17:04:45 <lorip> #startmeeting IRC #1 Oct 3 17:04:45 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 3 17:04:45 2016 UTC. The chair is lorip. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:04:45 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:04:45 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc_#1_oct_3' 17:04:56 <lorip> Welcome! 17:05:14 <lorip> The agenda for today's meeting is posted at: 17:05:26 <lorip> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_1 17:06:15 <lorip> and our first item is introductions - we will go through them alphabetically by nick, please provide your name, institution, and your experience and interest in HFOSS 17:06:47 <lorip> adalal: are you willing to go first? 17:06:56 <lorip> #topic introductions 17:06:59 <adalal> I guess I’m up first then! I’m Amy Csizmar Dalal, Carleton College. Very little experience with HFOSS, but I’m hoping to integrate it into a couple courses. 17:07:22 <adalal> I do a lot of service learning stuff so this seems like a natural fit. 17:08:04 <lorip> adalal: sounds great - service learning is a great fit with HFOSS 17:08:16 <ClifKussmaul> my brother went to Carleton, not a CS major though 17:08:32 <adalal> small world! :) 17:09:09 <BoBrinkman> Bo Brinkman, Miami University (Oxford,OH). I've been lurking and making tiny contributions to FOSS over the years, but have not been involved in a significant way. I'm also doing quite a bit with service learning right now. We just started a Humanitarian Engineering and Computing minor, and we need humanitarian capstone projects. 17:09:43 <BoBrinkman> Another thing.. 17:10:09 <BoBrinkman> I used to work for Cerner corporation in the late 90s, so I'm very interested in the OpenMRS project. Cerner is a big medical software company based in KCMO. 17:10:19 <lorip> Bo - do you have a link to the curriculum for the minor? that sounds really interesting 17:10:46 <BoBrinkman> http://miamioh.edu/cec/academics/minors/humanitarian-engineering-computing/requirements/index.html 17:11:01 <BoBrinkman> Short URLs are not our thing here. 17:11:51 <ChrisMurphy> Hi, I'm Chris Murphy from Univ of Pennsylvania, where I teach a FOSS course: 17:11:52 <BoBrinkman> Actually, the list of courses is pretty interesting, but it seems to have disappeared from that page. Sigh. 17:12:02 <ChrisMurphy> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/FOSS_Course_Syllabus 17:12:15 <ChrisMurphy> This will be my third POSSE! 17:14:06 <ClifKussmaul> Clif Kussmaul, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA. I used & contributed to FOSS in grad school, and started involving students with a 2004 HP Technology for Teaching grant. We've mostly worked with wikis, Moodle, and Drupal. I've also very involved with POGIL (http://cspogil.org) which you'll hear more about at the Stage 2 workshop. 17:15:07 <lorip> docrea: are you on? 17:15:52 <lorip> guess not - ghislop? 17:16:04 <ghislop> Hi everyone! I"m Greg Hislop from Drexel. I'm part of the POSSE team and will be in Raleigh... I have to run in a few minutes, but wanted to wave... 17:16:22 <jerager2> I’m John Rager, chair of CS at Amherst College. I have little experience, I got curious after the Red Hat TAPIA faculty lunch. Over. 17:17:59 <lorip> I'm Lori Postner from Nassau Community College in Long Island NY. I am part of the POSSE team and having been trying to figure out how to use HFOSS in intro classes. 17:18:09 <lorip> heidie: can you do a quick intro? 17:19:32 * lorip hmm, I'm going to move on... 17:19:56 <lorip> #topic intro to IRC 17:20:26 <lorip> one of the goals of this call is to provide you with an opportunity to use IRC and ask questions about it as a mode of communication 17:20:33 <lorip> are people familiar with IRC? 17:20:58 <adalal> this is my first time using it 17:21:13 <BoBrinkman> I used it extensively in the late 90s, but it has been a few years. 17:21:48 <jerager2> I have used it, but not for a long time. 17:22:25 <lorip> ok, so a couple of things 17:22:51 <lorip> to directly address someone use their nick - this will ping them so they know they are being addressed 17:23:15 <lorip> you can change your nick by using the nick command 17:23:29 <lorip> people put thoughts in using the me command 17:23:37 * lorip am I talking too much? 17:23:51 <adalal> nope you’re good! 17:24:13 <lorip> and if you want to stay in the channel but indicate that you are away use the away command (notice ghislop) 17:24:46 <lorip> irc is often used in FOSS/HFOSS projects as you can stay in a channel while working but not have to pay attention unless you are pinged 17:24:56 <lorip> questions? 17:25:17 <adalal> Do all of the projects use IRC? I couldn’t find channels for a few of the projects while poking around today 17:25:46 <ClifKussmaul> hmm - I'm using pidgin, and it seems to recognize away but not back. 17:25:52 <BoBrinkman> I found OpenMRS, but it seems disused ... the last channel log I could find was from 2014 17:25:53 <lorip> adalal: no, some do and some don't 17:25:54 <adalal> Also if the last IRC log was a few years ago, does that mean the project is not active currently? 