13:35:22 <stoney> #startmeeting 13:35:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Nov 14 13:35:22 2014 UTC. The chair is stoney. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:35:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:36:30 <heid> Hey Lori 13:38:50 <heid> #info 2.1 Getting Started in HFOSS 13:39:16 <stoney> #topic 2.1 Getting Started in HFOSS 13:39:39 <heid> Ah, better to use a topic than a mere info here. :-) 13:40:21 <lubaochuan> joining a community not working on a project ... 13:40:25 <StevenCrain> #info It is all about community 13:41:15 <stoney> #link fossisms http://opensource.com/education/14/6/16-foss-principles-for-educators 13:41:46 <joanna_kl> is there a link to the zip file with materials for today? 13:42:00 <stoney> oo, good point 13:42:11 <heid> stoney, I'm not on my machine, can you do that? 13:42:18 <EdMirielli> #info - learan about the project team's culture prior to approaching and joining 13:42:27 <stoney> sure, let me work on that 13:42:33 <alex_rmezei> http://www.foss2serve.org/images/foss2serve/7/73/POSSE_Materials_2014-05-28.zip 13:42:41 <alex_rmezei> would this work? 13:43:06 <heid> alex_rmezei: Ah, those materials are for the May POSSE and we've made changes 13:43:21 <heid> we've reordered materials and done some editing 13:43:26 <alex_rmezei> ooops. Sorry ... 13:43:35 <heid> :-) No apologies needed to offering to help! 13:43:44 <alex_rmezei> :-) 13:46:49 <barrettk> no lurking! 13:46:55 <darci> joanna_kl: There is now a link to the materials we are using today at http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage_2_Activities#Downloads scroll down to the Downloads section 13:46:56 <lubaochuan> #info - do your homework (explore project documentation) before approaching ... 13:49:05 <lubaochuan> guided exploration to help students get started 13:49:07 <stoney> thanks darci 13:49:10 <joanna_kl> thank you 13:49:22 <stoney> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage_2_Activities#Downloads 13:50:38 <darci> Sorry...I should have communicated better. I told Greg before we started that I would do this. :) 13:51:06 <stoney> we need an issue tracker 13:51:08 <stoney> :) 13:53:05 <EdMirielli> #info - being a GOOD citizen -- this is something crucial and goes beyond technology and thers much that is discussised about digital citizenshio - FOSS idea is a great one 13:53:51 * EdMirielli i do not like this keyboard - not egronomic for me... 13:55:47 <lubaochuan> making small contributions have pave ways for future interactions. 13:56:49 <stoney> #info FOSSISM: If it isn’t public, it didn’t happen 13:57:58 <lubaochuan> Get used to public communication. 13:58:17 <EdMirielli> public communication in the FOSS world will take some time to get used to for many... while we say we embrace tranperancy, but do we really? 13:58:46 <lubaochuan> start blogging ... 14:02:19 <darci> Talk to your public relations department 14:03:03 <stoney> #info FOSSISM: Radical transparency 14:03:13 <darci> Having public information that includes work done by students at your institution, leads people from that website back to the institution's website 14:04:03 <lubaochuan> Most blogging software has post by email function - which makes posting a lot easier - we write emails all the time. 14:04:13 <darci> It also gives them the ability to point to work done by students at the institution 14:05:08 <stoney> #info FOSSISM: ask forgiveness not permission 14:05:20 <stoney> #info FOSSISM: branches are free 14:05:37 <stoney> #info FOSSISM: keep a history 14:08:00 <stoney> #info FOSSISM: Begin with the finishing touches 14:08:41 <lubaochuan> verifying a bug 14:08:52 <stoney> #info FOSSISM: It’s not what you know it’s what you want to learn 14:10:13 <lubaochuan> It is a humbling experience, which is good :) 14:10:43 <StevenCrain> #info Getting started in open source, being a newbie, is humbling. 14:10:54 <stoney> #info FOSSISM: release early, release often 14:11:00 <EdMirielli> For me, one of the funnest parts is the learning, 14:11:21 <stoney> #info FOSSISM: push to upstream 14:11:44 <stoney> #info FOSSISM: show me the code 14:12:40 <StevenCrain> If you assign a bug to yourself, work on it and update the bug status regularly. 