14:14:00 <suzanne> #startmeeting 14:14:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 9 14:14:00 2014 UTC. The chair is suzanne. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:14:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:15:02 <suzanne> #topic Conference 14:15:28 <suzanne> If you have other conference ideas please post tot the titanpad POSSE-Summer 14:15:46 <suzanne> We should target something so we can come up with a schedule and get it done 14:16:12 <Mohsen_> I think we can definitly target that 14:16:22 <Mohsen_> how about a sigcse workshop ? 14:16:51 <Mohsen_> it can be easily a half day workshop going over the labs 14:17:15 <suzanne> The due date for the next one is early Sept. We could shoot for that as well. 14:17:54 <[1]alex> that sounds great! :) 14:18:20 <suzanne> #info Our ideas for conferences are being recorded on titanpad.com/POSSE-Summer 14:19:43 <Mohsen_> one main question about the paper: 14:20:10 <Mohsen_> are we proposing the analysis of the impact of using open source in software engineering education? 14:20:57 <suzanne> Yes, but we also need to build upon the work done by the original POSSE group. 14:21:17 <Mohsen_> could you provide a quick outline of it? 14:23:55 <suzanne> I just started one idea on the titanpad 14:25:02 <suzanne> We can definitely have a workshop idea for SIGCSE with our labs for Sept and then a paper ICER in March 14:26:17 <suzanne> Anything else on this topic? We can use titanpad to communicate this week to finalize our ideas 14:28:46 * joanie wonders how one measures things which are indirect and/or intangible 14:28:50 <joanie> :) 14:29:45 <Mohsen_> well, we can ask them 14:29:59 <Mohsen_> directly , even if you are not going to use these tools 14:30:12 <Mohsen_> would the method of development be used? 14:30:31 <Mohsen_> or would the documentation approach? 14:30:34 <Mohsen_> things like that? 14:31:03 <Mohsen_> with my industry experience I can tell you that it used to be like that , I hope still it is :) 14:32:02 <Mohsen_> that 's what I meant for indirect or intangible 14:32:14 <Mohsen_> feel free to change my wordings with more proper one 14:32:53 <joanie> I'm not sure there is a "proper" one as much as it being a potentially-tricky thing to quantify 14:33:22 <Mohsen_> sure , it is very subjective 14:34:28 <suzanne> on the phone be right back 14:34:36 <suzanne> keep talking 14:35:19 <joanie> speaking of cloning.... ;) 14:35:29 <suzanne> lol 14:35:32 <[2]alex> I am sorry, I was disconnected for about 2 minutes ... I hope I did not miss anything 14:36:15 <Mohsen_> it is the same for examplw when we try to measure students knowledge of open source tools 14:36:23 <Mohsen_> it is subjective 14:36:33 * joanie nods 14:36:35 <Mohsen_> unless we give them a benchmark test 14:44:39 <suzanne> almost done 14:48:01 <suzanne> I’m back. Sorry about that 14:48:42 <suzanne> So we were talking about conferences. Lets use titanpad to share ideas and come up with a plan this week. Then in our next meeting we can finalize what we are going to do. OK? 14:50:09 <suzanne> Anyone out there? 14:50:14 <[2]alex> yes I am here 14:50:17 * joanie is here 14:50:20 <suzanne> lol 14:50:22 <Mohsen_> I'm here 14:50:23 <[2]alex> :) 14:51:19 <joanie> Theory: Professors are like students. If you don't call on them to answer a question, they are very quiet. ;) 14:51:40 <[2]alex> :)) 14:51:50 <suzanne> #action alex, mohsen and suzanne will continue to use titanpad this week to discuss conference ideas and finalize a plan 14:52:04 <Mohsen_> ok 14:52:30 <[2]alex> are there any specific times when you guys will be around? 