17:26:17 <lorip> no, they may have switched to another form of communication 17:26:42 <adalal> lorip thanks! 17:26:50 <ClifKussmaul> good point - different projects use different tools. People talk about a FOSS community, but really each project has its own community, norms, processes, etc. 17:27:29 <ClifKussmaul> how could you figure out which tools a project uses? 17:27:56 <lorip> we can log IRC meetings using a meet bot and there are command for them as well - I've been using the topic and link commands so that our log is easier to read 17:28:27 <lorip> I should probably be using the info tag as well and if there were action items we wanted to follow up on I believe there is an action tag 17:29:10 <BoBrinkman> Can someone mention my name so I can see if I have my mention notification set correctly? 17:29:37 <ChrisMurphy> Hi BoBrinkman 17:29:50 <BoBrinkman> ClifKussmaul: Most of the more mature projects have info about how to get involved ... 17:31:35 <lorip> can I move on or are there questions/comments? 17:31:50 <adalal> I’m good 17:32:01 <ClifKussmaul> ok with me to move on 17:32:07 <jerager2> Okay by me. 17:32:11 <lorip> #topic Stage 1 A activities 17:32:32 <lorip> any questions about the Stage 1 A activities that you've been working on? 17:33:17 <adalal> Are we going to be able to add ourselves to the participants list? I can’t seem to be able to edit that page as the activity asks. 17:34:11 <adalal> (for the Intro to Wikis activity) 17:34:24 <lorip> you should have gotten log in info from Greg that would allow you to update that page 17:34:39 <JohnRager> When I was logged in, I was able to edit it. 17:35:32 <adalal> Huh, I was logged in a few days ago and couldn’t do it. But now I can. Weird. 17:35:50 <lorip> ok - glad it is working now... 17:35:53 <ClifKussmaul> I only see one participant listed for this POSSE at http://www.foss2serve.org/index.php/POSSE_2016_11 17:36:41 <ClifKussmaul> but there is a separate list at http://foss2serve.org/index.php/POSSE_2016-11_Participants 17:36:41 <lorip> hmm, I see Bo, Wu, Patricia, Mario, Krish and John 17:38:15 <lorip> shall I move on? 17:38:39 <ClifKussmaul> I updated the POSSE_2016_11 page to point to the participants list 17:38:50 <lorip> great - thanks Clif 17:38:57 <lorip> #topic projects 17:39:23 <lorip> the last thing on the agenda (other than good of the order) is a discussion of possible projects 17:39:46 <lorip> have people had a chance to look at any? 17:40:09 <adalal> I poked around a bit this morning. The amount of info on each project is highly variable. :) 17:41:30 <lorip> BoBrinkman: you mentioned OpenMRS - any questions about it? 17:42:37 <BoBrinkman> lorip: It was just the one that most immediately appealed to me, based on my experience. I know some students that worked on MouseTrap in the past. 17:42:58 <lorip> we have a number of faculty who have used OpenMRS in a number of ways 17:44:23 <BoBrinkman> I'm having trouble finding the parge of the POSSE pages that talks about picking a project ... I feel like there were some resources to look at, but now I can't find it again. 17:44:43 <JohnRager> http://www.foss2serve.org/index.php/HFOSS_Communities#OpenMRS 17:44:46 <BoBrinkman> oop, found it 17:44:51 <BoBrinkman> Thanks JohnRager 17:45:12 * lorip I think I should be wrapping it up... 17:45:27 <adalal> I have a question.... 17:45:29 <adalal> sorry... 17:45:41 <lorip> no worries adalal 17:46:10 <adalal> Do you recommend we contact the faculty members listed for the projects? I found myself really overwhelmed trying to figure out where to get started in evaluating what projects would be viable for different classes.... 17:46:25 <adalal> I feel like it’s info overload but not the right kind of info I need to make a decision, if that makes sense. 17:46:56 <adalal> Basically I feel lost, and maybe not productively lost. :) 17:47:42 <lorip> You don't need to pick a project immediately, just start thinking about it. We are happy to talk about projects and put you in contact with people who might be able to help. 17:48:21 <adalal> thanks lorip! maybe I’ll just contact you offline then after I’ve done some more poking around, if that’s ok 17:48:21 <lorip> Things to consider: student background, level of involvement, language, just to mention a few 17:48:34 <lorip> adalal: absolutely! 17:48:44 <lorip> #topic wrap up 17:49:03 <lorip> any general POSSE questions or last minute thoughts/questions before we sign off? 17:49:25 <ClifKussmaul> good job, LoriP! 17:49:31 <adalal> thanks lorip! 17:49:34 <JohnRager> Thanks 17:49:52 <lorip> if you have questions, please contact any one of us and we are happy to help! 17:50:14 <lorip> have a good rest of the week - and if you want to jump in on another IRC this week feel free 17:50:33 <adalal> bye all! 17:50:34 <lorip> I'm going to end the meeting and post the log 17:50:35 <JohnRager> Have a great week, everyone. 17:50:42 <lorip> #endmeeting