01:03:57 <camm> #startmeeting Ushahidi Stage 3 01:03:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 25 01:03:57 2016 UTC. The chair is camm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:03:57 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:03:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ushahidi_stage_3' 01:04:06 <camm> Ok, looks like it worked 01:04:33 <camm> So, how are things? 01:04:45 <jdehlinger> busy but good here 01:05:01 <docrea_> Well..Except for the massive blizzard hitting us right now :} 01:05:09 <camm> I heard about that 01:05:24 <camm> jdehlinger: what are you teaching this term? 01:05:55 <jdehlinger> 3 versions of software testing...undergraduate, graduate and special class for the military 01:06:32 <camm> whole courses on testing? 01:07:05 <jdehlinger> well..."quality assurance"...so testing, static/dynamic analysis, auditing, security analysis, etc 01:07:34 <camm> will you be at the POSSE roundup? 01:07:38 <docrea_> Nice. Is it mapped to any certs? 01:08:23 <jdehlinger> no directly, but close enough to ASQTB that students could get through without much additional prep 01:08:34 <docrea_> Excellent. 01:08:34 <jdehlinger> i will 01:08:44 <camm> cool, I'd be interested to hear more about it 01:09:00 <jdehlinger> id be happyt o 01:09:06 <camm> docrea_: what are you teaching these days? 01:09:18 <camm> (I kinda know, but this is for completeness in the logs) 01:09:46 <docrea_> I'm doing a Intro and Advanced Android Development course, as well as an Info Assurance course. 01:10:14 <camm> so, two android courses? 01:10:16 <docrea_> Advanced Class is the one using Ushahidi 01:10:21 <camm> ok 01:10:22 <docrea_> Yes. 01:10:56 <docrea_> We have a mobile development minor I created so these are two of the classes. 01:11:15 <camm> before we get to your course, jdehlinger can you summarize how your course last term went and how the project is carrying on? 01:11:45 <jdehlinger> sure. 01:12:39 <jdehlinger> last semester, i supervised 3 students to continue working on citizen-science project to report, map and track and invasive plant species in MD and VA 01:12:57 <camm> Darn Wavy Leaf 01:13:06 <jdehlinger> we had mobile apps out to allow folks to report the plant on both iOS and Android devices 01:13:54 <jdehlinger> so, for this project, we asked a student to look into setting up Ushahidi for us to collect and visualize the reported data 01:14:30 <camm> is there a link to share? 01:14:32 <jdehlinger> our student got it up and running (mostly) by the end of the semester..and have another student this semester to improve it a bit, particularly the look of it 01:14:41 <jdehlinger> yes: http://heron.towson.edu/wavyleaf/Ushahidi/main 01:14:50 <jdehlinger> not exactly sure why the map isn't showing right now 01:15:14 <docrea_> Very nice. 01:15:29 <camm> the map is fetched from OpenStreetMaps dynamically 01:15:48 <camm> so I'd guess your server might be having issues with its outgoing connections 01:16:25 <jdehlinger> thanks. i'll let me student know 01:16:41 <camm> jdehlinger: is the project still ongoing? 01:17:14 <jdehlinger> it is. we have a new student thsi semester to make the page look nicer and clean some of the data 01:17:40 <camm> cool. Are you presenting about this project at the roundup? 01:17:45 <jdehlinger> i am 01:18:00 <camm> Ok, looking forward to it 01:18:02 <jdehlinger> just basics, some of teh student feedback on working on open source, etc 01:18:12 <camm> that will be good to hear 01:19:03 <camm> give some thought to what we (me and the POSSE team) could have done to help things along so we can make these attempts smoother for other people 01:19:23 <jdehlinger> will do... 01:19:38 <camm> docrea_: can you give us an update as to what your students are doing? 01:19:47 <docrea_> Sure thing. 01:20:05 <docrea_> I have 14 students working on a project as one main team. 01:20:19 <jdehlinger> wow 01:21:10 <docrea_> They have started planning their app...After much debate, the class is creating a Ushahidi app that will allow people to report missing animals, pet sightings, etc. 01:21:34 <docrea_> They are working on some features with the local shelter and adoption agencies as well. 01:22:03 <camm> that's a nice idea, pet-itarian rather than human-itarian 01:22:04 <docrea_> In the team I have separate groups focusing on various areas. 01:22:10 <docrea_> Indeed. 01:22:32 <camm> And using Ushahidi V3? 01:22:44 <docrea_> We have a Project management, server, integration, developer, and UI/UX group. 01:22:51 <docrea_> Yes. V3 01:23:29 <camm> Did all these students take the junior android course? 