13:01:20 <lorip> #startmeeting 13:01:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Oct 24 13:01:20 2014 UTC. The chair is lorip. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:01:39 <lorip> #info we have an agenda at 13:01:43 <lorip> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_2 13:02:34 <lorip> our first item is hear how things are going with the activities 13:02:44 <lorip> #topic stage 1 activity update 13:03:15 <lorip> chris/meghan - how's it going? 13:03:35 <ChrisMurphy_> so far so good 13:03:48 <meghan_> yes, so far so good for me too. 13:04:08 <meghan_> I've finished stage 1a and have done the FOSS Field trip 13:04:30 <ChrisMurphy_> I've done 1A, haven't started 1B yet but will do it this weekend 13:05:25 <heidie> Do you feel that you're starting to get a feel for open source? 13:05:27 <darci> Any questions, thoughts, concerns? 13:06:43 <meghan_> I don't have any questions. 13:07:02 <meghan_> I do feel like the activities have helped me get a better sense of how the projects are organized 13:07:06 <ChrisMurphy_> me neither, though I'm interested in learning more about how people teach open-source 13:07:22 <ChrisMurphy_> I pitched an Open-Source Software Development course at Penn and it was not approved by the faculty 13:07:35 <ChrisMurphy_> but I hope to have more ammo after visiting Raleigh next month 13:07:38 <lorip> any reaction to the anatomy of a foss project? thoughts on the sugar labs or sahana eden information you gathered? 13:08:14 <darci> ChrisMurphy_: What were the concerns of the faculty who didn't approve of the course? 13:08:44 <ChrisMurphy_> they wanted to incorporate it into either our Software Engineering course or Senior Design, and not create a separate course for it 13:08:59 <ChrisMurphy_> sorry "Senior Design" = "Senior Project" 13:09:28 <heidie> Ah, interesting 13:09:57 <meghan_> Both the sugar labs and sahana eden projects seemed well organized to me, which I would assume encourages contributions from new people 13:10:32 <meghan_> I've looked at enough open source projects before that I wasn't surprised by the way they were organized. 13:11:02 * lorip nodding - that makes sense 13:11:16 <lorip> hi alex & rubyK 13:11:21 <rubyK> Hi Lori :) 13:11:39 <heidie> Hi Barrett_Koster_ 13:11:43 <Barrett_Koster_> hi. 13:11:51 <lorip> we are just getting updates on stage 1 13:11:59 <lorip> we have an agenda at 13:12:00 <Barrett_Koster_> are the other people on here? 13:12:15 <heidie> Yup, we've got ChrisMurphy_ and meghan_ and rubyK 13:12:16 <lorip> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_2 13:12:28 <heidie> and [1]alex 13:13:28 <lorip> how are the activities going barrett & ruby? 13:14:05 <Barrett_Koster_> I'm still getting into the meeting_2 notes. 13:14:29 <rubyK> going well. I am done with stage 1 except for the mailhide encryption and recaptcha 13:15:37 <lorip> any questions/thoughts/suggestions rubyK 13:16:09 <Barrett_Koster_> I got on the mailing list last time, saw the mail-hide thing. .... 13:16:11 <rubyK> Any suggestion for an encyption algorithm to use for the recaptcha ? I tried to find something online but it was not too easy :/ 13:16:54 * lorip thinking, I'm not sure I understand rubyK's question 13:17:11 <Barrett_Koster_> Is there a pointer to the Stage1 and/or Stage2 instructions / goals ? 13:17:24 <lorip> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/POSSE_2014-11 13:17:36 <lorip> the link above is to Stage 1 in general 13:19:08 <Barrett_Koster> Oops. I sorta crashed the browser. 13:19:38 <lorip> the link to the specific activities is 13:19:39 <heidie> :-) 13:19:43 <lorip> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage_1_Activities#Part_A:_First_Two_Weeks 13:20:36 <lorip> rubyK are you referring to 13:20:47 <lorip> #link https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/mailhideapi 13:21:25 <rubyK> yes 13:21:47 <lorip> if you click on the link under obtaining a key it will create one that you can use 13:22:22 <stoney> funny… I don’t remember doing the mailhide thing when I added myself to TOS rollcall. But then I don’t remember much of anything :) 13:22:31 <Barrett_Koster> Ah, I got to the activities page. 13:22:35 <lorip> chrismurphy_ or meghan_ did you have any problems with this? 13:22:50 <heidie> Barrett_Koster: Is there any thing specific that we can help you get started with? 13:23:08 <rubyK> yes but i need an ASE CBC encyption algorithm. is the only way to do it is to using Openssl package? 