14:12:46 <stoney> #info FOSSISM: with enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow 14:12:56 <lubaochuan> Let people help you as much as possible as early as possible. 14:14:47 <stoney> #info FOSSISM: it’s better to communicate undone work than to do uncommunicated work 14:16:30 <darci> #info Getting Started - figure out what your students should produce as deliverables 14:17:30 <darci> #info then get to know the community that your students will be working in 14:20:06 <darci> #info let the community know that your students will be coming...and what they are looking to accomplish 14:33:34 <stoney> #topic 2.2 HFOSS in the Curiculum 14:39:20 <darci> #info Figure out what your students can do depending on the level of the course 14:41:46 <lubaochu_> A FOSS project may not fit local concept "senior project", but creative evaluations are available due to the openness of FOSS. 14:43:46 <EdMirielli> #info SOFT-FOSS course on the openness of data, gov't edu... 14:44:25 <stoney> please post link to that openness course here 14:44:55 <lubaochu_> #link https://class.stanford.edu/courses/Education/OpenKnowledge/Fall2014/about 14:45:37 <stoney> thankyou! 14:45:37 <EdMirielli> #link http://magic.rit.edu/foss/minor.html 14:46:00 <stoney> thank you! 14:46:05 <Robert__> We have something similar at Duke 14:46:10 <Robert__> #link http://www.cs.duke.edu/courses/fall11/cps082/ 14:46:27 <stoney> thank you! 14:46:32 <joanna_kl> http://magic.rit.edu/foss/minor.html 14:46:47 <rubyK> http://hfoss-fossrit.rhcloud.com/syllabus 14:47:59 <EdMirielli> #info post a license on what you post... 14:52:31 <stoney> loving the links! 14:53:05 <stoney> please remember to use #link that way they’ll be pulled out into the appropriate section in the transcript 14:53:16 <stoney> #link http://magic.rit.edu/foss/minor.html 14:53:23 <stoney> #link http://magic.rit.edu/foss/minor.html 14:53:31 <stoney> oops 14:53:40 <stoney> #link http://hfoss-fossrit.rhcloud.com/syllabus 14:58:14 <Robert__> Duke’s ACM and IEEE sponsor a large SouthEast Hackathon titled “Code for Good” 14:58:19 <Robert__> #link http://www.hackduke.org/ 15:00:26 <darci> #info If you have an active ACM student chapter, consider contacting Red Hat about sending a speaker to talk about open source 15:01:23 <stoney> likewise, if you want your “note” to be pulled up into the meeting summary, use #info 15:01:23 <EdMirielli> #info instructional style is like Open Range for Open Source 15:01:47 <stoney> otherwise someone will have to dig into the full transcript to pull out those nuggets :) 15:01:56 <glikins> ola everyone! 15:02:01 <stoney> hello! 15:02:29 <alex_rmezei> hi! 15:02:55 <joanna_kl> hi Gina 15:04:31 <suzanne> #info interesting article from chronicle yesterday about “guide on the side” http://m.chronicle.com/article/Professors-Place-in-the/149975/#sthash.n1FTsc0R 15:04:59 <alex_mezei> one can also use: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=C%2B%2B+overloading+operators :P 15:05:00 <joanna_kl> glikins: so if we want to arrange for someone from RedHat to come to campus and talk about open source, should we contact you or someone else is the "proper" contact 15:05:59 <glikins> Either Tom or me would be fantastic 15:06:23 <glikins> (anyone else would probably send you to us :-) 15:06:23 <joanna_kl> great, I do not have your email though 15:06:29 <glikins> gina@redhat.com 15:06:36 <glikins> and Tom is spot@redhat.com 15:06:50 <lubaochu_> #info ask student to create progress log and plan log 15:07:03 <joanna_kl> thank you! 15:07:06 <alex_mezei> do we need to have an ACM chapter for it? I am sure my CS students would love to meet someone from RedHat 15:07:38 <spot> Nah. You just need to ask politely. :) 15:07:40 <glikins> nope -- we'll come speak to a class or bunch of classes. sometimes profs can do a open call for anyoen interested 15:07:45 <alex_mezei> :D 15:07:53 <stoney> #link http://m.chronicle.com/article/Professors-Place-in-the/149975/#sthash.n1FTsc0R 15:08:01 <stoney> #link http://lmgtfy.com/?q=C%2B%2B+overloading+operators 15:08:03 <lubaochu_> position your self as a learner 15:09:02 <lubaochu_> explain life-long learning and the need for it. 15:09:04 <rubyK> Characterstics of Bad SW developers : https://www.dropbox.com/s/qsnydi8t0awq6p1/Characteristics%20of%20Bad%20Software%20Engineers.pdf?dl=0 15:09:26 <Robert__> Men and Women in Communication 15:09:37 <stoney> #link http://www.amazon.com/You-Just-Dont-Understand-Conversation/dp/0060959622 15:10:08 <glikins> #info Deborah Tannen 15:18:55 <glikins> idea: actually raise the issue of being a woman computer science prof and ack the issue. 