23:03:42 <lorip> #startmeeting POSSE IRC #1 23:03:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 4 23:03:42 2016 UTC. The chair is lorip. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:03:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:03:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'posse_irc_#1' 23:04:04 <lorip> Hi Everyone - welcome to our POSSE IRC Meeting 23:04:18 <lorip> I'd like to start with introductions 23:04:23 <lorip> #topic introductions 23:04:55 <lorip> Let's start from the top of the nick list and have each person introduce themselves with their name, institution and any other info you would like to share 23:04:57 <germinalisern> Who goes first? 23:05:02 <lorip> clif - would you start? 23:05:15 <lorip> and then we will follow alphabetically 23:05:18 <heidie> We can go alphabeticallly by "nick" 23:05:20 <heidie> :-) 23:05:54 <lorip> you will notice that things are often out of sequence as multiple people may be typing simultaneously which is fine 23:06:09 <lorip> clif? 23:06:32 <lorip> oops, just noticed his nick is in italics which means he is away... 23:06:33 <heidie> Hmmm, he might be "away" 23:06:43 <lorip> so, georgethomas, will you start? 23:06:44 * mss slaps clif and starts getting carried away 23:06:51 <georgethomas> George Thomas, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh 23:07:20 <georgethomas> I teach the software engg courses here with another faculty who attended POSSE last year and highly recommended it 23:07:32 <georgethomas> So I'm excited tos ee what this about 23:07:39 <lorip> great - you work with Tom Naps, correct? 23:07:43 <georgethomas> Yes 23:07:56 <heidie> Welcome georgethomas ! 23:08:12 <lorip> we find it is often helpful to have multiple people from the same school 23:08:31 <lorip> germinalisern? 23:08:32 <germinalisern> My name is Germinal Isern and I teach CS at Massy Community College and at Worcester State University ...first time with IRC well at least in the last few years ;-) 23:09:14 <lorip> ghislop? 23:09:16 <germinalisern> There is also another professor from MBCC Tony Sena 23:09:33 <TonySena> Hi, I'm Tony Sena from MassBay Community College. I was at the 2015 POSSE BoF session when I learned about POSSE. I teach the IT courses at MassBay (Networking DB, etc), and another faculty attended POSSE a couple of years ago 23:10:02 <heidie> We find it helpful to have more than one person at an institution working on HFOSS. 23:10:24 <heidie> glikins? 23:10:32 * lorip side note - I've been using people's nicks to alert them - if someone else types your nick it should ping you 23:10:51 <lorip> I don't think glikins is on, so you are up heidie 23:10:56 <heidie> OK, I'm guessing that glikins is elsewhere. 23:11:06 <heidie> I'm Heidi Ellis and I'm part of the foss2serve team. 23:11:16 <jmac> John MacCormick, Dickinson College. All four Dickinson faculty will be attending the POSSE workshop with a view to reorienting our senior seminar towards HFOSS. 23:11:20 <heidie> I've been involving students in HFOSS off and on since 2006. 23:11:38 <heidie> We're really excited to have four Dickenson folks coming! 23:11:49 <lorip> jmac: are you saying that your entire dept is coming? 23:11:54 <jmac> yes 23:12:04 <lorip> that is awesome! 23:12:30 <lorip> Hi - I'm Lori Postner - I'm part of the foss2serve team 23:12:44 <lorip> I teach at Nassau Community College in Long Island NY 23:13:14 <lorip> mss? 23:13:31 * heidie notes that glikins is Gina Likins, a Red Hat person who we'll all meet in Stage 2 23:13:45 * heidie notes that ghislop is Greg Hislop, another foss2serve person. 23:14:08 * heidie notes that kevin-brown is a student from WNE who has been working on the foss2serve site. 23:14:09 <mss> Michael Skalak, Dickinson College. I don't have any real experience with FLOSS. 23:14:46 <lorip> that is fine, this is an opportunity to learn :) 23:15:13 <lorip> RonM? 23:15:39 <RonM> Hi! I'm Ron McCleary from Avila Univesity in Kansas City, Missouri. I teach both CS and software eng. courses. 23:16:30 <lorip> stewart_? 