00:18:59 <darci> #startmeeting 00:18:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 30 00:18:59 2013 UTC. The chair is darci. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:18:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:19:21 <darci> Who would like to start with an update? 00:19:26 <darci> #Updates 00:19:32 <darci> #topic Updates 00:19:45 <joanne_t> I can start 00:20:30 <joanne_t> I wrote two assignments for my IS study. The are both linked from the course outline on our wiki. 00:20:58 <lorip> are you willing to give a quick overview of the assignments joanne_t? 00:21:08 <joanne_t> The first is an "introduction to FOSS" assignment that includes readings from stage A of our POSSE. 00:21:53 <joanne_t> The second is an exploratory exercise of the OpenMRS wiki. I ask several questions and the student has to navigate the wiki to find the answers. 00:22:55 <lorip> sounds good like a good intro for an independent study 00:23:01 <joanne_t> That's it. Other than that, I am waiting on a dept. laptop to install OpenMRS. Don''t want it on my own laptop. 00:23:14 <darci> #info joanne_t wrote two assignments for my her independent study. The are both linked from the course outline on our wiki. 00:23:42 <darci> Can we each use the #commands to post info about what we are doing/want to do/etc. 00:24:22 <darci> Our meeting notes are always very sparse unless you read the entire log and could benefit from our use of the #commands. 00:24:34 <joanne_t> ok 00:24:39 <lorip> I'll try, I'm still not very comfortable with them... 00:25:11 <darci> cool! 00:25:51 <darci> joanne_t: it looked like your request was approved, yes? 00:26:04 <lorip> what request? 00:26:06 <joanne_t> request? 00:26:13 <darci> for a dept laptop 00:26:37 <joanne_t> Oh, I don't know yet. Still waiting to hear back. 00:27:36 <darci> I thought Stu sent you a form to fill out and said that he would approve it next week when he was in? 00:28:01 <joanne_t> I sent him the form, but I haven't gotten his approval yet. That's what I am waiting on. 00:28:37 <darci> He will sign off on it next week. If he is planning to sign off on it, why don't you ask if you can just pick it up. 00:29:24 <darci> Nvrmind, he will sign off on it tomorrow. 00:29:35 <joanne_t> I thought he would want to approve it first. 00:29:45 <darci> I honestly can not believe how quickly the weeks are flying by. 00:30:25 <darci> His email said " I'll be in Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week to sign off on it." That is now this week. He's already approved it...at least verbally. 00:31:03 <joanne_t> Ok, but Ed is not going to give the laptop to me unofficially. That's just an assumption, but I think it's probably true. 00:31:30 <darci> He will if Stu forwards hi "verbal" approval. 00:31:56 <darci> I'll talk to him tomorrow, let's move on for now. 00:32:07 <joanne_t> Well, I'll try with Ed tomorrow then. He was cc'ed on everything. 00:32:59 <darci> Next on updates? 00:33:05 <bcoleman> I'll go 00:33:22 <bcoleman> #info Matt and I met to discuss how we plan to use OpenMRS in our courses in the spring 00:34:02 <bcoleman> We expect that about 1/3 of my sophomore-level course and 1/2 to 2/3 of Matt's course will be based on the project 00:34:48 <darci> What is the pre-req for you sophmore-level course? 00:34:55 <bcoleman> We agree that a collaboration with the the OpenMRS team would be beneficial for us. We hope they will find it beneficial as well 00:35:24 <bcoleman> I've begun a draft of a letter to the team, but I haven't had a chance to complete it yet. 00:35:43 <bcoleman> These meetings are a good motivator. I want to have it ready by next week. 00:35:59 <darci> "letter to the team"? 00:36:38 <bcoleman> the OpenMRS development team asking whether they would be willing to be mentors for students - similar to how they have worked with GSoC students. 00:37:12 <bcoleman> That's all I've got for this week. 00:37:12 <darci> Ah yes! 00:37:16 <lorip> cool... to whom are you going to send it? 00:37:41 <lorip> what I mean is how are you determining the right people to approach? 00:37:42 <bcoleman> Darius for sure, and maybe Rafael. 