00:02:40 <darci> #startmeeting 00:02:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 14 00:02:40 2013 UTC. The chair is darci. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:02:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:02:41 <becka_> Joann: so glad things worked out 00:02:50 <joanne_t> thank you :) 00:03:11 <darci> #topic Updates 00:03:17 <lorip> since becka has to leave what works best for you - do you want updates from us or do you want to provide an update first? 00:03:58 <becka_> I am in the middle of finals week, graduation and a defense, so sadly I do not have much to share. I would love to hear others experience 00:04:03 <darci> hey fuzzybunny 00:04:06 <lorip> hi michelle! 00:04:07 <fuzzybunny> hey 00:04:21 <lorip> ok - who wants to go first? 00:04:39 <joanne_t> I'm with Becka… haven't done too much. 00:04:43 <bcoleman> I will 00:04:45 <mattln> why don't we go in alphabetical order? bcoleman? 00:05:11 <bcoleman> I played with the virtual box stuff a little, but then just worked on my own OS (OS X) 00:05:24 <bcoleman> I worked through a ticket and got as far as a pull request 00:05:36 <bcoleman> The initial response was good, but it hasn't been merged yet. 00:06:01 <bcoleman> Based on my experience - which was following the video instructions on the wiki - I wrote up a set of step-by-step instructions to handle a ticket 00:06:10 <lorip> bcoleman: so you have the dev environment up and running? 00:06:11 <bcoleman> that is on the wiki under Work in Progress. 00:06:23 <bcoleman> I had a few questions about git that someone else might clarify 00:06:38 <bcoleman> Today I wrote up *rough* drafts of 2 ideas I had during the conference. 00:06:44 <bcoleman> they are also under the work in progress section 00:06:58 <darci> I was just looking at them! Nice! 00:07:32 <bcoleman> I figured I would use the "release early" philosophy. I'm sure they are still rough 00:07:58 <bcoleman> This was my big burst. I'll be on vacation for 2 weeks, so while I may join these meetings, I promise little progress. :) 00:08:02 <darci> I've been thinking about an intro activity similar to the second one (...about OpenMRS and the technologies) 00:08:37 <bcoleman> cool., maybe we can merge them once you get some ideas down. Mine seems a bit thin 00:08:47 <darci> Since, I'll be targeting a second semester class (CS2), I plan to make the activity a bit more directed. 00:09:58 <lorip> bcoleman: wow, you've made huge progress, anything else before we switch to darci (skipping over becka)? 00:10:19 <bcoleman> nope 00:10:37 <darci> I'm only in the planning stages and haven't gotten a dev environment set up yet. I'm in the process of reading ~175 resumes! 00:11:19 <bcoleman> Setting up Eclipse was fairly straight forward. The instructions are spot on (at least for OS X Lion) 00:11:52 <lorip> fuzzybunny? 00:11:58 <fuzzybunny> yes 00:12:03 <lorip> any updates? 00:12:18 <fuzzybunny> haven't gotten to anything, last week of class, sorry 00:12:43 <lorip> no problem! 00:12:44 <fuzzybunny> should be working on my dev env next week 00:13:06 <lorip> joanne_t: anything before I jump in? 00:13:39 <joanne_t> I started the dev setup, but it's not finished yet. Hope to finish it up next week. 00:13:52 <lorip> great! 00:14:00 <darci> joanne_t: how is it going? 00:14:01 <joanne_t> Doing it locally on my mac for now. 00:14:24 <joanne_t> Ok, but I haven't looked at it for a few days. 00:14:42 <joanne_t> Like ben said, it is somewhat straightforward, so far... 00:15:20 <lorip> darci, ben, michelle and I have been attending some of the OpenMRS university calls and the OpenMRS developer calls 00:15:50 <joanne_t> Yes, I cannot attend those because of my commitment with my summer job on campus. 00:16:02 <lorip> they have been OK (please chime in with your opinions) - what I've found interesting is who the people are and getting a sense of the process they go through as a team 00:16:33 <joanne_t> I did watch the beginning of one of the recordings. 00:16:33 <lorip> I've been trying to pull relevant info and thanks to ben? for putting the links to the meetings 00:16:36 <darci> joanne_t: You will find links to the videos of the meeting, so you can watch them anytime 00:16:50 <bcoleman> They're kinda like faculty meetings - there's just enough there to make you feel like they are useful, but much of it is just noise. 00:17:09 <lorip> in addition to that, darci & I both installed the client side but not the dev side yet 00:17:15 <fuzzybunny> I've found the dynamic between Burke and the developers on the calls interesting. 00:17:26 <lorip> in what way? 00:17:46 <fuzzybunny> Devs are in the weeds sometimes and need to be directed about how to talk to people. 