23:16:33 <stewart__> Hi. I am Stewart Weiss, from the CSci Department at Hunter College, part of the City University of New York. 23:17:10 <stewart__> I became interested in FOSS when I tagged along with my spouse, Joanna Klukowska, at the POSSE 2015 alumni meeting in March. 23:17:37 * lorip going to skip Tony - hope he jumps in if he wants to add anything 23:17:40 <stewart__> I was very excited about what was going on. I teach a broad range of courses in our department. 23:17:46 <TonySena> I don't have any experince with FOSS, but I use to be a software developer long time ago (not-open source!) :-) 23:18:09 <lorip> Ying_Liu? 23:18:19 <Ying_Liu> I am Ying Liu. I teach CS and software engineering at St. John's University in Queens, NY. FLOSS is new to me. One of my colleagues introduced me to FLOSS. 23:18:42 <lorip> great - welcome everyone! 23:18:53 <lorip> I realized I forgot to put in the link to the agenda 23:19:05 <lorip> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_1 23:19:10 <lorip> sorry about that 23:19:45 <lorip> our next topic is IRC commands - I'm going to change the topic on the meetbot 23:19:52 <lorip> #topic IRC Commands 23:20:20 <lorip> you may have noticed that heidie and I put our thoughts/side notes in a different font 23:20:38 <lorip> (in chatzilla they appear in italics) - this is using the me command 23:21:10 <lorip> it is typically used to indicate an action 23:21:20 * lorip thinking - am I talking too much? 23:21:33 <heidie> :-) Nope! Keep going! 23:21:46 <germinalisern> No... 23:21:54 <lorip> clif and kevin-brown have used the away command to indicate they aren't currently on 23:22:17 <lorip> when they want to let people know they are back on the channel they will use the back command 23:22:29 <lorip> feel free to play around with the commands as you like 23:22:39 <georgethomas> \away 23:22:54 <georgethomas> oops 23:22:54 <lorip> and/or ask questions about commands or IRC in general 23:23:01 <lorip> try the other slash 23:23:27 <stewart__> The agenda says "Type someone's nick in a comment to get their attention" -- what starts a comment? 23:23:42 <heidie> This is a comment 23:23:57 <heidie> stewart__, This is meant to get your attention 23:24:03 <lorip> anything you type is a comment - it isn't like a comment in code 23:24:11 <stewart__> Got it. 23:24:13 <heidie> So you should have seen either a message or a heard a beep or seen your screen flash. 23:24:27 <stewart__> None of them! 23:24:39 <heidie> Oh, Hmmm, what are you using for a client? 23:24:46 <stewart__> Chatzilla 23:24:59 <RonM> I tried the /away command and then the /back command. I can't tell if they worked. Can some let me know? Thanks 23:25:03 <heidie> Ah, I'm not sure what that does. I thought that it flashed. 23:25:11 <heidie> Try it again RonM ? 23:25:28 <lorip> RonM - I wasn't paying attention - can you try again? 23:25:53 <georgethomas> back does not work on Hydra. It seems you have to use away with no argument to get the back effect 23:26:09 <RonM> I'm using kiwiirc 23:26:17 <lorip> clif - are you available to introduce yourself? 23:26:23 <germinalisern> Mine it changes the color of my name in the nick list to grey and back to black when I come back 23:26:25 <Ying_Liu> back command works for me. 23:26:26 <RonM> okay, trying /away 23:26:50 <lorip> RonM - I'm not seeing anything - is anyone else? 23:26:56 <RonM> okay, trying /back 23:27:31 <TonySena> What are the best IRC Clients? I tried Hydra and mIRC. Any recommedation? 23:27:31 <RonM> I guess I'm just stuck here forever!?!? 23:27:45 <clif> #info Clif Kussmaul, Muhlenberg COllege, attended Sept 2015 POSSE, have worked with a variety of FOSS projects - Drupal, Moodle, MuseScore, and various wikis. Also very involved in POGIL - process oriented guided inquiry learning 23:27:46 <lorip> as far as I can tell nothing changed - perhaps different IRC clients respond to different commands?? 23:28:16 <lorip> clif is also a member of the foss2serve team 23:28:42 <clif> I use pidgin, which is FOSS, can connect to IRC, and various other chat protocols - I even had a student do a project with FOSS sevearl years ago 23:28:48 <lorip> Tony_Sena - I've only used Chatzilla and have been happy with it - does anyone else have a favorite? 