#fedora-zh: FZUG Weekly Meeting

Meeting started by zsun at 13:04:08 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call (zsun, 13:05:06)
    1. topic: Offline events 线下活动 (zsun, 13:07:22)
    2. topic: fedora-zh package repo (zsun, 13:07:35)
    3. topic: github/fzug (zsun, 13:07:46)
    4. topic: Fedora GSoC (zsun, 13:08:05)
    5. topic: L10N (zsun, 13:08:14)

  2. Offline events 线下活动 (zsun, 13:14:32)
    1. HELP: We need everyone help to fulfill the FAD wiki page (zsun, 13:16:18)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging_FAD_China_2015 (alick, 13:22:08)
    3. SUSE Hackweek on next week, open to all. (alick, 13:26:29)
    4. SUSE will held Hackweek 12 from April 13~17 in work time, welcome all community hack join (tonghuix, 13:26:37)
    5. http://beijinglug.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=789:suse-hackweek-2015-april-13--17&catid=11:upcoming-events&Itemid=14 (tonghuix, 13:27:42)
    6. RMS will come to Beijing in April 17 (tonghuix, 13:28:28)
    7. Beijing GNU/Linux User Group Monthly meeting, topic would be XMPP Chat. April 14th night (tonghuix, 13:33:08)

  3. fedora-zh package repo (alick, 13:38:00)
    1. ACTION: zsun fix format error in github/fzug/copr packaging classify guideline (zsun, 13:40:12)
    2. https://github.com/FZUG/Copr (alick, 13:43:03)
    3. https://github.com/FZUG/copr-deploy (alick, 13:43:16)

  4. github/fzug (alick, 13:43:39)
    1. https://github.com/FZUG/members (alick, 13:44:05)
    2. IDEA: 表格里按第一列github username排序 (alick, 13:46:59)

  5. Fedora GSoC (alick, 13:58:33)
  6. L10N (alick, 14:07:44)
    1. HELP: volunteers wanted to update translation of packaging wiki page (alick, 14:07:58)
    2. https://github.com/FZUG/Copr/issues/1 (alick, 14:08:09)

Meeting ended at 14:11:57 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. zsun fix format error in github/fzug/copr packaging classify guideline

Action items, by person

  1. zsun
    1. zsun fix format error in github/fzug/copr packaging classify guideline

People present (lines said)

  1. alick (57)
  2. zsun (53)
  3. tonghuix (28)
  4. endle (13)
  5. zodbot (7)
  6. BadGirl (3)
  7. isyangxin (2)
  8. Pany (0)

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