15:20:27 <EdMirielli> assert our authority through our expertise, but advance authority by being a fountain of quesitons 15:22:46 <lubaochu_> re-scope midterm 15:23:17 <smoussavi> Did you know yesterday was the world kindness day!!! 15:24:26 <lubaochu_> grade on progress 15:24:35 <lubaochu_> grade on process 15:29:02 <lynnlambert> github will probably let you have private access as an academic. 15:41:15 <lubaochuan> bitbucket allows that too 15:49:48 <stoney> #topic 2.3 Planning for HFOSS Participation 15:58:10 <glikins> link to open pharma article: http://opensource.com/health/14/6/can-open-science-help-patients-and-save-pharma 18:02:18 <barrettk> I'm checking to see if this channel is still active ... 18:02:24 <barrettk> I guess so. 18:07:31 <glikins> ola barrettk 18:09:01 <lubaochuan> #link opensource.com 22:15:01 <Sean_> DINNER!!! 14:02:52 <lubaochuan> some channels require registered nicks and even passwords to join. 14:04:04 <Sean_> what? 14:10:56 <glikins> Sean_ you can set a room up as "secure" so that it requires a pw to join 14:11:17 <Sean_> for our team? 14:12:04 <Sean_> glikens for our team? 14:12:36 <glikins> well, you might need one if (for instance) you managed to convince your whole department to use IRC and you decided to do all your department meeetings in IRC and talk abotu things like students (which would require privacy) 14:13:08 <Sean_> Oh, you mean **can** you ... yes. 14:13:16 <glikins> (unlikely but an example -- my team at work has a private channel and a public channel .) 14:13:26 <glikins> yes, you *can*, not you *should* 14:13:28 <Sean_> I just created one called #hfoss_jazz_team ... 14:13:31 <glikins> :-) 14:13:35 <alex_mezei> this is useful for creating a password protected irc channel: http://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Private-Channel-in-IRC 14:13:57 <Sean_> so, #hfoss_jazz_team has a password of parker 14:14:03 <Sean_> try that. 14:14:49 <Sean_> Yeah, I don't trust anything on the internet is really private ... but you can do it to prevent non-memberes from noising things up. 14:16:06 <glikins> yes 14:40:02 <alex_mezei> FOSSISM: "do you like fries .... or you like making them ..."? :)) 14:40:20 * alex_mezei giggles 14:48:36 <heidie> #topic 3.2 Sharing HFOSS Learning Activities 14:48:52 <heidie> #info Please use the template on foss2serve when creating activities 14:58:23 <glikins> heidie: so, for example: a small module on "stuff to know about licensing" and then another module that 14:58:30 <glikins> 's "exercises around licenseing" 14:58:39 <heidie> Right, yes. 14:58:44 <glikins> and then others could add some additional exercises 14:58:50 <heidie> Yes! I like the idea. 14:59:10 <glikins> and with good metadata you could pick and choose 14:59:38 <glikins> that's why I'm thinking a strong CMS with "clumps" of data 14:59:50 <glikins> (videos), (texts), (snippets) 15:00:01 <heidie> Yes, right. 15:01:09 <heidie> Stoney's group is heading this way as they're looking at finding a collection of "artifacts" like bug reports, IRC chats, code snippets etc. that faculty members can build exercises around. 15:15:30 <darci> #link 15:15:35 <darci> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Faculty_Proposal_Template 15:17:25 <EdMirielli> where is day 2 IRC log posted? 15:18:41 <lubaochuan> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Faculty_Proposal_Template 16:23:30 <alex_mezei> i sent 4 pictures to your emails but for some reason it shows "sent" (on my PC) but some of you did not yet receive them. Anyone received my photos? 17:56:46 <EdMirielli> #info Open Street map 19:10:50 <barrettk> exit 17:07:34 <barrettk> I'm just giving my students a tour. 16:16:37 <stoney> #endmeeting