14:50:30 <ghislop> #startmeeting 14:50:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri May 3 14:50:30 2013 UTC. The chair is ghislop. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:50:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:50:39 <ghislop> sure... started... and now I'm chair... 14:50:54 <ghislop> but you'll see the messages above with links to the log and summary from the first part 14:51:20 <ghislop> my sense is that we may be near the end of the meeting anyhow... 14:51:29 <ghislop> do people have other questions about HFOSS projects? 14:51:47 <rebelsky> ghislop: A few of us mentioned OpenMRS. Can you give a quick overview? 14:51:55 <ghislop> sure 14:52:28 <ghislop> OpenMRS is a medical records system started during the push to address the AIDS epidemic in Africa 14:52:37 <PattiO> yes... I would appreciate 14:52:50 <ghislop> it is mostly used in the developing world, but has expanded beyond africa. 14:52:56 <ghislop> most of the code is Java 14:53:33 <ghislop> we have experience with students working on OpenMRS and they are generally open to new contributors, including students 14:54:00 <rebelsky> I know we'll talk about it in person, but can you give us a sense of the kinds of things students have done for some of these projects? 14:54:25 <ghislop> interestingly, because of the push toward electronic medical records, OpenMRS has some presence in the developed world too 14:54:26 <nannette> rebelsky: agree that this would help with managing expectations 14:54:49 <camm> here is a blog post I wrote for the Ushahidi blog 14:54:50 <camm> http://blog.ushahidi.com/2012/01/27/students-learn-programming-with-ushahidi/ 14:54:54 <ghislop> rebelsky: that would be better saved for stage 2... 14:55:13 <camm> it describes the projects done in the Fall term of 2011 14:55:14 <ghislop> rebelsky: I'd also note that in general we've only scratched the surface on what students might do 14:55:41 * nannette camm very helpful - thanks! 14:56:24 <rebelsky> ghislop and camm - Thanks 14:56:49 <PattiO> I actually think it would be good to get a sense of what students have done before we arrive... For example, I would like to know is this work only for undergraduates or do graduate students contribute also? 14:56:49 <ghislop> We're nearing the end of the agreed time for the meeting. Any final questions or comments? 14:57:12 <ghislop> PattiO: I've already made a note :-) 14:57:26 <esmail> ghislop: any recommendation for windows clients other than hydrairc, and is there a channel that can be used for "praticing" irc commands etc? 14:57:31 <camm> PattiO: heidie_afk and I taught courses for Senior Undergrads 14:57:34 <ghislop> to answer the direct question, there's room for both grads and undergrads 14:58:20 <ghislop> esmail: I use Chatzilla, but there are lots of good clients. And you can always just create a channel on the fly and try things out 14:58:46 <PattiO> Great... thank you.... I am very excited about these projects... They are much more than I expected.... 14:58:55 <esmail> ghislop: thanks .. I'll take a look 14:59:09 <PattiO> Second question... 14:59:27 <bcoleman> I have an 11:00 meeting. Gotta run! 14:59:36 <ghislop> bye bcoleman 14:59:44 <nannette> yeah - me, too. Thanks everyone! 14:59:44 <PattiO> Do they have to be good students or good hackers or both? I have awesome hackers who are not good students and vice versa... 14:59:51 <ghislop> :-) 15:00:00 * esmail good question pattiO 15:00:05 <camm> PattiO: there's room for both 15:00:15 <ghislop> there's room for a variety of types of students.. 15:00:36 <rebelsky> PattiO: And maybe we can hope that working on something that they value will help each kind of student improve the other kinds of skills :-) 15:00:55 <camm> there are non-hacker tasks such as documentation, language translation 15:00:57 <PattiO> yes... that would be great! 15:01:01 <ghislop> and you should assume that, as with any learning, students will be mixed in their success... how to manage that is the sort of thing we want to discuss in stage 2 when we're face to face 15:01:44 <PattiO> Thank you! I am very much looking forward to this... 15:01:46 <ghislop> OK... time to end the meeting.. I had a side suggestion to have someone other than me issue the end meeting to test what happens... 15:01:56 <rebelsky> #endmeeting 15:02:11 <rebelsky> ghislop: Nope. Looks like you have to do it. 15:02:16 <howardf> thanks… i'm really excited by this 15:02:17 <PattiO> how do you do that? 15:02:32 <ghislop> OK... so it's highlighted by my client, but zodbot seems to have ignored the command since we didn't get links to log/summary... 15:02:38 <ghislop> I'll issue the command... 15:02:39 <PattiO> got it... 15:02:42 <ghislop> #endmeeting