> okay thx very much
13:16:12 <gbraad> thank you?
13:16:16 <gbraad> :-P
13:16:16 <kaio> should we move on to next topic
13:17:00 <kaio> lovenemesis: I need to prepare my podcast. You and liangsuilong might feel free to carry on chairing.
13:17:14 <lovenemesis> gbraad: i will send a letter to pengjiayou about this issue
13:17:20 <gbraad> ok
13:17:23 <liangsuilong> 我们fedoracommunity的域名是什么?
13:17:26 <gbraad> just include me as cc
13:18:04 <lovenemesis> gbraad: that's for sure
13:18:09 <liangsuilong> lovenemesis, you should send a copy to hers.
13:18:42 <liangsuilong> I can not make sure who is the domain name's owner.
13:19:02 <lovenemesis> can we poke hers to wake up ? ;p
13:19:33 <liangsuilong> ping hers!
13:19:42 <CyrusYzGTt> lovenemesis§ 我在精神上支持你
13:20:03 <liangsuilong> If he do not reply us, we will go to the next topic
13:20:14 <kaio> #help
13:20:32 <kaio> liangsuilong: pls put the actionitem to zodbot
13:20:44 <lovenemesis> liangsuilong: move on please, i am sending the mail in background
13:21:02 <kaio> 剛剛主題決定的任務
13:21:09 <kaio> lovenemesis: thx
13:22:47 <liangsuilong> 今晚有神马主题?
13:23:00 <liangsuilong> kaio,怎么设置邮件列表的?
13:23:46 * liangsuilong 其实我很期待澳洲办亚运会的
13:25:17 <liangsuilong> 囧。。没有人反应的
13:25:18 <kaio> liangsuilong: 要怎設
13:25:30 <kaio> liangsuilong: 2000 年辦了奧運。
13:25:48 <liangsuilong> 设置成gmail订阅直通
13:25:48 <kaio> liangsuilong: 澳洲不在亞洲,辦甚麼亞運。xd
13:26:03 <liangsuilong> 今天说大洋洲想加入亚奥理事会。。
13:26:10 <kaio> liangsuilong: 不好意思,沒有空,過幾天再說。:p
13:26:12 <liangsuilong> 好像澳洲加入亚足联那样
13:26:34 <liangsuilong> kaio, 没有关系
13:26:55 <kaio> liangsuilong: 澳洲都沒有隊要比,只有新西蘭,其餘都是小群島國。
13:27:35 <lovenemesis> letter sent to her and pengjiayou, cc gbraad
13:27:38 <liangsuilong> 嗯。据说日本韩国听义勇军进行曲听到烦了。
13:28:46 <lovenemesis> liangsuilong: 这种光听不做的歌最讨厌了……
13:29:32 <liangsuilong> 光听不做的歌??
13:29:55 <liangsuilong> 貌似今晚都没有入过正题。。。
13:30:25 <lovenemesis> 有吧,dimdim fedoracommunity
13:30:30 <YINGFENG> 走咯,你们继续
13:30:54 <tiansworld> meeting记录还开着,
13:32:00 <lovenemesis> got replied from pengjiayou
13:32:16 <lovenemesis> bbbush owns the DNS of fedora-zh.org
13:33:01 <liangsuilong> fedora-zh.org是不是在去爸爸那里买的呢?
13:33:54 <liuhongdan> 国家地理频道,野牛主动攻击报复狮子,晕
13:35:03 <lovenemesis> 应该是吧……
13:35:13 <liangsuilong> 探索频道好看点
13:35:50 <lovenemesis> another letter was sent to bbbush
13:36:22 <lovenemesis> 话说要不要以后尝试邀请一些牛通过 dimdim 做 webniar 呢?
13:37:21 <CyrusYzGTt> 先邀请mock 和spot 和国内的某些作者讲解。。。
13:37:57 <lovenemesis> 还有 mairin JJ ……
13:38:03 <liangsuilong> 请问如何邀请spot呢?同问mock是谁?
13:39:10 <lovenemesis> 邀请的方式应该很多,dent mail 都行,不过咱们要确定邀请来做什么
13:39:28 <liangsuilong> 话说今晚都没啥主题的。
13:39:30 <CyrusYzGTt> mock过去 #fedora-social询问
13:43:18 <liangsuilong> 去看黄日华算了
13:43:24 <liangsuilong> 刑警
13:43:36 <lovenemesis> 如果没什么了,大家 endmeeting 吧
13:43:46 <liangsuilong> #endmeeting