01:23:39 <docrea_> They are setting up a project blog and wiki this week, as well as doing from UI frames, etc. 01:24:09 <docrea_> Yes. All of these students have had the prior course, so we move right into more advanced topics in this course. 01:24:13 <jdehlinger> what tool (if any) are they using for wire framing? 01:24:44 <docrea_> We use LucidChart. It's not Open Source, but it's Web-based. Students love using it. 01:24:53 <docrea_> You can get a education 01:25:05 <docrea_> Team set up for free if you contact them 01:25:12 <jdehlinger> ok, yes i've used lucid before 01:25:17 <docrea_> So I use it for all my design work. 01:25:27 <docrea_> It's either than or Visio...sometimes Dia. 01:25:42 <camm> are wireframes the same as mockups or are they more for interaction diagrams? 01:26:32 <docrea_> Wireframes can have more of a functionality focus, but I also have them do rich Wireframes as well which are closer to what the final product might look like. 01:27:14 <camm> Ok 01:27:19 <docrea_> I'm also making the developers right everything in a MVC schema so they are always keeping the data model separate from everything else. 01:27:44 <camm> so do you have a backend server setup yet? 01:28:14 <docrea_> The server team is working on that this week and next. 01:28:50 <docrea_> I'm asking them to get it working in OpenShift, but will probably use Heroku or a VM as a backup. 01:29:43 <docrea_> So hopefully by our next meeting I'll have some links to show :} 01:29:52 <camm> I don't think it will work on Openshift 01:30:21 <camm> Heroku works no problem 01:30:24 <camm> Here's mine http://guarded-reef-8407.herokuapp.com/ 01:30:39 <docrea_> Why so? I was going to have them build it from ground up. No problem using Heroku though. 01:31:18 <docrea_> Just got some Python code showing... 01:31:36 <docrea_> Could be my browser though. I'm on a tablet. 01:31:45 <camm> So PHP frameworks have a handful of certain path heirarchies 01:32:35 <camm> that all use common names 01:32:51 <camm> for example Laravel, the directory is called 'public' 01:33:01 <camm> CakePHP it's called something else 01:33:40 <camm> Since Ushahidi is built on Kohana (an obscure PHP framework), it's directory is named something unusual 01:34:23 <camm> 'httpdocs', that's it 01:34:43 <camm> So Openshift doesn't look for that directory name 01:35:07 <camm> I played with it at the POSSE when Nick (RedHat guy) suggested it 01:35:14 <camm> but I couldn't get it working 01:35:18 <docrea_> Interesting. Not even if you configure Apache to look there? 01:35:55 <camm> So I used the PHP "gear" which didn't allow me to configure it 01:36:25 <camm> I didn't try with a more raw platform where I could configure all that myself 01:36:32 <camm> does that make sense? 01:37:31 <docrea_> It does indeed. I figured we would need to do a great deal of configuration from the private Git repository OpenShift creates for a project. Still, it might be more work than we want. 01:38:21 <camm> Ya, I couldn't get it to serve that darn 'httpdocs' directory. I only tinkered for about an hour, so just be aware 01:38:29 <docrea_> I might need to see how many times I hit a wall before asking the students to try it. 01:39:05 <docrea_> OK. Thanks. This is good information to take back. 01:39:06 <camm> I have set up Ushahidi V3 platform in a Ubuntu VM where I had complete control, so ping me if you get stuck 01:39:53 <camm> Last question: have you interacted with the community at all? 01:39:55 <docrea_> Excellent. I do have a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server waiting 01:40:55 <docrea_> Other than monitoring channels, no. I do have the students reading documentation and we will be interacting in the next stage of the project. 01:41:35 <camm> The install docs here https://github.com/ushahidi/platform will work fine on Ubuntu 14.04, but again ping me if you get stuck 01:41:51 <camm> how many more weeks are in the course? 01:42:18 <docrea_> We have 9 left. 01:42:25 <docrea_> Maybe 8. 01:42:36 <camm> 14 weeks totaly? 01:42:37 <docrea_> Forgot about spring break. 01:42:56 <docrea_> 14 plus finals week. Correct. 01:43:11 <docrea_> No final for this class...just the project. So they have that week to finish up. 01:43:30 <camm> Cool, and you will not be at the roundup, correct? 01:43:43 <docrea_> No I cannot make it unfortunately. 01:43:58 <camm> daaaang 01:44:09 <docrea_> Indeed. 01:44:26 <camm> Well, thanks very much for your updates fellows, any last questions or comments? 01:44:34 <jdehlinger> nothing from me 01:44:44 <docrea_> Nope, but as always I appreciate the tips you send my way. 01:45:48 <camm> Ok, Josh we'll see you next week and Alan in a few weeks back here in the channel 01:45:53 <camm> Have a good night! 01:45:58 <docrea_> Thanks all. 01:46:15 <jdehlinger> thanks, safe travels 01:46:53 <camm> #endmeeting