14:52:50 <Mohsen_> I have a wideopen schedule 14:52:59 <[2]alex> me too, for this week 14:53:29 <[2]alex> and the first half of the second 14:53:35 <[2]alex> and the first half of the second week 14:53:37 <Mohsen_> same 14:53:46 <suzanne> I will be in and out today and tomorrow but in front of my computer all day on Friday. We can work asyncronously together and type notes, etc 14:54:15 <suzanne> #topic assigning labs 4,5,6. Who wants to do them? 14:54:17 <[2]alex> OK. 14:54:48 <joanie> titanpad just 502ed me 14:54:51 <suzanne> I am OK with all three so if you have a preference go for it 14:54:52 <[2]alex> i got disconnected from titanpad 14:54:53 <[2]alex> me too 14:54:58 <[2]alex> :P 14:55:07 <suzanne> me too 14:55:28 <joanie> and now we dn't know what 4, 5, and 6 are ;) 14:55:33 <joanie> or I don't 14:55:39 <suzanne> 4 is GIT101 14:55:41 <joanie> 4 was git 101 14:55:42 <joanie> thanks 14:55:44 <[2]alex> I don't know them either 14:55:45 <joanie> and i'm back 14:55:46 <suzanne> 5 is Writing a bug report 14:56:02 <Mohsen_> I cna do lab 4 14:56:14 <Mohsen_> since I did the cloning 14:56:15 <suzanne> #action Mohsen will do lab 4 14:57:04 <[2]alex> i can try the bug report 14:57:31 <suzanne> #action Alex will do lab 5 14:57:42 <suzanne> #action Suzanne will do lab 6 14:57:46 <suzanne> easy peasy 14:57:59 <joanie> :) 14:58:21 <joanie> I have a related question 14:58:36 <[2]alex> do you guys have the link to the titanpad page? i lost it 14:58:42 <suzanne> #action Alex, Mohsen and Suzanne will review each others labs and comment 14:58:43 <joanie> what is the preferred means for providing feedback / review on lab drafts? 14:58:51 <joanie> I have some to offer 14:58:54 <suzanne> https://titanpad.com/POSSE-Summer 14:59:12 <suzanne> info https://titanpad.com/POSSE-Summer 14:59:14 <[2]alex> thank you suzanne! :) 14:59:15 <joanie> I'd rather wait until after you all have reviewed it from the academic standpoint. 14:59:16 <suzanne> #info https://titanpad.com/POSSE-Summer 14:59:21 <Mohsen_> can we use the word document with track changes? 14:59:46 * joanie wonders how compatible/friendly LibreOffice is with Word wrt tracking changes 14:59:59 <joanie> but I can give feedback here (irc) if need be 15:00:51 <suzanne> joanie can you open the labs we sent around last night in LibreOffice? 15:00:57 <joanie> yup 15:01:00 <joanie> reading is fine 15:01:07 <Mohsen_> can we track changes? 15:01:16 <Mohsen_> or we can use differen colors for our notes 15:01:35 <joanie> tell you what, after you do it in Word, I'll see what it looks like for me and report back 15:01:42 <joanie> you should use the tools that work best for you 15:01:53 <joanie> I just would like to be able to also provide feedback 15:02:02 <Mohsen_> well, I am open to open source :) 15:02:05 <joanie> :) 15:02:10 <Mohsen_> and learning new tools 15:02:24 <[2]alex> I can use LibreOffice too, if needed :) 15:02:25 <joanie> LibreOffice is free as in Freedom and free as in beer 15:02:39 <joanie> and works on all (desktop) platforms 15:02:55 <suzanne> sounds good. Lets try LibreOffice. It can be part of our plan. 15:03:07 <joanie> cool :) 15:04:04 <suzanne> Is that enough for now? I have another meeting coming up. It’s a crazy week for me. We also have to come up with another round of labs. 15:04:51 <joanie> come up with that round now/today? 15:04:53 <[2]alex> do you guys want to meet on Friday? 15:05:04 <[2]alex> of two weeks from now? 15:05:09 <Mohsen_> morning would work for me 15:05:13 <suzanne> I can meet on Friday 15:05:28 <[2]alex> Friday works for me as well 15:05:31 <[2]alex> any time 15:05:51 <joanie> Oh, I just thought of something.... 15:05:53 <suzanne> Ok, so lets continue on Friday at 10am and we can discuss the next round of labs 15:06:15 <joanie> the week of the 21st I'm traveling. But will be pingable 15:06:27 <joanie> so if I'm not around in real time, I'll answer ASAP via email 15:06:35 <suzanne> #info Next meeting here on July 10 Friday at 10am 15:06:49 <suzanne> Thanks Joanie! 15:06:58 <suzanne> We appreciate your hand holding. 15:07:05 <joanie> my pleasure. It's fun. 15:07:09 <[2]alex> friday is july 11 15:07:13 <suzanne> Thanks Alex 15:07:18 <Mohsen_> ok 15:07:33 <suzanne> ok, I will end the meeting. See you in Friday and on Titanpad. 15:07:38 <suzanne> #endmeeting