13:23:16 <meghan_> I was able to use that link (I think) to get the key. I took me a long time to correctly generate the URL 13:23:28 <darci> rubyK: I just checked your entry on the roll call and was able to enter the specified text to see your email address 13:23:55 <rubyK> me too meghan :/ 13:24:07 <Barrett_Koster> Well, it's my first time IRC, and I had the login problem earlier in the month, so ... just a little slow getting going. 13:24:32 <darci> :) 13:25:09 <heidie> Ah, OK. 13:25:44 <heidie> Do feel free to ping folks in the foss2serve IRC channel. 13:25:53 <heidie> Some of us hang out there frequently. 13:25:59 * lorip looking for ruby's entry on TOS 13:26:11 <rubyK> I am good then :) Thanks Darci 13:26:14 <Barrett_Koster> I'm happy to have a place to go to get stuff, rather than waiting for it to float by in my email flood. 13:27:25 <heidie> Barrett_Koster: Are you referring to the IRC channel? Or to the Stage 1 activities? 13:27:34 <lorip> rubyK - glad to hear it! 13:27:47 <darci> Barrett_Koster: Do you have any questions about the activities so far? 13:29:10 <Barrett_Koster> Both? I knew we were supposed to be doing stuff, and I was trying to find messages about it in my email, but I apparently missed the crossover to the IRC/StageX site, .... 13:29:24 <Barrett_Koster> I see now what I need to catch up on .... not too bad, looks like fun. 13:30:22 <heidie> Yes, the goal is that the activities should be fun and easy to accomplish. 13:31:47 <lorip> other thoughts on Stage 1? 13:32:46 <lorip> questions about Stage 2? 13:32:55 <lorip> #topic Stage 2 questions 13:33:19 <lorip> have people made their travel arrangements to Raleigh? 13:33:31 <ChrisMurphy_> yes 13:33:37 <meghan_> yes 13:34:14 <Barrett_Koster> OK, so. The stage1 goals go to Nov 12. So ... what about stage 2? Oh, is that the workshop itself? 13:34:54 <lorip> yes, stage 2 is the face to face workshop in Raleigh 13:34:58 <heidie> Stage 1 and three parts: A, B, and C. 13:35:19 <heidie> Each part is intended to be spread over sequential 2-week periods leading up to Stage 2. 13:35:25 <lorip> you should have received an email from greg a few minutes ago with hotel information 13:35:37 <Barrett_Koster> I live a mile away, no problem on stage2. So yeah, I'm back on stage1 ABC ... have some thing to do obviously. 13:38:17 <lorip> other questions? 13:38:19 <rubyK> yes I got my airline tickets 13:39:37 <heidie> rubyK: Good! 13:39:43 <heidie> Does everyone else have airline tix? 13:39:53 <lorip> we plan to have 1 more IRC before we meet in Raleigh 13:40:13 <Barrett_Koster> I may sign in again on Monday night .... will have done more of this stuff, may have some questions. But that is not the "one more" you are referring to? 13:40:45 <heidie> One more IRC meeting. 13:40:50 <lorip> I'm thinking it will be the end of the week of Nov. 3/beginning of the following week 13:41:00 <Barrett_Koster> ok. 13:41:18 <lorip> if there is nothing else, I'll wrap up the meeting 13:41:21 <heidie> The IRC channel is available anytime, but we also have specific meeting times as well. 13:41:31 <ChrisMurphy_> ok thanks! 13:41:33 <Barrett_Koster> That's fine with me. Thanks for being here. 13:41:34 <lorip> thanks so much for chatting this morning 13:41:39 <meghan_> thanks all 13:41:42 <rubyK> Thanks 13:41:54 <heidie> Sure! And feel free to ping me on IRC if you have questions in betweeen meetings. 13:41:54 <lorip> if you have any questions, feel free to ping any of us - we are happy to help! 13:41:58 <heidie> :-) 13:42:40 <lorip> and if you want to join us Mon night too, we'd love to have you! 13:42:56 <lorip> bye everyone 13:42:57 <Barrett_Koster> got it 13:43:03 <meghan_> bye 13:43:06 <darci> bye all 13:43:08 <heidie> bye all. 13:43:10 <[1]alex> bye 13:43:19 <lorip> #endmeeting