23:29:28 <heidie> I'm using HexChat on Linux. 23:29:31 <heidie> Fedora 22. 23:29:36 * McCleary Well, I'm doing something. 23:29:42 <stewart__> According to Mozilla's Getting Started with IRC page, nickname: ping gets someone's attention, as in stewart: ping. Can someone ping me please? 23:29:53 <heidie> stewart__, ping 23:29:54 <zodbot> heidie: Ping with data, please: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/No_naked_pings 23:30:07 <stewart__> Aah, thank you. That made it beep! 23:30:29 <lorip> shall we move on? 23:30:42 <heidie> Hmmm, looks like I just did a "naked" ping which is a no-no. 23:30:47 <heidie> Supposed to ping with information. 23:30:57 <heidie> stewart__, ping re: that business we were discussing 23:31:09 <stewart__> Thanks. Ready to move on. 23:31:49 <lorip> any questions before switching topics to HFOSS projects? 23:32:14 <stewart__> No. 23:32:20 * lorip thinking I think I'm good to move on 23:32:29 <heidie> Yup, moving on... 23:32:32 <lorip> #topic HFOSS projects 23:33:09 <lorip> We have a number of HFOSS projects that our team and faculty have worked with over the past few years 23:33:47 <lorip> The 3 main ones have been Mousetrap (a GNOME accessibility project), OpenMRS and Ushahidi 23:34:42 <lorip> heidie would you be willing to give an overview of Mousetrap? 23:34:47 <germinalisern> All the projects look very interesting, a colleague at WSU Prof. Wurst told me about the Medical records one, but I am very interested in the others too 23:34:48 <heidie> Sure. 23:35:03 <heidie> MouseTrap is an application for users who can't use a hardware mouse. 23:35:15 <heidie> It uses a web cam to track user head movement and moves the cursor accordingly. 23:35:25 <heidie> It is written in Python3 and uses the OpenCV libraries. 23:35:38 <heidie> It isn't working very well at this point in time so it could use some work. 23:35:54 <lorip> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/HFOSS_Communities 23:36:19 <lorip> germinalisern: the medical records system is OpenMRS 23:36:46 <lorip> it is mostly written in Java and is a very large and active project 23:36:47 <germinalisern> I see 23:37:27 <lorip> it was developed to track aids patients in africa and is now being used around the world in different contexts 23:37:46 <lorip> one of our previous POSSE members has worked with OpenMRS and Merck 23:38:15 <lorip> Ushahidi is a crowdmapping app - it was developed to track violence during the Kenya elections 23:38:46 <lorip> it is mostly written in Python - it has great APIs which I've used in my mobile app class to get data 23:39:27 <lorip> it is used to track incidents of pot holes in Boulder, to violence in parts of the world 23:40:12 <lorip> in addition to these projects our team members have worked in Sahana - a disaster relief project and Mifos a microfinance project 23:40:35 <glikins> hi all — was totally eating dinner 23:40:37 <glikins> :-) 23:40:45 * lorip thinking - ok enough background, time for questions.. 23:40:57 <lorip> hi glikins - can you do a quick intro? 23:41:03 <glikins> (I usually leave a window open in the background so I can use scrollback to catch up) 23:41:04 <lorip> and thanks for joining us! 23:41:37 <glikins> sure - I am Gina (pronounced “Jenna”) and I’m at Red Hat, and I’m on the University Outreach team. Our goal is to help more 23:41:47 <glikins> teachers (and their students) do open source :) 23:42:00 * glikins wonders if that’s enough 23:42:16 <lorip> yes, thanks 23:42:20 <glikins> :) 23:42:25 <stewart__> My first interest is in OpenMRS, but at Hunter the students do not learn Java. I would be interested in working on testing and validation in general, but I also wonder if there is any C/C++ coding in the project. 23:42:26 <lorip> questions about projects? 23:43:06 <georgethomas> I noticed there are many HFOSS projects. Do you prefer to have a project have multiple participants -a certain critical mass - to be included or can we work on any HFOSS project that we're interested in 23:43:16 <heidie> Hmmm, not sure if there is C/C++ in OpenMRS. 