18:36:23 <rebelsky> #startmeeting 18:36:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 8 18:36:23 2013 UTC. The chair is rebelsky. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:36:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:36:25 <monisha> Sad to say I don't have much of an update anyway 18:36:31 <rebelsky> Ah, that's the tag. 18:36:38 <rebelsky> #topic Quick Updates 18:36:58 <rebelsky> I didn't accomplish nearly as much as I'd planned. 18:37:28 <monisha> I had planned to work on my assignments this week but am working on a grant proposal instead 18:37:34 <rebelsky> I've started rewriting my student's code to provide a simpler Java interface to the Ushahidi Web API. (The code works, but I don't like its structure.) 18:38:18 <rebelsky> #link https://github.com/CSG-CS2/simple-ushahidi-api Start of a codebase to access Ushahidi data 18:38:37 <rebelsky> #link http://www.cs.grinnell.edu/~rebelsky/Glimmer/Ushahidi/docs/ Documentation for that codebase. 18:38:56 <rebelsky> I have assignments sketched in my head, but not down on paper. 18:39:03 <rebelsky> (Or "not down in bits.") 18:39:11 <rebelsky> #topic Monisha's grant proposal 18:39:19 <rebelsky> So, what's the proposal? When is it due? 18:39:44 <rebelsky> (Or would you prefer not to have that public?) 18:39:49 <monisha> it's for NSF S-STEM scholarships due Aug 13 - you can tell we're very optimistic 18:40:21 <monisha> Math and CS working together for recruitment, retention 18:40:26 <rebelsky> You have five more days. No problem. Is your grants office good at fast turnaround? 18:40:42 <monisha> we just started working on it seriously a couple of days ago 18:41:00 <monisha> they're ok - have committed to pushing this through for us 18:41:03 <rebelsky> Are you talking about outreach to other sciences? (Both Math and CS seem to get leverage by saying how they serve other sciences.) 18:41:12 <rebelsky> Good to hear that the grants office is committed to it. 18:41:34 <monisha> we're focusing on computational science 18:41:46 <rebelsky> Good luck on the proposal! It strikes me that some large percentage of proposals are written at the last minute, unless they're the huge ones that need collaboration between many institutions. 18:42:06 <monisha> aahh that gives me hope! 18:42:47 <rebelsky> Well, I don't want to take too much of your time. So one more topic on my side. 18:42:57 <rebelsky> #topic Working with the Ushahidi community 18:43:38 <rebelsky> I contacted Heather Leson at Ushahidi. She put me in touch with Angela Oduor. 18:43:43 <rebelsky> Here's some info from Angela. 18:44:28 <rebelsky> 1. Sign up on our dev mailing list - send empty e-mail to developers subscribe@list.ushahidi.com 18:44:29 <rebelsky> 2. Sign up on the wiki. - https://wiki.ushahidi.com 18:44:29 <rebelsky> 3. Have a look at our products and developer guides on how to get involved - https://wiki.ushahidi.com/display/WIKI/Our+Products 18:44:29 <rebelsky> 4. Go through our github page. There's a listing of all our projects and their respective issue trackers - https://github.com/ushahidi/ 18:44:50 <rebelsky> I think you'd wanted announcements about dev meetings on Skype. I *think* the first list gives that. 18:45:17 <monisha> thanks for this 18:45:19 <rebelsky> But I remain bad at connecting with broader communities. 18:46:05 <rebelsky> Whoops ... for the record. Heather Leson is mailto:hleson@ushahidi.com and Angela Odour is angela@ushahidi.com 18:46:29 <monisha> same here - but lurking is still do-able for me - at least until the semester begins 18:46:41 <rebelsky> I thought it would be useful to have the info in our chat, and I'll work on getting it into the foss2serve site. 18:46:51 <rebelsky> Yeah, I'm not sure what' s possible once the semester begins. 18:47:02 <rebelsky> So, before you go back to the grant, are there other things you'd like to chat about? 18:47:51 <monisha> not at the moment. I think I'll be hitting you all up during the semester … :-) 18:48:13 <rebelsky> I'll try to be available for advice, and I'll try to keep you notified as to what I'm up to. 18:48:28 <rebelsky> Shall we try meeting again next week at the old time? (11 EDT, 10 CDT, 9 Mountain)? 18:49:47 <monisha> I may be traveling next week. If I'm not then yes I can meet at 11 next week 18:50:30 <rebelsky> Maybe two weeks would be better. That will give you a chance to recover from the grant and then think about Ushahidi :-) 18:51:08 <monisha> Works for me. 18:51:22 <rebelsky> #topic Meetings 18:51:27 <rebelsky> #info Our next meeting will be August 22 at 11 EDT, 10 CDT, 9 Mountain. 18:51:32 <rebelsky> Hopefully that goes into the minutes. 18:51:53 <rebelsky> Well, good luck on the grant. Have fun if you end up traveling. I'll see you in two weeks (or lurking on the Ushahidi Skype channels). 18:52:34 <monisha> Thanks. I've put the next meeting on my calendar - "see" you soon. 18:52:47 <rebelsky> Bye 18:52:49 <rebelsky> #endmeeting