00:18:04 <darci> :-) 00:18:14 <lorip> :) 00:18:19 <becka_> I must go hang out with my friend. She is in the hall waiting on the committee 00:18:21 <bcoleman> Yes, I find Rafal very knowledgable technically but not very good at sharing his knowledge with others 00:18:32 <darci> Ok...bye becka_ 00:18:38 <lorip> bye becka_ 00:18:40 <fuzzybunny> yes, i feel the same. 00:18:41 <becka_> Soooo good to "see" you all :-) 00:18:43 <joanne_t> Bye becka_ ! Nice to connect with you again! 00:18:49 <mattln> bye becka_ :) 00:18:50 <fuzzybunny> Bye Becka 00:18:53 <bcoleman> bye 00:18:58 <becka_> :-) 00:19:10 <lorip> do you think it is worth staying on those calls? 00:19:30 <lorip> I have been surprised that there aren't many people besides "us" 00:19:37 <fuzzybunny> same here 00:19:39 <bcoleman> The university ones seem useful, not sure if I am ready for the developers meetings yet 00:19:43 <joanne_t> summer vacation? 00:20:00 <fuzzybunny> hmmm, i wonder? 00:20:18 <bcoleman> I'm surprised the GOsC students aren't there in greater numbers 00:20:22 <darci> They mentioned today that the initial GSoC meeting would be this afternoon -- I thought they had started already. 00:20:37 <lorip> me too! I thought they had started already... 00:21:28 <joanne_t> Were we going to think about changing this meeting day? 00:21:37 <darci> I am finding the University ones better from a practical standpoint. 00:21:50 <lorip> my last update - I feel like I've spent some time wading through the website, but haven't made a whole lot of progress... 00:22:06 <darci> The dev meetings may prove to be beneficial over time. I expect to feel lost most of them time in a dev meeting. 00:22:13 <bcoleman> Matt didn't get an chance to give an update... 00:22:21 <lorip> and yes joanne_t we need to discuss changing our meeting time, should we finish with updates? 00:22:22 <mattln> i'm letting lorip finish 00:22:41 <lorip> mattln, all you 00:22:45 <mattln> ok 00:23:06 <mattln> i have the dev environment running on my Mac and in a Ubuntu VM 00:23:13 <mattln> i can distribute that if there is interest 00:23:39 <mattln> i had wanted to sit in on a call and watch the videos, but i've been juggling a bunch of other projects 00:23:59 <fuzzybunny> i'm good for now, but might take you up on the offer later if I have difficulties, thx 00:24:04 <mattln> i've poked around the codebase, but haven't done much beyond that 00:24:35 <lorip> me too, going to try a windows install... no one has tried this yet, correct? 00:24:41 <joanne_t> Thanks mattln. I may be interested later, but I would like to finish a set up on my own first. 00:24:42 <mattln> i haven't 00:24:52 <darci> fuzzybunny: what OS will you install to? 00:25:36 <fuzzybunny> i started, but went to install Tomcat and had a problem running it on my machine because of permissions, that's where i stopped, on windows 00:26:12 <fuzzybunny> i have a mac so can take mattln up on his offer if i still have problems 00:26:25 <bcoleman> you can simply use the jetty version that comes with the code base instead of using Tomcat 00:26:35 <darci> jetty version? 00:26:57 <fuzzybunny> that's what I thought, but the instructions were confusing and I thought maybe I should just install tomcat 00:27:00 <bcoleman> http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/ 00:27:02 <mattln> there's a servlet engine that's distributed with the code 00:27:13 <bcoleman> it is the "same" as Tomcat, but not as feature-rich 00:27:16 <mattln> so that you don't need to have tomcat running to run it 00:27:19 <fuzzybunny> i'll go that route then 00:27:43 <bcoleman> Somewhere I saw a demo that you can launch it from Maven 00:28:04 <bcoleman> I got that up and running - maybe it was with the "configure environment" wiki 00:28:23 <mattln> yes, that's where it is 00:28:32 <fuzzybunny> you should be able to run it from eclipse, right? 00:28:44 <mattln> https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Step+by+Step+Installation+for+Developers 00:28:50 <mattln> i ran it from the command line 00:28:54 <bcoleman> https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Maven 00:28:59 <mattln> but i would guess so 00:29:14 <bcoleman> about half way down it talks about starting jetty via maven 00:29:19 <bcoleman> "mvn jetty:run" 00:29:36 * darci looking 00:29:40 <bcoleman> run that from the web app directory 00:29:46 <lorip> fuzzybunny: are you familiar with maven? 00:29:58 <fuzzybunny> very littl 00:30:09 <fuzzybunny> know of, but not ins and outs 00:30:26 <lorip> although it wasn't great, yesterday's university call talked about maven, it might be worth a look 00:30:38 <fuzzybunny> i will, thx 00:30:51 <bcoleman> The second half was better - when I got Rafal to talk about Maven in Eclipse 00:31:14 * lorip nodding 00:31:36 <bcoleman> He spent way to much time talking about configuring dependencies - something we are unlikely to do when simply handling bugs and other simple tickets 00:32:31 * darci agrees 00:32:31 <bcoleman> I am starting to wonder if we, as professors, might be better suited to running the university sessions. Obviously not something we will step into right away, but something that may happen over time. 00:32:53 <darci> You go bcoleman! 