00:09:07 <camm> #startmeeting 00:09:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 20 00:09:07 2015 UTC. The chair is camm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:09:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:09:26 <camm> Let's start with a rollcall, name & institution 00:09:33 <camm> Cam Macdonell - MacEwan University 00:09:46 <Joe_Welch> Joe Welch - HArtnell College 00:10:07 <rsjodin> Rob Sjodin - Regis University 00:10:28 <docrea_> Alan Rea: Western Michigan University 00:11:03 <camm> Lori Postner sends regrets for not being able to make it 00:11:08 <camm> anyone else? 00:11:32 <rcduvall_duke> Robert Duvall, Duke 00:12:07 <camm> #topic what have you been up to 00:12:46 <camm> Mostly in regards to preparing to use Ushahidi in your course, and/or lurking on Ushahidi's commmunication channels 00:13:12 <rsjodin> I downloaded and installed Ushahidi on my Android phone, and joined the Ushahidi wiki. 00:13:15 <Joe_Welch> I have students in CS0 course....worked throughout CLI, git, github...working on pull requests and merges with students. Discussed Ushahidi in general.... 00:13:17 <camm> I've been lurking, asking a few questions about V3 api documentation 00:13:33 <Joe_Welch> Trying to get students interested in OS as part of their skills/curric... 00:14:00 <Joe_Welch> Tom Callaway from Red Hat spoke to 2 campuses last week - well worthwhile... 00:14:43 <camm> Very nice, what did he talk about more specifically? 00:15:20 <Joe_Welch> He spoke of RH internships, RH business model and the philosophy/value of OS....students eyes were opened 00:15:35 <camm> great 00:15:51 <Joe_Welch> POSSE was very helpful to me to allow participation in these dialogues...I was/am OS noob 00:16:00 <camm> rsjodin: did you actually get the Android Ushahidi version working with a deployment? 00:16:30 <rsjodin> I downloaded it from the App store 00:17:03 <docrea_> Nice. I didn't even think to check there. 00:17:16 <camm> Ok, but did you run it and have it pull data from an Ushahidi deployment like http://quakemap.org/ 00:17:48 <rsjodin> Uhhhhh; not sure; 00:18:05 <camm> yes, there are version in App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android), they will work with version 2 sites 00:18:08 <rsjodin> I just played around with it; not knowing what I was doing. 00:18:19 <rsjodin> Sorry, Google Play. 00:18:28 <rsjodin> Not the App Store. 00:19:16 <camm> Ok, the general idea is that you would use the mobile version to interact with a deployment. You want to try and get it to work with a public one like quakemap 00:19:54 <rsjodin> By “deployment” … what does that mean? 00:19:55 <camm> I believe you would specify the site you want to work with in the settings 00:20:09 <camm> deployment = ushahidi website 00:20:17 <camm> like this http://quakemap.org/ 00:20:36 <camm> to clarify, not with ushahidi.com 00:20:50 <rsjodin> I’m bringing up the app now. 00:21:00 <KateLockwood_> Sorry, this is Kate (U of St. Thomas), late to the introductions due to issues using a Mac :) 00:21:28 <rsjodin> I use Colloquy on my Mac; it seems to work pretty good. 00:21:42 <camm> No #apple hating Kate :) 00:21:47 <KateLockwood_> Yes! I just got Colloquy. I tried Lime Chat before and was having some issues. 00:22:44 <docrea_> Using Textual...works well on a Mac. 00:23:05 <rsjodin> So, using the Usahidi app on my Android phone, do I enter http://quickmap.org in the “Search Maps” field? 00:23:40 <rsjodin> make that http://quakemap.org 00:23:44 <camm> rsjodin: hmmm, maybe. I don't have an android version to test with at the moment 00:24:31 <camm> Here's a bit of documentation: https://www.ushahidi.com/blog/2013/05/16/ushahidi-android-app-v3-1-6-is-here #link 00:25:20 <camm> If you need help please email me after or ask a question on one of the Ushahidi chat services 00:26:04 <camm> clarification, the link about says v3.1.6 of the android app, that is not V3 of Ushahidi, it's just the version of the Android App, an unfortunate choice :) 00:26:19 <rsjodin> Ok, thanks. 