00:38:05 <lorip> greg gave me the name of his contact at OpenMRS, I think it was Michael something 00:38:09 <bcoleman> I assume that if they aren't the right people then they will know who is 00:38:36 <lorip> am I up? 00:38:42 <bcoleman> Ok, I'll contact Greg to see if he can help 00:38:53 <darci> sure! 00:39:34 <lorip> #info I've now done 2 factory resets on my laptop trying to get the dev environment installed and it still isn't working 00:40:07 <lorip> I got to the point of cloning the repository and bring it into eclipse using Maven but it won't compile 00:40:48 <lorip> I'm having both Maven and Java errors - I think I am going to backtrack and try reinstalling eclipse and maven and see where that gets me 00:41:14 <darci> Are you using the instructions in the second video? 00:41:14 <lorip> so basically nothing to show for my time but a lot of frustration! 00:41:41 <lorip> the second video? the one from open university that goes through each part step by step, correct? 00:42:21 <darci> yes 00:42:45 <lorip> i'm using this one... 00:42:47 <lorip> #link http://connect.iu.edu/p92tlhh3513/ 00:43:16 <lorip> I hadn't gotten to the running jetty from eclipse on (the second one) as I haven't completed the installing one 00:43:27 <lorip> #link http://connect.iu.edu/p2ncpfd1u7g/ 00:43:35 <lorip> I haven't looked at that one yet 00:44:24 <bcoleman> have you considered setting up a virtual machine to use instead of your native machine? 00:44:33 <lorip> like bcoleman said, these meeting are motivating, I think I would have given up already without them 00:45:01 <lorip> bcoleman: I hadn't as darci & michelle got it working so I didn't think I'd have this many problems 00:45:46 <bcoleman> doing a clean install of ubuntu and setting it up there might be easier than tracking down the incompatibilities. 00:46:39 <lorip> perhaps, but we need to have it in a windows environment for our students, so I feel like I need to get this figured out 00:46:55 <lorip> darci has it working on the exact same machine, so I'm just doing something wrong 00:48:40 <darci> bcoleman: What is the pre-req on your sophmore-level course? 00:48:43 <lorip> nothing else from me 00:49:03 <joanne_t> darci: did you say that you wrote up notes on your installation "experience?" 00:49:28 <bcoleman> It is the 4th course in our sequence. We have a 3-course intro where CS1 is Python with procedural programming. A bit of objects at the end. 00:49:41 <darci> joanne_t: I sent them to lorip...she wants to do some backtracking first. 00:49:45 <bcoleman> The second course is in Java and covers basic OO design and linear data structures. 00:49:56 <bcoleman> The third course is non-linear data structures and algorithms. 00:50:40 <darci> Hmmm...cool. 00:50:49 <joanne_t> darci: could you send the notes to me too? 00:50:56 <darci> Sure! 00:51:01 <joanne_t> thanks! 00:51:13 <darci> I guess I'm next? 00:51:13 <lorip> I'm going to read through darci's notes and figure out what to do next 00:51:42 <darci> I have spent some time trying to figure out why I'm getting build errors. 00:51:56 <darci> Although the project still seems to run fine. 00:52:19 <lorip> what type of build error? 00:52:19 <darci> The build errors are in the web app 00:52:45 <joanne_t> errors or warnings? 00:53:09 <lorip> did you get the build errors initially when you imported the project into eclipse? 00:53:33 <darci> Yes 00:53:53 <lorip> so maybe I'm at the same point as you? 00:54:08 <darci> There are both errors and warnings. 00:54:15 <darci> Have you tried to run it? 00:54:37 <lorip> no, I figured the errors meant I didn't something wrong 00:54:56 <lorip> I stopped at that point and didn't go on to do the team, share through git 00:55:30 <darci> why don't you try to continue with the existing instructions and let us know? 00:56:12 <lorip> will do before I backtrack 00:56:39 <darci> I don't really have anything else. My efforts have yet to produce any results. 00:57:50 <darci> One additional note from me...I'll be away for the next couple of weeks. I can try to join, but it will depend on where I'm at. 00:58:00 <bcoleman> But when you figure it out, it will be greatly useful! I fully expect one or more students to get stuck, and without your XP I wouldn't know what to suggest. 00:58:36 <bcoleman> Trying to be positive about your frustration. :) 00:58:58 <lorip> I appreciate it! If I were doing this alone, I would have bailed already. 00:58:59 <darci> :-) 01:00:00 <darci> Does anyone have anything else? 01:00:08 <lorip> not me 01:00:33 <joanne_t> nothing, thanks for your help 01:00:55 <bcoleman> nope 01:01:23 <darci> Ok...I will check for meeting notes if I'm not able to make it. 01:01:29 <darci> Bye to everyone! 01:01:33 <lorip> ok, good night everyone - see you next week (except darci) 01:01:47 <joanne_t> bye 01:02:02 <darci> #endmeeting