00:33:21 <lorip> interesting thought... it will take me a long time to get there! :) 00:33:58 <bcoleman> OK, so where do we go from here? 00:34:05 <darci> Should we move on to next steps? 00:34:16 <lorip> do we want to talk about meeting times before that? 00:34:16 <mattln> i'm ready 00:34:26 <mattln> good call lorip 00:34:36 <darci> #topic Meeting Time 00:34:53 <lorip> greg asked if we could switch to Monday - thoughts? 00:34:58 <darci> How do others feel about Mondays? 00:35:05 <mattln> Mondays are fine with me, but there are four that I will definitely miss between now and September 00:35:07 <darci> :-) 00:35:33 <lorip> I can do Monday for the most part, just not while I'm away 00:35:35 <darci> I responded that Monday was ok with me. I too will miss some, but that would happen anyway. 00:35:38 <joanne_t> Monday is ok 00:35:43 <fuzzybunny> okay 00:36:01 <lorip> bcoleman? 00:36:29 <bcoleman> I could do Mondays. Keep the 8:00 time? 00:36:43 <lorip> becka is OK with Mondays, so let's say 8pm Mon... 00:36:47 <darci> I will not be able to meet on 6/17, my daughter is graduating from middle school. 00:37:10 <darci> Could we start a week from Monday? 00:37:22 <lorip> I can't do this Mon either, PTA function and I'm the webmaster 00:37:25 <darci> Or you can meet without me. 00:38:27 <mattln> since becka isn't here, perhaps we should still meet, even if everyone isn't present? 00:38:29 <fuzzybunny> Maybe the following week will be fine since many haven't had much time to work on it? 00:39:21 <lorip> i'm out of town the following monday too... ugh - so in general it works, just not 'til after july 4th - schedule meetings without me 'til July 00:39:42 <darci> bcoleman? or joanne_t? Thoughts about meeting this Monday? 00:39:58 <bcoleman> I leave for the beach on Saturday and won't be back until July 1. 00:40:04 <joanne_t> This Monday is ok. 00:40:26 <mattln> how many would attend? 00:40:50 <mattln> if it's just me, joanne_t, and becka, perhaps it's easier to just handle everything asynchronously until the 24th. 00:41:27 <darci> I think that seems reasonable. 00:41:32 <lorip> me too 00:41:32 <bcoleman> it's only 4 days from now anyway 00:41:41 <mattln> cool 00:41:44 <joanne_t> good 00:41:51 <mattln> next steps then? 00:41:57 <lorip> ok, next meeting, Mon 6/24 @ 8pm 00:42:16 <lorip> yes, next steps... 00:42:24 <darci> #topic Next Steps 00:42:39 <darci> Dev env setup for me. 00:42:49 <joanne_t> me too 00:42:54 <fuzzybunny> me three 00:42:58 <darci> And fleshing out intro activity. 00:43:04 <lorip> me four - had wanted it done by tonight, but didn't happen 00:43:45 <mattln> i want to watch the videos, make it to a call, and maybe fix a ticket 00:44:06 <bcoleman> I would welcome feedback on the activities and assignments I posted. 00:44:22 <lorip> i want to spend more time looking at some of the resources on the OpenMRS site 00:44:31 <mattln> bcoleman's todo is for us ;) 00:45:13 <lorip> if i can look at your activities bcoleman, i'll send you email or should i use the discussion on the wiki? 00:45:48 <bcoleman> I've never participated in a wiki discussion. 00:45:58 <bcoleman> Anyone else have an opinion on that? 00:46:11 <mattln> seems like the natural place 00:46:42 <lorip> let's give it a try?? if I post something there I'll send an email so people know to look at it? 00:46:47 <bcoleman> I actually wrote them in latex and then use pandoc to convert to wiki format… :) 00:48:23 <lorip> anything else? 00:48:25 <joanne_t> Oh, I don't know if this is the place/time to mention this but I forgot to mention it earlier. My CS independent study was approved. 00:48:35 <mattln> joanne_t: that's great :) 00:48:37 <darci> yah!! 00:48:47 <joanne_t> Yes. I'm glad too :) 00:48:48 <darci> Was there any feedback or questions? 00:48:51 <bcoleman> cool, a guinea pig! :) 00:48:57 <darci> :-) 00:48:59 <lorip> excellent!! anything we can do to support you? 00:49:06 <joanne_t> Nope. I don't think she scrutinized it. 00:49:21 <joanne_t> Thanks lorip! I'll let you know. 00:49:27 <darci> Great! 00:49:44 <darci> Anything else? 00:49:51 <mattln> nothing here 00:49:57 <fuzzybunny> nope 00:49:58 <lorip> i'm good 00:50:07 <bcoleman> nada 00:50:34 <darci> Ok...I guess I'll end the meeting. 00:50:48 <fuzzybunny> bye, ttyl 00:50:50 <darci> It was great to 'see' you all. 00:50:51 <joanne_t> bye, and see you on 6/24 at 8 00:50:57 <lorip> bye 00:50:59 <mattln> later everyone :) see you in a couple weeks 00:51:11 <darci> #endmeeting