00:26:45 <camm> Ok, KateLockwood_ docrea_ rcduvall_duke, do you have anything to add about what you've been up to? 00:26:58 <camm> no pressure, just want to draw everyone in :) 00:27:49 <KateLockwood_> I put together the final propoal for our class - hope to teach it as a special topics in the spring and then as an official class in future years. 00:27:59 <rcduvall_duke> unfortunately, I have not been up to much :( 00:28:22 <camm> KateLockwood_: very nice, when does the Spring term start? 00:28:39 <camm> rcduvall_duke: no problem, that's common for faculty targetting next term 00:28:52 <KateLockwood_> February. We have a J-term in January when I plan to do most of the actual work 00:29:08 <KateLockwood_> So I’m hoping everyone piloting classes this semester will have lots of good advice by January 00:29:32 <camm> Josh doesn't seem to be here, he's using Ushahidi now I believe. 00:29:54 <camm> docrea_: you have some independent study students working with Ushahidi, correct? How goes it? 00:31:18 <camm> maybe lagging, jump in docrea_ when you're back on 00:31:39 <docrea_> They actually chose to develop their own app. It's in Android so I'm good with it, but I wanted to get them on Ushahidi. Next semester I have a senior mobile development class that I'm slating to work on it for their class project. 00:32:08 <camm> docrea_: ok, what kind of app are they building presently? 00:33:12 <docrea_> We are building an app to educate patients as well as allow clinicians to perform heuristics to diagnose concussions. 00:33:41 <camm> very interesting and relevant 00:33:42 <docrea_> I'm just the tech faculty We have a Nursing PhD and an MD who are the content experts 00:33:56 <camm> ah, great to get multiple faculty involved 00:34:25 <camm> KateLockwood_: what level and topic is your course targetted at? 00:34:40 <KateLockwood_> It is software engineering for upper division students 00:34:43 <KateLockwood_> Probably mostly seniors 00:35:07 <KateLockwood_> Once we get final approval for the course I am going to work on getting it service learning certified as well 00:35:33 <camm> Joe_Welch: other than CS0 do you have other courses you may use Ushahidi or OS in? 00:36:17 <camm> #action Cam will update the foss2serve page with a list of faculty and courses they are using Ushahidi in 00:36:23 <Joe_Welch> If I have students who are a bit ahead, I will ask them to consider working on Ushahidi... next spring... 00:36:47 <camm> ok 00:37:09 <camm> #topic keeping our feet wet in Ushahidi 00:37:46 <camm> As was discussed in Raleigh, retaining momentum is a very real challenge with POSSE attendee 00:37:48 <camm> s 00:38:41 <camm> can I ask everyone come up with a plan for something (very vague) that you will do in the next 3 weeks 00:39:04 <camm> to keep your Ushahidi muscles limber? 00:39:22 <camm> suggestions: 00:39:40 <camm> 1) joining an Ushahidi chat channel (gitter, IRC, flock, etc.) 00:39:41 <KateLockwood_> Sure! I will get the app installed 00:39:58 <camm> 2) installing an app and connecting it to a deployment 00:40:11 <camm> 3) setting up your own deployment either V2 or V3 00:41:14 <camm> 4) Cam I'm too busy, my term is crazy 00:41:24 <Joe_Welch> Sounds reasonable! 00:41:24 <camm> Great choice KateLockwood_ 00:41:36 <docrea_> I definitely need to get more involved in the community. 00:41:46 <camm> To be clear, you don't have to do all of them, just 1 00:42:42 <rsjodin> Is #2 downloading it from Google Play? 00:43:01 <camm> rsjodin: yup, and getting setting it up with a deployment 00:43:21 <rsjodin> The “deployment” part I don’t understand; sorry. 00:43:23 <camm> oooh 5) finding public V2 deployments to test apps with 00:44:06 <camm> just curious, is anyone else fuzzy about what a deployment is? 00:44:09 <docrea_> There is a demo server in the app from Google Play. It wasn't just working right now. 00:44:28 <camm> Is it demo.ushahidi.com? 00:44:44 <docrea_> Aye 00:45:15 <rsjodin> Is the deployment a backend server? 