23:43:25 <McCleary> We are asked to sign up for one of the projects. I see 2-3 of interest. How long are committing for? Can we change our minds if it doesn't seem to be a good fit? 23:43:45 <lorip> McCleary - you are not committing, you are indicating an interest 23:44:01 <heidie> We have found that it is helpful to have a community of faculty members around a project. 23:44:04 <lorip> often people find that their initial interest may not be the best fit for their course/ 23:44:04 <clif> there is great value in having students learn a new language - this will happen many times in their careers 23:44:33 <heidie> It is often helpful to have other faculty members to whom to ask questions as you're getting started in HFOSS. 23:45:01 <heidie> So we suggest that you sign up for a likely project and you can change your mind as you become more familiar with HFOSS and how it fits into your class situation. 23:45:14 <Tony_Sena> I image that some of you have use HFOSS for the tipical progamming classes. What about other uses? Any of you have used it for high school outreach, CS club, reserach? 23:45:23 <lorip> we encourage people to try to work in a project that others will be working in - georgethomas - is there a particular project you were interested in? 23:45:24 <germinalisern> I think that Mousetrap caught mt attention well also Ushahidi 23:45:41 <heidie> I've done exercises with high school students. 23:46:01 <stewart__> I can see working with a group of students doing independent study projects around the HFOSS concept as a way around the language incompatibility. 23:46:14 <lorip> Tony_Sena - heidie and stoney ran a hackathon at CCSC NE last year 23:46:16 <georgethomas> Not really; just wondering 23:46:17 <heidie> Testing and I also do a bug tracker exercises. 23:46:41 * McCleary thinking I like the OpenMRS and Sahana 23:46:51 <stewart__> Does Mousetrap track head movement or eye movement? 23:46:54 <heidie> I actually started involving students in HFOSS with two students in an independent study. 23:46:57 <heidie> Head movement. 23:47:25 <heidie> stewart__, Eye movement might not allow the user to view the screen without moving things. 23:47:34 <jmac> In Moustrap, how does the user "click" the virtual mouse? 23:48:16 <stewart__> heidi, that makes perfect sense now. 23:48:36 <mss> *leaning toward OpenMRS 23:48:37 <heidie> jmac, by blinking. 23:48:52 <heidie> jmac, But that isn't working AFAIK (as far as I know) 23:49:05 * lorip thinking - did I miss a question as I was trying to respond? 23:49:11 <georgethomas> My colleague Tom Naps has been working with OpenMRS so that might be my first inclination 23:49:16 <heidie> We had students working on MouseTrap last fall, but we haven't worked on it this spring. 23:49:25 <heidie> georgethomas, That is likely a good idea. 23:50:37 <lorip> other questions? any questions about the Stage 1A activities? 23:51:11 <georgethomas> none really from me 23:51:35 <stewart__> Is part of the idea of OpenMRS that it will become a defacto standard to solve the problem of multiple, different EMR systems? 23:51:37 * McCleary thinking - maybe we should do our faculty assembly this way ... less chance of stupid things happening 23:51:52 <lorip> :) 23:52:02 <germinalisern> So far so good... 23:52:05 <lorip> stewart__ I don't know 23:52:30 <lorip> ok - let's wrap up as we are coming up on an hour 23:52:53 <lorip> thanks so much for taking the time to meet tonight - I know it is a busy time in the term 23:53:32 <stewart__> Thanks to you all. 23:53:34 <georgethomas> Thanks! 23:53:36 <lorip> I hope everyone who is finishing up before our next meeting has smooth ends to your term (and happy grading!) 23:53:41 <McCleary> Yes, thanks! 23:53:51 <germinalisern> Thanks... 23:53:54 <Tony_Sena> Thanks 23:53:56 <clif> thank you, see you soon! 23:53:57 <lorip> if you have any questions, please contact any of us on the foss2serve team 23:54:04 * McCleary thinking - did she have to remind me about grading 23:54:16 <lorip> I'm going to end the meeting now and will be posting the logs shortly... 23:54:16 <germinalisern> ;-) 23:54:22 <lorip> #endmeeting