#fedora-zh Meeting

Meeting started by alick at 13:10:01 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call 报到 (alick, 13:10:32)
  2. Offline Events 线下活动 (alick, 13:15:58)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging_FAD_China_2015 (alick, 13:16:39)
    2. ACTION: alick notify everyone to reply email (alick, 13:21:28)
    3. ACTION: alick contact bbbush about irc channel topic update (alick, 13:27:10)
    4. ACTION: zsun check if there is any decision about f22 dvd production & distribution (alick, 13:27:58)

  3. FZUG Copr Repo (alick, 13:34:12)
    1. https://github.com/FZUG/Copr/issues/1 (alick, 13:35:08)
    2. ACTION: alick send email on packaging wiki translation to list (alick, 13:40:00)

  4. Fedora MIPS (alick, 13:44:42)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/MIPS/2015Bootstrap (zsun, 13:46:48)

  5. FZUG repo 集成测试 (endle, 14:01:53)
    1. https://copr-be.cloud.fdzh.org/results/zsun/mt7601test/fedora-21-x86_64/build-134.log (zsun, 14:05:38)

Meeting ended at 14:15:35 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. alick notify everyone to reply email
  2. alick contact bbbush about irc channel topic update
  3. zsun check if there is any decision about f22 dvd production & distribution
  4. alick send email on packaging wiki translation to list

Action items, by person

  1. alick
    1. alick notify everyone to reply email
    2. alick contact bbbush about irc channel topic update
    3. alick send email on packaging wiki translation to list
  2. zsun
    1. zsun check if there is any decision about f22 dvd production & distribution

People present (lines said)

  1. alick (55)
  2. zsun (51)
  3. endle (15)
  4. zodbot (11)
  5. biergaizi (8)
  6. biergaizi_ (7)
  7. BadGirl (4)
  8. mntcdrom (2)
  9. zhouxiaobo (1)
  10. isyangxin (1)
  11. tonghuix (0)
  12. BinLi_afk (0)

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