12:47:31 <darci> #startmeeting 12:47:32 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri May 30 12:47:31 2014 UTC. The chair is darci. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:47:32 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:47:53 <darci> #topic HFOSS Process and Tools 12:55:30 <suzanne> joanie ping 12:57:19 <darci> #topic Coordination and Control 12:58:01 <darci> Roadmaps are frequently out of date. 12:59:40 <darci> Need to consider both high-level and low-level coordination and communication. 13:03:59 <joanie> suzanne: and Alex_Rmezei: https://titanpad.com/POSSE-GNOME 13:04:37 <Mohsen> Hi everyone, my flight is at 4:51 and I have arranged a cab to go to airport at 3:30 in case you like to share the ride 13:05:40 <joanie> suzanne: and Alex_Rmezei: https://titanpad.com/POSSE-GNOME 13:12:35 <darci> Stoney is doing a git overview 13:13:02 <lorip> heidie are you on? 13:13:08 <sean___> github 13:13:12 <darci> link to Gits cheat sheet 13:14:07 <lorip> #link https://education.github.com/git-cheat-sheet-education.pdf 13:14:08 <heidie> lorip: Yup, I'm here 13:14:43 <lorip> heidie glad you made it home :) 13:15:13 <heidie> Yes, it was a long trip as trains were late, but I'm home safe. 14:37:48 <lorip> #topic Learning Materials 14:38:20 <lorip> #info there is a tempate that has been used for activities on foss2serve 14:39:29 <kwurst> OpenMRS group members: Please go to the OpenMRS pad to add your GitHub username. 17:32:13 <joanie> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1643605/gnome-music.tar.gz 19:26:00 <darci> #endmeeting