00:45:19 <camm> rsjodin: yes 00:45:30 <rsjodin> Got it. 00:45:46 <camm> accessible via both a web browser on its own or via an API with a mobile client 00:46:12 <rcduvall_duke> Over the next 3 weeks I am setting my syllabus for next semester so students can register. Then I will look into the software more 00:46:18 <camm> rsjodin: please do get in touch if you get hung up with any of that 00:46:33 <camm> rcduvall_duke: great. I think that's everyone. Thank you! 00:46:56 <camm> #topic planning for the future 00:46:57 <rsjodin> Ok 00:47:36 <camm> So here's my plan, for the next meeting I think we'll stick with this format. 00:47:48 <camm> I hope we'll "bump" into each other on Ushahidi's chat channels 00:47:52 <Joe_Welch> Sounds good... 00:47:54 <camm> over the next few weeks 00:48:17 <camm> as we move closer to courses (most of us target the first half of 2016) 00:48:46 <camm> I'm hoping we can switch to a more visual tool like Google Hangouts 00:49:16 <camm> the goal being, each meeting, one or two people can very simple, brief demos of what they have working, code they've written, etc. with screen sharing 00:49:17 <rsjodin> Sharing a desktop would be nice. 00:49:56 <camm> this way we can see what others are doing, see uses of the code we didn't know of, learn new features, etc. 00:50:13 <KateLockwood_> Sounds good. Although, then you’ll be able to hear my kids yelling about bedtime in the background. 00:50:24 <camm> I realize we're all busy, so I want to emphasize we don't need flashy fully developed 00:50:38 <camm> demos, just what we have working and what were thinking about 00:51:05 <camm> the goal being engagement with each other about teaching with Ushahidi 00:51:10 <camm> KateLockwood_: mine too :) 00:51:39 <camm> and we could consider a different time if need be 00:51:52 <camm> How does that fancy everyone? 00:52:03 <rsjodin> Sounds good. 00:52:38 <KateLockwood_> Sounds great! 00:53:17 <Joe_Welch> SOunds great-have to go...class...thanks! 00:53:19 <camm> If you have thoughts for Stage 3 ideas feel free to share them here or via email. It's a big question for the POSSE group and with the re-newed NSF funding and more POSSEs in the future, we want to get better at thiiis :) 00:53:24 <camm> By Joe! 00:53:29 <camm> err, bye Joe! 00:53:59 <camm> #topic wrapping up 00:54:25 <camm> We're close to the end, does anyone have any last questions or comments? 00:54:43 <rsjodin> Nope 00:54:55 <KateLockwood_> Just wondering if anyone has gotten the app up and running lately? I’d like to know who to ping with questions while I do my homework :) 00:55:06 <camm> Android app? 00:55:17 <KateLockwood_> Yep 00:55:32 <KateLockwood_> rsjodin? 00:55:35 <camm> docrea_? 00:55:50 <docrea_> I had the App and an deployment running on a virtual machine. Need to re-install but it was running. 00:55:54 <rsjodin> Yes, I downloaded it from Google Play, it installed w/o a problem. 00:55:59 <camm> I can certainly help if need be Kate 00:56:08 <KateLockwood_> Great! I’ll connect via email if I have any issues. 00:56:19 <docrea_> I installed the App via GitHub. Just tried the Play store. 00:56:22 <camm> Also, please do feel free to hop on the Ushahidi chats, they're a very helpful group 00:57:03 <camm> Anything else? 00:57:14 <docrea_> I'm good. Thanks for herding us. 00:57:40 <camm> My pleasure. Thanks for coming, it's always good to have at least 5 people, so thanks for making the effort 00:57:52 <rsjodin> Next meeting? 00:57:53 <camm> Three weeks from now is.... 00:58:04 <rcduvall_duke> Thanks for letting me mostly lurk 00:58:23 <camm> We've already had Thanksgiving up here :) When do y'all have it? 00:58:38 <docrea_> We are fine. It's like the 24th I think 00:58:39 <camm> rcduvall_duke: good to have you 00:58:48 <docrea_> 26th 00:58:49 <KateLockwood_> November 26th? 00:58:54 <rsjodin> Yep 00:59:12 <camm> Okay, let's meet Nov 9th, same bat time, same bat channel 00:59:18 <docrea_> rgr 00:59:29 <rsjodin> Ok. 00:59:30 <KateLockwood_> Sounds great! 00:59:39 <camm> Ok, thanks everyone, Go Blue Jays! 00:59:48 <docrea_> Thanks all. 00:59:58 <rsjodin> Later 01:00:03 <camm> #endmeeting